Thousand times return: My blind box shocked the cultivation master

Chapter 163

At this time, the Heavenly Pattern Holy Lord pondered for a while, and said slowly, "The Eastern Regions were actually already studying why the ink soil had such a desolate scene ten thousand years ago.

"In the end, we found that there seemed to be some strange law in this land, which would take all life, aura, and so on.

"This situation is more obvious in places close to the Eastern Regions, where the West is a little better, at least you can see the transition zone with Motu, while in the Eastern Regions, it is a cliff-like decline.

Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but ask, "Then why does a life like the Red Spirit Ghost appear?"

The Heavenly Pattern Holy Lord said, "That kind of thing may be the product of the reversal of the extremes of things."

"Have you noticed that the Red Spirit Ghost seems to have been created to infringe on life?

"Neither from the Red Spirit Ghost itself, nor from the Red Spirit Ghost Power that exists after death, does not seem to be good for living beings.

Hearing this, Lu Bing instead said, "I think the Red Spirit Ghost is very good, what's wrong

?" The Heavenly Pattern Holy Lord glanced at Lu Bing, and did not explain why this question, but asked: "You said, you were still farming before

?" "Aren't you surprised later, Jinxi Country is not close to the west, why can you grow land?"

Lu Bing was also a little surprised: "I really didn't pay attention to these at that time.

Su Chen also smacked his lips twice: "So it seems that this place is really a little weird?" The

Heavenly Pattern Holy Lord smiled: "Such a strange place, Tianji Pavilion can't find the information here, and if you can hide the information I found today, only two immortals can do it."

"That's why I'm going to go to a nearby town and ask, maybe I'll find something."

Hearing this decision, Su Chen also said: "That's right, cultivators can change the landform, but it is difficult to change the memory of so many people, if there is a city here, just ask the local people."

"It's just that half a hundred years have passed, and some people still remember it. Immediately

, the group flew towards a small city a few miles away.

After flying out of the small city by concealment, several people quietly got down from the flying boat and walked on the official road built by Jinxi Kingdom.

The appearance of several people soon attracted the attention of many people.

The clothes of Su Chen and the others can definitely be called brocade clothes in the world.

The people around are wearing coarse linen clothes, not to mention the exquisite embroidery on the clothes, and a few colored clothes can be regarded as quite wealthy.

In addition, several of them are monks, no matter how low-key they are, that kind of natural bearing can't be hidden at all.

Especially Su Chen and Monk Huixin, their handsome faces attracted the attention of many young ladies in the boudoir.

Su Chen even heard some young women discussing what kind of wooden stick he and a handsome guy like Huixin should use.

"Sure enough, ink soil is ink soil, even in the mortal world, there is such a custom!! '

Because Su Chen and the others looked like that kind of people who were either rich or noble, it was extremely simple to inquire about things, and soon they knew where the city lord's mansion was located in this city.

On the way to the City Lord's Mansion, Su Chen saw Lu Bing constantly looking at the surrounding environment.

While watching, the latter's eyes kept flickering, confused, and puzzled.

But it's more about remembrance.

"Familiar?" asked Su Chen.

Lu Bing nodded: "I can be sure that I definitely lived in Jinxi Country before."

So saying, he walked up to a vendor who was buying trinkets, picked up a round pendant woven of grass and rattan on top of the vendor, and asked the vendor,

"That's a lot of money."

"Just give me nine hammers." The vendor replied.

Lu Bing wanted to buy this pendant, and rummaged all over his body, but he didn't seem to find the so-called "hammer".

With that, he put down the pendant in his hand.

At this moment, Su Chen stepped forward and asked, "You said you, how can you go out without money!!"

Immediately, a golden bean was placed on the stall: "Boss, don't look for it." When

the stall owner saw the golden bean, a light immediately lit up in front of him, and he immediately covered it with his hand, and then carefully put the golden bean in his mouth and bit it.

After finding out that it was true, he immediately put it in his arms and exclaimed excitedly: "Thank you, thank you." "

Take it!!" Su Chen threw the pendant into Lu Bing's hand.

The latter took the pendant and said gratefully: "Thank you!!"

He hung the grass and rattan pendant on the waist of Lu Xiaoqian, who was already stupid, and said: "You see, the special knotting method of grass and rattan on this is a unique knot method in Jinxi Country, and it is impossible to have it in other places."

"My mother made this up before, I can't be mistaken.

Su Chen carefully observed the knotting method of the grass vine, which was indeed very special.

It is precisely because of this special knotting method that the fist-sized pendant can vaguely see the outline of the lotus flower no matter what angle you look at.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that next to the round pendant, there seemed to be another square pendant.

And the knotting method on the top is also like this, and you can see the lotus shape from that angle.

It's just that this pendant seems to have existed for a long time, and it has been smeared with a thick layer of slurry.

"That's what your mother made up before. Su Chen asked, pointing to the pendant with the slurry.

Lu Bing was slightly stunned, and then said: "That's right, my sister likes it very much, so I've been reluctant to pick it."

Seeing this scene, Su Chen believed Lu Bing's words a little more in his heart.

After all, if you really lie, it will be very difficult to do something about such a subtle matter.

He nodded slightly, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the City Lord's Mansion first." With that

, he continued to push the wheelchair and went to the City Lord's Mansion.

The mortal city lord's mansion, although it does not have the style of cultivating immortals, is also heavily guarded.

Due to the unspoken rule that cultivators cannot use magic in the world, if they want to enter, they can only show the local tyrant style and enter the city lord's mansion as a wealthy merchant.

After taking out three gold ingots as stepping stones, they were naturally received by the city lord.

Coming to the main hall of the mansion, Su Chen and the others quickly met with the city lord.

The city lord is a fat-headed and big-eared Mediterranean, in his forties and fifties, and when he saw Su Chen and the others, his attitude was extremely friendly.

actually stepped forward in person and shook hands vigorously.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy was carrying the three pieces of gold he had given out before, Su Chen would definitely think that this was an excellent official.

During this period, Su Chen also knew the name of this city lord - called "Liu Tiecheng", it is said that he was born as a jinshi in Jinxi Kingdom, and he was extremely talented.

After the politeness with this Liu Cheng master, several people got down to business.

Liu Tiecheng looked at the Heavenly Pattern Holy Lord and asked, "I don't know why you came to Bailin City?"

Xue Dingtian sat in a wheelchair and said softly: "I don't hide it from the City Lord, we actually wanted to go to a place called Dukong City before, but we found the city that we didn't find.

"So we wondered if it was a fork in the road, or if we remembered the wrong place, so we came to visit the lord of the castle.

When Liu Tiecheng heard this, his face was slightly unnatural, but he felt the three heavy pieces of gold in his chest, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

Then he said slowly: "This empty city ......."

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