This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 65: Hot Search

Chapter 65

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yang immediately packed up her things, then went to the shops on the street. She walked into a men's clothing store and picked out two sets of clothes for Chi Yan, one set of casual clothes and one set of pajamas. Then she thought that there were two other men at home, so she also bought one set for her dad and one for her brother.

Since her dad and brother had gifts, her mom should have one too. She went to the jewelry store and bought a gold bracelet to have it shipped directly back home. The clothes were also shipped.

When Chi Yan came over to see Chu Yang that night, Chu Yang handed him a bag, "Here, a gift."

Chi Yan took it puzzlingly, "Why are you giving me a gift?"

Chu Yang said matter-of-factly: "It's normal for a girlfriend to buy gifts for her boyfriend when she makes money, right?"

Chi Yan was very happy. "Can I open it now?"

Chu Yang nodded, "You can, but I think it would be better if you waited until you get back. They're clothes I got you. Let's go eat first."

"Okay." Chi Yan put the clothes in the back seat of his car since he drove over today.

The two went to a relatively upscale hotel restaurant nearby. Chu Yang waved her hand grandly, "Order whatever you want. Big sister is making money now, and you contributed."

Chi Yan suddenly moved closer to her ear, "Big sister is so nice~" then he leaned on her shoulder, hugging her arm like a big bird relying on a person.

His breath was blowing right into Chu Yang's ear, making her ear feel a little hot. "Hurry up," Chu Yang said, stroking her ear, her face flushing slightly.

Chi Yan ordered two dishes, and Chu Yang also ordered two. It was a big hotel after all, so the food was pretty good, just more expensive.

When Chi Yan got back to his dorm at night, he immediately opened the bag and took out the clothes—a set of pajamas and a casual set. The tags were still on. Chi Yan went straight into the bathroom to try them on, then stood in front of the mirror looking himself over.

Seeing him like this, Wei Feng said, "Yo, Brother Yan, new clothes? Not bad. But you seem to have been standing in front of the mirror for a long time. I know you're handsome, but don't be so narcissistic."

Chi Yan took out his phone to take pictures of himself in the mirror, capturing his whole body, then proudly said, "My girlfriend bought them for me."

Wei Feng slapped his own mouth. Why'd you have to open your big mouth? See, you've subjected yourself to their lovey dovey nonsense again!

Chi Yan changed into the other set, then tried on the pajamas again, standing in front of the mirror for a long time again. Then he sent the full body shots to Chu Yang, "Fits perfectly."

Chu Yang replied, "As long as it fits well. If not, we can exchange it."

That night, Chi Yan washed the clothes. The weather was hot and he figured they might be dry by next morning. If they were dry, he could wear the casual set tomorrow morning.

Chu Yang opened Weibo right after getting back to her dorm and discovered that her number of followers had increased by 99+. What was going on? She immediately looked into it and found that it was because the family member of that client in Country N had mentioned her on Weibo because of what happened there.

She also gained a lot more private messages—people asking if she really could predict things, some asking her to demonstrate by predicting something.

Chu Yang didn't reply to any of them. After taking care of one client's issue, she simply washed up and went to bed.

But unknown to her, in a corner of a certain city, someone was studying her Weibo intently. He studied it all night, cross-checking various times and events, and finally discovered that everything this account owner posted actually came true.

Not to mention the weather forecasts which could be seen on the meteorological website, but everything this blogger said about certain celebrities succumbing to scandals came true without exception. Not only that, he even found the Weibo accounts of her fans who praised her accuracy. Some of them had screenshots of the blogger's predictions coming true.

Sometimes she would reply to fans or passersby in the comments, and soon after there would be exclamations of "Holy crap! What the blogger predicted really happened!"

After a whole night, this person immediately realized that this "prophesying little witch" blogger really could predict things. He published all his analysis online, also tagging it with the Country N turmoil, then finally relaxed and went to sleep.

In the morning, Chu Yang was still fast asleep while Jin Yang across from her was already awake in bed scrolling through Weibo. Suddenly at the tail end of trending topics he saw "Prophesying Little Witch." Hmm? Jin Yang clicked in to read, then immediately bounced up from his bed. "Chu Yang you're trending!"

Zhou Caicai and Qian Xin also sat up, but neither of them heard clearly. "Jin Yang, what are you yelling about so early?"

Jin Yang repeated, "Chu Yang's trending! The Prophesying Little Witch account!"

The two instantly became alert, grabbing their phones and clicking into Weibo's trending topics. Chu Yang also woke up, her voice still groggy from sleep. "What's going on?"

The three repeated, "Chu Yang, you're trending!"

Chu Yang opened her eyes and checked her phone—she really was trending. It turned out someone had thoroughly analyzed her account, concluding that the "Prophesying Little Witch" blogger's predictions were highly accurate. Paired with the Country N Turmoil hashtag, a lot of people took notice, driving up engagement and making her trend.

Some people felt it was manufactured for the sake of attracting followers, but still many people thought the analysis was amazing and that the blogger behind "Prophesying Little Witch" was incredible. There were all kinds of fortune telling masters and tarot readers online already, and people figured this Prophesying Little Witch was probably similar. In any case, she attracted a lot of attention.

There were also comments from Chu Yang's existing fans:

"I started following this blogger because I thought she was a gossip blogger...【crying from laughter】"

"Haha, I thought she was a weather forecast account."

"【Proud】 I believed from the start that my treasured blogger had this ability, didn't expect my hidden gem to finally be discovered by others."

"Hope she doesn't get too famous or I'm afraid that with more business, my blogger will stop paying attention to small fries like us."

"I don't think she will. Seems like whether people have money or not, my blogger treats everyone equally."

"This blogger is truly so nice, she's a good person. Good things happen to good people. Hope my blogger makes big money!" Chu Yang gained a lot more fans, of course some antis too saying she was scheming and deceitful. Chu Yang didn't bother with them at all.

Chi Yan quickly called about the matter, also asking if she wanted help getting off the trending topics.

Chu Yang declined, "No need, bigger news will come along soon to knock me off." She had just checked—some other huge headline would draw attention soon and she'd stop trending very quickly. Gaining more fans wasn't necessarily a bad thing either. But then... A thought suddenly occurred to Chu Yang. "How much does it cost to get taken off trending?"

"For you I think probably tens of thousands," Chi Yan said. He didn't have experience but knew the prices were high.

"Never mind then, tens of thousands can buy a lot of meals. And it's not some damaging rumor anyway, just gave me more fans."

"Okay, then can I come see you after school in the afternoon?"

"I'll come to you at the library."


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