This S.O.B. System


-How did last night go?-


-great until the end- Asher texted back. -she wanted to cuddle and I did until the 2 hours were up. But asking for the money was awkward-


-ya that’s wht I hear- Doug replied. 


Asher had called the client the day before to confirm what she had wanted. At first he was hesitant to be so forceful during a role play, but a lot of the reason he was doing the work was to test his powers. 


He had planned an elaborate backstory for his officer character before the job. A day from retirement. Experienced. And most of all non-violent. Simply aggressive. It had all worked out. He was able to give her that feeling of helplessness she wanted, and he was able to get XP and a skill. 


Policing (Level 8)

The universe is a dangerous place, and someone has got to look out for the little guy. This skill gives you the basic knowledge to serve and protect.


Only his first client, Doug had said she would open more doors. A local lawyer, she was from old money. Connected in town, Terra would give Asher some legitimacy. Also she had received a discount since it was his first time. 


-well she has already asked when you’re free again- 


-I’ll think on it. I really like the skill I got. She may just like it a little too aggressive than I’m used to. For now at least-


-fair enough-


With that he and Doug stopped texting. It was Friday now and Asher had a client for that night  and the next day. The first job done, he was surprised by how few jitters he had. Honestly, making the pornos had been scarier. The thought of being on camera and expected to not bust your load after the first thrust had scared him more than he knew. 


Now his work was all with consenting adults. Consenting paying adults that had excess money to indulge in their fantasies. In fact, Asher was providing a service to these rich women. An act he was happy to partake in. 


“Grab it,” Wendy said, drawing him out of his thoughts. 


Asher’s hand instinctually went to her ass. When she yelped he noticed his mistake and took the painting from her hand. “Sorry. Habit,” he said. His face blushing, he really needed to watch himself. He didn’t want the rumors about himself to propagate. 


“It’s alright,” she whispered. Her face hidden, he was sure she was blushing. 


“Why are we doing this again?” Asher asked. Not really minding the view, he still wasn’t sure how he got roped in. 


“Auditions are Monday,” she said. “Ms. Andersen asked for help getting a few props down, and moving the piano.”


“And why isn’t she here?” He asked scanning for the blonde. 


“I don’t know,” Wendy said, getting down from the short ladder. They had pulled a few paintings down that were supposed to adorn the set. At the end of the day he didn’t really mind since he got to work on his relationship with Wendy. “She said she had some work to do.”


“Too bad,” he said as he picked up the props and headed back to the auditorium. 


“Are you sure you don’t want a script?” She asked as they walked to the music room. 


“Na, I’m a professional actor,” he said in a haughty accent. “Method acting if you will.”


“Really?” She asked. 


“Maybe. You’ll have to see my audition to find out.” They arrived in the piano room and began to push it back to the auditorium. “What about you, gonna try out?”


“Oh no,” she said with a laugh. “I did that once. Too nerve wracking. I do better behind the scenes.” 


Asher could see that. Wendy still had trouble making eye contact with him. Sometimes he thought he might be barking up the wrong tree. A part of him wasn’t exactly comfortable trying to use the girl. His attitude changed so much in the last couple of weeks, he was still struggling with the moral dilemma of juggling multiple women. The fact that it was so hard to seduce someone was the only fact he flirted with every woman across his path. He would much rather score one of them then just Roleplay with them a bunch for his gains. 


“Zhere you are,” a voice said from the seating of the auditorium. 


Putting the piano to rest Wendy and Asher looked at the woman walking up. Asher noticed that she was very tall. About 6’, with long brown hair and a wide face. Her sleek form was athletic in the tight shirt and yoga pants. Her hips swayed hypnotically as she walked up to them. Wendy spoke. “Ah Mia, sorry about that. I forgot to tell you I was going to help with the production a little.”


“And who is zis?” Mia asked, looking him up and down as he did the same to her. 


“This is my friend Asher. Asher, this is my cousin Mia. She’s here for her senior year to work on her English before college,” Wendy said. 


“Ah the famous Mia,” Asher said, extending his hand. 


“You’ve heard of me?” She asked. Her German accent was slight, but still leaked out now and then. 


“Of course. We don’t get too many foreign exchange students here, especially one so…exotic looking,” he said. 


“And vat do they say about me?” She asked. Her eyes locked with his they drew him in. By that look in her eyes, he could tell she knew what they said about her. 


“Most say you’re a lesbian,” he said bluntly. “Kent Chenarbin is the quarterback and star of the school. After you kicked him in the balls and sent him packing everyone just assumed you were.” 


“And vat do you zink?” She asked. A sparkle in her eyes, he could tell she liked the matter of factness of the way he was talking. 


“To each his own,” he said uninterested. Turning back to Wendy and ignoring Mia he asked. “So you want me to take you home?” 


“Um sure,” she said. “I have to stop by my locker real quick.”


“Lead the way,” he said and they headed out. Mia left behind, it wasn’t long until she followed after. 


“Vat about me?” Mia said. 


“She lives with me,” Wendy clarified. 


“Oh sure,” Asher said. “I have a 3-seater so it will be tight. Hope you don’t mind,” he said, giving Mia a wink behind him. 


Soon they were headed out to the parking lot. His white Tacoma was an 06’, but it had been recently detailed so it looked brand new. “Where do you live, girls?” He asked as he got in. Wendy moved to the middle seat of the front while Mia took the passenger. Wendy appeared a little nervous being so close to him. 


“A few blocks that way,” Wendy squeaked pointing. “How-How about we drop Mia off then get something to eat?” She said, a little bolder for some reason. 


Reading the clock Asher said, “Sorry I have an appointment here in a couple of hours. How about we get some ice cream, then I drop you both off. But you’ll have to let me pay.” Flush with cash, he didn’t mind the few dollars it would take to spend more time with 2 beautiful girls. 


“Ok,” Wendy said and Mia nodded. 

“What are you planning to do after high school?” He asked Wendy. He wasn’t sure why he ignored Mia, but it felt like the right play. It was an almost natural reaction to the foreign bombshell. Besides, he didn’t want to get his balls kicked either. 


The local ice cream shop had been strategically located near the school. Though it was still January. it was southern California, so it wasn’t ungodly cold. As they sat with their ice cream inside the shop Asher wasn’t surprised they were the only customers. 


“We are both planning on UCLA. Just waiting on the acceptance letters,” Wendy said. 


“Yes. Vhat about you?” Mia asked. Slowly licking her ice cream it was hard to stay flaccid watching her slow tongue movements. 


She knows exactly what she’s doing, he thought to himself. His face a little red he coughed to force himself calmer. “I really don’t know anymore. Recently I got this job offer that would let me do what I love and make a lot of money.”


“Yeah? What’s that?” Wendy asked, perking up. 


“A male escort,” he said flatly. Then by the reaction of Wendy he burst out laughing. “I’m kidding. No, honestly though I can’t tell you. It’s a secret. Until it’s for sure going to happen.” He didn’t know what he could tell people, but telling them he was working as a prostitute was off the table. The System was great, and the sex was greater. Lately he was considering roleplaying full-time. With a nice girl and some more money exchange scenarios they could live nicely with very little work. Not convinced yet if the money was real or counterfeit, he had to do more testing. No one had balked at the cash yet. 


“Oh come on. Give me a hint,” Wendy pleaded as she finished her ice cream. 

“Hmm alright,” he said after some thought. Standing up he lifted his shirt to show off his 6-pack. “This is the only hint I can give you.” This was really just a reason to show off his muscles. Giving them a glimpse of the goods always worked in the movies. 

From the gazes they gave him it apparently worked. “Male model?” Wendy asked. 


“I can’t say,” he said, zipping his lips. It was always good to leave them wanting more. “Come on, I’ll take you home.” 


Mia silent beside Wendy he could tell her attitude toward him had changed after seeing his abs. His actions working, he wondered if he would find someone soon to help power level. Happy and content he got in his truck. Surprisingly Mia sat in the middle this time. She slid in before Wendy could react. Her demeanor was different, Wendy didn’t notice her change in attitude as she directed him to their house. 


A block from the shop Asher felt the hand on his thigh. Working it’s way up he knew that it was Mia by her stare at him in the mirror. He fought the urge to blush, and instead smiled at her with a wink. She looked away with a blush at his stare, but her hand continued to move up. Not fighting the erection anymore he let it meet her hand. When she touched it, she grabbed it a little harder than he would have liked. 


Realization in her eyes at what she was holding she looked down. His large member visible in his jeans she yelped and pulled her hand away. He coughed a laugh as Wendy looked at them both skeptical.

“Well, I’ll see you Monday,” Asher said. Wendy waved him goodbye, but Mia rushed inside their nice home. With a laugh he headed to his appointment. 



Noah Wilson sat at his large desk in his home office. The desk was littered with papers. A whiskey in his hand he leaned back in the red leather recliner with a groan. He had been grading the Intro to Business Analytics finals for what felt like hours. Why he bothered with freshman courses, he didn’t know. The school assigned him classes to teach and he followed orders since they signed his checks. 


Downing the drink he felt almost light headed from it. That was quite odd though, he had one of these daily, his own little reward for a long day. Now he felt like this was his first time having alcohol. His head fuzzy, he didn’t hear the first knock at the door. When the door was knocked again he shook his head and announced, “Come in.”


A short woman walked in. Older than he remembered her, but still she had that same red hair and shy smile on her face. Wearing a bright sun dress it took him some time to come out of his shock at seeing her. “Miss Falls, what are you doing here?”


His mind shifting, he realized he was at his work office, not home office. The scenery and furniture were both different from what he remembered, but it wouldn’t make sense for his student to appear at his home. “I’m sorry professor. I couldn’t wait for the answer. I really wanted to know how I did on my final.” 


“Of course,” he said. His mind was still a little slow from the alcohol. “I just finished it in fact.” Digging through the piles he pulled out a sheet of paper. “You did great. I had to give you a B due to some trick questions.” 


He handed her the paper. She looked at it a little sad. “Is there anything you can do to give me an A?” She asked. 


“Ms. Halls, you’re an A student as it is. This B won’t change that,” he said. She was one of his brightest students. One of the few that stayed awake during all of his classes. He wished more students were like her. 


“I know,” she said. Then she began to unbutton the few buttons of her sundress. More cleavage appearing she added, “I would really like that A.” Without hesitation she went around the desk and sat on his lap. His erection fought against the confines of his pants. 


He looked her in the eyes, but didn’t bother to fight this. She was young, despite how she appeared. Her hair tied back, they stared into each other’s eyes. Breathing heavily he could tell she wanted him to make the first move. 


Relationship Screen (LVL 6)





Prefered Phallic Size

Erogenous Zone

Daphne Krollic

Level 2

Las Vegas, NV.

Younger Guys



Zora Mlakar

Level 6

Atlantic, IA




Karen Falls

Level 0

Thousand Oaks, CA

Older Men





His screen guiding him, he kept his penis the normal size and pulled her face down to his. Locking lips she groaned passionately as their tongues caressed one another. Her crotch on his lap, she began to slowly grind into him. “Oh professor,” she moaned as he turned her face and began to suck on her ear lobes. His hands wandered up to her large bust. The buttons already undone, he began to knead her breasts and squeeze her nipples. 


“I think you know how to get that A,” he said. With a bite on her ear she nodded. Sliding off his lap seductively she locked eyes with him as she undid his zipper. Her hand reaching inside roughly she pulled out his large dick with a struggle. 


“Woah, professor,” she said as her eyes widened. Her hand slowly went up and down the shaft as she looked him in the eyes with a smile. Sitting on her knees her D-cup breasts spilled out of her dress. “Cum on my tits,” she ordered. Her mouth moving to the tip of his penis she spit over top of it. A thick stream of saliva moved its way down his shaft. Her hand expertly going up and down. Noah knew he couldn’t handle this strength and skill for long. 


Her eyes locked with his she pointed him at her tits. “Cum, please, cum, now, I want it all over me,” she said. Then with a groan he did. Rope after rope hit her tits. But since it had been 2 days since his last release he had quite a lot built up so some made it to her face. “Perrrfect,” she purred. 


Taking a tissue from his desk Noah began to wipe the semen off of her. “I think you need to do more to earn such a grade. You slutty student.” His dick throbbing in her hand she nodded. Her mouth soon came to the tip of his penis. 


“It’s so big,” she squealed with glee. She touched her lips to his glans and with a single thrust her lips were at the base of his dick. Shocked by her ability, Noah almost broke character as he began to curse. 


“Holy mother of-my god you are good at that,” he said as she moved up and down his shaft. Like she didn’t need breath, Noah wondered if maybe this was the best blowjob he had ever received. 


“Only for you, sir,” she said when she finally did come up for air. “In my mouth please,” she said, getting back to work. 

Noah tried to make this one last longer, but her constant movement up and down, like his size was nothing to her, scratched an itch he didn’t know was there. It wasn’t long till he grunted, “here it cums!” 


She raised to his head and began to slide her tongue around it. He spurted out once more. Her tongue never stopped moving but soon her mouth filled with his semen. He was let out of her glorious hole and gave one last spurt on her face. Standing up she rested her hands on his thighs. Her lips bulged with his seed as they locked eyes. Then with a big gulp her mouth was empty. She opened her mouth showing him the empty orifice. 


He groaned with the view, his dick still hard from the seductive nature of the woman. He had received so much already, it was now her turn. He pushed her out of the way and shoved everything off of his desk. Then he picked her up easily. His strong arms raising her in the air he maneuvered the bottom of her dress out of the way and slowly impaled her on him as he stood. 

Some weight on her, she still felt light to his bulging muscles. Her cunt slick from arousal he was glad that she was getting off. The head of his dick at her entrance, with a thrust he pushed in most of the way. 


“You’re so strong,” she moaned as he slowly dropped her on him. Then she wrapped her legs around his waist and began thrusting herself on him. A few thrusts of her own she was all the way down. “Ahh,” she screamed as his head touched her cervix and she came.

Losing strength in her body with the orgasm he set her down on the desk and began to slowly come in and out of her. He began to methodically speed up until he got a reaction from her again. When she did react it was to violently cum again. “Professor!!” she screamed like they weren’t in his office. He tried to cover her mouth but she began to lick and suck his fingers. 


2 orgasms down, it was a while until he stopped pounding into her. After she came 3 more times she begged, “cum in me.” And with the order he did. His dick reaching her deepest parts she cooed happily as he filled her up. 


He couldn’t help but kiss her then. Sweat all over their bodies, they were slick with it, but this was the first time he noticed they were still clothed. They continued kissing for a long while. Their moans echoing in the room. Picking her up he pulled her back to his chair. She sat on his lap, his dick still deep inside her, but mostly soft now. 


Karen rested her head on his chest as he stroked her hair. “You were worth every penny,” she said happily. 


Roleplay Skill Deactivating



The spell ending with the mention of money Asher woke up from the roleplay. Dismissing his notifications he continued to brush her hair. “Do you mind me asking why you wanted this roleplay?” 


“To relive it,” she admitted. Her eyes shut, she was enjoying his caress. “Well more like to make the memory better. I always had a crush on him, and I did jerk him off once. After that though he transferred. This is what I wanted to happen.” 


Asher really wanted to know where she had learned to give such a good blowjob. The memory of Daphne’s in his mind, this rich lady could give the porn star a run for her money. With the thought of the blowjobs his dick began to get hard again. 


Karen squeaked with her hole filling up once more. “Again?” She asked hopeful. 


Asher pulled up his status screen. He was only 6 XP from level 7 now. “Yes please,” he said, giving her a kiss. She moaned in his mouth as her hips began to grind into him again. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.