Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 1975

Chapter 1975
Fang Jun is not a historian, nor has he studied the history of the Tang Dynasty. Regarding the folklore that His Majesty Li Er died violently because he served the elixir refined by the monks from Tianzhu, there is no way of knowing how much of it is true and how much is false. .

On the contrary, His Majesty Li Er was either injured or contracted an illness during his eastward expedition to Goguryeo, resulting in extremely poor physical condition, and died shortly after returning to Chang'an.

If you look at it now, if His Majesty Li Er was still wounded or sick as in the original history during the Eastern Expedition, and continued to take the elixir with excessive heavy metal content after returning, hurting the foundation and dying, it is entirely possible...

In fact, Fang Jun was quite puzzled that His Majesty Li Er was taking the pill now.

The emperor did not believe in immortality and sanctification before, and he once laughed at Qin Shihuang and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The fleet went into the sea to seek the elixir, but the elixir was not found, and the people did not return. The bamboo basket was empty.

The latter was even more stupid. He begged the gods to marry his daughter to an alchemist, but found out that he was cheated, and cut her off in a rage. A peerless hero with great achievements, his reputation was tarnished by this incident, and he was ashamed. sent...

Why is it possible to take a 180-degree turn now and order that fan monk Naluoer Sapomei

Refining elixir at Jinbaimen?

This mentality change is so huge that there is really no trace to be found, and it is puzzling...

His Majesty Li Er was very upset, and scolded: "Na Luoer Suo Pomei is an eminent monk who has attained the Tao, how can you allow such an arrogant and ignorant stick to slander you? You don't know, Na Luoer Suo Pomei is superb in Buddhism, See, instead of talking about Buddhism, it can make me feel deeply, and every time it has the effect of enlightenment! You must not despise it!"

He dotes on Fang Jun, but he also respects that Indian monk. Now Fang Jun's attitude towards Naluo is worrying him. You Suo Po Mei's troubles, had to be warned in advance.

Fang Jun recalled the unkind look he had given him when he first met the monk from Tianzhu at the gate of the palace that day, and said: "Your Majesty, let's tell that monk. It's usually fine. Naturally, I don't bother to talk to him, but If this offends me, I don't care if he's a monk or not, serious or not!"

"Presumptuous!" His Majesty Li Er scolded: "You are not a young man, can you take your temper with a hammer? We know that many courtiers have complained to me many times, saying that they usually dare not deal with the Ministry of War for fear of offending you. If you are upset, you will come to the door and smash the yamen when you turn around... tell me, are you an official of the imperial court, or a local ruffian? It's just nonsense!"

Princess Jinyang on the side picked up the jug and filled the wine bottle in front of Fang Jun. She glanced at Fang Jun with her eyes full of water, and she was full of smiles.

This brother-in-law is really a strange thing in the court, people are always clamoring to reason, and when he comes to him, if he can't reason, he will simply use his fist...

Fang Jun glared at her, adults are talking, children should not meddle.

Princess Jinyang rolled her eyes playfully and curled her lips. When I rescued you just now, you were very grateful.

Fang Jun had nothing to do with her, so he had to ask His Majesty Li Er: "I don't understand something. Taoism pays attention to the unity of man and nature, and the harmony of yin and yang, so it uses the wonders of the world to refine elixir and take it, hoping to form a golden elixir inside. Respond with the heaven and the earth, and then reach the realm of the unity of heaven and man, fly immortals in the daytime, and live forever. But Buddhism talks about reincarnation and cause and effect, abandonment, birth, and the emptiness of the four elements. The practice of Buddhism is to restrain selfish desires and to purify Practice asceticism to curb human nature, but how is it involved with alchemy?"

After saying these words, His Majesty Li Er was taken aback immediately, looked Fang Jun up and down, and asked in amazement: "Have you studied Taoism and Buddhism?"

In fact, Fang Jun told the essence of Buddhism and Taoism in a few words.

He himself thinks that his understanding is not bad. Although he didn't believe in the theory of immortals and Buddhas before, he respected the Taoist health preservation techniques, so he has been in contact with Taoism for many years, and he has read a lot of Taoist classics. , naturally have a deep understanding of Buddhism.

However, even he, a believer with good comprehension and deep contact with Buddhism and Taoism, only woke up after Fang Jun said these words, and felt that this was the essence of the two schools.

But why is it that such a stickler who doesn't believe in Buddhism and doesn't even bother to turn over the books can have such understanding?
It doesn't make sense...

Fang Jun shook his head and said: "No, I don't believe in ghosts and gods, and I don't believe in demons. People are born, old, sick and die, and the moon is cloudy and sunny. This is the number of days. However, the sky is healthy. A gentleman strives for self-improvement, and man will conquer the sky!"

Whether it is Taoism or Buddhism, it is just a kind of sustenance for the human spirit. It is excellent to rely on it to cultivate one's self-cultivation, but if one is obsessed with it and makes it the criterion of one's own behavior and life, it is downright stupid.

His Majesty Li Er lifted his spirits, and clapped the case and said: "This sentence'Man will overcome the sky' is well said! Birth, old age, sickness and death are the number of days. We are born as human beings. How can we blindly follow the number of days and not know how to resist? Falling into this rut, I only know how to follow. Walking in the sky, how is it different from ants and ants? I have the constitution of heaven in my mouth and the sun and moon in my hands. I am the son of heaven. I will definitely transcend life and death, jump out of reincarnation, and be among the immortals!"

Fang Jun: "..."

What's the situation?
We are advising you not to be obsessed with the art of longevity, telling you not to believe in those deceitful dross in Buddhism and Taoism. How come it seems to be more and more sure of the correctness of your alchemy and medicine?
"Man will conquer nature" is your interpretation?

Just as he was about to persuade him again, he saw His Majesty Li Er waved his hand, stretched out his chopsticks, picked up the mutton, put it into the boiling soup, rinsed it, then dipped it in the sauce and chewed it in his mouth. After swallowing, he picked up the wine bottle and drank a cup, saying : "I have heard countless words like this these days, some are sharper than your words, some are more determined than your attitude, and some are even willing to remonstrate with death... You should stop talking nonsense here, is it possible? I heard these words in the palace and my ears were calloused, so it’s okay to hide here when I come to you?”

Fang Jun sighed, raised his glass and said, "In that case...well, I think His Majesty is wise and wise. Even if you are obsessed with such absurd things as longevity for a while, you will be able to figure it out in time... Your Majesty has a cup, and I wish your Majesty the battle to conquer Goguryeo. The soldiers will be invincible! As soon as Goguryeo is included in the territory of the Tang Dynasty, with the addition of the Anxi Governor, Annan Governor, and Beiting Governor, the territory of the Tang Dynasty will be surpassed. The Han Dynasty has become the dynasty with the most extensive territory in the past and present, and it is one step closer to your Majesty surpassing Qin Shihuang to achieve the supremacy of 'one emperor through the ages'!"

His Majesty Li Er stroked his beard with one hand and held a bottle in the other, Longyan said happily: "You bastards, you should be a courtier. Isn't it better to say such flattering words than those harsh words all day long?" Okay? Naturally, someone will say those things, and you are not alone.”

Fang Jun's face darkened...

We are naturally suitable for co-authoring, right?

In case the history books really write himself as a courtier...

"Your Majesty's words are wrong! Not to mention the achievements of my ministers in poetry and poetry, but to say that above the government, my ministers donated glass workshops to enrich your Majesty's internal funds, and planned the "Eastern Datang Company" to make the products of the Tang Dynasty sell well In the world, the meritorious deeds of enriching the country and enriching the people do not dare to belittle oneself! Moreover, wherever the ministers of Linyi, Waguo, and Silla went, not only made our Great Tang show its prestige outside the territory, but all the people of Fanguo bathed in the majesty of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty , and opened up a huge market. The annual increase in commercial taxes in the Tang Dynasty is more than tens of millions? Your Majesty knows that a humble minister is a capable minister! Yunwen Yunwu, military and political almighty, you look through the history books, the ancient capable minister, How many people are comparable to Weichen?"

Fang Jun quickly retorted, he must not let his reputation as a courtier be confirmed, we are based on our talents, okay?
Princess Jinyang smiled with crooked eyebrows and giggled while covering her small mouth.

How can there be such a cheeky person in the world?

Bragging about yourself can also brag so shamelessly...

His Majesty Li Er couldn't help being funny, and scolded with a smile: "Return to Wen Yunwu, military and political omnipotence? Hehe, I don't know if I can be a minister, but people as brazen and shameless as you throughout the ages are really second to none! Having said that, You have been in Lishan Mountain all day long, like an old farmer with seed crops, but many ministers mistakenly thought that I sent you to do this, so they complained to me more than once, saying that the business was delayed."

(End of this chapter)

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