Thug and Idol: 10X Rewards Second Identity System

Chapter 89: Adored by people

Tristan wasn't even trying, but he still captured people's attention, and the knowledge made him come up with even wilder moves.

Seeing that Nel was standing still, Tristan raised his eyebrows in a silent challenge.

The expression jolted Nel, and the man hurried to the dance floor. There, Nel stood opposite of Tristan and began dancing too, trying to outdo Tristan.

At first his movements were stilted, but Nel soon got into it, and began dancing with the same wild energy with which he played music. He wasn't even close to Tristan's skill, but it didn't matter.

Both of them were just enjoying themselves, not really caring about looking good. But they both still looked amazing, and the handsome blonde caught plenty of interested eyes, too.

Soon, a circle of people gathered around both dancers, watching and cheering. A couple of spectators were recording the dance on their phones.

Notifications about impressed people popped up in the corner of Tristan's eyes, but their sound was drowned out by music.

Someone pointed his finger at Tristan, gasping in recognition and awe. After a minute of the man shouting into other people's ears, more people turned to Tristan and Nelson with similar expressions.

A song ended, and there was a moment of quiet as the DJ switched tracks. Tristan and Nel paused, catching their breath after the intense dance and sharing wordless grins.

At that moment, the man pushed through the circle of observers.

"Excuse me! You—You really are him! Tristan Gemello and Nelson Mayar! Oh my god, can I get your autographs, please?"

Nel gasped, then beamed from ear to ear.

"S-seriously? Of course! Man, I-I've never been just recognized on a street like that before…"

Tristan laughed.

"Aren't we just lucky? Come on," he waved to the fan, "let's move from the dance floor first. Do you have a pen?"

Tristan and Nel walked to one of the free tables. Behind them followed a trail of people: some of them eager to meet the pop-stars, while others were just curious about what was happening.

The music blared loudly again, making conversations harder, but that didn't give anyone pause.

One of the fans found a pen, and someone got a paper notepad from the bar, so now Tristan and Nel had something to write signatures on and with.

"I just watched a documentary with you by accident, and then I got curious and listened to your songs. They were amazing! But I couldn't believe you were really friends in real life," the first fan blabbered. "But you definitely are! When I go home, I will laminate this signature. In a few years, it would cost a million dollars, I bet!

My name is Robert—please, write it there!"

Tristan grinned at that, scribbling his and Robert's names on the paper, while Nel looked almost ready to tear up.

"Thank you so much for believing in us, Robert!" he said, writing the same words on paper. "This really means so much!"

There were a few other people. Robert was the most die-hard fan out of them, but others were just as nice, exchanging autographs with excited compliments.

"You dance as great as you sing! Will you dance more tonight?"

"Oh, that meeting is gonna become SUCH a story! Can I post it on my page? Oh, thank you!"

"Guitarists are so hot. Thank you for an autograph; please, have my phone number."

When the woman who said the latter stopped batting her eyelashes at both Tristan and Nel, Tristan huffed at her back. Unlike him, Nel was grinning even brighter than before, although he showed as much interest in the woman's phone as Tristan.

She was also the last person who wanted Tristan and Nel's attention.

"This is so awesome, Tris." Nel plopped his head on an arm and grinned. "Thanks so much for bringing me out here. All these people… I can't believe they actually care!"

Tristan raised his eyebrows.

"Come on, really? With all the comments online, you didn't believe it until now?"

"Comments online aren't the same! How many of them even belong to real people and not bots? Now these," Nel gestured at the club around them, "these are definitely real and here! And they adore us!"

Tristan leaned back in his seat and nodded.

This impromptu meet-and-greet was great. However, the best part of it was the shine in Nel's eyes.

Tristan's plan to cheer him up worked out better than he imagined.

"How about another drink and some more dancing, Nel?"

"You bet!"


Approximately ten hours later, the next day.

Tristan didn't sleep, but he was still hungover by now as he was lying in his bed, laptop at his side.

He and Nel had quite a few drinks by the end of the last night, and Tristan had a unique opportunity to experience the entire process of sobering up in real time.

A fly was buzzing in the room for a tenth minute by now. The sound was even more annoying with a hangover.

Finally, its aimless flight brought it closer to Tristan.

His left hand darted out with arrow-like speed, catching the fly in his fist and crushing it. The blessed silence returned.

With a grimace, Tristan stood up and went to wash his hand from the insect's guts.

After that and splashing his face with cold water, Tristan decided he was feeling well enough to deal with business. Discover stories with m,v l'e|m-p|yr

Ever since getting those 11 thousand Criminal Points, Tristan had been gathering new skills and talents. The talents weren't as immediately useful at first glance as 'Bullet Time' or 'Hypnotic Voice', but were worth the points in Tristan's mind.

Now was the time to spend the rest of his points and use the new abilities to increase his criminal rank and status.

Tristan was going to use former Cuatro Angulos resources to plan an expansion of the King Lion Gang network into Los Angeles—the place where he had to be in December. If all went well, he will kill two birds with one stone.


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