This Mizukage Is Very Strong, But Overly Cautious

Chapter 269

Chapter 269 Your Contribution Will Not Be Forgot10 By The Village!

When Bi woke up again, he was still in a trance and was directly stimulated by the scene in front of him.

“I have nothing to do, I’ll go first!”

Bi excitedly looked at the Samoy in front of him, his expression full of joy.

Mist Shinobi is too strong, so strong that he loses his self-confidence.

“Mist Shinobi, what a magical place..

“Is this a cat?!

“The Fourth Mizukage promised to meet us!


“That’s what happened to the patient!

Seeing the bitterness on Bi’s face, Samoy seemed to have thought of something, so she hurriedly said to Bi.

While helping Bi slowly get up, Samoy explained to Bi.

Samoy’s eyes were a little regretful, and he said silently in his heart.

“The shame Mist Shinobi gave Cloud Shinobi, I will remember it even more! 35

“How did you do it, Samoy.

After silently sighing, even Bi, who has always been known for being tough and firm, showed a trace of exhaustion and confusion in his eyes.

“This is where?”

Seeing the red cloud on Samoy’s face, Bi seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became extremely strange and painful.

Samoy said excitedly towards Bi, and a suspicious blush flashed across his face.

He failed.

Than subconsciously asked, there was still a little surprise in his tone.

Samoy hurriedly shared the news with Bi, and the chance that Bi had longed for in the bloody battle with the Mist Shinobi ninja has now been obtained.

Bi vaguely still remembered, especially that handsome man with a feminine face, the pressure that Bi had brought him to this day is still fresh in his memory.

It’s not that Samoy is narcissistic himself, and Mizuki Ryosuke’s various hints seem to indicate that the reason why he met the Cloud Shinobi trio is because of Samoy.

Although she is still young, Samoy’s reflection in the mirror has shown that she must be a great beauty in time.

“That’s right, that’s…

At this moment, all that lingered in Samoy’s mind was the ambiguous words of Ryosuke before.

As the next generation of shadows cultivated by the village, it will not be so simple than nature.

He said with a somber expression that he seemed to have mistakenly thought that Sa (Nuo Zhao) Moi had adopted some kind of “power and color” transaction in exchange for Fourth Mizukage’s reception of the three.

The cat doctor wearing a white coat said to Samoy beside him.

A furry head moved in front of Bi’s eyes, and a pair of fleshy claws poked and touched his body from time to time, as if checking his condition.

“What you paid for the village, the village will not forget! 35


In the face of Bi’s inquiry, the blush on Samoy’s face became more and more obvious.

Thinking of this, Bi’s face showed a helpless and bitter smile, and until now, he can only swallow the bitter fruit of failure.

“Think of me Cloud Shinobi, when did you sell a woman for a chance?

The more Samoy showed such an expression, the more certain he was about his guess.

Hearing Samoy’s answer, Bi Wei sighed.

“Isn’t that cat hallucinating just now?”

Bi lamented in his heart, and at the same time looked at Samoy with more and more painful eyes, as if he was looking at a father and daughter who had to be forced to stumble to support their family.

“Don’t worry, Samoy!””

“It’s…a furry thing..

After thinking about it, Samoy can only find the answer in the mirror.

“That cat is a doctor?”

“This is Mist Shinobi’s Ninja Hospital.々.

By this time, Bi had completely recovered. He covered his forehead and remembered everything after the battle with Zaebuzhan.

Samoy said with a weird expression that no matter how many times she saw Mist Shinobi’s cat doctor, she was a little hard to accept.

Bi muttered to himself, with obvious surprise in his eyes.

And why Mizuki Ryosuke and Samoy are not related, why do they favor Samoy?



The people of Mist Shinobi are monsters….

She seemed very eager to try the feel of the cat ears.

As the saying goes, the mountains are heavy and the water is doubtful and there is no way, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright. The joy of this kind of lost and found makes Bi can’t wait to get up from the bed and go to see Mizuki Ryosuke.

She really couldn’t think of anything else.

“Ninko….․ Hospital?”

After all, it was originally a challenge he launched with all his might, and now that he failed, he naturally had nothing to say.

He really overestimated himself and underestimated Mist Shinobi too much.

Seeing this, Samoy couldn’t understand that Bixiang was crooked, and immediately blushed and waved his hands, trying to contain Bixiang’s crooked thoughts.

“Thank you…Doctor. 35

“Right, than.

“Don’t worry. 35

Than asked again, this time his expression was much calmer.

“Thank you, Samoy…99

Since the Fourth Mizukage of Mist Shinobi did not want to see them, they had no choice but to go home, rather than decide to bear the consequences of failure.

Samoy covered his mouth and snickered, and it is indeed very rare for Bihui, who has always been majestic in Cloud Shinobi Village, to show such an expression.

Bi covered his head and asked Samoy beside him, struggling to get up at the same time.

Surprised, he didn’t expect things to take such a twist.

Seeing Samoy’s eyes, Doctor Cat cat suddenly jumped back and looked at Samoy vigilantly.


But for a stubborn person like Xiangbi, the thoughts that have gone astray are like a derailed train, how can it be easily pulled back on the right track.

In this way, the cat doctor in a white coat quickly left Samoy’s side.

Bi looked at the hairy head in front of him, and his trance was suddenly awake.

He could see that if he didn’t shoot, his status in Kirigakure was probably lower than the three who were watching the battle.


“One day, I will get it all back!”

“Fourth Mizukage promised me that day that he would be willing to see us when you were healed.

“So cute, unfortunately…


“The cat is talking!”

After thinking about it, Samoy felt that only her own beauty could make Mizuki Ryosuke look at her, so she received these preferential treatment.

Bi said righteously to Samoy, this thought obviously can not be regarded as the train derailment, but has rushed out of the earth and entered the lunar orbit.

“It’s not like this!””


Seeing Samoy’s shy expression, his thoughts have reached something more “`々deep”.

Of course Samoy knew what Bi wanted to ask, so he nodded again.

“The patient’s condition is recovering very well. With the help of Big Brother Catanosuke, there will be no problem.”

After the war, such a deep image has been left in Bi’s heart.

Hearing this, Bi was instantly refreshed. He looked at Doctor Ninja beside him with disbelief, and rubbed his eyes subconsciously, as if to prove that all this was not his hallucination.

Especially when Samoy saw the twinkling pointed ears of “Bringling” on the top of Doctor Cat Cat’s head, there was a fiery desire in his eyes.

Obviously, this is not the first time he has seen such eyes. In the past, whenever he saw such eyes, a pair of his ears would be brutally attacked.

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