Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 1968 Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is intended for His Majesty!

Chapter 1968 Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is intended for His Majesty!
His Majesty Li Er sat on the throne, his face sinking like water.

Just the matter of killing people, in his opinion, it doesn't matter at all. What is it worth for the nobles of the Tian family to kill half of the farmers?The big deal is to pay a sum of money, and then use gold as atonement.But after killing someone, destroying the corpse and destroying the traces, this is a loss of virtue, which makes His Majesty Li Er feel that the face of the Tian family is damaged, and the worst thing is that he is caught by others, and he is taken to the main hall in front of civil and military officials. , impeachment with great fanfare, this is unbearable...

Could it be possible for him to protect King Huo while the censors have uncovered a lot of old things?

No matter how much he defended, it would not be to maintain the face of the royal family, but to humiliate the face of the royal family with his own hands, to give the historian a handle, and to make him add another crime of his own to the history books.

What is he trying to achieve, staying up late and sleeping at night?
Isn't it the achievements of no one in the past, suppressing the scandals I did in Xuanwumen back then, whitening my reputation, being able to surpass the three emperors, five emperors, Qin, Emperor and Han ancestors, and achieve the grand plan of one emperor through the ages!

As the emperor, I am still in awe, follow the rules and dare not make mistakes, lest I fail to leave a good reputation in the history books. Back then when I was playing with a bird, I was scared to death in my arms by old Wei Zheng. How is that? Trembling like walking on thin ice?
But you, the children of the royal family, are better off. You only care about living happily, enjoy as you please, and even act recklessly and lawlessly. Where do you put my painstaking efforts and painstaking efforts?

Just asshole!
He stared at Li Yuangui coldly, and asked in a deep voice: "King Huo, what else can I say to defend myself?"

When Li Yuangui heard this, he was completely dumbfounded.

It's over!This group of censors who are not the sons of men, finally drove the emperor into a rage, and wanted to clean up themselves...


Is it easy for me?
The year before last, it was you who urged the emperor to cancel the imperial edict of the feudal world, so that all the princes returned to Chang'an from their fiefdoms.

As long as my fiefdom is removed today, I am afraid that I will no longer have the hope of going to the fiefdom to be a happy earth emperor in this life, and will have to spend the rest of my life in Chang'an trembling...

"Your Majesty! Although the past is absurd, I have changed my past and changed my mind. As for Xuzhou, I am trembling and dare not act recklessly for fear of dragging down the reputation of the royal family and damaging your Majesty's heavenly prestige... As for linking places and coveting The way of heaven is simply a crime of wanting to impose! This humble minister is just studying the art of alchemy with a few alchemists, and discussing the study of classics and righteousness with a few great scholars. How could he have ulterior motives and schemes? My humble minister is wronged, Your Majesty!"

Li Yuangui was already aware of the danger, and immediately knelt on the hall, weeping secretly.

His Majesty Li Er was very irritable by his crying, and he was furious, and shouted: "The nobles of the heavenly family, what is the proper way to cry and cry like this? You have lost the face of the royal family! You are a prince, and you know how to reward and punish." It is clear that it is good to be able to manage the affairs of the fiefdom. It is fine to mess around with those cynical hermits and scholars? As for the folk alchemists, most of them are people who deceive the public with lies. , is simply extremely stupid!"

A creature like the emperor is almost the most selfish existence in the world.

Rather teach me to bear the world, don't teach the world to bear me, this state is the truest portrayal of every qualified emperor, the difference is only that Cao Mengde is a hero among the traitors, with a heart that looks down on the world, dare to do and dare to speak!However, His Majesty Li Er was bound by all kinds of fame and fortune, and was always shrouded in the shadow of Xuanwumen, so his waist was not so stiff, so he only did it and didn't talk about it.

If Huo Wang committed suicide today, he would show a generous side, but since it involves damage to his reputation and may affect his great cause of "one emperor through the ages", then no one should think about it!

How could Li Yuangui be willing to accept punishment in such a muddleheaded manner?What's more, the punishment he was about to face was something he couldn't accept no matter what, so he naturally had to try his best to defend himself, but before he could speak again, he saw Yushi Zhongcheng Liu Ji standing up again...

Li Yuangui can't wait to pounce on this mad dog and bite him to death. Are you fucking finished?

How did Weng Weng offend you so that you must be put to death?
But he obviously misunderstood, this time, Liu Ji's target has changed...

The censor Zhongcheng, who made the Chinese and Chinese military officials very afraid, brushed off his sleeves, bowed and said: "Your Majesty Qizuo, just as you said just now, the alchemists in the world practiced the alchemy technique and the way of longevity are all lies. Confused, nonsense! Qin Shihuang ruled the world and swept the six countries. His power overwhelmed the world. It is nothingness, nothingness and nothingness. Your Majesty is the eternal sage, who can illuminate thousands of miles and is wise and mighty. He should issue a decree and command the world. If there is anyone in the world who wants to live forever, he will be executed! Then the crowd will be deterred, the crowd will retreat, and the demons and ghosts will disappear, and the universe will be clarified, and there will be no more ghosts and ghosts!"

Li Yuangui just wanted to jump up and yell at him. The words of gods and ghosts and prophecies are taboos in the royal family. Liu Jie, you are not trying to let His Majesty take my title and my fief, but my life!
With a glance at the end of his eyes, he saw the left servant of the Shangshu shot Li Ji to stand up, and went out of the class to play: "My minister seconded the proposal!"

Tang Jian, Shangshu of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, got up and said, "My minister, second my proposal!"

Li Daozong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials, got up and said, "My minister, second my proposal!"

Xiao Yu got up and said: "My minister, second my proposal!"

Cheng Yaojin, Yu Chigong and other generals who are always soy sauce also got up one after another, and said loudly: "My minister, second!"

Changsun Wuji blinked and blinked, he understood, got up quickly, and said: "My minister seconded the proposal!"

The civil and military men of the Manchu dynasty stood up and stood in the hall one after another, bowed and saluted together, and shouted: "My minister, second!"

Li Yuangui looked dazed, his mouth wide enough to swallow a duck egg...

Everyone, you can't do it, can you?
It's not like this king violated the rules of heaven, so why bother to come against me?

This king can't stand you making such a big gesture...

Not only was he confused, but His Majesty Li Er on the throne was even more confused!

A pair of tiger eyes widened suddenly, looking at the excited and high-spirited ministers in disbelief, his mind almost shut down.

what is this?
The art of alchemy and the way of longevity, these methods of cultivating immortals that have been handed down since ancient times, have been orthodoxly regarded as the source of disaster for the country since Qin Shihuang. It's okay to regard it as a heresy, and study and ponder it in private, but it's not elegant.

And as an emperor, indulging in such techniques of cultivating immortals is a sign of the country's ruin.

Could it be that the Yin Jian of the Great Qin still cannot alert the king?

Or is it that the king would rather abandon this picturesque country and follow the example of Qin Shihuang, but pursue the illusory road of immortals and Buddhas?
If this is the case, then you should go to pursue the immortal way, the emperor, let's change...

His Majesty Li Er knew that he was the one who often summoned the monks from Tianzhu to the palace to refine elixirs, and was targeted by these courtiers.


I thought these guys took the wrong medicine today, why are they clenching King Huo and not letting go?It turns out that King Huo is just a raft, and the real target is him, the emperor!

This evil wind blew and blew, and it actually blew on his head...

Could it be that Wei Zheng was finally boiled to death, and you guys still want to add trouble to me?

What is this called?
If one Wei Zheng dies, there will be tens of thousands of Wei Zhengs standing up?

You can't see us well, right?

His Majesty Li Er blushed with anger, slapped the table with a "bang", stared and shouted: "What are you doing? One or two are going to turn the world upside down, right?"

Changing to another emperor, I am afraid that he has a guilty conscience at this moment. With so many ministers connected in series, no one has to be timid.
But how could His Majesty Li Er be afraid of this?
He blazed a trail from the second son of a Tang royal mansion, gained a reputation of meritorious service that was comparable to that of the crown prince, and fought against the sky at the Xuanwu Gate, using the blood of his brothers to pave the way for the indomitable imperial career of ascending the throne, the great treasure, and ruling the world. , the most staunch!
It's okay for the ministers to advise, but if anyone really has the heart of disobedience, he will never mind killing another person!
Besides, he also has self-confidence. As long as he is still alive, he still has breath. These civil and military ministers dare not!
It's just... Who is connecting so many ministers behind the scenes, intending to obstruct my way of cultivating immortality and alchemy?
(End of this chapter)

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