The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 437: round table

Earl Kiri's mansion.

In this fierce battle between the super blood hunter and the Gorefiend Prince, the entire luxurious mansion became dilapidated as if it had experienced a hurricane.

Most of the houses collapsed, the ground was full of cracks, the surrounding trees were slumped, and the mansion was covered with thick dust for several kilometers.

In front of the extraordinary power beyond the limits of human beings, weak humans can only hide in dark corners, shivering, and praying secretly.

After a long and arduous **** battle, the battle was finally drawing to a close.

"No, it's impossible! How could we be mere humans..."

Under the siege of four blood hunters, Sasha, Rayren, Aimen, and Theodore, the two blood demon princes, Sophia and Count Kiri, were unwilling to breathe.


As soon as the battle was over, the four of them immediately slumped on the ground, gasping for breath.

After their physical strength recovered a little, the four of them looked at each other, looked at each other, and laughed in unison.

After the laughter stopped, Raylen patted Theodore on the shoulder and said, "I thought you were dead."

Theodore said with emotion: "I thought I was dead too."

In the conference hall just now, Sophia's identity as a blood hunter was exposed on the spot. When he himself was pierced by Ryan's hands through his chest, he really thought he was dead.

How much he hated Ryan and Sasha at that time.

Hate Ryan's incompetence and stupidity, but he easily took the Gorefiend's way and became a blood servant.

He hated Sasha's naivety and simplicity. He never thought that Sasha, a senior blood hunter who had been active on the battlefield of blood and fire for decades, would actually believe in a teenage boy like Ryan. Identity revealed and death.

Only now did he realize that it was him who was really stupid, naive, and incompetent!

He thought it was Ryan who broke his plan and made this Gorefiend hunt fail.

Actually he almost broke Ryan's good thing!

If he obeyed Sasha's arrangement obediently from the beginning and waited for Ryan's signal outside, this Gorefiend hunt would not have so many twists and turns.

Ryan, this man is too powerful and mysterious!

He couldn't help looking at Sasha and asked, "What's up with that new companion you recruited? Is he really only a teenager? Is he really just a pharmacist? Could his true identity be alive? Dozens or hundreds of years old, the terrifying old monster hidden in the blood hunting organization?"

Lei Lun also looked at Sasha and said, "I never expected that there would be three prince-level blood demons this time. If one hadn't been poisoned and escaped, and the other two were seriously injured, we would definitely kill them. Here, who is that guy named Rickon?"

Aimen rubbed his chin and thought: "I always feel a little familiar with that Gorefiend who escaped with poison, and I seem to hear these two Gorefiends calling it Lord Mei..."

Aimen's words made everyone present frown and ponder. Even Ryan's true identity was temporarily put aside, because the Gorefiend that can make two Gorefiend princes respectfully called adults is definitely not ordinary.

Gorefiend Sovereign is impossible, otherwise all of them would have to die here.

so it is…

After frowning and pondering for a while, Leilun suddenly widened his eyes, "Could it be Merlo, Prince of Blood?"

Theodore suddenly took a deep breath and said incredulously, "You mean Merlot? You mean Merlot, the first prince under Munster, the monarch of darkness three hundred years ago?"

The three monarchs of the Gorefiend are the strongest among the Gorefiends, each possessing incredible power.

Moreover, the three monarchs are different from ordinary Gorefiends. Ordinary Gorefiends, even the Gorefiend Princes, die when they die, and they are gone.

The difference between the three monarchs and ordinary Gorefiends is that they are immortal!

It does not mean that it cannot be killed, but even if they are killed at a huge cost, they will recover after a period of time, ranging from decades to hundreds of years.

And every time the Gorefiend monarch revives, it will bring huge disasters to mankind.

Three hundred years ago, the monarch of darkness, Munster, recovered, and the blood hunting organization was dispatched. In the end, the monarch of darkness was killed at the cost of almost all the blood hunters.

However, not all the Gorefiends who followed Munster, the monarch of darkness, died at that time, and a few survived. The most famous of them was Merlo, the Prince of Blood.

In the past three hundred years, Prince of Blood Mello did not know how many Blood Hunters had been killed, and how many losses had been suffered by the Blood Hunting Organization. Therefore, the Blood Hunting Organization did not know how many crusades against Prince Mello of Blood had been launched, but Mello still survived to this day.

Melo is very powerful and is known as the strongest gorefiend prince.

But no matter how strong he is, he is only a blood demon prince. The blood hunter can kill even the three major monarchs. Are you afraid of the mere blood demon prince?

As long as five first-class blood hunters with Awakened Blood Endowment are ambushed with equipment and props, there is a certain probability to kill Merlo.

As long as there are seven blood hunters of the same level as Sasha, they can be half-baked with Melo.

If the number is not seven but ten, it can make Mello come and go!

Although blood hunters at the level of Sasha are rare, there are still some twenty or thirty in the organization.

With strength above Sasha, one person can single-handedly take on the blood hunt of the blood demon prince of Sophia's level, and there are also many blood hunt organizations.

Merlo is strong, but it is not strong enough to fight against the blood hunting organization by himself. Even if it gathers other blood demon partners to form a group, it is impossible to fight against the blood hunting organization.

The reason why Melo has survived to this day, in addition to its strong strength as the strongest Gorefiend Prince, is the most important thing is that it is cautious and never takes risks, and runs away immediately when it encounters danger.

How did Sasha and the others never expect that the Prince of Blood, Melo, who gave all blood hunters a headache, would be met by them?

The strongest Gorefiend Prince Melo, plus the two powerful Gorefiend Princes, Sophia and Count Kiri, logically speaking, Sasha, Rayren, Aimen and Theodore are absolutely dead. raw.

But because of Ryan's appearance, everything changed.

Prince Mello, who is as strong as blood, can only flee in embarrassment?

Princes of the rank of Sophia and Count Kiri were seriously injured in a single encounter?

Is there such a strong blood hunter in this world? Does such a powerful human exist? They had never heard of it before!

If it's Sasha, who is Ryan's companion, he must know some inside stories, right?




Three eyes fell on Sasha at once, staring at her tightly, waiting for her answer.

Although none of the three of Leilun asked, but Sasha knew very well what questions the three of them wanted to ask and what answers they wanted to know.

She really wanted to answer, but the problem was that she didn't know either?

Ryan is indeed her partner. She and Ryan have been together for more than a month. However, she almost knows nothing about Ryan.

When she was about to shake her head and say "I don't know", a flash of light suddenly flashed in her mind.

She didn't know much about Ryan's true identity and why she was powerful, but she still knew a little bit.

for example-


At the beginning, she also suspected Ryan, and felt that Ryan's human identity was disguised, and his true identity was the blood demon who had plotted against her.

At that time, she just wanted to laugh at Ryan's defense. How could human beings have thousands of kilograms of strength through exercise?

Don't think she's a three-year-old child!

It wasn't until she got the practice method called breathing method from Ryan that she knew that everything Ryan said was true!

In this world, there really exists a cultivation method that allows human beings to surpass their limits and make their own strength comparable to that of the Gorefiend without relying on blood!

Maybe Ryan has other ways to get stronger besides breathing?

Maybe Ryan is really just a genius boy who has mastered a secret cultivation technique unknown to the world?

Looking at the three faces of Leylen, Theodore, and Aimen who were eager for answers, Sasha hesitated and said, "When he comes back, let him explain it to you in detail."

They could see that Sasha knew something, but Sasha didn't want to say that there was nothing they could do. In the end, they could only wait for Ryan's return.

Leylen asked, "Do you think he can defeat the Blood Prince Melo?"

Sasha shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, but I know he will definitely be able to come back alive!"

Theodore looked at Sasha and said with a smile: "How can you trust him after knowing each other for more than a month? I think we have known each other for more than ten years. When did you trust me so much?"

Seeing that Theodore had something to say, Sasha just wanted to refute, Theodore stood up and stretched and said, "You should all be tired, take a good rest, and leave the aftermath to me. Bar."

Killing the Gorefiend is the most important and difficult step, but the aftermath is the most troublesome.

If you kill the Gorefiend in the inaccessible mountains, simply deal with the traces of the battle and you can leave. If you are too lazy, you can set the Gorefiend's body on fire with a torch.

Where are they fighting now?

It's the mansion of Earl Kiri!

It is a mansion with thousands of servants!

Should those injured by the aftermath of the battle be treated?

To brainwash ordinary people who see the battle?

Although Earl Kiri's mansion is not built in the downtown, it is not remote, and many people outside have noticed the strangeness of the Earl's mansion.

In short, there is so much to do after the aftermath!

Among the four people present, there was only Theodore who had the energy to deal with the aftermath.

Sasha is the main force in melee combat and has been fighting with Sophia in close quarters. Even if she can absorb Sophia's vitality to heal her body, the injuries continue to stack up, and the healing speed of her body can't keep up with the speed of her injuries.

Aimen is also the main force in melee combat, but his body is more serious than that of Sasha. In addition to the injuries he suffered during the battle, the main reason is that his body is made up of countless Gorefiend remains.

This method of strengthening brought him a powerful physique far beyond that of ordinary blood hunters, and it also brought him great sequelae.

For example, once intense exercise is performed, the body may disintegrate on the spot at any time.

As a gunman, Lei Lun was not injured much, but he used too much blood, his body was severely overdrawn, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

After one or two were ruled out, only Theodore could move.

Theodore, as a man with rich experience in aftermath, took action immediately.

Gather the living to transport the wounded, inform the blood hunting organization, and hypnotize the nearby officials...

Before you know it, the time has come to evening.

In the dilapidated restaurant, Theodore said to the exhausted pharmacists, "I'm sorry, you have to stay here for a few more days."

The pharmacists present quickly expressed their understanding.

"As heroes who fought against the Gorefiend, the enemy of mankind, it is what we should do to cooperate with your work."

"Yes, yes, it's just a few more days. How can we complain?"

"If you need any help, mention it. We are definitely not as good as you in terms of combat, but everyone in the room is a first-class pharmacist!"

Looking at the "warmhearted" pharmacists present, Theodore smiled and said nothing.

Just now, in order to make these arrogant pharmacists obedient, he told them a lot of "reasons".

Since they were all so obedient, he didn't want to continue to ridicule them. If those pharmacists made a fuss because of their boring self-esteem, it would not be worth the harm.

So he greeted everyone to eat, "Everyone has been tired all day, hurry up and eat and rest."

He found that Sasha was standing in front of the door without moving her feet for a long time, and he didn't seem to hear Sasha when he shouted a few times.

He walked over and stood beside Sasha, looked sideways at Sasha and asked, "Are you still waiting for him?"

Sasha nodded slightly, "Yeah."

When he was about to persuade Sasha to eat and rest well, he found that Sasha was suddenly excited.

"Could it be that…"

He looked in the direction of Sasha's line of sight. Under the setting sun, a teenager with tattered clothes and covered in blood was slowly dragging a carriage, and on the carriage was a three-meter-high monster corpse.

After waiting for a long time, Ryan finally came back. After Sasha was stunned for a moment, she immediately ran out with tears in her eyes.

Looking at her excited look and open arms, when Theodore thought that Sasha would throw herself into Ryan's arms and cry, Sasha's footsteps slowed down.

Seeing Sasha pretending to be calm and asking Ryan, "Are you okay?" "Are you okay?" "Would you like to have dinner together?", Theodore silently held his forehead, "You can't do this, let me teach you How to capture a man's heart!"

After he closed his eyes and brewed his feelings for a while, when he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already blurred by tears.

He opened his arms and ran towards Ryan emotionally, crying Ryan's name as he ran.

People who didn't know the truth looked at this scene and thought that he and Ryan were close friends who lived and died together, and even Ryan himself had a moment of doubt, "Could Theodore be Rickon's former friend? ?"

Seeing Theodore was about to throw himself into his arms, Ryan raised his leg and kicked, "Get out!"

Theodore, who was kicked to the ground, gave Sasha a thumbs up, "See? You should do this."

Sasha turned her head and pretended not to know this person, it was a shame!

After eating and drinking enough to settle down with the others.

In the middle of the night, in the dilapidated conference hall, Ryan, Sasha, Raylen, Aimen and Theodore were sitting around a round table.

Ryan said to Theodore, "Count Kiri's legacy, including all the medicinal herbs, cursed medicinal herbs, and potion formulas in the mansion, belong to me as my trophies, is it okay?"

Theodore nodded and said: "No problem, I will let people handle this matter well, and let you 'legally and reasonably' inherit everything from Earl Kiri, and no one will doubt you."

After Ryan nodded with satisfaction, he looked at Sasha and asked, "Where are you going next?"

After sasha pondered for a while, she said, "The blood demons here have been eradicated, and the next step is to hunt the blood demons everywhere as before."

Ryan asked, "Would you like to stay here for a while? I still have many cultivation methods that I haven't taught you."

Sasha smiled and said, "Are you letting me stay here to help me become stronger or to draw my blood for research? But... it's not impossible to recover from the injury here and walk."

Seeing that Sasha had agreed, he asked Aimen, who was wrapped in bandages all over his body: "Your behavior of transplanting the remains of the Gorefiend into yourself is no different from courting death. It's a miracle that you have survived until now, but you can't stand it. How long has it been, I happen to have research on this, and I may be able to help you."

Aimen pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Excuse me."

At this time, Lei Lun on the side said, "Can I also stay and practice with you with Sasha?"

Sasha's melee ability has become so much stronger than the last time we met, and Ryan's teaching has contributed greatly.

As a blood hunter, the road to becoming stronger is just around the corner, how could he not try it?

But this kind of cultivation secret must not be easily spread, right? The reason for teaching Sasha is that it is not difficult to guess the relationship between the two of them from the degree of Sasha's trust in Ryan. UU Reading

Lei Lun, who didn't hold out any hopes, just tried to ask, found that Lei En nodded and agreed. He was so excited that he knelt down on one knee, "Student Lei Lun pays respects to the teacher!"

Ryan was very satisfied with Lei Lun's reaction. He gestured to Sasha with his eyes, "Did you see what other people's reaction was? I think you were reluctant when I taught you how to breathe, as if I begged you to practice."

Sasha snorted proudly and turned her head away.

Ryan didn't care either, and they continued to discuss other issues.

At the end of Lane's clinching meeting, Theodore suddenly asked, "What about me?"

Ryan asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with you?"

Theodore asked, "Aren't you going to persuade me?"

Ryan was even more puzzled, "What should I advise you?"

Theodore's voice suddenly became high, "Sasha, Aimen, and Raylen are all three of you, you let them stay, why don't you ask me if I want to stay?"

Ryan asked, "Do you want to stay and study with me?"

"Cough cough..." Theodore coughed a few times, "If you insist on keeping me, it's not that I can't stay."

"Oh." Ryan was expressionless, "The meeting is over."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong!" Theodore hugged Ryan's thigh violently, "Please let me stay! Lord Rickon, I also want to practice and study with you! Mr. Rickon, accept me as a student Bar!"

Facing Theodore with snot and tears on his face, Ryan, who felt disgusted, kicked him away and said, "I just need a chorus here."

Theodore quickly raised his hand and said, "I will, I will!"

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