Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 540 Buying Land

Chapter 540 Buying Land
To be honest, King Han Li Yuanjia was extremely satisfied with Fang's entire wife.Fang Shi looks good, and Li Yuanjia, who is young Mu Ai, naturally likes it. Since they became a kiss, the husband and wife are Qin Se and Ming En.Besides, he has a soft temper and likes the elegance of a scholar. He is very impatient with trivial matters in the mansion, and Mrs. Fang inherited her mother's neatness and manages the mansion in an orderly manner, which is even more respected by Li Yuanjia.

As for the matter of taking a concubine, in Li Yuanjia's view, it's not a big deal. What's so strange about a dignified prince, emperor, noble family, and three wives and four concubines?Moreover, he is also the common problem of men, coveting something new, and has not yet become so obsessed with the new people entering the door that the old people are on the wall.That dispute between Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Cao, at best, was that he was negligent and took the face of Mrs. Fang, which caused Mrs. Fang to run back to her parents' house in a rage, and as a result, the merciful brother-in-law quit...

From Li Yuanjia's point of view, Fang's family is good everywhere. The only shortcoming that is not considered a disadvantage is that this brother-in-law is too agile, domineering, and malleable...

Li Yuanjia is a gentle gentleman who has learned to be rich and five chariots, but he does not look down on the rough Fang Jun.

But still can't be blamed...

This time, I came to inform Fang Jun to buy land, on the one hand, it was His Majesty's order, and on the other hand, he wanted to send a favor and let Fang Jun think of himself.When I told Fang Shi about this last night, he was overjoyed, thinking that he could take her brother to heart, which was very gentle.

But who would have thought, Fang Jun has such an attitude...

Even if your Fang Er is rich, it is thousands of acres of first-class paddy fields. How can it be regarded as a pretext for starting a family and a business, you must be a little grateful, right?
The result?
People don't take it seriously at all, but they seem to follow him to see the land, as if he is giving himself a lot of face, which makes Li Yuanjia feel depressed.

Hearing that Fang Jun was going out, Qiaoer and Zheng Xiuer hurriedly brought a fur cloak and a leather hat, and waited for Fang Jun to wear it at the gate.

Fang Jun glanced at Zheng Xiu'er.

This girl was originally a famous lady, but she ended up in a state of ruin. She was a low-ranking member and was homeless.Although she is still a yellow-flowered girl, her status as a low-ranking member, coupled with such a disgraceful experience in a brothel, it is basically impossible to marry someone who wants to be the principal.

Although the social atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty was relatively open, such a girl could not be married to someone with a certain face and face, and she would be ridiculed.

This girl is a thoughtful girl, and she probably knows her own conditions and situation. She doesn't have any grievances. Instead, she stays in Zhuangzi as a maid, and can't see any dissatisfaction.

This made Fang Jun have to look at this girl differently.

In this day and age, status is everything.

It is indeed not easy to change from a famous lady in high brocade clothes and jade food to a servant girl in someone else's family.

Fang Jun put on a cloak and a leather hat, nodded to the two girls, then turned around and walked out the door.

At the gate, Xi Junmai brought a horse long ago, and there, Li Yuanjia's entourage was also waiting.

Everyone got on their horses, Fang Jun took Xi Junmai and another family general, and a group of a dozen people rode their horses down the mountain road.

The land Li Yuanjia mentioned is next to Bashui and not far from Baqiao.

More than a dozen galloping horses came to the ground, slowed down their horses, and drove slowly along the road by the river.

Fang Jun glanced at Li Yuanjia and said, "I don't see it, the horsemanship is not bad, and I'm not entirely a nerd."

When Li Yuanjia's entourage heard the words, they all looked strange.

For this brother-in-law of their own prince, these people are all ears, and they all know that this is not easy to mess with, but it is indeed rare to open up and shut up to their brother-in-law and sneer.

Li Yuanjia's face turned black.

Luckily, Li Yuanjia turned a deaf ear to Fang Jun's words, raised his hand, pointed at the open area by the river with his horsewhip, and said: "This area is about 100 mu, from the river to the foot of the mountain. There are all paddy fields. This field is a rare paddy field at the foot of Lishan Mountain. It is very fertile and has a high yield. This was bestowed by Emperor Gaozu when Li Yuanchang became King of Lu. "

Fang Jun nodded.

Li Yuanchang was killed for treason, and the whole family was implicated, but there seemed to be no grief in Li Yuanjia's words.Perhaps, this is the so-called family without family. When too many interests are entangled together, family love is nothing...

A entourage behind Li Yuanjia stepped forward and said: "This land covers a total of 150 mu. The southern border is next to the fiefdom of Princess Changle, and the northern border is the ancestral property of the Yongning County public."

The Duke of Yongning County is Wang Gui.

Wang Gui is also one of the great Confucian scholars in the world, and is very much used by His Majesty Li Er.It's just that the old man is too old and is in poor health this year. He resigned from the post of Minister of Rites and recuperates at home.Otherwise, Fang Jun would have been his boss when he was in the Ministry of Rites.

Fang Jun glanced at this entourage, and the man folded his hands and said with a smile, "I am under Li Yuanwen, and I am serving in Zongzheng Temple."

Fang Jun nodded and bowed his hands in return: "Long Yang."

Then Li Yuanwen said: "Erlang is very polite. This land is very neat, the junction is neat and clear, and the soil strength is very good. There is no need to store the soil strength. You only need to send someone to clean up the ridges and waterways in the ground, and it can be cultivated in the spring."

Between the words, it is obvious that there is no need to care too much, and the point is to buy it quickly, and many people are staring at it.

In this era, almost no one understands the barrenness and fertility of the land better than Fang Jun.It's just that the almost endless land in front of him is covered with thick white snow, so he can't observe it carefully, but he doesn't think that Li Yuanjia has nothing to do to get a barren land and come to entertain himself.

He nodded and asked, "Since Xiongtai has agreed, a certain person has nothing to say. I don't know what the price of this land is?"

Li Yuanjia glanced at Fang Jun strangely, coughed, and said, "This eldest son of King Liang..."

Li Cheng, King of Liang, was the eldest son of Tang Shizu Li Bin and the elder brother of Emperor Gaozu Li Yuan.

It is the same generation as Li Yuanjia.

However, talking about Fang Jun, this generation is a bit messy.

Fang Jun's eldest sister Fang Shi is Li Yuanjia's royal concubine, so he can naturally call Li Yuanwen his brother-in-law; but his wife, Princess Gao Yang, who has never been through the door, is the niece of Li Yuanjia and Li Yuanwen. uncle……

Fang Jun blinked and saw that he was a little stunned, not knowing how to arrange this generation.

On the other hand, Li Yuanwen was quite friendly, he laughed and said, "A and Yuan Jia are on good terms, so let's talk about it from Yuan Jia's side, how old are you, Erlang called Xiongtai, and A licked his face and agreed!"

Although it is a serious royal family, but there are so many people in the royal family, it is inevitable that there will be close and distant relatives.This Li Yuanwen is only the son of Li Yuan's elder brother. Although he occupies the royal family's status, he is definitely not on the same level as Fang Xuanling, a powerful official.

Keeping a low profile in front of Fang Jun and deliberately making good friends is naturally the meaning of the title.

After being polite, Li Yuanwen said: "This kind of high-quality paddy field has always been valuable and no market, unless this kind of family property is confiscated, no matter how embarrassed it is, I will not give this kind of family heirloom fertile land. Originally, the price of Zongzheng Temple was [-] units per mu, but Yuanjia has greeted everyone, so let’s take a whole number and report it, [-] units, what would Erlang think?”

In these years, the land is the lifeblood.

Almost all aristocratic families, officials and businessmen, the first thing they do after they have money is to buy land, buy land, and keep buying land!In the soul of the farming nation, only the land is the wealth that can be passed down to the family, and the money is something outside the body and cannot be counted.Only with the title deed in hand can it be called an aristocratic family.

The land has been integrated into the soul of this nation.

This kind of fertile land is generally in the hands of aristocratic wealthy families. It is regarded as the foundation of the family. It is to be passed down from generation to generation. No one will sell it unless the family is destroyed.

Don't look at Li Yuanwen's price of [-]. This is charged according to the market price. If you really want to buy it from someone else, you will not be able to buy it if you multiply the price tenfold.

(End of this chapter)

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