There is No Plot

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

'Papa, you shriveled up, limped dick, molding old bastard... I see what you're cooking up here.' Adam grinned inwardly as he approached the last soldier, who was trembling in his boots..
'The council must've come to a unanimous agreement for me and my sister's retrieval. As for why, well, the only reason I can think of is that there's a sudden increase in the appearance of strong klaxosaurs running around the plantations vicinities.' Adam would be stupid to not notice this, especially when he had just met a Gutenberg-class the other day. That's definitely not normal.
If his thoughts were correct, then monsters of the same caliber should be making frequent appearances near the other plantations, putting the sages on guard to the point that they were willing to use 'Longinus' once again despite what happened in the past. Granted that they must've already prepared some method to control them, but that was already expected.
But that wasn't the silver lining in this. Instead, what Adam is picking up from here is that in the near future, there will be an 'event' that the Council is either preparing for or worried about to the extent that they need 'Longinus' for it.
...Coincidentally, the doctor is also making his own preparations... but why here? Why in plantation 13?
Something is definitely up, Adam's intuition was telling him so.
Papa should also be curious about what exactly the doctor's up to. But is it really something big enough that he's willing to disregard the other sages' decision?
'...Perhaps.' Adam shrugged mentally, 'that old man is eccentric like that after all.'
But there should also be something else... maybe it has something to do with either his sister or himself.
'It definitely isn't me though.' Adam was sure that he hadn't done anything outside his usual M. O.
'Then that means it's my sister...' Adam thought convincedly, subconsciously glancing over his sister who he found was looking at him with 'fuck me' eyes.
...It seems that his domineering display of power turned her on.
'That perverted nympho is insatiable...'
Heh, who was he kidding? He loved that she was like that.
Heck, he would also want to breed with her especially with the blatant signs she was sending him. Maybe he should even pay her back for using him as a human-dildo last night.
But that's for later.
'Now then, the only noteworthy thing I can think of that recently happened that involves my sister is that Hiro kid riding with her and getting away unscathed. Which is pretty unusual considering it's my sister we're talking about.'
Honestly speaking, Adam thought that it was because of himself that Strelizia awoke her potential. But another male stamen pilot rode with her and still ended up in a miserable state as did her previous partners.
Which means that Hiro is still the first stamen pilot to not suffer any injuries when riding with his sister.
'Plus, the doctor's also pretty blatant with his intention of pairing them up.'
Adam wasn't going to lie, but he felt deeply jealous. He's aware that it's quite hypocritical of him, but so what? His sister should be his alone.
'Besides, the only hypocrite I like is myself.' Adam rationalized in his mind before continuing his previous train of thought.
'The problem with Papa and the doctor's intentions is that the majority of the sages aren't on board with it since they are more interested in seeing whether my sister and I can bring forth a new race. A stronger and more durable race for them to use as soldiers and effectively replacing the weak parasites.'
And while logically, this did make sense, his mind felt sickened at the thought of his and his loved one's offspring being used as nothing more than soldiers. Fortunately, whether he was truly infertile or not, he had yet to impregnate anyone.
Adam snapped his head to the side, dodging a blurry projectile that cut through a few strands of his hair.
That occurrence brought his deep pondering into an end as he looked back at the only remaining soldier whose arms he still hadn't broken.
In case anyone was wondering, Adam stayed true to his words and really did break every single arm of the soldier's platoon. All of them either had their arms bending in the opposite direction, or their forearms' bones were shattered, making it completely limp.
He didn't spare the unconscious ones as well (the one one that his sister swung away and the soldier whose helmet sunk after he hit them on the head). Plus, what made him more frightening was the way he did it.
He would often use the heel of his boots to stomp on a part of their arm (mostly the elbow) and the moment he did, everyone would hear an unmistakably loud 'crunching' sound, indicating that he did shatter their bones.
No doubt, he must've looked like a monster to everyone right now. Except for his sister that is.
That girl undoubtedly wants to push him down right now and ride him till kingdom come.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Adam quickly twisted his body, shifting to erratic directions, and making it impossible for the last soldier to hit him with his bullets. In less than a second, he had already covered a two meter distance between himself and the soldier.
He grabbed the rifle by its large muzzle, pulled it off of the soldier, before delivering a swift controlled punch to his gut. The soldier guffawed, but Adam then grabbed his arm and bent it in the opposite direction, creating another unmistakable cracking noise. The way Adam did it with easy was like watching him snap a twig, showing just how fearsome his strength really was.
"AAHHHH!" The soldier cried in pain, dropping down to the ground and holding unto his arm that was now bending in a direction that it shouldn't
'Now that I know that Papa wanted this to happen, what should I do about it?' Adam thought idly, totally unconcerned for the painfully sobbing soldier.
Should he follow through Papa's intentions and let his sister be partnered up with Hiro? Or should he ruin his arrangement and go with what the other sages' intention for them.
'Hmm.... If I go with the first one, that would certainly create a conflict between Papa and the other sages since he was the one who arranged our escorts. The other sages aren't stupid after all. And depending on how grave the situation is in the frontlines, then this conflict could even lead to Papa's impeachment.'
This one seemed really appealing to him at the moment, but he still has to consider the second option.
'If I ruin his arrangement, nothing significant happens to him. Papa will just probably shrug it off and wouldn't care at all if his plans didn't work. Then, it's either me and my sister would be used as 'Longinus' or we'll be locked inside a chamber, forced to breed until we finally create that new race....'
Adam wasn't gonna lie, being forced to breed with his sister until the end of his days was equally appealing as sowing discord among the council. Besides, he doubts that he could get his sister pregnant anyways, which meant that its just an endless paradise full of sex, eat, sleep, repeat.
Unfortunately, he promised his sister that one day, they'll be free. So breeding till death is off the table.
.....for now.
'The first one it is then.'
"Adam...?" Just then, Adam noticed his brunette partner walking towards him.
A hint of nervousness and fear could be seen from her face, but that's understandable and Adam didn't take offense to it. Anyone would be bound to feel the same after seeing what he had just done.
He literally dodged bullets! What could be more fearsome than that?
...Maybe brutally snapping the arms of a dozen soldiers was a bit overboard.
But hey, so what? He already warned them and they still went and let their guns loose.
"A-are you okay?"
And despite feeling afraid, she still had the courage to check up on him. At least she had more balls than the soldiers who blindly shot at him in fear.
Adam smiled in satisfaction, thinking that he hadn't picked wrongly. His cute brunette definitely earned herself some brownie points.
'I'll make sure to reward her later.'
"I'm fine." He answered, turning to her with a smile.
"You..." Seeing his usual demeanor back, Naomi inwardly sighed in relief. It'd be a lie if she said that she wasn't afraid.
"...What are you doing?" Adam asks as the brunette began inspecting his body, even moving his arm to check underneath.
"Checking whether you are really alright as you say you are." Naomi replied with a stern tone, "If you're lying and I find any wound, we're heading straight to the clinic, understand?"
He was literally shot at by a dozen- maybe even a hundred bullets at once! As amazing as his physical capability was, the brunette refuses to believe that he was completely fine after that.
"Aw, is my cute partner worried for me?"
Naomi scoffed, "Of course I am, you idiot!" she moved towards his lower body after finding no injury from his waist up.
Her actions only made Adam smile even more.
"You don't have to be too worried, Naoms. They're only allowed to use level 3 bullets. It's the highest non-lethal bullets there is." Adam lightheartedly explains, "Getting hit by one would only result to internal bleeding and in worse cases, shattered bones."
"!!!" Naomi now looked alarmed after he mentioned that.
....and that perchance, wasn't the smartest move on his part.
Because his brunette partner grew increasingly pale and became hysterical.
"Are you kidding me?! A-and they just gunned you down like that?!"
"Hey, it's fine. It's done. Everything's finished and I'm not hurt at all." Adam playfully smirks, "Can't say the same for them though."
"No, it's not fine!" Naomi stressed as she frantically began inspecting different parts of his body, even the ones she already checked before. "Tell me the truth, you got hit didn't you?! Where is it?! No, you know what, let's just go to the infirmary." she pulled on his arm, trying to drag him away, but then Nana, Zero Two and Hiro made their towards them.
Nana, wearing a scowl as she looked at Adam, spoke in exasperation.
"You should've just gone with them, Adam. Why do you siblings always have to make trouble for me?"
"Hey, I warned them of the consequences of aiming their gun at my sister." Adam remained indignant.
Nana only sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose. She should've known nothing would go smoothly when dealing with these pair of siblings.
"You are aware that you are disobeying direct orders from HQ, right?"
"And you are aware that there's a deeper play in this, right?" Adam quips back.
Nana just grew more irritated at his smirk. "Seriously... why do you have to make things much more difficult."
"Cuz I wouldn't-"
"Shut it. Shut up. I don't want to hear another word from you." Nana looked deeply exhausted from dealing with Adam.
And after their short exchange...
"Ooof." Adam skillfully caught his sister who practically tackled him.
"Hehe... can we go to our room and..." Her turquoise eyes squinted lasciviously while hinting at him with a blatant invitation.
"Love," Adam smiled wryly, "It's been barely half an hour since we finished earlier."
Zero Two only smirked perversely as she leaned close to his ears and whispered sultrily, "And miss you inside me already~"
Her tempting voice sent shivers down his spine. If he only didn't have any self control, then a tent would've been pitched on his groin, something that he didn't have the time to deal with now especially with the decision that he made.
"Wha... Zero Two!" Naomi blushed furiously, turning beet root red after hearing the pink-haired girl's words.
The poor brunette could still visibly remember the way she rode Adam despite being half-asleep this morning. She wouldn't lie but the fact that the older teen could do that terrified and amazed her at the same time.
And now she was itching to start again?
"U-um.... Nana-san..."
A nervous voice suddenly broke everyone from their thoughts. They glanced at Hiro whose presence everyone forgot at some point.
Hiro gulped, feeling everyone's gaze at him. But now that he had their attention, he gathered his courage and spoke up, "Nana-san... could you please explain what happened here? Why is Adam and Zero Two suddenly being taken somewhere else?"
"They are needed in the frontlines." Nana replies sharply, narrowing her eyes at Zero Two, "I'm sure I informed a certain stubborn pink-haired girl about that."
"Hm?" Hearing her hair being described, Zero Two's ears perked up as she looked at Nana lazily, "Huh? Oh, yeah. I think Nana did mention that before."
"What do you mean 'I think'?! I literally just told you that yesterday!"
Hiro decided to speak up again before they went back to arguing.
"Then Nana-san, does that mean Adam and Zero Two are leaving? What about Naomi?"
Nana looked at him and answers, "Originally, they should've went and since Naomi is Adam's unofficial partner, she would've also been required to go with them. But now, thanks to a certain white-haired boy making trouble..." her words trailed off as she looked at the surroundings where the soldiers were all scattered, incapacitated and injured.
"No worries." Adam waved off his hand playfully. "We're still going. Matter of fact, we're gonna be heading there right now."
"We are?" Naomi asked questioningly.
"Mhm... I don't care wherever we have to go so long as I'm with darling." Zero Two snuggled her face deeper into his neck, taking a good deep sniffs of his scent.
It's strange that they used the same soap and conditioner and yet, her darling's smell is still so addictive to her.
"....." Nana on the other hand, doesn't say anything and only looked at Adam suspiciously.
"Well, then," Adam only shrugs, before bowing slightly to Nana and said, "Even if it's only been for a short while, Thank you for taking care of us."
Facing his sincere gratitude, Nana's gaze softened, before sighing deeply and nodding her head.
"Yes... While I'd like to say it's been a pleasure, but we both know that's a lie. Nevertheless, It was nice meeting you," She looked alternatively between the two siblings, "The both of you." she added.
"Hmph. Tsundere." Adam muttered quietly before smiling at Nana, "Well then, we're going now... AND THE LOT OF YOU SHOULD'VE HEARD THAT!" he shouted the last part to the soldiers.
Plenty of them groaned and gritted through the pain as they picked themselves up and began waking up their other unconscious comrades.
"Hmph." Zero Two only snorted in disdain, before returning to immersing herself in brother's smell.
Adam carried the former in his back and they made their way towards the exit, with Naomi following behind them.
Naomi, thinking that this might also be the last time she comes here, looks over at Nana and bowed her head briefly, "Thank you for everything, Nana-san!"
Nana smiles and gave her a nod of approval, "Go on now. Stay safe out there."
With that, the three left the room followed by the 'escorts' who were practically dragging themselves outside. Did you know it was hard to help carrying others when both of your arms are broken? Well, now they knew and it was an unpleasant and painful experience.
The door soon closed, leaving the briefing room in a calm silence. Nana's gaze lingered over the closed door for a bit, before she took a deep breath and walked back towards the holographic board.
Hiro, confused but also felt distressed, followed beside Nana and asked, "Is it true that Zero Two kills her partners?"
Nana glanced at him and said, "Zero Two is a special pistil who must keep fighting on the front lines. Her battles also take its toll on the stamen who becomes her partner. You should've known what happened to Mitsuru."
"Keep this in mind." She stated seriously, "She's not like you normal children."
"You mean she's not human?" Hiro asked.
"Simply put, yes."
Nana's answer brought a stifling feeling to the black-haired teen. He couldn't help but frown at how everyone's treatment of Zero Two.
The fact that they aimed their gun at her and shot without hesitation... the youth simply can't bring himself to believe that such a beautiful and bubbly girl was a monster.
She wasn't!
Zero Two was a person who could loves, cares, and had a sense of duty!
He remember fully well the first time he met her; how she was willing to give up her life to slay the klaxosaur just so everyone in the plantation could be saved.
'That girl... she's not a monster!' Hiro clenched his hands, convinced, 'No! Zero Two is just like us!'
Suddenly, he began running towards the door.
Feeling like she knew what he was up to, Nana called after him, "Stop, Hiro!"
But the young lad swiftly exited the room without a word.
".....Really." Nana sighed in disappointment, feeling another headache coming. "Just what is wrong with these children?"
Meanwhile, Adam led the group casually as they headed towards the hangar.
As they walked through the long corridor, his thoughts began idly ruminating once again.
Now, one might ask, what the heck is he doing even though he already agreed to go through with Papa's arrangement?
Well, seeing the wimp and gloomy sight of Hiro, Adam decided that if the kid really wanted to partner up with his sister, then he'll have to earn it.
This was his sister after all, there's no way anyone could just become her partner without his say in it.
Was it petty on his part? Perhaps.
But he wanted to see some sort of determination from the kid. Just like the way the snobbish kid volunteered himself to ride with Zero Two, he wanted to see the same attitude from Hiro.
He definitely didn't want his sister to be partnered up with someone who feels like he's been forced into the role. No, definitely not. If Hiro wanted to partner up with her, then he better run up to them and say it.
In a way, this was to test Hiro's character and see how the boy's really determined to become his sister's partner.
If he doesn't come, well.... that's just poor judgement on Adam's part. He'll probably have to search for another way because the silver lining in this entire plan was to prove that Hiro is compatible with his sister.
That way, Papa could justify his curiosity by convincing the other sages of Hiro and Strelizia's potential. Of course, Adam doubts that possibility happening and was more sure that the opinions of the council will be divided, which is him main goal in the first place.
Once they reached a relatively open area where there were a view of the other floors, Naomi suddenly spoke up.
"Adam, are we really just going to leave like this?"
"Hm? Did you have anything important to bring with you?"
"Er... no...." the brunette shakes her head, "It's just that we haven't even said good bye to the others.... wait, they're even in trouble!"
Because of everything that's happening, she totally forgot that her friends were being beaten by two unclassified klaxosaurs.
"Adam!" She stepped forwards and turned to him and said with urgency, "We have to help them before we leave!"
Zero Two raised her head a bit and narrowed her eyes at the brunette. She felt a little bit dissatisfied with the way the brunette was urging her darling to move, like it was their obligation to save those weaklings. Adam on the other hand, only raised a brow.
He didn't immediately agree and instead, posed another concern for her, "We can't always be there to save them, you know?"
If they went to save them again, this would be the third time that Squad 13 would be saved by them. If they couldn't handle themselves, then why did they even take up the mantle of becoming parasites?
"T-that's true... but...." Understanding what he meant, Naomi became disheartened and her gaze fell to the floor. "...they could die..." she added weakly.
"Hm." Zero Two didn't say anything else, only giving a short hum. Her lack of interest was visible on her face. She simply buried her nose back into the crook of Adam's neck and relished in his scent.
Adam could only apologetically rub the brunette's head.
"I'm sorry, Naoms. But they need to get through this themselves. Otherwise, they'll lose their purpose in becoming parasites."
Naomi wanted to say, 'What use would their purpose be if they die anyways?' but she held her tongue and only solemnly nodded her head.
"Zero Two!"
Just then, as they passed through an upper corridor on the side of a building, they heard a boy's call shouting from a lower floor.
Everyone glanced over there and saw Hiro struggling before a holographic gate where it denied his entry towards the corridor that connected to a floor below them.

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