Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 2016 Assassination in Snow

Chapter 2016 Assassination in Snow
"The second prince is wise!"

Tumidu sent a free flattery and quit the big account.

The wind and snow outside the big tent was still there, looking at the dark sky, feeling the cool pleasure of feathery snowflakes falling on his face, his heart was burning like fire.

Perhaps, after this battle, not only will Turks completely disappear and become a term in history, Xue Yantuo, who was once tyrannical for a while, will also suffer a serious setback, and this will be the best time for Huihe to rise!Stupid Xue Yantuo, why do you have to go head-to-head with Datang?

The Tang Dynasty has a vast territory and a large population, so how can the grassland people conquer it?

Don't think about occupying many cities in the Tang Dynasty, just go to the Tang Dynasty to plunder from time to time. The top priority is to stabilize the rear of the grassland...

The sky has already darkened, and there is no one on the pass from Yanmen Pass to Mayi City, only the north wind blows heavy snow, the world is desolate, and the surrounding fields are vast.

A heavily armed cavalry galloped through the wind and snow, heading towards Mayi City.

Fang Jun was in the center, with guards at the front and back. He covered his head with a cloak, and wore a mask on his face, revealing only a pair of eyes.

In front of him, there was a soldier with his helmet on, the red tassel on his head fluttering in the wind, and the red cloak behind him flapping violently.

This is a stand-in...

What happened at Yanmen Pass made him more vigilant.

Attacks like this have happened frequently from ancient times to the present, and have never stopped, so it is not a big deal at all.Shuozhou is the private land and back garden of the Guanlong nobles, where they started their families, and the power is so powerful that no one else can get their hands on it, which makes sense.From then on, Li Jing led an army to raid thousands of miles to destroy the Eastern Turks, creating almost the greatest meritorious service in foreign wars since Ziwei Qing and Huo Qubing. He made some dispensable contributions, but made Li Jing the prestige of the "Military God" who shocked the world, and the nobles of Guanlong had suffered for many years because of this.

In that battle back then, many generals from Guanlong aristocrats participated in person, but in the end, all of them made great achievements, and they couldn't even make a green leaf to set off the red flowers...

Just imagine, if Li Jing's meritorious service was obtained by the Guanlong nobles back then, and now there is a "Military God" in charge, how would the emperor dare to weaken the Guanlong nobles unscrupulously, why would the Guanlong nobles need to beg for mercy like this?
Therefore, now that Xue Yantuo's army is on the border, intending to attack Dingxiang, and brazenly asking for a marriage, the Guanlong nobles have already regarded it as another "Eastern Turkic War" and will never allow anyone to come to seize what should belong to them. credit.

In order to attack each other on the battlefield, stumbling each other, digging traps, and even deliberately releasing false news, Fang Jun can imagine all these.

However, it would be too much to directly block You Tunwei at Yanmen Pass and not allow him to leave the pass.

In the final analysis, the attack should be under the situation that the overall situation has been determined, each fighting openly and secretly according to their own scheming, but now the enemy is surrounded by tigers and wolves, why do they start fighting among themselves?

Is it possible for Xue Yantuo to attack aggressively and start a war brazenly?
Or is it that regardless of the outcome of the battle, the people of Shuozhou are not in their eyes at all, and they don't care about the survival of Shuozhou?
The nobles of Guanlong probably live in one family and one surname for too long, and they don't know the distinction between family, country and world.Back then, when the Great Sui was ruined, the country was broken and the flames of war spread all over the place, the mountains and rivers were precarious and the people were in dire straits, and a huge empire collapsed. Today, the Tang Dynasty is still treated in the same old way.

In their eyes, they didn't care about the Great Sui or the Great Tang at all, and they didn't even care whether the people around them were Hu people or Han people. As long as they could keep the family's glory and wealth, they would not hesitate to bow their knees even if they recognized a thief as their father.

They are so daring!

Fang Jun didn't mind using the most despicable malice to speculate on the integrity of these Guanlong nobles. Since he was able to make the decision to block the right guards at Yanmen Pass and not allow them to leave the pass to guard the entire Shuozhou, he dared to stay in this icy and snowy place. Outrageous assassination...

The north wind is very strong, and the snowflakes are rolled up between the sky and the earth. The snow is blown up by the strong wind as soon as it hits the ground, and it is piled up in the lee of the rocks in the depression. Therefore, the snow on the road is not thick, only about half a foot. Mercedes-Benz at full speed, but the speed is definitely not slow.

Gao Kan and Wei Ying closely guarded Fang Jun, their two pairs of falcon-like eyes were narrowed, always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

After coming out of Yanmen Pass, they received Fang Jun's warning that they were very likely to be assassinated by "bandit road tyrants" and so on.

They all understood what Fang Jun meant.

Where did so many Bandit Roadhogs come from?
It must be the frontier forces controlled by the Guanlong nobles, intending to prevent Fang Jun from going to Mayi City...

The strong wind blows between the cols in the distance, making a whistling sound like a ghost crying.


There was a dull sound hidden in the wind and snow. If you didn't listen carefully, it might be confused with the sound of the wind and it would be difficult to distinguish it.

But for Fang Jun and the soldiers who were always cheered up, they could hear it clearly.

That was the sound of crossbow strings vibrating!
The guard in front of him, who was dressed up "pretentiously", lowered himself and hid under the horse's belly the moment the crossbow strings rang, and a crossbow arrow suddenly appeared on top of his head like a ghost from hell, piercing through the top of the helmet and tied it. Holding the sharp awl of the red wreath, the remaining momentum was not exhausted, and the helmet fell to the ground.


Gao Kan yelled violently, grabbed the reins and clamped the horse's belly, and the war horse flew into the air with all four hooves, galloping towards the direction where the crossbow point came from!

The whole cavalry turned a corner on the main road, and their iron hooves crushed the frozen snow on the road. For a moment, the ice shards flew and rushed towards that direction.

Fang Jun and Gao Kan rushed to the forefront, with their upper bodies tightly pressed against the horse's back, their eyes staring at a small mound in front of them without blinking.

Under such a strong wind, if you want to kill with one arrow, you must get closer, otherwise, no matter how strong the bow is, it will lose its aim under such strong wind.The crossbow arrows were shot in this direction, and this mound was almost the only bunker nearby, so the assassin must be hiding behind the mound!

Gao Kan rushed to the front and came to the mound in the blink of an eye. The horse under his crotch leaped into the air and jumped onto the mound. Gao Kan drew his knife out of its sheath in mid-air and shouted violently: "Thief, where are you running!"

Fang Jun also drew the horizontal knife in his hand, held the reins in one hand, and led more than a dozen riders up the mound like a whirlwind, and saw that Gao Kan had already taken the lead and charged towards the back of the mound.

There, on the snow-white snow field, there were more than twenty black shadows rushing in another direction and fleeing for their lives...

Not far away, a dozen horses were clearly visible in the snow, presumably because they were afraid that the neighing of the horses would disrupt the assassination operation.

The gap between the two sides was only about [-] feet, and the horse speeded up with all its strength, and it took only a blink of an eye to catch up with its tail.Gao Kan took the lead, leaning on the horse's back, slashing down fiercely with the horizontal knife in his hand, an assassin let out a miserable howl, and was slashed on the neck from behind, a head flew up instantly, hot blood gushing out, The headless corpse ran a few more steps before losing its balance and falling to the ground. At the same time, the blood splashed on the snow...

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" Fang Jun and his soldiers mobilized their horses together, fanning forward to hide and kill them. The opponent ran wildly on the snow, but how could two legs outrun four?Almost as soon as they came into contact, the opponent collapsed in an instant, and was either killed on the spot, or surrendered lying on the snow with his head in his arms.

It was originally a well-planned assassination, but it turned into a surprise attack...

Gao Kan jumped off his horse, kicked a prisoner over, and tore off his collar, revealing the Tang army's leather armor inside. He turned to Fang Jun and shouted, "It's a frontier soldier!"

Fang Jun nodded, the crossbow that these assassins had just abandoned on the mound to assassinate him had already exposed the identities of these people.The Kicking Crossbow is the highest-grade single-soldier crossbow made by the Military Weapons Supervisor. Its range can reach 500 steps, close to 300 meters. It is extremely lethal within 100 meters, and can even penetrate thin iron armor within [-] meters...

Coupled with the military uniforms on their bodies, the identities of these people are ready to be revealed.

Fang Jun sighed, what audacity!
If he hadn't been prepared for this situation, he would have been able to be captured by the opponent.This place is located in the empty area between Yanmen Pass and Mayi City. No one will be surprised if there are bandits coming and going.

Dare to brazenly assassinate the general sent by the center for the sake of rushing to attack?
Really looking for death...

(End of this chapter)

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