Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 1908

Chapter 1908
Princess Gaoyang is tender and tender, her eyes are rolling on Fang Jun's face, the complaints in the room just now have disappeared, looking at Fang Jun's thin cheeks, tears flow down from her heartache, choked up He said: "The concubine has already ordered Qiao'er to prepare hot water, Mr. Lang, go to Haosheng to wash it, put on a set of clean clothes, and get rid of bad luck."

The ancients believed that the battlefield was a place of filth, and after leaving the battlefield, one must wash one's body in order to get rid of the filth.

Therefore, after returning from the battlefield, taking a bath is the top priority, but the customs are different in different places. When bathing, you may use wormwood, or peach branches, or orange leaves, etc...

in the bathroom.

Fang Jun let Qiao'er and a few maids take off his clothes and put his feet into the barrel. The water in the barrel was warm and the temperature was just right. They were all soaked in hot water, and the damp and cold body was slowly evaporated by the hot water, as if every bone was relaxed.

This journey across the ocean, although as a coach I have not suffered much, and the quality of life is guaranteed to be good, but when I am out in the army, my heartstrings are always tense, so that no matter how good the treatment is, I cannot completely relax and enjoy it. , Soaking in my own wooden barrel at the moment feels more comfortable and comfortable than the hot springs on Sado Island.

A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own kennel.

For the Han people, this is a well-known saying...

A pair of white and soft jade hands caressed his shoulders, with a little force, slowly kneading the muscles and bones, allowing Fang Jun to close his eyes comfortably.

A soft and charming voice sounded beside my ears: "Lang Jun has lost a lot of weight..."

Fang Jun opened his eyes in astonishment, and when he turned around, he saw Wu Meiniang standing behind him at some point, serving him.

Fang Jun swallowed his saliva, and said dryly, "Why is Mei Niang here? Let the maids do things like this."

"The slave family is willing to serve the lord."

"Which other concubine's house doesn't serve the Lord like this? Only the Lord, who feels sorry for the inferiority of the slave's family because of his family background, not only entrusts the power of the family to the slave's family, but also maintains his favor at all times..."

Softly spoken, the aroma is striking.

Fang Jun turned his head sideways, Wu Meiniang's side face was in front of him, he could clearly see his pink earballs, a layer of very light fluff on the pinnae was clearly visible, on the shiny and full earlobe, there was a red emerald pendant The drop-shaped drop earrings are in contrast with the black hair and snow skin.

I have been in the army for a few months, just in response to the saying "Three years in the army, a sow competes with Diaochan", and I want to step forward to grab my lips.


Wu Meiniang's delicate body trembled slightly, she shrank her head, and left the "tiger's mouth", glaring at Fang Jun with resentment and resentment, her pretty face was as bright as the morning glow, and said angrily, "Don't mess around! If... if... His Highness finds out, How can the slave family have the face to face people?"

When Lang Jun returned home, he couldn't wait to pounce on him and beg for love?

Even though Wu Meiniang is charming and hearty, she can't do such things, so how can a dutiful woman do it?

If it spreads out, I am afraid that a charge of "undisciplined" and "dishonest" will be indispensable...

Fang Jun exclaimed angrily: "Isn't this torturing people? It's like putting delicacies from mountains and seas in front of a hungry person, but you can only look at them but not eat them. This is simply a crime!"


Wu Meiniang covered her mouth and smiled, her delicate face was like flowers blooming, her eyes were flowing like water, her face was blushing, biting her cherry lips, she blew into Fang Jun's ear softly, and said softly: "Just bear it for now. , stay until night, let the servants serve you well..."

Fang Jun let out a wail, and shrunk into the water, allowing the hot water to flow over his head, hoping to annihilate the burning fire in his body.

Wu Meiniang bit her lip, seeing Fang Jun's uncomfortable appearance, she couldn't bear it.

After a while, Fang Jun changed into his home clothes, tied his hair up with a hairpin, and returned to the inner house refreshed.

At this moment, Princess Gao Yang had already taken off her shoes, she was sitting on the kang teasing her two sons, she squinted at Fang Jun, her pretty face was full of dissatisfaction, she snorted and said: "That vixen disappeared in a blink of an eye, But it turned out that he was stealing the food, did you feel refreshed, Mr. Lang?"

How thick is Fang Jun?

Wen Yan didn't change his face, and said: "It's really refreshing. After traveling for thousands of miles, my bones are about to fall apart. Take a hot bath and feel exhausted."

No answer.

As he said that, he came to the edge of the kang, kicked off his shoes, went up to the kang and hugged his two sons in his arms, one mouth on the left and the other on the right, and kissed the two tender and soft cheeks, look at this, look at that , I feel happy and comforted, and there is peace.

Having a wife and children on the kang is always the ultimate happiness in life...

The two sons hadn't seen Fang Jun for a long time, but they didn't feel strange or alienated at all. The eldest Fang Shu climbed onto Fang Jun's belly with open teeth and claws, grinning happily, drooling while laughing, while the second child sat on Fang Jun's head Next to him, he touched the stubble on his father's chin, and after pricking it, he quickly withdrew his hand in fright, stopped for a while, and couldn't help touching it again...

Several nannies looked at this beautiful scene of father and son, but they all showed strange expressions.

Li said: "A gentleman embraces grandsons but not sons."It is said that the grandson can be the corpse of the king's father, but the son cannot be the corpse of the father.

The "corpse" here refers to the living junior who pretends to be an ancestor and sacrifices his life on his behalf.

The Chinese tradition has been like this for thousands of years.

Of course, in addition to the rules of "propriety", the reason why "a gentleman embraces grandchildren but not sons" has become a tradition is that people believe that they must always be strict with their sons, so that they can be taught strictly, and they can show love to their grandchildren. one side.

Princess Gao Yang also didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she waved her little hand and repelled the nurses, then she frowned and advised, "How can you do this, sir? These two boys are already very naughty, if they dote on them like this in the future, When he grows up in the future, it will be difficult to discipline him."

Fang Jun is enjoying the entanglement of his two sons playing around him, and the indescribable fear in his heart almost drowns him. Father and son succeed each other, blood is inherited, and the ancient Chinese culture has been passed down for thousands of years. Is it not an inheritance?
If there are people in this world who are connected with your blood, all your hard work and dedication will be valuable. Otherwise, even if you own the whole world, after you die, it will still be nothing?

As Fang Jun, who was born under the red flag and grew up in the new century, some traditional cultures are too far away from him, so far away that he cannot feel the meaning and value of them. When you love, why can't you love?

As a father's majesty, Fang Jun doesn't think that it can be established just by beating and scolding with a straight face all day long...

Therefore, he waved his hand and said casually: "Such things as 'being used to a child is like killing your father' are just words. Children's education is not about being harsh and harsh, but about instilling them with correct values ​​from an early age. Parents, you should lead by example and set an example for them. By beating, scolding and scolding with a straight face, you can educate your children well? Pure nonsense!"

Princess Gao Yang was outraged, and said: "Look at those great Confucianists, the Kong family and the Yan family, which one didn't discipline their sons strictly and refused to color them easily? All fathers in the world educate their sons in this way, why do you have to be different when you come here? ?”

Fang Jun scooped up the Shu that Le Taotao was bouncing on his stomach, and put it on his chest, curled his lips in disdain, and said, "Great Confucianism? It's just rotten Confucianism!"

Princess Gao Yang got angry, kicked Fang Jun, and said angrily: "You are like this, you have to teach two dudes!"

"So what about a dude? The whole Guanzhong calls me Fang Jun a dude, but among those young handsome men they tout, which one has my meritorious talents, and has my title and official position? Women only have long hair and short knowledge. , The more troublesome children are when they are young, the more they can cause troubles, and the more promising they are when they grow up! Those children who have been trained to be gentlemen by following the rules since they were young, are ignorant of the world, ignorant of changes, and useless!"

Princess Gao Yang was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

Where does this fallacy come from?
(End of this chapter)

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