Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 1882 Jane in the Emperor's Heart

Chapter 1882 Jane in the Emperor's Heart

Li Xiaoyou looked furious, and made a long speech, criticizing Fang Junzhi's actions. In a word, this man is a vicious and vicious person, maliciously destroying the harmonious relationship between the Tang Dynasty and the friendly neighbors and allies. Public anger, without severe punishment is not enough to break the law and discipline, without severe punishment, it will be impossible to explain to neighboring countries...

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the officials in the hall were all ugly.

Cheng Yaojin spoke bluntly, at first he couldn't help but sneered and said: "I have followed His Majesty all my life in battle, and I have suffered many wounds, but I never knew that I am doing things in the Tang Dynasty, why should I explain to those barbarian dogs?!"

The Tang Dynasty established the country with martial arts, and the world has not been peaceful for a long time. The court is full of military generals who are fighting on the battlefield. Even the civil servants are all very skilled.
They followed His Majesty Li Er, used force to wipe out 36 anti-king routes and 72 strands of smoke and dust, used force to chase death and chase the humiliation of snow and Weishui in the north, and swept the Western Regions with force, making the Tang army re-enter the footsteps of the old Han family...

These people, shrouded in horse leather and blood-stained robes, when will they need to confess to anyone?
Those who are not of my race are all porpoise dogs, if they refuse to accept it, they will face each other with knives, so what is the use of explaining?
But now, there is actually someone clamoring "how to explain" in the hall, and he is still a child of Li Tang's royal family...

Yu Chigong's black face was even blacker than coal, he didn't even look at Hongluqing Li Xiaoyou, and saluted Li Er Majesty: "The last general advised that your majesty should expel Li Xiaoyou from the official position of Hongluqing, since it is Children of the royal family, it is better to let Qi Haosheng stay at home and multiply for the royal family."

His Majesty Li Er's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water, and his eyes were staring at Li Xiaoyou like a fierce tiger that chooses to eat someone...

This face was slapped by someone, and there was a "slap" sound!

The implication is that your royal family has lived a good life and forgotten the misery of the past, which was precarious and difficult to sleep at night?

That being the case, please don't come out to harm others, just hide at home obediently and have a baby...

Li Daozong, Minister of the Ministry of Officials and King of Jiangxia County quit, glared at Yu Chigong, and said angrily: "Old Heitan, if you have something to say, please say it. You are so yin and yang, are you cursing?"

Yu Chigong said "Hey", rolled his eyes, and said tit-for-tat: "What's wrong with scolding people? You have to scold people if you should scold them! Even if you Jiangxia County King said such stupid things, I will still scold you! How are you going to do it?" ?”

Li Daozong was very angry, he gave Li Xiaoyou a hard look, turned his head away, and ignored Yu Chigong.

Li Xiaoyou's back was sweating profusely...

Almost all the civil and military ministers in the palace looked at him with unkind expressions, even the emperor's eyes were gloomy, but he couldn't figure it out, did he say something wrong?

The Tang Dynasty is a land of etiquette, and it has always been its mission to educate the people. The neighboring countries all feel the kingship of the Tang Dynasty. Only then can they come out from the barbarism and backwardness. Let us work together to create a happy and beautiful tomorrow...

But what Fang Jun is doing now, is there any hint of enlightenment?
Robbers are not as ruthless as him!
If things go on like this, the neighboring countries "fear power but not virtue" towards the Tang Dynasty, so how to reflect the majesty of the Tang Dynasty?How is it different from barbarians such as Turks, Tubo, and Tuyuhun?
It is true that he and Fang Jun had a long-standing grudge, and he wished to destroy it, but he swears to God, he really didn't take the opportunity to retaliate!
Li Xiaoyou was trembling, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty has learned from you that this humble minister is utterly loyal, and all his thoughts and concerns are for the sake of the Tang Dynasty. Although he and Fang Jun have a long history of grievances, they have absolutely no intention of avenging public or private revenge..."

In the middle of the conversation, Cen Wenwen said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, I believe that such topics do not need to be debated or discussed. It's just a waste of words... It's better to discuss it. Fang Jun's memorial is what he said, and Queen Sunde of Silla rushed to it in person Chang’an, I’m about to present the jade seal of national art, and I’m asking the Great Tang to grant a prince to succeed Silla as the lord of Silla…”

Li Xiaoyou was almost suffocated to vomit blood, and his face turned red immediately!


When I am dead? !

It is unbearable to turn a blind eye like this!

As a child of the royal family, Li Xiaoyou has a lot of dandy habits, but since he took over as Hongluqing years ago, he has restrained himself a lot, and at this moment, Cen Wenwen's ignorant blood rushed to his head, and angrily scolded: "Old man, you are too bullying! "

As soon as this remark came out, the ministers in the hall who had been keeping their eyes open all shook their heads and sighed.

His Majesty's intention is to support a few children of the royal family, hold important positions among the nine officials, and enhance the influence of the royal family. Naturally, everyone has nothing to do.In a feudal world, the emperor was the ruler of the world, and the whole world belonged to the Li family. Who could have any objections?

It's just that this Li Xiaoyou is obviously not a dou who can't afford it. As Honglu Qing, he can say those words that are close to weakness, and I don't know how the generals in the army will react when they hear it.

Honglu Temple is in charge of all external affairs. It has always worn the same trousers as the military. Both sides have the same interests. The more battles are fought and the bigger the fight, the more natural benefits will be. Otherwise, the world will be peaceful and peaceful, and the army and Honglu What is the temple doing?
It's a pity, this son of the royal family didn't even understand his own accusations, and didn't even know where his butt should sit, so he hurriedly expressed his political opinions... Besides, your tone is almost weak , Your Majesty can listen?

Our emperor, although he cultivated himself this year, he was still the iron-blooded king who "three thousand breaks one hundred thousand" and wanted to conquer himself!

In the emperor's heart, only constant battles and conquests can bring him one step closer to the dream of "one emperor through the ages". Now you are persuading him to be gentle with his neighbors...

Hehe, why don't you persuade wolves to eat grass?
Maybe that's easier...

Sure enough, the emperor obviously couldn't bear it with this clan child, waved his hand in disgust, and said indifferently: "You step back first, and go home so that you can reflect."

Li Xiaoyou trembled all over, his face was pale, but he didn't dare to disobey the emperor's words, so he could only droop his head and exit the hall in desperation.

"Hey! Some people take it for granted. Talents are rare. Even if they are used to encourage growth, they are useless!"

His Majesty Li Er was a little depressed.

Why is it that he is also a dude in Chang'an City, Fang Jun can turn his head back as soon as he wakes up, and go forward, while a son of the clan like Li Xiaoyou is often embarrassing and useless?

With a sigh, His Majesty Li Er said: "Turning back, the Political Affairs Hall should re-designate a candidate for Honglu Temple. Honglu Temple has a great relationship, and it must be a seasoned person who can fit the country's policies and assist the ministers in managing the military. event."


Cen Wenwen and Li Ji, who had been silent all the time, got up together to answer the order.

His Majesty Li Er waved his hand and told them to sit down, and then he said: "Everyone, please tell me, what is the matter with the Queen of Silla's request to be attached to the Tang Dynasty, and to ask the Tang Dynasty to confer the royal family's successor to the Silla throne?" view?"

In fact, this matter has already been controversial before. The supporters and opponents insisted on their own opinions, and no one could convince the other, so they put it on hold for the time being and did not make a decision.

Who would have thought that Fang Jun would lead the fleet out for a round of bragging rights, bringing this problem back to the agenda...

However, it is different after all. In the past, it was the request of the Tang Dynasty, so it was unavoidable to be suspected of taking advantage of the fire to rob others. Now it is the request of Silla, and people are willing. If it is not allowed, it may hurt the feelings of allies and reject people thousands of miles away...

His Majesty Li Er stroked his beard, looked at the ministers with clear eyes, and felt a little refreshed in his heart. Fang Jun, who is full of civil and military affairs, is the most caring stick!

At that time, he issued an edict to feudalize the world. Although it included all the meritorious ministers and intended to raise meritorious service, the more important thing was his private letter. Everyone has a share, so as not to have nothing but the prince. In the end, jealousy turns into hatred, and brothers fight against each other.

In the end, it was rejected by all the ministers...

This matter has always been a block in his heart, always thinking about it.

This time, he once again enshrined Sado Island with the title of Princess Changle, so as to test the officials, but unexpectedly, the officials did not respond, but Fang Jun, who was farthest away, smelled the smell and took the initiative to handle the matter properly. .

The emperor was naturally relieved, looking down at the officials in the palace, he couldn't help but think in his heart: When it comes to flattery and flattery, it's not that I look down on anyone, you are all scum...

Look at how Fang Jun handles things?

The army suppressed the situation, sowed dissension, took the initiative to submit to Silla, and was willing to submit, and took the initiative to propose the emperor of the Tang Dynasty to go to Silla to succeed him!

Don't you say that I covet the territory of neighboring countries, and using violence to subdue them is not the way of a wise king?
Now that the Queen of Silla has come to ask me to covet her territory, do you have any peace to talk to?

The ministers can naturally see the difference. Regardless of whether they agree or not, they are quickly turning various thoughts in their hearts, organizing their words, and calculating their interests. Suddenly, no one answered...

(End of this chapter)

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