The Wrong Person Was Transported to the Horrific Lost Village

Chapter 22- The Orientation

The rest of the tour group was all in the one patient room eating, though some obvious groupings were forming. Those groupings were helped by where the bed sat. The right side of the room had Mei and the banged-up teenager's bed. Those three teenagers were eating together, relatively silent. The girl that had gotten her face mangled was all bandaged up now and looked to be recovering. Paulie had overheard the two healthy ones call her Grace at some point.

Jackson was sitting at Mei's bedside with Kia, who was trying to feed a depressed-looking Mei. In a lot of ways, Mei looked to be the most injured, owing to the many stitches holding her puffy face together. Kia was trying to cheer her up, but Mei wasn't responding too often.

Cassandra, Gregorio, and Mikos were on the other side of the room. The three were relatively quiet, and Greg had a wide smile on his face.

The loud group was the one around Mister Tolk. The bus driver, Gran, and Reio--the man with the red-scaled hands and cheeks--seemed to be in full celebration mode. Curiously, Gran had a foot firmly planted on the wrapped-up spear. Paulie assumed the guy was freaked out over the prospect of the spear ending up in someone's gut again. Personally, he would have tossed that spear out, but given the circumstances...

It wasn't the best of times, but the ones who were here were healthy enough. 

"It's not so bad..."

It was as Paulie was pulling away from the room that he heard the sound of the clinic's door opening and heard a familiar, booming voice.

"Right this way, ladies. We'll give you the rundown, then set you all free."

That voice was Pitter's. The rescue group was back. More good news was on the way, Paulie hoped. 

The floor then shook. Paulie could tell it was Ryza stomping toward the entrance. Paulie was quick, forgetting to call the rest of the people in the patient room.

He was a few steps ahead of Ryza when he turned the corner and saw the group of people filtering in.


Mari's Side

I was a little surprised to see that people showed up so quickly. Both Paulie and Ryza were there, looking both stunned and relieved.

"Nice job, girls!" Ryza said, clapping for us. "Come in. Come in. Join us in our detention."

Pitter laughed. "It won't be detention for long."

"Hey... where's Kaz?" Paulie asked, happiness draining from his face.

Pitter gave the answer, and Paulie became glum. Ryza, however, stayed stoic. I assumed she wasn't too upset over the fact the man had perished.

Lorio then came in and asked that we all gathered together in one spot, and we complied, going over to the room everyone else was in while Haunting told Ryza and Paulie of our terrifying night. There wasn't really time to really get into detail on anything, so that would have to wait for another time.

In the patient room--

"Alright, people," Lorio said. "I know you all want to speak and understand what happened, but please, let's deal with this first. Consider this your orientation. By the end of this little chat, you'll know how to best survive in this peaceful village of ours." Lorio pulled out a whiteboard and pointed at a section. "Here's the reality of the situation."


  1. There is no easy escape. You can't leave out the roads, over the mountains, or underground.
  2. Monsters are real. They're not wilderness beasts. They're monsters.
  3. This place will try to test you at every turn.


"These are the three facts you need to make peace with. We're trapped here, and you're not going to be escaping unless you're crazy. Monsters roam these parts, as we've all seen, but they have rules. Follow the rules, and you'll be fine. Right now, the most important rules are:"


  1. Don't leave your home at night.
  2. Don't be in the forest at twilight, night, or dawn.


"Things only get dangerous when the sun starts to set. As long as the sun is out, you're safe unless you're deep in some part of the wilderness around the village. Still, if you stick to town and follow these rules, you'll be safe. If anything changes, you'll know at the same time as everyone else. On the note of your continued survival here, you don't need to worry about diminishing resources. We have a supply of chickens, ducks, cows, pigs, and crops. This place wasn't interested in straight-up starving us, it seems. We have good drinking water too."

Lorio ensured everyone followed along and continued, pointing at a section labeled "Community."


  1. Shelter will be provided.
  2. We don't use money. Negotiate if you want something novel.


"You all will have shelter. All your accommodations have been set aside. You just need to pick which one you want. Like the board says, we don't use money here. Why bother, right? That said, if you go and grow herbs in your house, those are yours. We aren't going to touch it. If you decide you want to raise your own chicken, sure, you can do that, but at that point, it's up to you to care for it and feed it. Essentially, if you take on things as an individual, you'll have to negotiate with other individuals for anything your pursuits need. We try to keep things fair and peaceful. If you find something outside of town, you can keep it, but if it's something that would benefit the community, we ask you to please consider sharing the good fortune. Getting along with people is tough, but we're being hunted by monsters here, so do your best, yeah? Okay, this is the first section. Any questions?"

Kia raised her hand quickly. "So, like, is there electricity or running water?"

Lorio nodded. "We have running water. We also have a substation we can turn on but it attracts a different kind of monster into town. We try not to turn it on too often. In other words, we'll be working by candlelight for the foreseeable future."

I raised my hand. "So, we have water and electricity? It feels less like we're trapped and more like we're imprisoned."

"And you're not wrong. We're going to deal with the weird things about this place now." Lorio flipped the board and put on a stern look. "Consider this place a prison with a sadistic warden or a zoo with crazy keepers. There are many strange elements that one will encounter here."

Lorio pointed at one of the words on the board.

"Rewards. If you behave the way this place wants you to behave, you get rewarded. The electricity and the water? Those were things this community earned long ago. The animals too, we got them through this system."

Lorio pointed at the next word.

"Goals. This is what we call special tasks that come to us. There are three types. Personal, Community, Challenge. You get rewards by completing goals. Of the three types, Community Goals are the only ones that start automatically so far. Personal and Challenge Goals are opt-in. Challenge Goals are found in certain sites around the area, but Personal Goals will show up in your homes. It's up to you if you want to open up a Goal, but once you do, it's on. You have to do it or get penalized for failing.... Personal goals can sometimes get weird. You don't have to tell us your goals, but if you fail one, please tell us the consequences."

"Goals?" I asked, seemingly the only one brave enough to say anything. "That sounds like we're being given quests in a video game. Are we in a video game world?"

Lorio nodded. "You're not the first to have that reaction, Mari, and you won't be the last. There's a lot of debate around what's going on here. Some people think it's pure malicious chaos, and the goals are just an extension of that to torture us, some think we're all dead and that this is a torturous purgatory, and some think there's one person doing all of this--some evil government bitch or something. Doesn't matter what it is. This is just the way things work."

Lorio pointed at the next word.

"Rules. There are rules. There is some order within the chaos. So far, we've seen that this place will make things difficult for you, but it will never outright kill you. If you're ever in a tough spot, keep calm and find the clues that point you to some rule. The rules govern everything--even the monsters, as some of us have seen."

Paulie raised a hand. "Can we just back up a bit... Is there actually a way to escape, then? Is it through the goals? Sorry, it's just the way you were talking about it."

Lorio exchanged a glance with Pitter. "Yeah, apparently, one can escape if they complete enough Challenge Goals. Thing is, we don't know. Everyone that left on the Final Challenge never came back. So either, they died or they got out. That said, have you guys heard of this place in all its gory details?"

Maybe everyone knew who would have the best shot at answering. We all ended up looking at Haunting.

She shrugged. "I heard about a Lost Village, but never about a monster-filled wonderland."

And there was the answer. We all looked at Lorio again.

"Yeah. So, we can't assume people are actually escaping when they go on what's called the Final Challenge. Anyway, that's the rundown. You're all free to go. There are some folks outside who can give you all individual tours. The injured can stay in here for as long as they need. We have the supplies. If anyone wants to ask us questions, you can too."

The ones who could move started doing so. Some went outside, some went up to Pitter and Lorio, and the remaining stayed around the patients. I noticed that Greg had pushed himself out of bed, with Cassandra quick to help him stand. It looked like those two were interested in the tour around town.

"Hey, Mari."

I turned around--as did Haunting--and greeted the wall of muscle that snuck up on us.

"Ryza, hello. Good to be able to speak to you properly now." I smirked at her. "I heard you punched a beast."

"Would have punched the one tormenting you girls too if I had a chance," she said, reflecting my smirk with a confident grin. "You going to go take this tour?"

"I am. At least, that's what I was thinking of doing. What's up?" I tilted my head as I looked up at her. "You've got a look in your eye."

"I'm just eager, is all... Do you mind if we--me and this little lady--"

"Hello," Hari said, poking out from behind Ryza.

"--tag along with you? Take the tour together?"

"Oh?" I said, brow raised. I chuckled and shifted my hair out of my eyes. "Sure. I feel so much safer already."

"Psh, I'm the one that feels reassured."

Haunting stood a little to the side, and between the two of us, eyes narrowed and alternating her focus. 

"I'm... not sure I like what's going on here."

I looked at her. "Are you going to do something about it?"

Haunting went red and silent, her eyes wide. Ryza, meanwhile, laughed. "You can tag along with us, Haunting Tone. It's not like this is an exclusive group."

Haunting latched onto my arm. "You better believe I will." Then she looked at me with puppy-dog eyes and a soft tone. "Mari, please help me... I'm still faint."

"Yeah, uhuh. Is there sugar water somewhere?"

"It'll take a while to digest, so I'll still have to stick to you."

I looked back at Ryza, shaking my head. She laughed again. "You're pretty popular."

"It's what happens after scary nights in caves... One moment." I looked over for Susy, who was happily speaking with Mister Tolk. "Susy, do you want to come with us?"

Susy waved at Mister Tolk and came up to us. "I don't need to. Oh! But if you want me to, I will."

"You do whatever your heart tells you, Susy!" Haunting said.

Susy giggled. "I'm actually just wanting to wander. The village seems so beautiful. I want to take it all in."

"Oh, you totally should!" Haunting said, her eagerness to get away from Susy showing.

Susy waved at us and skipped back to Mister Tolk as I soothed my temples.

"You not happy about that, Mari?" Ryza asked.

"I'd rather keep Susy nearby, all things considered."

"I can appreciate that..." Ryza glanced at Haunting. "But it looks like someone isn't so close with her anymore."

Haunting looked ashamed as she realized we had caught on to her. "I'm just a little freaked out right now. It'll pass."

"Sounds like there's a story there. Do you mind?"

I gestured toward the door, and she, Haunting, and Hari followed me out, where I then explained Susy's relatively nonchalant attitude to dead bodies.

"Hmm, I don't know, Haunting," Ryza said. "The girl might be in shock. Some people freeze up like that. They stop processing stressful things and instead focus on the positives they can handle."

"Yeah, even so, I'm just a bit freaked out. I'll be better eventually."

There was a group heading out the door ahead of us--two of the teenagers and the man called Reio. Finally seeing him, I noticed he had dragon-like scales on his cheeks and hands. He must have been like Haunting--some kind of human-beast hybrid. I did my best not to look surprised, and succeeded in not arousing further suspicion.

"There are all kinds of things I want to talk about," Ryza said as we walked out of the clinic. "Do you mind lending me your ear sometime?"

"Oh? My night's free if you want it--"

"Mari, please don't speak like that," Haunting said.

"It's a statement of fact."

"Mari! Over here!"

I looked down the steps and saw Anabelle walking back.

"My rival returns," Haunting said, narrowing her eyes.

I shook my head and walked up to Anabelle with a smile.

"Hey, can I give you the tour?" she asked.

"Sure but--"

Ryza came up behind me, her shadow falling on a surprised Anabelle's face. "Yo, I'm tagging along."

I heard Haunting's snicker moments before she poked her head out. "I'm coming too, obviously."

"Oh--uhh," Anabelle stammered.

"Hello," Hari said, waving. "I'm in this party as well."

"Ahh, yes, hello..."

"Big group you got there, Anabelle?"

The woman that approached exuded a timeless elegance, with a confident stride that belied her years. Her figure was curvaceous and statuesque, coming up to us while wearing a white blouse beneath a brown apron. Her pants looked well-worn and easy to move in. She actually looked more like a fantasy world woman than a modern world survivor.

Her chestnut hair was tied up, styled into a ponytail that showcased her chiseled cheekbones and delicate features. Her eyes sparkled with warmth and intelligence, and her full lips curved into a friendly smile that put us at ease. Best of all--no Vengeance that betrayed the aura she radiated.

"Hey, I'll come with this group then and help Anabelle answer questions. That good?"

Anabelle nodded. "Yes, please, Bessie."

I extended my hand to her. "Nice to meet you, Bessie."

She grinned back at me and took my hand with her own firm one. "Nice to meet you. Mari, right?"

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