Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 1979 Be the groom every year

Chapter 1979 Be the groom every year

Xue Wanche on the side washed his hands and feet, put on a robe casually, bare his arms, held a large bowl, and ate up a bowl of noodles in a few gulps, licked his lips, and went to grab Lu Dongzan's hand with unsatisfactory skills He yelled at the bowl in his mouth, "You are so talkative when you eat free food! Come on, come on, you are a prime minister with a noble status, and you can't eat such vulgar food. Give it to someone quickly, and someone will not dislike it!"

Lao Tzu was born in the Xue family in Hedong, a well-established Zanying family, how can it compare to you, a poor Tubo barbarian?I can eat it all, but you can't?

Lu Dongzan quickly put the bowl back, and said angrily: "Who said noodles? You have eaten delicacies from mountains and seas? Who do you look down on! This noodles are chewy and refreshing, and they are really rare and delicious. They are most suitable for people like me. The old people eat it, don't come and grab it!"

After saying that, the chopsticks in his hand were flying, and he was snoring after eating...

After lunch, the maid made tea and brought it up. The three of them sat under the corridor in front of the door, basking in the warm sun while drinking tea.

Lu Dongzan squinted his eyes, looked at the hothouse reflecting the dazzling light in the sun, put the teacup in his hand to his mouth and took a sip, savoring the taste slowly, and after hesitating for a moment, he asked: Erlang told me that these crops really have such a high yield that they can relieve the hunger of the people?"

Fang Jun lay on a recliner, with his toes pointing to the ground, the recliner slowly swayed. He was very comfortable on it, and said, "Are you kidding me? Whether the people have enough to eat is never a question of food. It doesn't even have much to do with the weather, it depends more on people, whether the officials are clean or not. In a year with good weather, do you think people can't die of starvation?"

Lu Dongzan was silent.

What is the biggest disaster in the world?
It wasn't snow in June, it wasn't a river bursting its embankment, it wasn't even a combination of drought and locusts, it was a man-made disaster...

Man-made disasters are worse than natural disasters, and tyranny is fiercer than tigers!

When Confucius passed by the side of Mount Tai, there was a woman crying in front of the tomb. Confucius ordered him to go up the road and ask, "Your son's crying is like a person who is worried." The woman cried and said, "Of course. In the past, my uncle died of a tiger. , My husband is dead again, and now my son is dead again." Confucius was very surprised: "Why don't you go?" Since there are tigers infested, why don't you leave?The woman wept sadly: "There is no tyranny."

It can still be seen that tyranny is fiercer than tigers!

In fact, there is no such thing as a year when the people have no food harvest and no output from the land. Even if there is a disaster in one place, the money and grain from the neighboring county can be allocated to relieve it, and the whole country can be used to help the local area. horrible disaster?

The key lies in the people and the administration of officials.

Various levies and miscellaneous taxes make the people miserable and exploited, ten houses are empty, and the aristocratic and wealthy families continue to annex land, making the people displaced, without a house or a row, how can they survive?Don't say that the prosperous age is not prosperous, in any age, there will always be some cruel officials in the fish and meat town, and there will always be some officials who are cadavers and vegetarians who work together with them.

Regardless of the Tang Dynasty or Tubo, is the food produced on the land really not enough for the common people?

Naturally impossible.

However, it was the endless exploitation of officials, the endless annexation of wealthy families, supplemented by natural disasters, which led to scenes of human tragedies.

Lu Dongzan, as the prime minister of Tubo, is extremely wise, how can he not know the truth?
Even if you plant all the land in the world with food, the government is unclear, the tyranny is not eliminated, and the rich are benevolent, the people in the world will still be hungry if they should be hungry...

The topic was a bit heavy, Fang Jun and Yu Ludong were speechless, sipping tea, basking in the sun and lost in thought.

Xue Wanche simply threw the teacup aside, lay sprawled on the recliner, and within a few breaths, there was a loud snoring...

The servants of the Fang family came in a hurry, interrupting the tranquility of the afternoon.

"Erlang, the Patriarch ordered you to return to the mansion immediately. The guests have arrived one after another, but you are not at home. It is a little rude..."

The servant narrated Fang Xuanling's words, raised his head and glanced at his Erlang, feeling really speechless.

Where are there people who get married at night, but still go to the fields to plant crops during the day, and the old gods are basking in the sun and drinking tea?
I really don't understand, the Xiao women all say they are dignified and beautiful, so what's there to be unhappy about?
If I had such an incomprehensible son... Ahem.

The Fang family sighed, had no choice but to get up and change clothes within the day, kicked Xue Wanche, saw the guy opened his eyes in a daze, and then said to him and Lu Dongzan: "Let's all take a bath and change clothes, go to the house to eat something wedding wine."

On the day of getting married, I ran out of the house and went into the fields to work. This was just to express my dissatisfaction, and to protest to my father Fang Xuanling and Xiao Yu. Get involved?However, the matter is a foregone conclusion, one cannot regret the marriage at this time and let the world laugh at Fang Xuanling, right?

I thought I could be regarded as a young handsome man and a member of the imperial court, but in the end, I was just a bargaining chip for marriage...

Disgusting is disgusting, but being born in this Tang Dynasty, you can't stay out of it no matter what.

Lu Dongzan didn't know about this, and stared at the words: "We got married at night, and now you and I, an old man, drink tea and bask in the sun here? Hehe, Erlang is really a strange person!"

Fang Jun glared at him angrily, and snorted coldly: "Don't make sarcastic remarks, prepare the congratulatory ceremony, if someone is not satisfied, hehe, maybe when the prime minister returns to Tubo, he will send someone to pretend to be a bandit. On the way, they robbed all your property."

Lu Dongzan: "..."

Can He Yi be so righteous when he asks for it?

But thinking about Fang Jun's virtue with a stick, it is really possible to find someone with beautiful mountains and rivers to rob him when he returns to Tubo.

I came to the Great Tang Dynasty to congratulate myself, and presented many rare and rare treasures. When I return to China, the Emperor of the Great Tang will definitely give twice as much in return. I was robbed, and I couldn't even turn my face...

"Erlang, don't worry, we are friends who have forgotten the year, and our love is deep and irreversible. We must prepare a heavy congratulatory gift to congratulate Erlang on his beautiful marriage."

Xue Wanche chuckled and said, "A certain congratulatory ceremony has already been presented to the family. I wish Erlang a prosperous future on the crane and be a bridegroom every year!"

Fang Jun clicked his lips, this wish is really good.

It's just that it's better to have fewer marriages like this in the future, otherwise, if you marry a woman with ulterior motives, you'll be fighting each other all day in the back house, and you won't be able to survive?
The biggest worry is Wu Meiniang, this is a big killer for house fighting!

Who knows if someone who is not open-eyed will annoy this girl who hides the attributes of a great emperor, and simply cut you a stick?

The wedding was originally a "sun ceremony". "The one who has the faint ceremony will combine the best of the two surnames. The upper part is to serve the ancestral temple, and the lower part is to carry on to future generations. Therefore, a gentleman attaches great importance to it."

Even if it is a concubine, because of the special status of Xiao's daughter, she is a direct branch of the Xiao family in Lanling, so there must be three books and six rituals.It's just that Fang Jun felt a little conflicted in his heart, and he didn't bother to take care of these things, because his mother, Lu Shi, handled them all by himself.

Of course, the last item of the six ceremonies, "Personal Greeting", cannot be omitted. You Fang Jun is tall and strong, if you replace your younger brother or someone else, believe it or not, Xiao Yu will be able to come out with a sword on the spot. Knock people?

Back at the Fangfu, he ordered Lu Dongzan to settle down, and sent him to the front hall to chat and spank with those officials, but Xue Wanche refused to leave: "No, Erlang's best man today, I will do my part!"

If you don't let it, don't let it go. It's quite high grade to have a county prince and general of the Sixteenth Guards as best man.

Fang Jun nodded in agreement, and his own maid stepped forward to change the auspicious clothes for him.

Because taking a concubine is not as important as getting married, so Li Siwen, Cheng Chubi, Qu Tuquan and other friends all went to Youwuwei on duty on time, and they came out on leave around the afternoon and gathered in Fangfu.

Fang Junhuan was very auspicious, and after Lu Shi asked him to be obedient and obedient and not to play tricks, he bowed to Princess Gaoyang and Wu Meiniang who had meaningful expressions, then turned around and went out, riding a tall horse, surrounded by a group of friends Next, go to Song Guogong's mansion with gongs and drums.

Pedestrians on the road looked sideways.

"Huh? Isn't that Fang Erlang? Why is he wearing auspicious clothes and riding a steed? This is to get married?"

"Are you stupid? They are already married, and the first wife is Princess Gaoyang, the daughter of His Majesty, this time she is taking a concubine!"

"Of course I know that Fang Erlang's wife is Princess Gaoyang, but you look at this grandeur, isn't it too ostentatious? Taking a concubine is just a sedan chair and carried through the side door?"

"Hey, are you ignorant and ignorant? If it's an ordinary woman from Na's family, it's enough to carry it into the side door with a sedan chair, but the daughter of the Lanling Xiao family... how dare you be so perfunctory?"

"Ha! That's how it is!"

"It's said that Xiao's beauty is famous in the south of the Yangtze River. I don't know how many sons of the Jiangnan family love and lust for her, but now she has entered the Fangfu. This Fang Erlang is very lucky!"

(End of this chapter)

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