

Valkyrie Bar

Diablo's gaze mimicked Red's as his head turned in the same direction as her.

And the destination?

-Deus Anhel-Godlight.

Well, not him exactly. But rather, the beauty that stood next to him.

'So here comes the Young Master.' Diablo sneered in his heart. 'Were you confused because I was let in before you had a chance to enact your little schemes, or were you just waiting to make your grand entrance?'

'Whatever it is, we'll see tonight.'

Looking at the bastard of a Young Master who would be responsible for making the Original Diablo take the role of a Villain, even Diablo who had his original [Charm] Stat boosted had to admit that this man was a bonafide pretty boy.

Deus had medium-length brown hair and soft pale skin with features that could even rival that of a woman, and with piercing blood-red eyes, he cut a pretty apt picture of a decadent pretty boy who did nothing but indulge himself in the vices of the world to no end and to anybody that laid eyes on him.

Well, that would be the picture if almost everyone didn't know the so-called 'truth' about him.

And that 'truth' was of him being head over heels in a one-sided love affair with the CEO of Eclipse Beauty Foundation; Anastasia Morozvyuralt.

It was well known in Paradise City that she was an ice-cold jade beauty who worked hard to get where she was today, so she would never give a pretty boy young master who coasted by on his family's riches like Deus the time of the day, no matter how many gifts he attempted and failed to shower her with, causing him to be made fun of in the insider circles of the Rich Young folk in Paradise City.

But that was only at the beginning, anyways.

'But enough of that Plot-Armored chump, what about the lady next to him?' Diablo wondered.

But then he recognized her.

-Isabella Beau-Godlight.

She was the CEO of the Pharmaceutical Branch of the Godlight Family, as despite being from a branch family instead of the mainline (hence the different middle name as it was customary for people of this world), since she was much more talented and competent than the love-lorn heir Deus, she was adopted into the mainline branch by the Patriarch of the Godlight Family; Dios Anhel-Godlight.

Looking at her briefly, Diablo could tell that she was somewhere around her late twenties to early thirties, as she had this level of maturity that the other women he'd seen so far sorely lacked; and in his words, it being a feeling akin to a ripened juicy fruit in the summer.

And as she stood around 170cm with a lighter shade of brown hair than Deus and seductive brown eyes that could captivate anyone that would dare to get lost in them, could you say that Diablo was wrong?

As she strutted into the nightclub with an eyebrow raised, Diablo could see the dark brown pencil skirt and stockings she wore with nice black heels, a cream-colored sweater with a nicely shaped... necklace around her neck.

And if you were to ask Diablo what caught his eye the moment he laid eyes on her, then he would say it was the necklace.

'Good god.' Diablo muttered. 'And here I thought that Red's were ridiculous. Look at the size of those things.'

Don't get Diablo wrong, he definitely wasn't in awe about the two massive mountains that threatened to burst out of her baggy sweater, nor was it heavenly peaches that adorned her backside.

It was because that necklace that Isabella wore between the bosom valley of flesh, was a Plot Related Item that could make Diablo stronger if he were to get his hands on it.

But alas, with Young Master Deus around, unless he had it secretly stolen he doubted he would get the chance to take it.

'Well that's fine, I have other plans in mind.' Diablo thought, moving his gaze away from the tempestuous valley mountain of flesh.

-He was going to get it anyway, even if it wasn't today, tomorrow, or next week.

But before his gaze returned to his drink, he sensed something odd.

'What the hell? Why does Deus look like he's just taken a huge shit in his pants?'

Diablo knew the character of this Young Master before him, a character who in order to get back home he would spare no amount of pride, dignity, and worth as a man to get his plans going.

Why else would he follow a plot that required him to not only get cucked, but have the shit beaten out of him at nearly even point and turn?

Obviously, Deus was the true Ultimate Masochistic Pig.

'So why would he look as if he's got cold feet and don't wanna do this no mor-'

Diablo finally understood.

'Oh, it's because of Isabella.'

Isabella was the strict yet teasing older sister type who would tease those she favored but be hellishly harsh on those she didn't favor. And seeing that this is the beginning of the plot, even the Young Master with his Complaint System would have to deal with a slightly cold Isabella.

'Ah, the classic situation of the henpecked 'Villain'. Villainous only in name, especially when it comes down to women...' Diablo sighed in his heart as he saw Deus shiver and go 'Hiiii!' in fright after Isabella gave Deus a threatening glare.


'This is the guy that's gonna give me a hard time.... Though those tits have me enamored, I can't say I'm jealous of his current treatment.'

'Let's just hope that this is just his stellar acting that is so good that even I'm caught up in it...'

"So, are these two friends of yours?" Diablo shook his head and asked as if he didn't know.

"Well, me and the lady over there go way back, as the guy..." Red trailed off, but Diablo knew enough of what she was going to say.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Don't let me hold you back, go see 'em!" Diablo patted her on the back and tried to shoo her away.

"Heh, chasing me away are 'ya?" Red asked with a half-smile and a raised eyebrow.

When it comes to Red, the groundwork Diablo set up was already done, so there was no need for him to stay around her.

He knew that with Deus' Complaint System, it probably meant that Red already knew how he was, or rather, who the Original was. So engaging in conversation wasn't a big deal.

However, what he could capitalize on that Deus couldn't, is her personality.

Red, or should we say Scarlett Pendragon was a classic delinquent.

And because of this, Reverse Psychology was the best psychology to use on her.

And if you tell someone like that about the dangers of someone or thing, then they'll only want to check it out even more.

"Well don't mind me, tomato-head." Diablo chuckled. "It's just that there's nothing more important than the meeting and parting of friends, so if they're here then you gotta hail 'em."

"Don't worry, if you're shy or worried about leaving poor lil' old me here, then don't I've got plenty company here. Ain't that right Mr.Bartender?"

The bartender dropped a heavy sigh.

"Yes, sir..."

"See? So don't mind me, Red!" Diablo waved.

"You got a smart mouth on you, you know that? Callin' me tomato-head. I should smack you..." Red seemed hesitant, muttering quietly under her breath which was easily heard thanks to Diablo's enhanced senses. But in the end, she nodded. "Well, if you insist..."

"Oh, I do alright." Diablo quickly quipped which brought a pang of irritation to Red. "Later!"

After waving off Red who seemed to be slightly fuming and maybe stomping(?), Diablo turned back to the bartender as he downed his drink.

"Mister?" The bartender said cautiously.

"Yep? I'm all ears." Diablo replied, wondering what the bartender could say at this moment.

"I don't know if you're aware or not, but I'd be a bit more respectful to that lady if I were you..." Sweat beads flowed freely from the bartender's face as he gave Diablo a warning.

"Why, she someone special?"

"Well, yes... You will see what I mean eventually." The bartender hoped that the young man in front of him wouldn't end up in a suitcase swimming with the fishes because of his boldness towards one of the big players in this city.

Diablo looked at the weary bartender from the corner of his eyes. "Alright, alright Bartender! Your bar, your rules!"

"So I just have to be a bit more respectful, right?"

"Yes sir, that is indeed the case..."

"Hahaha..." Diablo laughed as he looked at the Bartender. "No worries Mr. Moustache, I gotcha."

Having enough of the conversation with the bartender, Diablo set his eyes on new sights as he hopped out of his seat.

"Be right back, okay?" Diablo waved at the bartender, not waiting for his assumedly tired response.

He had a destination in mind, and if those two were just like he remembered them to be, then this would be somewhat smooth sailing.

Diablo was confident yet cautious at the same time as even though none of the contents of his plan was ever done by the Original Diablo in Canon, he still didn't believe that they would be one hundred percent fail-proof.

'But everything in life don't gotta be one hundred percent perfect, now does it?' Diablo thought.

Walking along he saw his two targets busy partying it up.

They both were Young Masters of different powerful families, and for some reason, they were people whose families either didn't get along all too well with the Godlight's or were just neutral with each other.

And the reason was simple.

-To network with them, and find some backers to start his business.

It wasn't as if the two of their families combined could take down the Godlight's, but that wasn't what he needed them for anyway.

'Besides, if it really came down to it, then no one's capable of taking down the Godlight's other than me.'

Diablo was confident that he would be able to start his business by tomorrow, and these two individuals were the key to that coming true.

But before that...

He was waiting on a waitress.

And no, it did not make him a waiter.


It was so that they could pass by and put the cherry on top of the beautiful scene he crafted, of course.

It was a scenario so cliche and cringy, that he knew it would work thanks to the sheer stupidity of it.

'Hmmn?' As Diablo waited on the waitress to show up, he looked back in the direction of Red and Isabella to see Deus just staring off into space as the two ladies seemed to be catching up with each other.

'He must be using that System of his at this moment..' Diablo couldn't help but wonder.

'Can he also see my stats, like how I can see his? If so, I wonder if I have some kind of 'Fortune Value' that needs to be depleted before he tries to kill me....'

'Or maybe it's my [Fate] Stat he needs to drain before he can try...'

'If so, then luckily since it's quite high, it might take a while for him to pull it off and drain it all.'

"So many things to think about..." Diablo said as he saw Isabelle and Red chatting amicably.

He'd known from the plot, but it was still a sight to see them getting along quite well, or, at least compared with Anastasia, Deus' cold fiance with whom they had a rivalry with.

The Heroines were more dangerous when they got together, and when they did put aside differences and get together, shit would always hit the fan in the craziest ways possible.

'Oh, there she is!' Diablo cheered softly. 'The woman of the hour is here!'



[Name/Age: Sherry Faulun (22)]

[Height: 164cm] [Weight: 58kg]

[Title: Clumsiest Waitress In Existence]

[Occupation: Waitress]


'And right now she's carrying a tray of drinks stacked on top of each other to their table, and soon enough she's about to-'


'well, trip---'


She tripped over her shoes and sent the entire tray flying towards the two seated in front of her.

'---and fall.'

'Here we go.'

"Watch out!" Diablo yelled, but internally he smiled as he sped up his pace.

"What the hell?/ Are you fucking kiddin' me!?" The duo were surprised at the sight of drinks flying into their faces.

But before the expected crash came along...


With expert maneuvers, Diablo caught the waitress and the tray, catching the airborne glasses and moving swiftly enough that all of the liquid flew back into each glass.

And after that, he let go of the waitress slowly, and set the tray down at the trio's table.

"Woah, what the..." "Did you see that..?" "Crazy..."

Ignoring the cacophony of the trio, Diablo looked at the waitress.

"You okay? I wasn't too rough on you, right?"

"U-um y-yes! I'm fine!" The waitress replied in a shrill voice. "And thanks for helping me out, I seem to always be tripping nowadays, haha..."

"Glad to hear it." Diablo smiled.

Everything seemed to be going according to plan, until...


A glass slipped from the top.

Luckily it didn't fall and break, but it did pour over its contents into the other drinks, causing a slight overflow.

"Haha... Looks like I messed up." Diablo laughed awkwardly.

This part wasn't exactly a part of his plans, but he'd go along with it regardless.

After all, there was no such thing as a perfect plan...

And the sloppier it seemed...

The harder it gripped on being realistic.

"Well, my bad fellas." Diablo chuckled as he looked at the duo, frozen yet shocked in their seats. "How about I reimburse you for this drink hmnn?"

By the looks of it, not including the three of their shocked faces, Diablo could tell that this was going to be an eventful night.




Thanks for reading this story/chapter!

Our Diablo sets his first plan in motion... to unexpected yet welcome results.

Once again, many thanks. Hope whoever reads it is entertained in the end.

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