These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 236: [Extra] Florence x Hespera

Florence’s research was going well. She was also receiving a steady income from the production and selling of seeds and microgreens, and now, mushrooms.

Mushrooms had been sorely under-cultivated and not always easy to find, and even if found, were in limited qualities. The moment production started, there were buyers.

Florence also made a breakthrough in regard to mushroom cultivation. One day, there was a storm over the Capital. But not any storm—a thunderstorm.

Florence had forgotten that storms weren’t only rain. There were some magical herbs with very unusual growth requirements. Some could only grow under precise patterns of rain and sunlight, some could only grow in lava, some could only grow on pure ice, and some could only grow at the site of a lightning strike.

Florence went outside in the storm and recorded everything that she could. She collected water samples and air samples, measured the temperature and rainfall over time, wrote down the number of lightning strikes, and estimated the sound of thunder.

Then, she conducted several dozen experiments. Eventually, she found that a small amount of electricity could stimulate the growth of some mushrooms.

Production could proceed even faster, and now she had a breakthrough scientific paper to write.

What other plants and fungi could benefit from a bit of electricity?

Furthermore, now that she could identify fungi a lot better, she realised that certain plants had fungi among their roots. Truffles grew under certain trees. Did those trees benefit from fungi in turn?

Research was like this. Sometimes, there was no lead, and sometimes, there were multiple exciting directions.

In the midst of this research was the long publicised royal engagement party.

Crown Prince Rian and Marquis Rosewood’s engagement party was an opulent, romantic affair. The party was held in the depths of winter, yet Crown Prince Rian was able to bring out the beauty of snow-covered landscapes while combining it with the cosiness of warm fireplaces and hot drinks. There was ample food and slow, romantic dancing.

(Later, Florence heard from Ayden that Prince Rian had wanted to also run a “speed dating” or “match-up” game among un-attached participants of a certain age. Thankfully, Ayden had stopped it happening.)

The engagement party gave Florence a prompt to evaluate her relationship with Hespera.

Hespera was thoughtful, handsome, smart, and very willing to engage in bedroom activities without shame or embarrassment (at least, not anymore).

Could Florence imagine marrying Hespera and being with her for the rest of her life?

Their relationship wasn’t like the obsessive and clingy relationship between Prince Rian and Ayden. Hespera had restraint and Florence was practical.

Florence liked the idea of separating to go to work, and meeting again afterwards to deepen their relationship. A little bit of absence made the heart grow fonder and their time together all the sweeter. She couldn’t imagine being with Hespera every minute of the day, unlike Prince Rian and Ayden.

Florence imagined living together with Hespera. She imagined coming home to see Hespera; or her being home first and saying ‘welcome back’ to Hespera.

Imagining it made Florence’s heart feel warm. It made her yearn for Hespera’s company, for them to sit down together and sip tea and nibble on snacks and simply be.

Florence invited Hespera to her house.

Hespera came the next day, carrying a box. “For you,” she said.

Florence’s eyes brightened. They headed into Florence’s quarters first.

Inside the box were a set of gardening tools. Touching them, Florence could feel a hint of Hespera’s magic. The magic reinforced the tools and spelled them against rust and rot.

“I made them,” Hespera said. “Do you like them?”

“I do, thank you,” Florence said warmly. She put the box aside. “I asked you to come today because I wanted to see you.” She leaned against Hespera.

Hespera’s ears reddened. “I also wanted to see you.”

Florence tilted her head a certain way, and the very well trained Hespera kissed her.

“How did you feel about Prince Rian’s engagement party?” Florence asked.

Hespera’s gaze deepened. “Extravagant, but not as extravagant as I had expected.”

“His Highness is saving that for the wedding,” Florence said, amused. Her amusement faded as she became serious again. “How do you feel about weddings?”

“It depends on who I’m going with,” Hespera said. She looked directly at Florence.

“How do you feel about rings?”

“I only wear jewellery that is deeply meaningful to me.”

“And how do you feel about my mother?” Florence asked.

Both of them had met the other’s family—as ‘a good friend’.

“Your mother is a reasonable person, and anyone would be lucky to have her as their mother.”

At every question, Florence had encroached further into Hespera’s personal space. At this point, she now had her legs stretched across Hespera’s lap.

Hespera’s hands rested on her knees. She was very courteous—her hands didn’t stray up at all.

“I think your family is quite lively,” Florence said.

Hespera quirked her lips.

Compared to Hespera, the rest of the Umber family liked chatting and joking around. Hespera was unusually serious compared to them; that seriousness probably did a lot to convince the Umber family that Hespera’s switch to masculine clothes wasn’t temporary.

Florence picked up Hespera’s hand and pulled it close. “Hespera, how do you feel about getting married?”

Hespera unconsciously licked her lips. Her hand in Florence’s grasp straightened and rested on Florence’s chest. “I would be honoured, if it were with you. Florence, would you marry me? I will treat you the best, and I will love you the most. I will do my best to never let you feel wronged.”

Florence smiled. “Yes.”

They shared a sweet kissed that soon turned heavy.



Florence’s birthday was towards the end of the winter. She planned two parties at the Sage house in the Capital: one with family, and one with friends and colleagues. For the one with family, she also invited Hespera and the Umber family.

Florence asked her mother and Hespera’s parents to have a meeting with her before the birthday dinner.

(Florence’s father had died many years ago, and Viscountess Sage never re-married.)

Viscountess Isabella Sage was a little suspicious—why would her daughter need to schedule a meeting with her? Those suspicions deepened when Lord and Lady Umber and Hespera Umber arrived at the house.

The parents were arranged to sit on one side. Florence and Hespera sat facing them.

“Thank you for coming today, Lord Umber, Lady Umber,” Florence said.

Lady Umber blinked and smiled. “Of course. Happy birthday, Florence. We hope you’ve had a beautiful day today.”

Florence nodded. “I have an announcement that I would like to make.” She looked between the three confused parents. “I’m engaged.”

Hespera’s parents looked confused—why were they here for such an announcement?

Viscountess Isabella Sage became very, very suspicious. A wisp of a thought, too faint to catch properly, grew at the back of her mind. She jolted when Hespera looked at her.

“Viscountess Sage,” Hespera said, “I sincerely ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage. I deeply love her, and I promise I will treat her well for the rest of our lives.”

Viscountess Isabella Sage: !!!! Hespera was stealing her daughter??

Hespera’s parents: !!!! Hespera was stealing someone else’s daughter??!!!

Viscountess Isabella Sage looked at Florence’s bright expression. Wait, was Florence the one stealing someone else’s daughter????

Viscountess Sage and Hespera’s parents couldn’t bring themselves to look at the other parent(s). They were indignant that someone else had seduced their daughter, but also guilty about whether it was their daughter seducing someone else’s daughter. And, just how long had these two been courting right under their noses?!!!

“I love Hespera,” Florence said. “Lord Umber, Lady Umber, I deeply love Hespera. I hope that you will allow her to marry into the Sage family, as I am an only child.”

Hespera’s parents: !!!—wait, wait, hadn’t they expected Hespera to marry out anyway?

Viscountess Sage: ….

“We plan to announce to the rest of our families this evening,” Florence added.

“We need to talk,” Viscountess Sage said. “To discuss…details. In private.”

Hespera’s parents nodded in agreement.

Florence patted Hespera’s knee. “You say here, Mother and I will be next door,” she said.

Florence and Viscountess Sage went into the adjacent sitting room.

Viscountess Sage looked at Florence.

Florence looked at her mother.

“You…” Viscountess Sage rubbed her eyes and temple. “You like a woman who’s just dressed like a man.”

“Yes,” Florence said. “I love Hespera.”

Florence’s firmness made it difficult for Viscountess Sage to say more. She sighed. Since Florence was young, she was very calm and matter-of-fact and liked to do things her own way. Others didn’t call her ‘rebellious’ because her actions were productive and never destructive. But as her mother, Viscountess Sage knew better.

“What about children?” Viscountess Sage finally asked. “As you said so yourself, you’re my only child. You will be viscountess in the future.”

“Ayden told me it should be possible for us to have a child that has both our blood,” Florence said. “He said he should be able to turn Hespera’s eggs into what is effectively sperm, fertilise one of my eggs, and embed it in my womb. And we could do it the other way too.”

Viscountess Sage made a wry expression. Oh, so it turned out that Marquis Rosewood had another world-shocking development up his sleeve…

“Then, I can’t stop you,” Viscountess Sage said. “You…” You should treat Hespera right. Except saying that didn’t feel right either. Finally, she said, “I give you my support.”

Florence smiled warmly. She stood up and hugged her. “Thank you, Mother.”

When they emerged, Hespera and her parents also emerged.

Hespera’s parents’ gaze met Viscountess Sage’s gaze, and then they smiled weakly at each other.

Hespera gave Florence a slight nod. That meant that her parents had agreed.

Florence quirked her lips. She pretended that nothing was wrong and led them all downstairs and served them all tea.

As good conversationalists, Lord Umber and Lady Umber recovered enough to hold a conversation. They became livelier as more people arrived (or came down from elsewhere in the house in the case of the Sage extended family).

Soon, the Sage house was full of people. There were Florence’s and Hespera’s grandparents, siblings (in Hespera’s case), and cousins, aunts and uncles on both sides.

Florence accepted numerous birthday gifts, pleased and grateful.

The Sage head butler invited everyone to the dining room for dinner.

Before the food came out, though, Florence stood up. “Thank you everyone for coming today to celebrate my birthday. In addition to celebrating my birthday, there is something else I also want to celebrate.”

Hespera stood up and extended her hand. Florence took it and smiled at Hespera, and then smiled at the rest of the guests. “I’m engaged to Hespera. We wish to marry, and we will hold a wedding. In the future, we’ll all be family. I sincerely look forward to it.”

Silence. Mouths dropped open and eyes widened.

It was similar to the stunned, complex expressions people had after Prince Rian proposed to Ayden.

Florence clapped her hands and nodded to the butler. “Please bring in the dishes.”

“Yes, my Lady,” the butler said, barely recovering from his own shock.

The food came and the hungrier persons started eating first, prompting others to also eat.

One of the younger cousins opened her mouth, “Hespera, does that mean you’re like Prince Rian and Marquis Rosewood?”

“Yes,” Hespera said.

More of the young Umber cousins started to chatter.

“Hespera, why aren’t you as nice as Florence?”

“I like Hespera more than Florence.”

“Well, I like Florence more than Hespera.”

“Are you going to have an engagement party like Prince Rian and Marquis Rosewood?”

“How are you going to have babies?”

“But I want to marry Florence!”

Hespera’s face darkened and the cousins’ parents’ faces went red and white.

Florence laughed.

“Don’t worry,” Florence said. “Hm, if we can’t have children, we’ll just have to kidnap one of you.”

The young children at the table were stunned. “But I love my mother!”

“I don’t, can you consider me?”

This made some adults laugh and some adults scowled.

And like that, everyone loosened up.

The food was delicious, and the conversation flowed.

By the time it was to leave, several people sternly told Florence and Hespera that they would help them organise the engagement party and wedding. This was the best expression of their acceptance.

The days passed, and winter turned to spring. Hespera made engagement rings for them, and the engagement party came and went.

Florence worked on her university courses and research. She would graduate in a year, and so would Hespera. Once they both graduated, Florence would start planning a wedding on the Sage manor in the Sage fief.

(She declined Prince Rian’s offer to help organise a huge eye-catching wedding.)

Now, it was summer. With the summer holidays, Florence was taking Hespera home to the Sage fief. Later, they’d go to the Umber fief too.

Florence liked holding Hespera’s hand. She liked how Hespera was serious and not impatient as Florence led her around the Sage grounds to check her fields. She also liked it when Hespera’s face became flush…

Hespera narrowed her eyes. In a beat, she placed a hand on Florence’s back. She dipped Florence, and Florence leaned back willingly, trustingly. “What are you thinking of?”

Florence smiled uncontrollably. “Thinking about you.” Her heart fluttered as Hespera kissed her.

This was the person she would spend the rest of her life with. She was really luck, and very grateful.







After Florence’s birthday:

Hespera: …I now understand why Ayden and Prince Rian like surprising people

Florence: 🤭 It’s quite fun on occasion






Thank you so much to Biscuit for the tapas ink!

Thank you to Lehnsa and Nitsuga who mentioned using electricity in mushroom cultivation; and thanks to 314159265358979323846264338327950288Alex for bringing up the mutualism between certain fungi and the roots of plants!



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