Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 1959 The Change of Li 2

Chapter 1959 The Change of Li Er

He is more interested in the fact that there is a piece of land at the end of the sea, which makes him a little difficult to understand.

At the end of the sea, shouldn't that be the residence of the gods?

Putting down his teacup, waving his hand, interrupting Fang Jun's "speech", he asked with sparkling eyes, "Since crossing the sea, have you ever discovered the legendary three fairy mountains of Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou?"

Fang Jun: "..."

We've been talking about feelings here for a long time, are you only thinking about this?
This emperor looks very shrewd. Could it be that when the power in the world has been reached, no matter who it is, everyone will yearn for the illusory road to becoming a fairy and becoming a saint?
Depressed: "Never!"

His Majesty Li Er did not believe it: "Those three fairy mountains are all recorded in countless ancient books, and it is definitely not nonsense. Since the fleet you sent across the ocean, how could it not have been discovered? Hmph, either you concealed the discovery The truth about the fairy mountain, I am afraid that I will indulge in the way of cultivating immortals, or it is because you are talking nonsense, that fleet has never crossed the ocean, and the so-called new continent is just talking nonsense..."

He knew that Fang Jun had always opposed him to cultivate Taoism and immortality, and the fierce opposition was the crown of civil and martial arts in the whole dynasty. He asserted that those were just fraudulent tricks to spread rumors. There are no gods in the world, so if Fang Jun really discovered the three fairy mountains, It is entirely possible to conceal it.

Thinking of this in his heart, a pair of tiger eyes gradually narrowed, staring at Fang Jun unkindly.

As an emperor, the supreme power in the world is in his hands, and he has almost no pursuit other than making contributions and becoming "one emperor through the ages".Now that he has become the supreme being in the world, it means that he is the proud son of heaven and is the closest to the immortal Buddha in the world. As long as he finds that way and sells it one step, he will be able to transcend the vulgarity and become immortal and holy. Heaven and earth are immortal!

If this kid dares to lie to himself... His Majesty Li Er thinks this is an even more unforgivable thing than treason.

What are you talking about? The New World has fertile soil and a vast territory, with high-yield grains all over the mountains and plains, endless gold and silver covered with rivers and mountain ridges, no gods riding cranes, no Xiaguang Xianlu, no Ganoderma lucidum, only sweet potatoes, potatoes, peanuts, peppers ... Listen to what names these are, it's so silly, where is there a little bit of fairy charm?
The most unbearable thing is that not only there are no gods, but there are primitive aborigines wearing tree bark with bird feathers on their heads and holding sticks and stones as weapons...


Are you trying to smash the best yearning in my heart to pieces with a stick?
Being stared at by the emperor with such murderous eyes, Fang Jun's heart trembled. Sure enough, the way of immortality is the inverse scale that all emperors cannot touch...

Fang Jun sighed, spread his hands helplessly and said, "Your Majesty, not to mention that I don't have the guts to deceive the emperor, the other side may be that I made nonsense, those grain seeds that definitely don't belong to any part of the Tang Dynasty have been taken by Weichen at this moment." The officials piled up in the greenhouse of Lishan Farm, so it can't be fake, right?"

His Majesty Li Er stared at Fang Jun suspiciously, trying to find some clues from his expression.

But he is destined to be disappointed... Or, Fang Jun really didn't lie to him, nor did he hide the fact that there is no fairy mountain in the sea.

Could it be that there are really no three fairy mountains in the sea?
So where do the gods live?
His Majesty Li Er felt a little disappointed. As the proud son of heaven and the emperor of the world, he had such a pious heart to ask for immortality, why couldn't he be favored by the immortal family and bestow the art of becoming immortal?

If you can't become a fairy or a saint, even if you surpass the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors, you will eventually die with the grass and trees. How can you show your extraordinaryness?
Could it be that the so-called emperor is not a son of heaven at all, and the so-called Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the so-called Sakyamuni are all non-existent?
It's hard for him to understand, even more difficult to accept... He doesn't even care about hearing that the New World is full of gold and silver. Same brilliance, immortality with heaven and earth?

Sighing, His Majesty Li Er waved his hand dejectedly: "Since you haven't discovered the Overseas Fairy Mountain, what are you doing here in the palace? Are you embarrassing me? Get out of here, it's annoying to see you!"

Fang Jun stared, God damn Overseas Fairy Mountain, didn't we report to you that we got high-yield grain?Well, look at the depressed and disappointed expression of the emperor, either he doesn't believe it at all, or he thinks he is talking nonsense, anyway, he doesn't take it seriously at all...

I'm so depressed.

But he can't go yet, as long as the food is cultivated by himself, no matter how much His Majesty Li Er doesn't believe it at the moment, it will eventually make him realize what kind of opportunity the Great Tang will get for development, how the people of the Great Tang will sing praises, and how this will be recorded in the history A great feat, and how he, the emperor, was favored by God!
But I have to win rewards for those soldiers on ocean expeditions now!
"Your Majesty clearly learned that those soldiers sailed across the sea and crossed the ocean. After countless life and death hardships, they finally opened up a route to the new continent for Datang. Not only did they obtain high-yield grain enough to feed the people of Datang, but they were also able to continue to dispatch wars in the future." It is not an exaggeration to say that such feats are as powerful as the ancients and the present! I also ask your majesty to extend his kindness and rewards to show his attack. It can not only reward the meritorious men, but also make the future Follow the footsteps of the warriors, and continue to embark on the journey of exploring the world!"

Those navy soldiers must be rewarded, how can they show their merits if they are not rewarded?And it must be rewarded heavily, buying horse bones with thousands of dollars, so that people all over the world will be jealous, so that they can follow his example of not fearing the ocean and continue to explore new worlds.

His Majesty Li Er is not very concerned about this...

He was wholeheartedly immersed in the state of mind of cultivating Taoism and immortality, and thought that Fang Jun was exaggerating, so the seeds he got might really have a high yield, but to feed the people of the entire Tang Dynasty?
Ha ha……

There is nothing more absurd than this.

Do you think you are Shennong? !

He stared at Fang Jun unkindly, and said: "It's not that I don't believe you, but ask yourself, do you believe what you say? How much food do the tens of millions of people in the Tang Dynasty need to consume every year? Right now In the Tang Dynasty, most of the fertile land has been developed and cultivated, leaving only Lingnan, Fujian, Guangdong and other smoky lands. There are also many mountains and few fields. How dare you speak boldly in front of me, saying that what you say is enough to feed all the people of the Tang Dynasty... ...Why don't you say you can go to heaven?"

Fang Jun: "..."

Well, there is no picture and no truth, this matter does sound a bit unbelievable.

I have no choice but to say helplessly: "Facts speak louder than words. I will cultivate high-yielding plants in the Lishan Greenhouse next year. I will be able to cultivate these food crops next year. What will be the output by then? Your Majesty You can see it for yourself! But right now, those soldiers crossed the ocean to explore high-yield food for the Tang Dynasty. Heart of a Warrior!"

His Majesty Li Er thought he was trying to win credit for his own subordinates, so he waved his hand casually, and said listlessly: "There is some credit, but if you want me to issue an order to reward it, it would be too much. It is within the responsibility of the Ministry of War , the promotion of power, the advancement of the lord, you can make up your own mind."

Fang Jun: "...here."

He was both extremely depressed and unbelievable.

Even though the matter of high-yield food is unbelievable, isn't it exciting enough for an emperor with a high ambition to explore a new continent?
That means more territories, more subjects, and more meritorious deeds!
However, looking at His Majesty Li Er in front of you, it seems that he doesn't care about these things... Don't those soldiers who have lived and died for the empire and made great achievements throughout the past and present, not worthy of your imperial decree?

Feeling really aggrieved, Fang Jun's face was light, and he said politely: "In this case... I will take my leave for the time being."

"Well, let's go."

His Majesty Li Er waved his hand casually, but did not notice Fang Jun's strange expression.

Fang Jun took three steps back, turned around, and was about to take a step, when he saw a servant come in from the door, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Huo Wang is asking to see you."

His Majesty Li Er had the same thick eyebrows: "Huh? King Huo is not in Xuzhou, what are you doing back to Chang'an? Xuan!"


The waiter bowed and left, Fang Jun didn't stop, and walked out with him.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he walked across to a tall, thin and pale young man in brocade robes. Fang Jun looked at him, bowed slightly to step aside, and said in a low voice, "I have seen His Royal Highness Huo Wang."

He just looked familiar. After all, this man has been going to the fief for many years. He just met him before he crossed, and he has some impressions in his vague memory. It's just that if he didn't meet here and now, and he didn't have the previous report from the servant, he definitely recognized him. not out.

After all, he is a royal nobleman, so a greeting is a must.

Unexpectedly, that King Huo came in front of him, and did not go straight into the Dragon Palace, but stopped, with a rather unfriendly tone: "I heard that in Chang'an right now, Fang Shilang is rampant, and even a high-ranking member of the holy family Youlong , Do you feel that you can't let go of this pass?"


Fang Jun was stunned, what's going on?
(End of this chapter)

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