Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 1918 Fang Jun's Prestige

Chapter 1918 Fang Jun's Prestige

The welcome team marched into Chang'an City in a mighty way. The common people were bored in their leisure time in winter. It was unprecedented for such a foreign monarch to visit Chang'an in person. Moreover, she was an extremely rare "female emperor" in the world. Crowds come to watch.

Since the beginning of Baqiao, people have come here in an endless stream, gathering on both sides of the road, and when they arrived in Chang'an City, it was already crowded with people. Jingzhao Yin Mazhou immediately dispatched Jingzhao Mansion, Chang'an County and Wannian county yamen to dispatch quickly Patrols and yamen servants maintain law and order, ensure smooth traffic, put an end to fights and other bad incidents, and give severe warnings. Once discovered, they will be severely punished!

Huanghuang Huaxia, the majestic imperial capital, if there is chaos at this time, wouldn't it be slapping yourself in the face?
The convoy slowly passed Tonghua Gate and entered the city.

Inside the wide and deep city gate, the carriage slowly moved forward. The bluestone city gate blocked the skylight, giving people a heavy heart oppression.When they walked out of the city gate, the sudden reappearance of sky light made Queen Shande and Jin Shengman in the carriage feel relieved.

On the left side of the road, the majestic Xingqing palace is hidden behind a lifang. With an archery tower, it is conceivable that if the enemy attacked Chang'an, even if they broke through the city, they would have to face the stubborn resistance of the army and civilians of the Tang Dynasty.

A city is an impregnable fortress!

What's more, Queen Shande looked back at the towering and majestic city wall behind her while the curtain of the car was shaking, and thought to herself, where in the world is there an army that can break through such a city wall defense?

In comparison, Jincheng, the capital of Silla, is simply an earthen building in the countryside...

"The Tang Dynasty is really prosperous!"

Jin Shengman is lively by nature, at this moment he raised the curtain of the car and looked at the majestic and prosperous Chang'an, he couldn't help sighing.

Along the waterway all the way, passing through big cities such as Huating Town, Suzhou, Jiangdu, etc., the scale of each is unprecedented for Jin Shengman. Those big cities with a population of 10 are the dream capitals of Jin Shengman. Things that I couldn't even imagine, but now when Chang'an, a super city with a population of more than one million, appeared in front of my eyes, the shock was beyond description.

But in Queen Shande's eyes, what she saw was the confidence, pride, and vigor on the faces of the people among the bustling crowd on both sides of the road!

It seems that in the eyes of these most ordinary people, the majestic Queen of Silla is just a novelty for everyone to watch. Wherever the iron hoof goes, everyone bows their heads and becomes a vassal, and the rebels are wiped out...

They are dressed in gorgeous clothes, and they are all full of energy. While pointing and discussing, the background of looking down on the world rushes forward!

Every Tang person seems to be proud to the bone!

Queen Seondeok pursed her lips, her heart was both rejoicing and hostile, and then full of anticipation...

The convoy moved forward slowly and was about to arrive at Yanxi Gate.

Fang Jun rode in the middle of the team, a horse's head behind Li Chengqian, and rode forward.

Some of the people watching on the side of the road made a fuss and shouted: "Fang Erlang, I heard that the queen of Silla is so beautiful, why don't you take her into the mansion and take her as a concubine, so that she will give birth to a son and become the king of Silla? That's it. So Silla has the blood of my Great Tang from generation to generation, and form a family with the Great Tang?"

Another person said: "Fang Erlang, you are worthless, other generals broke the city to sacrifice their country, and they are all hordes of concubines and princesses, and you didn't get even one of them, it is a shame to the Tang generals! Could it be that he was coerced by His Highness Gao Yang and Mrs. Wu to become a rabbit gall?"


There was a burst of laughter around.

Fang Jun sat on the horse, shook his head and was speechless, with a helpless expression on his face.

I am not the fate of a hero, I seem to be a high-ranking official, but even the most ordinary people are not afraid of me, dare to make such a joke in front of everyone, but I am not only not annoyed at all, but also very useful... …

You bitch!

He sat on the horse, pointed at the person who spoke, and shouted loudly: "Soldiers on the left and right, let me watch closely. If this person dares to speak again, I will take him down immediately, strip him naked, and let me hang him on the city gate. !"

The commoners laughed again, the person who spoke had just had a drink, his face was flushed, his mind was a little dull, he had the guts to make fun of Fang Jun, now he was so frightened that he hurriedly backed away, but was pushed and shoved by the people around him Going forward, when they reached the front of the crowd, two soldiers with big arms and round waists immediately stepped forward, staring at each other. As long as this person dared to speak, he would be stripped naked and hung up on the tower to blow cold wind to wake him up.

The man was so scared that he covered his mouth...

Li Chengqian shook his head and laughed.

He didn't take this kind of disrespectful behavior seriously.

In his mind, the most harmonious society is where the monarch and his ministers enjoy each other, and the officials and the people enjoy themselves together.The emperor's officials are high above, traffickers and pawns are like clouds and mud, and the people at the bottom tremble when they see the officials. Does that reflect the majesty of the emperor?

I'm afraid not.

Like Fang Jun, who looks like a dude with a club, whoever dares to provoke him will be punished. The "notoriety" spreads in Guanzhong, and the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River talk about it, but they are so loved by the people, and they are not afraid of their officials. Fang Jun has never used official power to bully the people. They are like family and friends. If the people have been wronged or framed, the first thing they think of is going to Fang Erlang for justice...

And this is exactly what Li Chengqian yearns for.

He smiled and looked at the somewhat embarrassed Fang Jun, feeling more and more in his heart that this son is the minister of the humerus bestowed on him by the gods. In the future, he will definitely assist him to achieve great achievements just like Fang Du assisting his father and emperor, making Datang even more Go up a level!

In the carriage behind, Queen Seondeok and Jin Shengman listened to the ridicule of the people and Fang Jun's reaction, and they felt a little incredible.

In the eyes of Silla people, this treacherous villain who is almost like a devil can treat the people of Tang Dynasty so kindly. It seems that he is not angry at all about the ridicule and booing that almost affects his prestige?
Moreover, from the fact that the common people dared to say such jokes, it can be seen how gentle and generous Fang Jun was among the people of the Tang Dynasty...

The contrast between periods is too huge.

Jin Shengman bit his lip and said bitterly: "What nonsense are you talking about? Let your sister give birth to him? Give the princess all her income? Bah! If you really dare to have such ambitions, this girl raises a knife in her hand and clicks... ..."

"Shengman, speak carefully!"

Queen Shande's exquisite makeup did not show much emotion, and she calmly scolded: "This is the capital of the Tang Dynasty, you and I live under the fence, you must control your mouth, and be careful not to misfortune."

Jin Shengman stiffened his neck, dissatisfied: "Just talking, I don't believe that Fang Jun really dared to do anything to me? If my sister and I have any troubles, Datang subdues Silla and thinks that Ping Fan's ambition will fail. To avenge you and me, I will definitely go forward and follow up, and death will never follow!"

Queen Seondeok looked at her proud cousin speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

Who gave you such confidence?

Still marching forward, dying one after another... Believe it or not, as long as this Fang Erlang is here to lead the army, the leaders of the "six tribes" will immediately bow their knees and be willing to be eagle dogs when the army arrives?
For Silla, no one can resist the temptation of being accepted as a screen vassal by the Tang Dynasty, especially when the Tang army is approaching the city!
As the Queen of Silla, she knows very well that as the people of Silla who are most influenced by Chinese culture, they have a natural affection for China. Now that the Tang Dynasty is in full swing, it makes people of Silla worship them from the bottom of their hearts. Rumu, and Silla has been under the oppression of Goguryeo and Baekje for a long time, and has a strong demand for the protection of the strong.

Under such circumstances, how could the Silla people refuse to become the screen vassal of the Tang Dynasty?
"How can you not bow your head under the eaves? In short, from now on, you have to restrain your savage temper, otherwise, if something bad happens, even my sister can't protect you."

Queen Seondeok gave a warning.

This younger sister is innocent and innocent, she has been spoiled since she was a child, if she makes a mistake, how can she protect herself in every possible way in Chang'an City like before?
Jin Shengman was startled, staring at his beautiful eyes, and said: "Sister, if Fang Jun really has unfaithful feelings towards me, will you ignore me?"

Queen Shande rolled her eyes and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about? That Fang Jun is a hero in the world, and even a powerful minister after the Tang Dynasty. If he wants to take you as a concubine, my sister will be so happy. There is no need to be right." Did you do something wrong?"


(End of this chapter)

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