Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Legendary Class
Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

By comparing the translations and the original books, Lucien learned more about how to read Sylvanas and could now understand a big part of Astrology and Magic Elements, although still with some difficulties.

Several higher-level methods to meditate were provided in Astrology and Magic Elements. Learning a lesson from what happened to the witch, Lucien decided to stick to his current meditation for now, before he could thoroughly understand how the other methods worked.

One thing in the book captured Lucien’s attention. For a long time, Lucien was bothered by a question: If the principle of silent casting could be explained by the change in vibration frequency of spiritual power, then why, according to the book, one could cast a spell without using any magic reagent after successfully constructing the corresponding magic structure in one’s soul with the four fundamental elements, Earth, Fire, Wind and Water?

Taking Acid Splash for example, where did the acid come from if no sulphur was used during casting?

Inspired by the book, Lucien made a bold hypotheses that the four fundamental elements in this world could be understood as the four fundamental forces on Earth. There was a reason why Earth, Fire, Wind and Water were being respected as the most important elements, since it seemed they could be able to construct all the magic structures by working together. All of the physical and chemical properties in this world were the external manifestations of the fundamental elements or of the interactions between them. And thus, spellcasting without any material or reagent could make sense.

If the hypotheses was correct, the world might be very similar to Earth on a micro level. In that case, the “magic fairies” that existed in this world that Lucien read about before were probably actually “magic particles”.

However, all of these were Lucien’s hypotheses right now. He knew that he needed to carry out more experiments to prove whether they were true or not.

Astrology and Magic Elements introduced most of the spells in the school of Astrology and Elements, and some basic spells of other schools, from circles one to five.

In the ancient magic empire, all the magic spells could be divided into two categories: most of them were basic spells, of which the magic structures were recognized by the empire and they could be mastered by all the people; the rest of them were unique spells, which were created by the many great sorcerers and sorceresses in history, on their own.

Luckily, some of the unique spells were introduced in the book.

Turning the page, Lucien saw a chapter titled “Two Legendary Classes”, and he suddenly got excited.

However, as he read further, Lucien found that the chapter was way beyond his comprehension. Many words used there were not even Sylvanas, and the two extremely complicated magic structures messed up his brain.

Nevertheless, Lucien still had a rough idea about what the two legendary classes were: one was Elements Dominator and the other was the Prophet, and ascending to either of the two classes required a lots of extremely precious magic materials and an enormous magic circle. Besides, each magic school had more than one legendary class.

The last chapter of the book provided the formulas for many different potions.

After taking a look at them, Lucien pulled out his spiritual power from the book in his spirit library to take a rest.

After browsing through Astrology and Magic Elements, Lucien chose to analyze the spell Star Shield in order to move forward toward becoming a first circle sorcerer.

In contrast to all the apprentice level spells, whose inner structures were two-dimensional, first circle spells were way more complicated since they were three-dimensional. Lucien progressed in a very slow way, trying to understand the constitution based on his own hypotheses.

Reading and thinking too much exhausted Lucien’s brain. In the late evening, he lay awake in his nice bed, unable to sleep at all.

So he got up and walked into his practicing room. Sitting in front of his piano, Lucien put his hands on the keyboard.

He had been learning music for more than four months now, and became used to relaxing with the aid of music. In the world of music, Lucien had nothing to worry about. In the world of music, he felt safe.

Lucien’s hands were moving freely on the keyboard. After he pressed down the last key, a sudden applause arrived from the window.

Quickly, Lucien turned around in an alert way. It was Natasha, standing on the patio in a black suit.

“Your Grace,” Lucien said, “for your information, that’s not a front door.”

Natasha waved her hand in a casual way and laughed, “Come on, my historian. Don’t you remember that almost all the knights in the books you read went to see their beloved girls by sneaking through their windows? Mr. Bake told me that you have a really good memory.”

“They’re only romantic novels…” Lucien let Natasha come in. “So, why you come here so late, Your Grace?”

“Well…just dropping by. I visited Silvia earlier and she lives in this district as well.” Natasha walked into Lucien’s practicing room, “Good playing, Lucien. Was that an impromptu? It felt sad.”

“Yes, it was an improvisation,” answered Lucien. “I was just… thinking of my past.”

“I see. I know you suffered a lot before, Lucien.” Natasha nodded seriously, “What you just played is very beautiful, beautiful as moonlight. I think you should note it down, so you can develop it into a full sonata in the future.”

Lucien was a bit embarrassed, since part of the playing he just did came from the famous Moonlight Sonata written by Ludwig van Beethoven. He was also impressed by Natasha’s keen insight into music.

“How’s your work going, Your Grace? The serenade for Miss Silvia?” Lucien changed the subject.

“Um… You know what…” Natasha rolled her eyes in a cute way, trying to hide her embarrassment, “I think I just can’t make it. I tried… I swear.”

Lucien lifted his eyebrows and tilted his head, waiting for Natasha’s real intention for coming to his place so late tonight.

“I dropped by to see if you were still up,” Natasha continued, “because I want to know how’s your serenade going. The one which you already named it, For Silvia.”

“Now I see your point, Your Grace.” Lucien grinned, “It’s almost ready.”

The melody of the serenade was gentle and lively like a brook gurgling. This was definitely a piece of serenade praising a young and beautiful lady. Although the playing did not require any sophisticated fingerings, the serenade seized Natasha’s heart instantly.

“Rondo… I see.” Natasha nodded slightly and enjoyed the beauty of the song.

Then the serenade entered a lighter section in the submediant. After that part, the piece smoothly ended in the same melody as the beginning, with an authentic cadence.

After removing his hands from the keyboard, Lucien noticed that Natasha was resting her chin in her right hand.

“How do you feel about this serenade, Your Grace?” asked Lucien.

“Very beautiful… very elegant. Actually what I’m thinking is…” Natasha drawled.

“Um?” Lucien looked at her.

“How come you have such a deep understanding in serenade, Lucien?” asked Natasha thoughtfully, “I mean… you never had a girlfriend. Do you rely on your imagination?”

Lucien choked.

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