Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 1903 Imperialism

Chapter 1903 Imperialism

The territory of Shenzhou today all began when King Wu divided the world.

The countries it enfeoffed will jointly form the future Shenzhou, and everything else will be a land of barbarians, and will not belong to the Chinese Miao people.

It's just that since the Han Dynasty, the emperors of the Central Plains Dynasty have been more and more wary of the clan, and a unified centralization of power has gradually formed. In the Song and Ming Dynasties, they simply raised the clan princes as pigs for fear that the princes would be strong and powerful. , the more mischievous and incompetent he is, the more he is treated by the emperor.

You just need to be a waste, a silverfish, no talent or ability, no need at all...

As a result, a lot of money and materials are spent every year to feed and appease those greedy and useless scum, which makes the empire's finances overwhelmed.Even so, those clan princes still often make troubles and grievances.

In a sense, these clans, which consumed a lot of national power, contributed to the collapse of the empire...

"Your Majesty, the more peaceful the empire is, the more prosperous the clan will be, and one day it will eventually grow to such a large scale that the empire's finances will be unable to afford it. I dare not say anything about the consequences! But the blood of the same royal family, if it is a little weak It is hard to avoid giving people the excuse of being mean and ungrateful. Why do you have to follow the example of King Wu and seal the sons and daughters of the clan in the newly attached land, let them rest and recuperate as the empire's shield, and work hard to rule and expand the territory? No matter what happens in the future Times have changed, and the meat is rotten in the pot..."

Fang Jun earnestly advised.

Since the Tang Dynasty, the Central Plains Dynasty no longer regained the domineering power that dominated the world during the Qin and Han Dynasties. What is the reason?
Very simple, no aggressiveness!

The Song Dynasty suppressed martial arts with literature, and the Ming Dynasty was encumbered by the party and government. Even though they could be peaceful and powerful for a while, they lacked the heroic spirit of sweeping the crowd without me!In the end, the dynasty came to an end, the country was cut off, there were no more eggs under the nest, and it was invaded by foreigners, and Chi County in Shenzhou was reduced to a pasture for foreigners, and the Chinese people were reduced to slaves of foreigners...

If the dynasty is surrounded by vassal states controlled by clans of the same surname, even if the central government falls, there must be one or two promising ones who are thinking about restoring the foundation of the ancestral temple, working hard to drive out the Tartars, helping the building to turn the tide, and turning the tide Yu both fell!
To put it bluntly, don't put all your eggs in one basket...

Fang Jun admired the Great Tang Dynasty, and also respected His Majesty Li Er, but in his heart, it doesn’t make much difference whether the emperor’s surname is Li Zhao or Zhu, as long as the surname is not Bo’er Jijin or Aixinjueluo That's fine, those two families ruled the Central Plains. Because of identity issues, they wanted to consolidate their rule, so they could only carry out inter-ethnic massacres and cultural suppression.

It would be a descent into hellish darkness...

His Majesty Li Er was silent, but actually quite moved.

He is a resolute emperor, even when he launched the Xuanwumen Incident back then, he was never as entangled and hesitant as he was on this matter.

Because it involves too far-reaching.

It seems like a decision whether or not to confer royal children to the newly attached land, but in fact it represents whether the overall national policy and strategy of the Tang Dynasty will undergo a huge reversal from now on, and the effect of this reversal will be good or bad. no one knows……

His Majesty Li Er said in a deep voice, "Let me think about this matter carefully."

Fang Jun silently nodded.

The matter is of great importance, and even His Majesty Li Er, who is arbitrary in Gan Gang, must have a thorough consideration and balance.

But Fang Jun knew that according to the emperor's staunch Yingguo character, as long as he made a decision, it would definitely be carried out to the end, and no matter what turmoil he encountered in the middle, he would not change it easily.

And this is exactly the necessary condition for an excellent emperor to make some outstanding achievements.

Those emperors who want to change the status quo and make great achievements, but are afraid of the raging public opinion and hesitate to change the order day and night, are ashamed in front of His Majesty Li Er...

In fact, it is not only the emperor, but those who have achieved great things in ancient and modern China and abroad are not only talented in the world, but also must have the ambition of perseverance!

Even if there are thousands of people without the determination to go on, what can be done?
This topic is too heavy, so His Majesty Li Er put it aside for the time being, took a sip of tea, and asked, "Where is the Queen of Silla?"

Fang Jun said: "Tomorrow we will enter Beijing, Honglu Temple has already made a careful reception plan, there will be no mistakes, Your Majesty is relieved."

His Majesty Li Er nodded.

Li Xiaoyou, Minister of Honglu Temple, was ordered to resign after the court meeting that day, and returned to the mansion to contemplate behind closed doors.In the past two days, the emperor was thinking about whether he should deal cruelly with Li Xiaoyou, a son of the royal family, and checked whether this guy's words against him in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were instigated by someone behind his back...

It's just about the internal stability of the royal family. His Majesty Li Er intends to take it slowly, and he can't rush it for a while.

Without Li Xiaoyou's objection, Honghe Temple naturally went all out to do a good job in the reception of the Queen of Silla. After all, the more the Tang Dynasty expanded, the busier Honglu Temple's affairs became, and the greater the power it held. People will reject this.

"Recently, many gentry in Longxi have united and organized a firm, which is roughly the same as the 'Eastern Datang Firm'. Many commodities are priced under a unified price. Anyone with a price lower than this price in the market will be suppressed. I have already ordered the 'Hundred Riders' to investigate this matter, and if there is evidence to be found, they will definitely be severely punished."

His Majesty Li Er changed the topic again, which made Fang Jun a little out of step.

But after careful consideration, he remonstrated: "Actually, Your Majesty can rest assured that as long as the imperial court collects commercial taxes and encourages business, monopoly will inevitably appear. This is driven by interests and has nothing to do with political positions."

In order to put gold on their face, the royal family of the Li family climbed up to the high branch of the Li family in Longxi, and included their ancestors in the genealogy of the Li family in Longxi, so as to show their nobility, and they were not Han-hu hybrids or Chinese-foreigners. bastard...

In fact, the Longxi Li family didn't catch a cold.

The aristocratic families with this idea are so proud to the bottom of their hearts. In their eyes, family inheritance is much more valuable than any royal blood. They were just frightened by His Majesty Li Er's decisive killing after the Xuanwu Gate incident. , I had no choice but to pinch my nose to recognize this relative.

However, in essence, they have always been not close to the Li royal family, and even repeatedly conflicted.

Now the Li family in Longxi has monopolized the place that must pass through the Silk Road in the upper reaches of the Weishui River. It is a huge area that is extremely important in terms of economy and military. No wonder His Majesty Li Er is worried, lest the Li family in Longxi do something that cannot be dealt with... …

His Majesty Li Er frowned. Hearing Fang Jun's words, he didn't have the slightest sympathy. Instead, he asked: "In that case, why did you advise me to levy commercial taxes and create an 'Eastern Datang Company' to encourage the people of the country? What about business?"

Merchant is a cheap business, no matter how much money you earn, it will not improve your social status much.

For the emperor, it is certainly a good thing to have sufficient domestic funds, but if the domestic political situation is stable, it is not even a fart...

What is the use of gold and silver mountains when the emperor's throne is gone?

Fang Jun tilted his ass, thought for a while, and said: "Your Majesty's atonement is because I did not deeply analyze the impact of the opening of business with Your Majesty. Your Majesty, I dare to ask you, do you know that since ancient times, such as the Qin and Han Dynasties were as powerful as the Qin Dynasty?" What is the reason for the final collapse of the empire?"

His Majesty Li Er is not a sack of wine, not "born in the deep palace, grown in the hands of women", and not an ignorant idiot like "why not eat minced meat". I am used to seeing the sufferings of the people, and have a sober and profound understanding of the whole society.

Wen Yan, His Majesty Li Er said: "The world is in chaos, one is the land, the other is the alien race, that's all."

The reason for the collapse of an empire is either that land annexation reaches the extreme, a large number of farmers lose their source of livelihood after losing their land, and they can only starve to death if they don’t have enough to eat, then they can only rebel. Anger, there is only one way to destroy and collapse.Or, it is the large-scale invasion of foreign races, and the world is in a state of chaos. However, since ancient times, the number of foreign races that have been strong for a while is innumerable. Even the "Catastrophe of Yongjia" when the northern Hu tribe occupied the Central Plains failed to truly bring about the demise of the Central Plains Empire.

His Majesty Li Er believes that such a thing as a foreign race ruling China has never happened before, and it is impossible to happen in the future...

Therefore, there is only one reason for the demise of the empire, land annexation.

Fang Jun nodded slowly.

Even though this emperor has various shortcomings in history, there is one thing that the vast majority of emperors are inferior to, and that is political vision.

He said: "The annexation of land is a cancer of the empire, but it is also an inevitable social development. The rise of each dynasty represents the beginning of a new land annexation, and the demise of each dynasty means a new land acquisition. Redistribution is coming."

His Majesty Li Er was stunned...

Boy, are you saying the wrong thing?

(End of this chapter)

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