Thousand Autumns

Extra 4

“What, what sweetheart?” Liu-biaoshi sputtered.

Shen Qiao shook his head, couldn’t help laughing: “It’s nothing, I was just speaking carelessly, I shouldn’t ask this kind of question.”

Liu-biaoshi recovered, ran his knuckles through his hair, he thought he more or less knew what he was alluding to: “Shen-daozhang has cultivated since you were young, clear of mind and desire, I bet you haven’t encountered much commonlife, Li-xiaoniangzi must have given you a fright, it’s perfectly normal to not know what to do next!”

The two of them had fought side by side just now, Liu-biaoshi had done an 180 of his earlier attitude, and seemed a lot more friendly: “Truthfully on this matter I have no response, there can’t be that much love and romance in this world, sweet murmurations, I was lucky enough to train in Zhongnan Sect, I only left the mountain and returned home at age seventeen, my parents arranged a marriage for me, I heard that the girl didn’t know wugong, but was brought up properly, was of good and kind character, of course I agreed to my parents’ request, so there was never the question of liking or not liking, after we got married, my wife diligently managed the household, I think extremely well of her, if you’re going to talk romance, that’s the stuff poets recite after they’ve eaten their meal and have nothing better to do, for those of us who traverse the jianghu, each day we’re beaten by the elements or fighting each other to survive, back there, if daozhang had not accompanied us on this journey, then we likely would’ve succumbed right here!”

Shen Qiao: “Liu-xiong need not thank me, since we are going the same way, we should watch out for each other.”

Liu-biaoshi laughed: “When we get to Jiankang, I must invite daozhang to a fancy meal, don’t you dare refuse!”

Shen Qiao: “That’s great, I don’t know anyone there, I’ll be counting on Liu-xiong.”

Liu-biaoshi: “Straightforward! Truth be told, when I first saw daozhang I thought you looked a little weak, I was afraid you were like those scholars, carrying a sword only as accessory, I didn’t expect, tsktsk, your gongfu is probably stronger than my shifu’s!”

Shen Qiao: “Liu-xiong is too generous.”

Liu-biaoshi: “Since daozhang is not a stranger I’ll say it directly, a joke is a joke, but Li-xiaoniangzi is deeply enamoured with daozhang, it’s a good choice, these times are chaotic, daozhang’s wugong is enough for self-preservation, compared to wandering the jianghu, what about receiving Li-xiaoniangzi in marriage, with the Li family’s fortunes and support, even if you can’t be a hero, at least you’ll be a rich son-in-law that can eat and dress without worry!”

Shen Qiao, smiling-crying: “Liu-xiong misunderstands, I have no untoward intentions towards Li-xiaoniangzi, my heart already belongs elsewhere, it’s just that before it was all muddled, and I hadn’t been able to look at things carefully, back there it was as if Li-xiaoniangzi struck me directly over the head, that I came to a realization.”

Liu-biaoshi, taken aback: “So it’s like this, no wonder you asked me this question! This sweetheart of daozhang’s, what do they think of daozhang?”

Shen Qiao, a small frown: “…At first they kept pushing forward, I could only take every step back, later they seemed to be upset.”

Liu-biaoshi, speechless: “These days women are more daring than men!”

He turned the thought in his head, this daozhang was so charming, and had such strong wugong, no wonder women would fall for him, that Li-xiaoniangzi had only seen him a few times, spending most of her day in the carriage, but was still willing to jump out and risk her life blocking that arrow?

After all Liu-biaoshi was someone who had already crossed to the other side, he started giving Shen Qiao pointers: “Women tend to be shy, it’s not everyday that she declares her intention, but you weren’t willing to accept, after a few times, those with a thin face would be too ashamed to face you again, if you take the initiative and explain things to her, like bamboo meeting the ax, everything will be resolved!”

Shen Qiao’s mouth twitched: “That person’s face…is not very thin at all.”

Liu-biaoshi, laughing: “That’s even better, just say it directly, with daozhang’s looks, the other is certain to bashfully accept, then you can go ahead to the girl’s family and ask for her hand!”

Shen Qiao replied: “They are quite arrogant, after that reception it will be hard for them to be willing to acquiesce again.”

Liu-biaoshi: “That’s easy, as long as they’re human they’ll have something they like, go along that vein, gift her something she likes, everything else will follow!”

Shen Qiao, earnestly learning: “Liu-xiong please advise me.”

Liu-biaoshi: “What about a hairpin, don’t women love accessories and precious gems, if her style is simple, then you can gift one of peach-wood or jade, if she likes more glamour, then something gold or silver with encrusted gems, I tell you it’s guaranteed to work!”

Shen Qiao thought of Yan Wushi’s travelling clothes, all of it was overseen by his people, even a hairpin on his head would be equivalent to a commoner’s annual salary, and he didn’t even pay it that much attention, so Shen Qiao shook his head: “They don’t care much for these objects.”

Liu-biaoshi, furrowing his brow: “Then…food? The necessities of everyday life, there ought to be a preference?”

Shen Qiao thought about this, hesitating: “They like…tangren?”

But that was what Xie Ling liked.

Does Yan Wushi also like eating tangren? Shen Qiao imagined Yan Wushi’s arrogant face licking a tangren, immediately his own expression became very strange.

Liu-biaoshi also found it strange: “Tangren, isn’t that what little kids like to eat?”

Then coming to his own conclusion, was relieved again: “Daozhang’s sweetheart is a young person?”

Shen Qiao coughed quietly, felt a bit guilty: “I guess so.”

Liu-biaoshi thought to himself, his appearance definitely attracts xiaoniangzi, didn’t that Li-xiaoniangzi only need to see him a couple of times before being completely befuddled?

“Then that’s even easier, the younger the age, the less the experience, a couple of words and you’ll make her happy, it has to be said Shen-daozhang, the wife has intention, and you are also inclined, but how come you didn’t even find out what that xiaoniangzi likes?”

Shen Qiao actually did know, but knowing it was still not helpful: “…They like to train, and challenge others in martial arts.”

In the jianghu there was certainly no shortage of women obsessed with martial arts, Liu-biaoshi wasn’t surprised: “With daozhang’s wugong, if you wanted advise her, you would certainly have more than enough expertise.”

Shen Qiao rubbed his nose: “I cannot beat them in a fight.”

Liu-biaoshi was shocked, women these days were something else, no wonder Shen-daozhang kept pulling back, if it was me I also wouldn’t be brave enough to marry this tigeress!

“Then, then…” He was running out of words, “Just try all of the strategies once, as the old saying goes, sincerity will surmount all, even rock and steel, there must be some truth to it, if she’s also interested in you, even if the thing you gift her is not to her liking, she’ll still see your intention.”

Shen Qiao also realized that there was no more to be gleaned: “Thank you Liu-xiong for the lesson.”

Liu-biaoshi saw that although his wugong was impressive, in this matter he was totally clueless, and so gave him a lot of advice, he even told him about how he carried his wife around in their rooms: “Just because a woman has to keep up appearances in public, one is more serious than the next, but after the door is closed and with no audience, what’s the harm in letting her have her way, our lives are only a brief couple of decades, it’s not easy to meet someone you like, you have to cherish it!”

Shen Qiao held back his laughter: “Yes, I will remember.”

By this time everything had been more or less cleaned up, in order to hurry to the next town so they could rest, everyone sped up their pace, Shen Qiao and Liu-biaoshi fell to the end of the procession, covering the group from the back.

Their horses at a gallop, the wind flying by, no one said anything, they wouldn’t have known that in the carriage another private conversation was happening.

Li-xiaoniangzi, who should still be passed out, groaned and woke up, she asked the person beside her: “How did I do back there?”

Li-niangzi spoke honestly: “It was somewhat exaggerated.”

Li-xiaoniangzi rolled her eyes at her: “In order to have Shen-daozhang realize his true intention, I had to really make a ruse of physical injury, if this feat leads to Shen-daozhang’s epiphany, then my injury will not have been in vain!”

Li-niangzi, sympathetic: “It must have been hard on you, you actually took this arrow!”

Li-xiaoniangzi, forlorn: “Isn’t it the case, it hurts so much, but Shen-daozhang is so amazing, if I don’t make it convincing, he’ll see right through it!”

Li-niangzi reassured her: “Nevermind, you know this was our mission, the better we complete it, the better off we’ll be, zongzhu is generous, he’s certain to reward you well.”

After the bandit incident, everyone was on edge, if only they could arrive immediately in town, and avoid any further incidents.

On account of Li-xiaoniangzi’s injury, they stayed in town for a few more days, two three meals a day plus lodgings was no small sum, luckily the Li family was well-off, and didn’t take this additional cost to heart, Li-niangzi for her daughter to rest a couple more days didn’t care for any sum, even Shen Qiao received her multiple thanks for beating back the bandits, Li-niangzi didn’t blame him for her daughter’s injured body and injured heart, even forced a large sum of money onto Shen Qiao.

Pushing onwards, their group finally after half a month arrived in Jiankang.

After entering the city, the Li mother and daughter found their relatives, everyone was supposed to go their separate ways, but Liu-biaoshi was very enthusiastic, dragged Shen Qiao through all of Jiankang, then he invited him to a meal, gave him his address, made Shen Qiao promise that he would pay him a visit in the future when he had time, only then did he bid farewell.

After parting ways with Liu-biaoshi, Shen Qiao found the Baimenguan he had mentioned earlier, intending to stay there a couple of days, instead he ran right into the court official with the emperor’s decree summoning talented Daoists into the palace, Shen Qiao stood out from the others, so they approached him to inquire his history, Shen Qiao responded in kind, it was the same response he had given to Liu-biaoshi back then.

The official was in a hurry to meet the quota demanded by the emperor, so they didn’t inquire in any more detail, people were susceptible to outward appearances, and Shen Qiao’s appearance definitely met the criteria for what most people considered “celestial”.

“Can I ask daozhang, does your cultivation practice involve brewing elixirs?”

Shen Qiao was about to say no, the words on his lips, he realized something, and took a turn: “My cultivation path is the heart’s intention, it’s only distantly related to the brewing of elixirs, but in the practice of reading people and places I do have some knowledge.”

The official hearing that he had no expertise in elixirs was a little disappointed, but hearing he could read people, was happy again: “Then, daozhang can divinate the future?”

Shen Qiao, modestly: “I know a thing or two.”

Official: “The current emperor is inclined towards the Daoist arts, he’s looking for talented Daoists to advise him of common pitfalls, is daozhang willing to accompany me into the palace to have an audience with the emperor, if the emperor likes you, what awaits daozhang, is nothing less than a sea of riches!”

Shen Qiao coming to Chen, his purpose had been to get close to the new sovereign, to see how he compared against Yang Jian, who knew that as soon as he started getting sleeping somebody brought him a pillow, he was not close to Ruyan Kehui, if he missed this opportunity, it would not be easy to get a second chance at such a forthright opportunity to meet the emperor.

He was now firmly in the secular world, knew how to interact with people, and so he accepted it without much thought, but he couldn’t appear too superior, it would only lead the official to underestimate him.

So his expression revealed some hesitation as he said: “This poor one has made an oath to my forefathers, I have to recite the scriptures aloud multiple times a day, I have not yet completed my task for the day, it appears my fate with the emperor continues, perhaps on another day.”

The Ru Sects were very influential in the Chen dynasty, so within Jiankang there was no large daoguan, this Baimenguan amongst all of the daoguan was not the most ostentatious, having been oppressed for so long the other Daoists upon hearing the summon from the emperor had all been extremely moved, their faces aglow, only this newcomer Daoist demonstrated equanimity.

The official indeed seemed impressed with him, even the other Daoists from Baimenguan tried to convince him: “Daoyou why don’t you accept the invitation, you’re a guest of Baimenguan after all, if the emperor flies into a rage and wants to blame someone, we’ll suffer the disaster befalling all the fish in the pond!”

It was only then that Shen Qiao sighed: “Then I implore the official to lead the way.”

The court summoning Daoists, Shen Qiao wouldn’t be the only one summoned, once Shen Qiao accepted, his name was recorded on the registration, after three days, the official had amassed ten or so Daoists who had fit the description, Shen Qiao and two other Daoists from Baimenguan were at that time ushered into the palace.

The Chen palace was around the same size as the palace in Sui, but was much more ornate and refined in its details, displaying the splendor of jiangnan, most Daoists would never see such luxury in their lifetimes, although they tried hard to keep a straight face, their eyes revealed their surprise and delight.

Shen Qiao and his group after entering the palace were brought into Wangxiandian.

Inside on the left and right were eight seats, mostly occupied, the last three seats near the door were naturally left for Shen Qiao’s group.

Shen Qiao had no wish to fight for seat order with the Baimenguan Daoists, he gave the two at the front to them, himself he sat on the seat closest to door, winning grateful glances from the other two.

Closest to the door meant the least highly regarded.

The attendant declared: “The emperor has not yet arrived, everyone should stay calm and keep quiet.”

The Daoists of course wouldn’t dare cause a ruckus, but small whispers were inevitable, Shen Qiao’s gaze slid over his surroundings casually, when it fell on a particular person, his hair stood on end, and at first he thought his eyes had betrayed him.

That person had his eyes closed feigning sleep, not interacting with the people around him, the image of aloofness, but in the next moment he opened his eyes, and looked in Shen Qiao’s direction.

Their eyes met, and the other looked away as if nothing had happened.

Shen Qiao: “…”

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