Chapter 13: Chapter 13
Inside the parasite boarding house's meeting room, it was a small room with cascading seats akin to a miniature-sized stadium and at the front was a large holographic screen with Nana and Hachi standing in front of them.
"A mock battle with me in a FRANXX?" Hiro asks in a questioning voice.
All the other parasites was there as well, sitting relatively at a distance from one another since the seats were spacious and wide. The girls were gathered on the right side while the boys were on the left side. Strangely enough, there was one very handsome man sitting in with the girls, but no one seemed to address it.
Of course, the other boys were staring at that particular man who sat in between Zero Two and Naomi. It was also very hard to ignore the profusely red Naomi sitting beside him. It made the other teens curious about what happened to her.
"That's right." Nana answered Hiro.
Hachi then adds, "Depending on how you do, we're considering promoting you to parasite."
(A/N: Parasite is basically a child-soldier. Hiro didn't graduate so he's technically still a trainee.)
Hiro gasped in surprise while Goro, sitting behind him, leaned towards him and said, "Grats!"
Hiro smiled behind him, appreciating Goro's sentiments.
"Now then, pick your partner." Hachi says to the boy.
Hiro gulped and began looking towards the girl's direction. There, his eyes immediately landed on Zero Two who seemed to be completely indifferent to the current scenario. No, not indifferent. But just completely unconcerned, like she was a mere bystander in the scenario. As for the girl in question, her mind was occupied with staring at her darling's mesmerizing face.
For some reason, Hiro felt a sense of loss and a little pang of pain in his chest. He managed to bring out Strelizia.... did that mean nothing to her?
Hiro shook his head off the thought as this wasn't the time to think about his feelings. He gathered his determination and was about to ask Zero Two to be his partner.
"I'll choose Ze-"
Hiro wasn't able to finish his words as Ichigo suddenly interrupted him.
"Let me be his partner." stated Ichigo resolutely while raising her hand.
"Ichigo?" Hiro looked at her questioningly.
Ichigo glanced at Hiro, then at Zero Two before looking at Nana and Hachi. She then explains, "Zero Two doesn't belong to our squad. Also, if you're only measuring Hiro's aptitude, it should work with me as his partner too."
Ichigo thought that this was an opportunity for her to be partnered with Hiro. She believed in Hiro's potential as a pilot, since he was the one to lead them and had the highest talent amongst all of them when they were younger. As for the issue about making her compatible with him through Adam's method, Ichigo decided that to be the last resort in the case that Hiro fails.
Which really made her conflicted because, the fact that she had a failsafe plan meant that she didn't wholeheartedly believed in Hiro's capability. Well, to be fair, she really couldn't be blamed for this due to Hiro's recent failures.
'Nevertheless, this is still the chance!' Ichigo thought to herself as she looked at Hiro.
Hiro on the other hand, only looked a little bit confused at her determined gaze. Just then, Mitsuru spoke from the side.
"Then why does it have to be you?" He questions Ichigo. "You already have Goro as a partner, and you still want to ride with Hiro?"
"Pipe down." Nana silences the children, sensing the malicious words behind Mitsuru's words. "Don't go running your mouths now."
In fact, Goro's face visibly darkened as he worriedly looked at Ichigo. But when Ichigo turned to look at Goro, he made a wry smile and simply gestured his hand as if to say, 'Don't mind me. I'm alright.'.
Nana then looks over at Zero Two and says, "HQ hasn't authorized the use of Strelizia." she turned to Hiro and concludes, "So Hiro will have to take the test with someone from his squad."
With no one raising anymore question, Nana looks at Ichigo. "Then you'll handle it, right, Ichigo?"
"Yes." Ichigo answers.
"W-wait-" Hiro wanted to say something but was again, interrupted. This time, by someone else.
"I have a question." Adam suddenly spoke, bringing everyone's attention towards him.
Nana glares at him but still responded professionally.
"What is it?" She glanced at Naomi whose face was still red and seemingly in daze. She knew that Adam did something the poor innocent teenager and she did not like it in the slightest.
She practically raised these children, you know? If he were to corrupt someone, might as well just corrupt her, not them!
Unaware of Nana's misgivings, Adam lowered his raised hand and spoke to the two caretakers, "Does Naomi also need to be tested as well to be promoted to a parasite?"
"Actually-" Nana was about to answer but Hachi beat her to it.
"Since Naomi became your partner, she unofficially became a parasite already. After all, this is specialized unit 'ADAM's partner we're talking about." Hachi says impassively, "However, we still need her to show her capabilities for formality's sake."
Nana nods and added, "Honestly, the higher ups are still on the fence about this. But considering it's you, then just every pistil will prove to be a formidable unit when partnered up with you."
Her words made the squad 13 slightly taken aback. Well, mostly the boys as they looked at him skeptically with faces that said, 'Can he really do that?'.
Even if they did hear it from the man himself, they find it hard to believe that there's a stamen pilot capable of being compatible with any pistil pilot. As for the girls, they already heard it from Naomi and now even, Nana confirmed it, they had no choice other than to believe.
Ichigo in particular, was side glancing at Adam.
"I see." Adam nodded in understanding.
"Now then," Hachi faces the teens and asks, "Does anyone want to volunteer as Ichigo and Hiro's opponents?"
"Me!" Zorome immediately raised his hand.
"Ack!" Miku looks at him in disdain. "Hey! Who died and made you boss?"
"I'm gonna show 'em what I'm capable of!"
Miku then looked at Ichigo then considered it for a moment before sighing. "Fine. We'll do it." she says while raising her hand as well.
"Done deal." Nana says, concluding the sparring match between Hiro, Ichigo, Zorome, and Miku.
"Now then, what about Adam and Naomi's opponents? Any volunteers?"
"Me!" Zorome raised his hand again.
"Wha-" this time, Miku didn't join him anymore and instead, reproaches him. "What do you think you're doing?!"
She didn't want to fight against Adam!
"I appreciate your enthusiasm, Zorome-kun." Nana said while sighing with a smile. "Unfortunately, you cannot face two opponents simultaneously. Therefore, we need a different volunteer."
"I'll do it." Mitsuru then raised his hand.
Ikuno glanced at him and clenched her hand. Once again, Mitsuru selfishly decided to make a decision for the both of them without consulting her. As dissatisfied as she was, there was nothing she could do. He was her partner after all. She could only hide her bitterness behind her poker face and raise her hand as well.
Mitsuru looked towards Adam, only to find him completely disregarding him and was instead, looking towards his partner, Ikuno.
Ikuno, who sat behind Zero Two, Adam, and Naomi, noticed Adam looking at her. Adam then smiled amiable and said, "Let's have a good fight."
A small smile appeared on Ikuno's face. At least her opponent was a pleasant person to talk to. She nodded and said, "Please teach us well."
Mitsuru frowned at their interaction. He felt irritated at Adam's disregard at him but decided to hold unto his grudge. Special unit or not, he'll show him what's what when they face each other later.
As for Naomi, although she was still in daze, she had been listening to the entire conversation. Having full trust and confidence in Adam, she didn't have any qualms with sparring match. As a matter of fact, she even began to feel a little bit of pity to Ikuno and Mitsuru.
She could only apologize in her heart.
Naomi knew her thoughts were arrogant, but she experienced riding with Adam first hand. He showed a complete mastery in not only maneuvering, but also the experienced way he fought against a Guternberg-class kalxosaur.
Hachi and Nana nodded at the same time, finally concluding the match pairings. Hachi announces, "Very well. The battle will be held tomorrow morning."
"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Zorome then suddenly stands up and boldly states, "Let us do it right now!"
But no one seemed to pay him any attention.
Inside one of the boy's dorm, Goro and Hiro shared a room together. Hiro sat on his bed on the left while Goro sat on his bed on the right.
Goro was cleaning his dark-grey framed glasses as he spoke, "Zorome's still mad about your fight today."
Hiro looked at him and replied, "Sorry. I know Ichigo's your partner."
Goro looked at him with an indescribable expression before taking a huge sigh. He knew full well that Hiro genuinely meant his apology.... and that's what made it worse. Still, as his best friend, he kept the pain behind a reassuring smile.
Just then, Hiro's transmitter rang.
He immediately checks it as Goro asks, "Everything ready?"
"Yeah," Hiro replied as he stood up from the bed. "I have to go."
"Sure, see you later." Goro says nonchalantly as he continues cleaning his glasses. "And Hiro, don't worry about it."
Hiro stopped by the door and looked at Goro. His best friend gave him a reassuring look as he wears his glasses.
"She never takes no for an answer." Goro said.
Hiro looked at him for a moment and nodded. Turning his gaze to the door, he resolutely said, "I'm going to make this chance count."
"Yeah." Goro nodded at him and smiled at him in encouragement. "I know you can do it."
Hiro nodded and clenched his fists before exiting the room with great determination.
His best friend believes in him so much.... he should not disappoint them!
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Several large and bright headlights made loud noises as they were switched on. They were in a makeshift facility outside the plantation, where they occupied at least 8 football fields surrounded by large bright headlights as to light up the sparring field. It was currently night time and two FRANXX could be seen standing in the middle of the field.
On one side was Delphinium. She has light blue eyes, with pinkish-red hair that covers her right eye, which is a reference to the straight razor-cut hair that covers Ichigo's right eye. Delphinium has three deep blue fins on the top of its head, and it has a white and pale blue helmet/head crest over it that covers its hair. The torso area of Delphinium is mainly pale blue with a red and orange crest on its upper chest, resembling a school uniform tie. The lower torso contains many shooters, colored white and deep blue, arranged in a skirt-like manner. There are two stripes on its left leg, one red and one blue, and its feet are designed to resemble pumps.
Delphinium wields two spear-like swords called "Envy Shop", which contain the orange magma-energy it can use to defeat the ' cores.
Opposite to her was Argentea. She has a light pink head and bunny ear like twintails as modeled after its pistil, Miku. It has a white face with a dark pink visor, along with blue eyes upon successfully activating. The white upper torso area resembles a jacket or vest-like garment with a collar covering its neck, and its body is mainly a dark pink. Argentea wields orange, wolverine magma-energy claws called "Night Claw" mounted on large wrist cuffs that are used to defeat Klaxosaurs. Its legs have white and dark pink stripes going down to its knees, and from the lower knees onwards are light pink and resemble boots.
Inside Dalphinium's cockpit, Zorome's camera opened at the side. He arrogantly looked at Hiro and said, [Hey wuss! Let's settle the score once and for all!]
He was then followed by Miku's voice as she spoke to Ichigo. "Given who your partner is, I might just beat you this time, Great Leader." her voice went through Argantea's mouth as she had already synchronized with the FRANXX.
"Feel free." Ichigo answers nonchalantly. Her voice was also projected through Delphinium's mouth. "This isn't about winning or losing anyway."
On the side of the field, the whole squad 13, Adam, Zero Two, Naomi, Nana, and Hachi were watching over this scene.
"Miku's totally up for it too." Futoshi commented as he stuffed his mouth with a piece of bread.
Meanwhile, Zero Two was completely relaxed, leaning her body against her darling while watching the two FRANXXs in the distance with mild curiosity. Adam too, decided to simply enjoy the show as if he was a bystander.
It was only Naomi who was looking at Delphinium with a complicated gaze, before sighing all her thoughts away and sticking close to Adam.
Going back to Delphinium's cockpit, Ichigo sat on the pistil's seat and began to bend forward, manning the seat and holding the handles.
'This isn't about winning.' Ichigo thinks to herself, 'I must prove to everyone that Hiro can pilot the FRANXX!'
Meanwhile, sitting on the stamen pilot's seat, a bead of sweat fell on the side of Hiro's cheek as he fixed his glove equipment for the nth time. It was clear that he was a little bit nervous.
"Just focus on connecting, Hiro." Ichigo says in an attempt to shake Hiro from his nervousness. "I'll handle the rest." she said reassuringly.
On the sides of her waist, two handles began to extend towards Hiro. This was the steering handle used by stamen pilots.
"Got it." Hiro answered as he grabbed the two handles.
Hachi then spoke to the four pilots.
[Begin the mock battle.]
Argentea stirred awake. Her two pilots was able to synchronize quite easily. She began jumping up and down, pumping herself up and raised the practice baton weapon on her hand.
"We're good to go." Zorome says.
"Focus." Ichigo's said reminding Hiro.
Hiro closed his eyes and decided to shake off his nerves.
'It'll be alright.' Ichigo told to herself while closing her eyes as well.
'I can draw out Hiro's ability too.'
As for Hiro, as fell into a deep state of focus, various coloured digital crosses began to flash in his mind.
'This feeling...'
Soon, a flash of green light appeared and was followed by countless particles of green light that sped past him in a spiraling formation.
'I'm entering Ichigo's mind.'
The particles began to rapidly run past by him and soon, they were replaced by larger and brighter flashes of light.
'It's alright keep going.' Hiro heard Ichigo speak in his mind.
Soon, he dug deep into Ichigo's consciousness and his perspective was overrun by bright blinding light.
'Got you!'
And from there, they synergized. In the outside world, the the spine piece of Ichigo's bodysuit began to brighten up one by one until it reached the head piece on the back of her head. The user interface lit up in power, revealing two gauges; one pink and one blue, both stating 100% of synchronization .
And like that, Delphinium stirred awake.
Her left arm began moving, her fingers clenching and unclenching as if to familiarize herself.
"Are you for real?" Zorome exclaimed, making Argentea tilt her head in disbelief.
Delphinium looked at both of her hands and continued clenching and unclenching them.
"Way to go, Hiro!" Goro cheered for him. He was genuinely happy for his best friend.
"Huh...." Even Futoshi couldn't believe it as his mouth gape, causing half-chewed pieces of bread to fall from his mouth.
"Wow!" Kokoro gasps in amazement.
"Hmph..." Ikuno only shifted her glasses.
Nana was also observing them with interest.
'You may have synchronized now but.... this is were it gets real.' She thought to herself as Delphinium took a step forward.
Inside Delphinium's cockpit, Hiro's face was brightening as he piloted Delphinium to move.
"This is it!" He exclaims, "I recognize this sensation!"
"Let's do this, Hiro!" Delphinium's face, which was Ichigo immersed as the FRANXX, appeared on a holographic window beside him and cheered.
Hiro looked at the holographic window of Delphinium and smiled. "Yeah!"
Delphinium continued to walk towards Argentea. The practice baton on her right hand extended after being powered. Meanwhile, Argentea still had a stupefied face, unable to believe that Hiro was really able to pilot.
It was only when Delphinium raised her baton towards Argentea, did the latter snap out of it and raised her baton as well.
"Bring it on!"
Argentea moved faster and swung baton sideways, intending Delphinium at her neck. But then, Delphinium suddenly lowered her upper body, making Argentea's attack miss.
"What?!" Argentea exclaimed in surprise, but just as she was about to swing her baton downwards, she blinks in surprise as Delphinium fell on her right knee.
Delphinium managed to prevent herself from falling forward by using her baton as a support
"What's going on?"
"They stopped?"
The other kids murmured among themselves as Delphinium's face started glitching. She looked as if she was struggling as she murmured, "No... why?"
"This can't be!" Delphinium couldn't hold on.
That was when Ichigo suddenly spoke with a hurried voice, "Wait! Time out! Give us three minutes!"
""What?!"" both Miku and Zorome snarled in annoyance.
"Wait!" Miku replied, "You can't just call a timeout!"
But Delphinium was already on her arms and knees, struggling to gain the strength to stand back up.
Inside Delphinium's cockpit, Hiro looked anxious and confused.
"Why'd it stop?!"
He kept pulling and clicking on the handle bars. "Move! Move! Move!"
But no matter how hard he tried to will it, Delphinium wouldn't power up.
"Damn it! Why is this happening?!" the pitiful messy black haired youth questions in an aggrieved tone.
"I was able to pilot back then!"
When he let go of the handle bars, they retreated back on the waist part of Ichigo's bodysuit and the user interface on her headpiece also powered off.
"Gasp." Ichigo broke from the immersion with Delphinium, feeling out of breath. "Huff... huff... huff..." After a few seconds, she questioned Hiro, "What's wrong?"
"I don't know." Hiro answered honestly. "It just stopped."
"Was it my fault?" Ichigo asked even though she was still catching her breath.
Hiro shook his head. "I don't think so."
Ichigo took a deep breath, sat upright and looked behind her, "What did she do differently?"
"I don't know. I don't remember."
Ichigo blinked and said, "Calm down. No need to rush. You might remember something."
Hiro looked to the side, trying his best to remember the events during the time Zero Two pulled him to pilot Strelizia.
But no matter how hard he thought about it, he just couldn't see anything that gave him a clue.
That was when Ichigo suddenly muttered out loud.
"A kiss...."
Hiro looked at her with a questioning look. "Kiss?"
Ichigo looked at him with a resolute face and said, "I heard from Naomi-san that she was able to synchronize with Adam because they kissed."
"A kiss?" Hiro repeated. "What's that?"
Ichigo's cheeks blushed for a second before she answered seriously, "Naomi-san said that they s-stuck their mouths together and...." she wasn't able to say the last parts well because it was too embarrassing.
'Like, seriously? Their tongues too?!' The bluenette couldn't dare say it out loud.
Of course, she also remembered that Adam said that it only works for him. But it was better than doing nothing at this point.
"Stuck their mouths together?" Even Hiro, the ever gloomy boy, grew flustered.
"Kuhum!" Ichigo coughed and gathered her wits. She stood up from the pistil's seat and stood in front of Hiro. With a serious expression, "Although I don't know how they did it, if a miracle like that could make it work, I'm willing to try it."
"It's embarrassing, so keep your eyes closed." Saying so, she leaned over Hiro and placed her knee between his legs.
"W-wait a second!" Hiro tried to stop her but Ichigo continued to move her face close to him.
"We have to at least try, right?" Ichigo said, but Hiro looked at her worriedly.
"But Ichigo.... you're trembling."
His words however, were left unheard as Ichigo covered his eyes with her hand and then stuck her lips towards his mouth.
"Hey, hasn't it been three minutes already?" Miku asked Zorome from inside Argentea's cockpit. Zorome was staring at the scene in front of him with a sulky face while tapping his fingers impatiently.
"Yeah." Zorome answered. "I don't see why we gotta wait any more."
Just then, Argentea stood up from the ground. She walked towards the kneeling Delphinium and held out her baton.
"Sorry, but we're taking you out."
Meanwhile, inside Delphinium's cockpit, Ichigo separated her lips from Hiro. She glanced sideways as she asked, "Well?"
Hiro looked at her in complete disbelief, before lowering his gaze.
"....I don't feel a thing."
Ichigo looked at him worriedly.
Hiro apologized. "Sorry, Looks like it didn't work."
Ichigo's eyes widened for a bit before souring as she turned sideways. Her back trembled in frustration but then the cockpit suddenly shook violently. As it turns out, Argentea kicked her frontward, causing Delphinium to fall on her back.
"Hey, hey." Zorome speaks condescendingly. "This is too easy."
Inside Delphinium's cockpit, Ichigo tried to raise her body and endure the pain. She looked at Hiro and said, "Let's try it again, Hiro."
Thud! Thud! Thud!
Loud rumbling noise could be heard from outside Delphinium's cockpit. Argentea has already made her way before Delphinium's sprawled body as they heard Zorome proclaim very loudly, "Guess this proves that I'm really the best!"
Argentea then raised the baton over her head.
"I don't mind taking over as pilot for Delphinium too!" Zorome states before holding the baton in a stabbing motion over head.
"Huh?" Argentea's face became incredulous as Miku questioned her partner, "You're hitting on another girl now?!"
Zorome, grinning widely, didn't listen to her and lowered the baton hastily, wanting to stab Delphinium on her neck.
"Cut it out already, dude!" Miku told Zorome.
Just then, right before the edge of the baton could make it to Delphinium's throat, Argentea stopped moving. Her hands were trembling, as if struggling to stab forward.
Hachi then began to speak to the other teens, "The trust between partners has a direct influence on the handling . Should it become unbalanced..." he didn't need to explain anymore as the result was the scene in front of them.
"Wha-?!" Zorome was completely confused as he couldn't seem to will Argentea to move. "What's going on?!"
Argentea's body trembled, clearly struggling due to the opposing orders from her two pilots.
"Move...!!!!" Zorome roared as he forced Argentea. But all it did was make Argentea lose her balance, causing her to stumble and fall over Delphinium.
[Status report, Ichigo.] Nana asks from inside Delphinium's cockpit.
At the moment, Ichigo was already sitting on the pistil's seat with furrowed brows.
[Ichigo?] Nana asked again but was ignored by Ichigo.
Ichigo was heaving deep breaths, feeling exhausted as Delphinium's pistil pilot.
Meanwhile, outside in the field, Argentea's body was twitching.
"Get it up already!" Miku shouted at Zorome.
"Shut up!" Zorome spat back. "I'm trying!"
Suddenly, Delphinium began to raise her body upwards.
[Ichigo, don't!] Nana warns her. [Piloting a FRANXX alone is dangerous!]
Red warning notices appeared inside Delphinium's cockpit. Tears were already streaming down the corner of Ichigo's eyes as she refused to believe that she couldn't bring out the best in Hiro.
She gritted her teeth and forcibly controlled Delphinium.
Delphinium soared back to life as she hugged Argentea's body on top of her and began picking herself up from the ground.
"Damn it all!" Delphinium, as Ichigo, shouts in frustration as she lunged forward, still holding Argentea's body in front of her. The bow thrusters in her legs boosted her speed, allowing her to slam Argentea towards the outside wall of the plantation.
Scraps of metal fell followed by a the appearance of thick smoke of dust as Delphinium and Argentea fell to the ground and just a few meters away from them was where squad 13 and the other spectators were.
Kokoro coughed after inhaling some of the the thick dust that blew towards them. Ikuno covered her nose while the boys only covered their face from the dust. Meanwhile, only Nana, Hachi, and Adam seemed to be unaffected by the cloud of dust and was watching over the fight.
As for Zero Two and Naomi, their mouths were covered by Adam in advance, so they didn't accidently inhale any of the dust.
"Ahh!" It was only after a few seconds did Futoshi realized that the dust could've gotten to his bread. He quickly dusted them.
Nana stared at the two FRANXX in the distance. "Of all the reckless stunts..." disappointment could be heard from her tone.
"Kuhum!" Hachi only coughed. But he agreed with Nana.
He then announced, "Since both FRANXX have been rendered inoperable, this mock battle is over."
With that, both Delphinium and Argentea lost their power as their pilots disconnected from them.
Inside the dark cockpit of Delphinium, Ichigo could be heard gasping loudly, feeling very exhausted and out of breath from piloting Delphinium by herself.
Behind her was Hiro with an absentminded look, having his usual gloomy monologue.
'The gentle touch of her lips... filled me with guilt. The feeling that I'd gotten to fly back then, quickly slipped through my fingers and eventually shackled me to the ground once again.'
'Yes... it felt like I was being bound up in a thousand invisible threads.'
He looked at the tired and out-of-breath appearance of Ichigo in front him. He knew he tried her best and did all that she could for him.
But in the end... all he could say was,
"....I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize." Ichigo said in between her breaths. She was frustrated with everything.
With the result of the spar, with herself, and most of all, with how Hiro was acting in the end. She was starting to understand why Naomi was so frustrated with him.
After all, she did everything that she could. But instead of thanking her, he just apologized. Instead of saying he could do better, he just apologized. Instead of thinking a way to improve, he just apologized.
In the end, Hiro was only going to fall back into his gloomy self-deprecation.
He was just so different from the bright, optimistic, and awesome person that she used to remember when they were children.
Both tears and sweat fell to the pistil's seat as Ichigo wiped her mouth with her hand.
'This is awful.'
She couldn't understand why Naomi said kissing felt good since, all she tasted was bitterness.
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