Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 1956 Difficult Expedition

Chapter 1956 Difficult Expedition

Seeing that Fang Jun was swaying as if he had bumped into someone, his black face was flushed with excitement, Pei Xingjian took two steps forward, looked carefully at these seeds, and asked curiously: "Is this what Lord Hou said?" Say, high-yield food seeds?"

Fang Jun took a few deep breaths, put the seeds back into the sack carefully and carefully, then carefully tied the mouth of the sack with a rope, looked back at Pei Xingjian, and said in a deep voice: "With these seeds, as long as you use all your strength to Promote it nationwide, and after five years, the number of people who die of hunger every year will be reduced by [-]%!"

"Ninety percent?!"

Pei Xingjian was dumbfounded.

During the Daye period of the former Sui Dynasty, due to the large number of small households concealed by the rich and powerful clans, the number of households increased greatly. In the fifth year of Daye, the national population reached nearly 900 million households, with a population of 5000 million.In the last years of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, the world was in turmoil, wars were everywhere in the country, and warlords scuffled and bandits caused disasters, resulting in a large decrease in population. Coupled with the fact that aristocratic families began to frantically gobble up small households, a large number of households quickly disappeared from the imperial household records. In just over 500 years In the past few years, the population has decreased by more than half. According to the census in the early years of Wude, there are only more than two million households left in the country, with a population of no more than [-] million...

When His Majesty Li Er came to the throne, the country was stable and the population was growing rapidly. So far, there are only 300 million households and a population of 2000 million.

Of course, this is only the population listed above the imperial household book, and the number of hidden households of the world's aristocratic families will definitely not be less than this.

And for all these nearly 4000 million people, those who can not go hungry are not even half of them, and those who can be called "no worries about food and clothing" probably don't even have one-third...

With the seeds in front of you, how dare you say that it will reduce [-]% of the hungry people in the country?

Even though Pei Xingjian has always admired Fang Jun, he still can't believe it...

"Hehe, just wait and see. From now on, not only the food grown in the Tang Dynasty will undergo earth-shaking changes, but even the farming methods that have lasted for thousands of years will have to be completely changed! Send an order to ship all the food seeds , transported to Guanzhong, I will start cultivating immediately after reporting to His Majesty, and then plant these seeds after the beginning of spring!"

Seed cultivation is a big event, and the territory of the Tang Dynasty is vast, so if you want to obtain enough seeds for cultivation, you must not delay for a moment!

Every second counts!

The purpose of transporting these seeds to Guanzhong is to attract the attention of His Majesty Li Er, to obtain a reward for Tian Yunlai and others, and to buy horse bones with thousands of dollars, so that those who have the strength and ambition to explore the sea can see the joy of sailing and exploration. The benefits are bound to be flocked to.

Furthermore, it is necessary to start cultivating the seeds quickly, so that they can be cultivated in the spring, saving a year's time.

Although the climate in the south of the Yangtze River is warm and rainy, it is more suitable for the growth of crops, but Fang Jun dare not let these seeds suffer even a single cent of loss due to unexpected natural disasters!Only under the control of the closed greenhouse can the survival rate be guaranteed to the greatest extent!
"Here!" Although Pei Xingjian was skeptical, but the military order was like a mountain, he quickly responded, turned back and exited the cabin, and arranged for the ship to take over the grain and transport it to Guanzhong immediately.

"After recuperating for a while, I will go to Chang'an with you to meet His Majesty. I will definitely ask for a reward for you brave warriors who risked their lives to explore the new land without fear of wind and waves!"

"Thank you Hou Ye!"

The soldiers in the cabin full of scars were filled with tears at this moment.

No matter how big the sacrifice is, it is worth it. If you can get the emperor's praise, you will die without regret!Not to mention that they saw with their own eyes the grand occasion when these plants were planted in America, and the food warehouses in the exterminated indigenous tribes. They knew what Fang Jun said was true, and these seeds could really feed too many people!
Maybe, this ocean expedition will also be recorded in the history. Of course, Fang Jun contributed to this move, and his far-sighted vision must be the first. , bringing these food seeds back, after all, you have to write a penny along with it, right?


We are just big soldiers, and we can go down in history...

All the pain seems to have vanished, and all the injuries seem to be getting better. Everyone is full of energy and their eyes are shining. The decadence when they just returned to the Tang Dynasty is swept away!

"Above the sea, the wind is high and the waves are rough, and it is the most humid. Why can these grains be kept so dry without a trace of moisture?"

"Returning to Lord Hou, although the last general went astray and became a pirate, but his family used to be a farmer, and he is proficient in farming. Naturally, he knows that once the seeds get wet, the survival rate will be greatly affected, let alone sea water. If it is submerged, it will be all over... Therefore, when sailing on the sea, whenever there is rain or strong wind, you will order someone to seal the door of the cabin with an oilcloth to ensure that not a drop of seawater can If it goes into the cabin, if it hits the rocks, there is nothing to do. Even the ship sinks, and the seeds will naturally not be kept... And every sunny day, the general will order soldiers to move the grain out of the cabin and spread it on the deck to dry. "


Several brand-new warships cut through the waves and went upstream on the river. Fang Jun sat in the cabin and looked at Tian Yunlai approvingly.

After the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, Tian Yunlai's spirit recovered very well. He just suffered a lack of nutrition and suffered great physical and mental damage due to the long-term voyage, and he did not have too much damage to the fundamental injury.The rest were not so lucky. Most of them were disabled. They lacked medical treatment and medicine at sea, and were corroded by sea water. Once injured, they were very susceptible to infection and lost their lives easily.

Fang Jun praised: "You have done a good job, better than I imagined! There are so many seeds, to collect one by one, one by one, requires great perseverance and energy. I also know how dangerous a strange continent means, unknowable beasts, unknowable diseases... It is really too difficult, you are well-deserved warriors and heroes of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Master Hou, to be honest, it's not as bad as you imagined..."

Tian Yunlai grinned, looked at Fang Jun with a smile, and said: "Actually, it's just the opposite. In our opinion, the most dangerous thing is when sailing on the sea. The sky is like a prison. Every time the wind blows, the sea Like a boiling pot of water, no matter how big the ship is, it becomes like a small ant at this moment. The tens of feet high waves hit head-on, and the entire fleet seemed to be swallowed up. After the waves passed, some ships Some ships were smashed into pieces and sank forever. The brilliance of the heavens cannot be resisted by manpower. Almost every time a hurricane strikes, all we can do is to silently sit in the cabin. Praying for the blessing of the One God, there is nothing else I can do..."

He seemed to think of the robes that were swallowed by the waves and hurricanes again. He looked a little depressed, then raised his eyebrows and smiled, and continued: "But when we found the land, it was not like this at all. We just found a harbor and went ashore. The local aborigines... You may not believe it, although those aborigines have darker complexion and speak incomprehensible words, but their appearance and stature are not much different from our Han people. They take Bows and arrows made of bone spurs and bamboo branches cannot penetrate our armor at all. The blades are mostly knives made of gold, which are soft and useless at all. They have no bronze, let alone iron... But they are good at using poison , the weapon is smeared with poisonous poison, and a slight scratch on the skin can kill a person. Many soldiers lost their lives under the underestimate of the enemy. The last general led his men into their tribe, and the young and strong They were slaughtered, old and weak, women and children were scattered, and they wanted to use it as a stronghold to start looking for the plants that Lord Hou had instructed, but found that the plants mentioned by Lord Hou were planted all over the mountains and plains. Although the growth was not good, they were obviously planted at will. How much harvest depends on God's will... But the yield is still very high! Then, the last general found a large number of seeds in the cave where the indigenous tribes piled up grain..."

Fang Jun sighed.

The purpose of his sending Tianyun to cross the ocean was to find food seeds, but now it seems that it has brought disaster to the Native American Indians.The well-equipped Datang Tigers, how can those Indian savages who drink blood be able to resist?

Although they can't wreak havoc with firearms like European bandits, they can be easily destroyed in the face of any Indian resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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