Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 1925

Chapter 1925

When Fang Jun stepped into the hall, his nose was filled with a faint warm fragrance, which was different from the most popular sandalwood nowadays. It smelled warm and indifferent, but it seemed to be more able to give people a kind of soft and comfortable mind.

Fragrant nanmu floor has beautiful texture and light can be used as a guide.

The hall is not too big, but the space is not too small either. There is a blanket and a table by the window, and a graceful and graceful person is kneeling behind the table.

A head of jet-black hair was tied into a lily bun, and each strand of hair was combed meticulously, revealing the entire pretty face.The red pendant hanging down from the golden begonia bead flower in the hair, and the red emerald drop bead earrings on the greasy white earlobe, complement each other.

It perfectly presents the temperament between mature and girly.

Without the usual elegant Taoist robes, the crimson palace dress looks more gorgeous and elegant, and the beautiful face does not wear makeup, but it makes people feel the thrilling beauty and natural beauty, as if the Nine Heavens Xuannv descended from the mortal world, charming the common people countless……

Fang Jun swallowed.

Even though he was used to seeing stunning beauty in the past and present, but such a beautiful and naturally beautiful woman like Princess Changle is unique, giving him super visual enjoyment made him feel a strong sense of astonishment in his heart.

The most terrible thing is that this woman, regardless of her appearance, temperament, and personality, perfectly matches his aesthetics. Every time she meets, she can make him lose his mind and be taken away by God...

"Weichen, I have seen Your Highness."

Stepping forward slowly, Fang Jun collected his mind, bowed and saluted.

Princess Changle's beautiful face remained calm, she nodded slightly, and said softly: "You don't need to be polite, the Marquis of Huating is going on an expedition, and it's extremely dangerous. Fortunately, the Marquis of Huating is an auspicious person, and now he is victorious and returning to the dynasty. He has made contributions to the empire and expanded the territory. It is an inexhaustible feat, even though I am a woman, I still respect Huating Hou's achievements, and hope that Huating Hou will continue to work hard and make new achievements."

With a serious appearance and typical government rhetoric, it is like a boss sitting upright, praising and urging his subordinates.

Little did they know that this kind of pretended calm look was more attractive to Fang Jun than those vulgar and flamboyant looks.

The corner of Fang Jun's lips twitched slightly...

Taking a step forward, he said: "This minister is here to return the things His Highness gave you when we parted..."

Princess Changle's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly said: "Huating Hou is a pillar of the empire, fighting for the country, my palace should be more concerned about it, Huating Hou doesn't need to care about it. As for that thing...it doesn't matter, Huating Hou can keep it , throw it away, but don’t care about it.”

I have already said that I gave you everything, so why bring it up again?

What's more, Princess Fangling is peeping from behind, so don't show it out!
You can die if you want to, don't embarrass me...

Fang Jun admired Princess Changle's eyebrows from a close distance, and the more he looked at her, the more he loved her. He couldn't help but said: "Your Highness's love, I will never forget it for a moment. Even if you are outside the territory, you can't bear the pain of lovesickness..."

"Marquis Huating!"

Princess Changle hastened to stop her, because she was in a hurry, even her voice trembled a little, and it was even more sharp than she said.My heart was about to jump out of fright. Is this person crazy? How dare he say anything?Now there is an ear god in the back room, if she heard it, wouldn't it be known to everyone?
She hadn't realized that she was only complaining about Fang Jun's lack of wink, lest Princess Fangling would listen to her words, but it wasn't that Fang Jun's crazy words were unethical and inappropriate...

"The Marquis of Huating is loyal and patriotic. He is indeed a model of civil and military affairs in the Manchu Dynasty. He is in a foreign land and a thousand mountains and rivers. This trip must be full of exhaustion and hard work day and night. It is better to go back to the mansion to rest and recuperate, so as not to hurt the body."

While speaking, he put a long and crystal clear palm upright on his chest, gently swayed it at an angle that could not be seen in the apse, straightened the half-hidden door, and then a pair of beautiful eyes Staring at Fang Jun, he even winked, indicating that Fang Jun and others are here, don't say more, and leave quickly.

Fang Jun rolled his eyes, glanced at the beaded curtained door in the back hall, thoughtful.

Then, he took a step forward and knelt down in front of Princess Changle.

Princess Changle's beautiful eyes suddenly widened...

What do you mean?
Is it stupid?

It's all hinted at you like this, why don't you leave quickly and sit down instead?
Princess Changle was angry and impatient, and she simply said something to push people away: "I just took a bath, and I'm a little tired. Marquis Huating is busy with work, so I should go out of the palace quickly."

There is only a desk between the two.

Fang Jun admired Princess Changle's blushing smiling face, sniffed the faint scent of body fragrance at the end of his nose, and said slowly: "I am in the army, and whenever I encounter difficulties and dangers, I will take the gift from your highness and see it. Thinking of things and people, I feel touched for a while, full of emotions, and return to my heart like an arrow, so that I can express my heartfelt love and love in front of His Highness..."

Princess Changle was frightened and angry at the same time, she wished she could kill this evil spirit with one bite!

Where had all her usual quick-wittedness gone?
It's so stupid to hint at you like this, but still can't react...

He could only keep a straight face, and said displeasedly: "Huating Marquis, please respect yourself..."

After half a sentence, she couldn't continue, because she saw Fang Jun dipping his finger in the tea in the cup and writing on the clean desk.

"Enter my lovesickness door, know my lovesickness,

Long lovesickness looks long and long, short lovesickness is endless,
If I knew it was such a stumbling block, why didn't I know each other at the beginning..."

It was as if Princess Changle's heart was being held tightly by someone, and she was a little out of breath.

After a while, a heart beat like a drum again, making her face burn and her whole body go limp...

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at the handwriting on the desk, speechless.

What about that girl who is not pregnant?

Even though she is old and is no longer the ignorant and youthful years, she is no different from a young girl both physically and mentally. The marriage with Chang Sun Chong is more like completing a political task, or going away. A journey of life is over.

The scenery passed by, the ups and downs went through, and the bitterness was tasted, but they failed to stay in her heart.

At this moment, facing this man who has always made no secret of his ambitions for her, facing this lingering love poem, he can't help but think of the previous "Ailian's Story" and the desperate rescue on Zhongnan Mountain. friendship.

It seems that in an instant, I have returned to the girlhood when I dreamed of everything...


Ying Lips just uttered a word, but saw that Fang Jun had already got up, he bowed to the ground, and said: "This minister deserves death for disturbing His Highness's rest, so I will take my leave first."

After saying that, under the astonished gaze of Princess Changle, she turned and walked away.

Princess Changle was stunned...

This person actually left after writing such a love poem, after his heart sprouted and even wanted to throw himself into his embrace for a moment?

What do you mean? !

Clay figurines are still earthy. Even though Princess Changle behaves gentle and rational most of the time, it does not mean that she can still be dignified and elegant after being teased like this. The most beloved princess of the Tang Empire reached out and grabbed the case table. Throwing a teacup at Fang Jun, he angrily said, "Bastard!"


The teacup shattered on the floor behind Fang Jun. Fang Jun, who had successfully flirted with a girl, turned his head and showed a mouthful of white teeth, with a bright smile, and his smug expression was evident.

Then, the footsteps kept walking away.


Princess Changle's towering chest heaved violently, she wished she could take out a knife and kill this bastard!
what is this?

It just doesn't make sense!
Fortunately, I was so touched just now...

Footsteps sounded behind him.

Princess Fangling couldn't help being curious, she pushed the door out from the back hall, and asked, "What's the matter with you two? What did this bastard say to make you lose your temper?"

No wonder Princess Fangling is curious, she knows this niece's temperament too well.

As the eldest daughter of His Majesty Li Er and Empress Wende, she has received the most orthodox education since she was a child. "Don't look back when you walk, don't lift your lips when you speak" is the most common thing. I can't control my anger in front of people, throwing people with a teacup. Things are simply unimaginable.

It can be seen how much Fang Jun provoked this Highness...

Princess Changle blushed, and argued: "It's nothing..."

"Huh? What's this writing?" Princess Fangling approached and saw the handwriting written in tea water on the table at a glance, but it was not easy to read, so she stepped forward, bent down, and read it carefully.


Princess Changle was stunned for a moment, then her complexion changed drastically as if she had just woken up from a dream, she hastily stretched out her hands and scratched on the desk... The handwriting was scratched into a water stain by her successfully, making it impossible to distinguish.

Princess Fangling squinted her eyes, staring at Princess Changle with burning eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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