The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 427: give me a million blood

In fact, Sasha's three-legged cat acting skills can't deceive Ryan at all. I think Sasha was not born when Ryan started to deceive people.

Sasha's inner thoughts, intentions, and the final sneak attack were all within his expectations.

As long as he wanted to, it would be easy to fool Sasha into thinking he was just a helpless pharmacist, but he didn't do that.

Because it is not necessary!

Why does he hide his power?

Does he need to hide his strength?

There is a saying that "a lie needs more lies to cover up", and he judged that hiding his strength outweighed the gains, and decisively revealed his strength when Sasha tested him.

Facing Sasha's question, he replied, "As you can see, I'm just an ordinary pharmacist."

"Stop joking!" Sasha yelled, "How can there be an 'ordinary' pharmacist like you in this world?"

The mouth on Sasha's stomach also spoke, and said in a hoarse voice: "Damn boy, to be honest, I still like you, but if you don't tell the truth, then you will sleep in my stomach forever."

Ryan explained: "I'm really just an ordinary pharmacist. Maybe my strength is a little bigger than ordinary people, my speed is a little bit faster, and my reaction is a little bit more powerful, but these are the results of my training."

"Huh?" Sasha opened her mouth wide, as though she had heard unbelievable words.

Shasha's brother, Shasha, said angrily: "Exercise? What kind of exercise can make ordinary people gain several thousand kilograms of strength? Don't take us for fools!"

Ryan said: "My physique is indeed a little stronger, but I am really a pure human, neither a blood hunter nor a blood demon, just a human who knows the correct training method and perseveres."

Looking at Sasha's two siblings who didn't believe it at all, Ryan sighed and raised his right hand towards Sasha.

Sasha was startled by Ryan's action. She wondered if Ryan found that he couldn't deceive her, so he planned to tear his face and kill her. She hesitated whether to attack first.

However, Ryan's next words greatly exceeded her expectations. Ryan said, "Whether I am a blood demon, you will know if you verify it?"

Sasha frowned, "Verify?"

Ryan nodded and said: "Where does the power of blood hunting come from, and what kind of creature is the blood demon? You should know better than me. If you want to know if I am an ordinary person, you only need to verify it with me, no ?"

After struggling for a while, Sasha gritted her teeth and threw herself forward.

She came to Ryan at once, grabbed Ryan's arm and demanded it.


Her sharp teeth pierced through Ryan's skin, pierced through Ryan's muscles, and snapped off the blood vessels buried deep in his body.

"Grumble rumble..."

She was madly swallowing Ryan's blood like a vampire.

The power of Gorefiend comes from blood, and the power of Bloodhunter comes from Gorefiend, so it also comes from blood.

As long as he devours Ryan's blood, he will know whether he is a blood demon.

However, if you only swallow a little blood, you may make mistakes, so you must swallow 90% of the blood in Ryan's whole body, so that the judgment can be 100% accurate.

If the average person loses 90% of their blood, there is a high probability of death on the spot, and a small probability of dying after saying their last words.

Even though Ryan's physique is far stronger than that of ordinary people, if he loses 90% of his blood, he will be in a weak state of being slaughtered by others. If Sasha wants to, he can easily kill him.

But Ryan chose to trust Sasha in order to prove his identity.

This trust has to say that Sasha is very moved. She hopes from the bottom of her heart that what Ryan said is true, and she really doesn't want to be an enemy of Ryan.


After swallowing a large amount of Ryan's blood, the ferocious giant mouth in Sasha's abdomen spoke, "There is really no smell of blood demon, this kid is really just a pure human, but... such delicious blood! Such pure vitality! There is no trace of impurities in this guy's body, and it can be called a perfect human being!"

Seeing that Shasha's mind was completely immersed in Ryan's delicious blood, and that Ryan might die if he continued like this, Shasha hurriedly asked, "Brother, is there any result?"

After getting Shasha's answer, Shasha let go of the mouth that bit Ryan's wrist.

She looked at the pale Ryan who was dying at any time, and quickly bowed and apologized: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you!"

At this time, Ryan couldn't care about talking to Sasha. He has now lost 90% of the blood in his body. If he continues to drag him, he may die.

He dragged his tired body to the shelf where the medicines were placed, and took out bottles of medicines and poured them into his mouth with difficulty.

After drinking more than ten bottles of potion in a row and lying in bed for a long time, Ryan was finally out of danger of death.

During the period, Sasha kept apologizing to Ryan, and didn't stop until Ryan was upset, but her eyes were still full of doubts when she looked at Ryan.

After Ryan felt much better, he said to Sasha, "If you have any questions, just ask, don't worry."

Sasha hesitated for a long time before asking, "I already know that you are a pure human, but how could you have such a powerful physique as a pure human?"

"I remember you were a very good apothecary? So it was because of some kind of magical potion?"

Ryan replied: "No, my strong body is the result of exercise."

Sasha looked a little angry with a sullen face, "You don't want to tell me that you can say it directly, and prevaricate me with such words that you know are obviously lies. How much do you despise me?"

It is normal for people to have their own ulterior secrets. Sasha herself has many secrets that she would rather die than being known. She believes that Ryan, who is more mysterious than her, must also have many secrets that cannot be told.

It is not a problem to have a secret, nor is it a problem not to tell others.

If Ryan directly said "this is a secret, I can't tell you", then she would have understood it instantly and never mentioned it again.

But Ryan actually made up a lie full of loopholes to deceive her?

She was pierced by her and refused to admit it?

If Ryan hadn't saved her life, she would have just thrown her sleeves and left.

In the end, she could only shake her head and said indifferently, "Okay, I believe you."

She said she believed Ryan, but she couldn't feel any trust in her tone, it was full of perfunctory.

Ryan scratched his head and was very upset. If he hadn't planned to cooperate with Sasha next, he wouldn't have bothered to waste time explaining to Sasha.

How to explain it?

How to explain Sasha to believe it?

Explain the yarn!

It is impossible for others to believe many things by mouth, unless you and the other party are good friends, no matter how outrageous content you say, the other party will unconditionally believe you.

Obviously Ryan and Sasha are not in a trusting relationship, so—

Lane said, "I can teach you."

Sasha was dumbfounded, "What did you say?"

Ryan explained: "I can teach you how to exercise, and when you become stronger through the exercise I teach you, you will naturally believe what I say."


What more can Salsa say?

Whether what Lane said is true or false, won't she know when she cultivates?

If Ryan is lying, then he doesn't need to do this at all.

Although her heart was still full of doubts and distrust, she nodded and said, "If you don't mind, please teach me."

Sasha did not refuse.

As a blood hunter who fights with Gorefiend all the year round and often struggles on the edge of life and death, in order to become stronger and kill Gorefiend, she will try any method that may increase her combat power.

If there really is a way to make her stronger, even if Ryan is unwilling to teach her, she will try to get it.

After some discussion, Ryan and Sasha finally had a foundation of trust.

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere between the two, Ryan smiled: "I didn't expect your acting skills to be pretty good, but I just don't know if your coy look is pretending to be."

Sasha recalled the scene of being touched by Ryan, her face changed, "Shy?"

Seeing that Sasha was not as open-minded as he imagined, Ryan laughed and said, "Actually, I didn't know anything about Blood Hunt and Gorefiend until I met you. Human life is very interesting, can you cooperate with me in research?"

Sasha snorted coldly, "Hehe, are you studying and studying, and studying on the bed?"

Ryan said depressedly: "It seems that you misunderstood me deeply."


Sasha turned her head sideways with a look of disdain, as if she had seen through Ryan's dirty heart hidden in the darkness.

"Hello? I may not be a good person, but I'm definitely not the kind of person you imagine, okay?"

Looking at Sasha's indifferent appearance, Ryan knew that he had to make a big deal, "I may be a womanizer, I may be very fond of beauty, and I may find ten or eight beautiful girls every night. sleep, but..."

He pointed to Salsa, "What makes you think I'd be interested in you?"

His eyes fell on Sasha's belly, and his eyes seemed to see the giant mouth on her stomach through the clothes Sasha was wearing, "Maybe some curious people see that big mouth on your stomach, their brains There will be some bold ideas, but I'm just a normal person, understand?"

Ryan's cruel words made Sasha's face turn pale.

Sasha looks definitely a big beauty, and her temperament is also very good. Generally speaking, there must be a lot of suitors.

However it didn't.

Not to mention ordinary people, even those who are also blood hunters keep a distance from her.

The reason is very simple - because of her blood endowment!

On his stomach grows a ferocious giant mouth that can swallow a person's head in one bite, and that giant mouth has its own self-awareness, can speak, has a grumpy personality, and has an extremely unpleasant voice.

Normal people can't accept such a woman!

What Ryan said was the truth. It was the first time for Sasha when Ryan actually broke this point directly in front of her, so even if it was a fact she had known for a long time, it still made her very disappointed.

At this time, Sasha's brother, the big mouth, spoke up, and he scolded Ryan: "You bastard! I was so optimistic about you just now, you really are a bastard! Don't let this uncle find a chance, look This uncle ate you in one bite!"

Ryan knew what he said was hurtful, but it was a good way to get Sasha off her guard as soon as possible.

Now that the goal has been achieved, naturally there is no need to continue to struggle with this matter, otherwise, it will not be as simple as letting Sasha relax his vigilance against him, and he may also gain the hatred of Sasha's two brothers and sisters for him.

He returned to the topic at the beginning and said: "The physique of the blood hunter is very different from that of ordinary people. You can study the medicine that can be more suitable for your physique, so that your wounds can heal faster, and you can also treat your upcoming marriage. Make adjustments to your workouts."

Sasha was silent, neither nodding in agreement nor shaking her head in veto.

Lane continued: "Actually, I have almost completed the research on your muscles, bones, nerves and other body structures while you were in a coma."

At this time, Sasha remembered that she had been in a coma for half a month before. During that time, she was at the mercy of Ryan, who might be more familiar with her body than herself.

Should she be shy now?

Should I angrily scold Ryan as a "pervert"?

But when she thought of what Ryan said just now that her body was disgusting and could not make people interested in sex, she was silent again, and she didn't even have the strength to scold Ryan.

"But there is a very important study that needs your cooperation," Lane said.

Sasha asked, "What research?"

Ryan replied: "The next research experiment needs to use your blood. Before, it was difficult to draw blood because your injury was too serious. Now that you are so badly injured, it should be okay to draw a little blood, right? "

"I thought it was something, but it turned out to be just a bit of blood." Sasha patted her chest and said to herself, "Don't look at how weak I look now, but my physique is far stronger than ordinary people. The amount of blood loss that people lose is a piece of cake in my opinion."

Ryan smiled and said, "Then I can rest assured."

He brought a bucket and put it in front of Sasha and said, "Give me a bucket of your blood first."

Sasha looked at the wooden barrel in front of her with a black line on her face. After watching for a while, she turned to stare at Ryan, "Do you want to kill me?"

"Ah? Is a bucket of blood a bit too much?" So Ryan changed his face, "Although the amount is a little less, it's barely enough... What are you doing!"

Sasha actually stepped on the face that Ryan had brought out with one foot.

Facing Ryan's questioning, Sasha turned her head and looked "too lazy to pay attention to you".

Sasha has not cooperated with his research all the time. Ryan was a little upset. He asked, "Didn't you say you were willing to cooperate with me in research?"

Sasha pointed to the barrel and face plate and asked, "I said this, but isn't it too bullying for you to directly bring blood in the barrel and face plate?"

Ryan said, "It's not something I came up with with a slap of my head, it's a choice I made based on my understanding of your body. As long as it is combined with healing potions and acupuncture, a bucket of fresh blood will be drawn. It will never endanger your life, and there will be no sequelae, the amount is calculated by me."

Sasha sneered, "Yeah, the amount is good... That's why I hate you researchers so much!"

Ryan was disappointed that Sasha was unwilling to cooperate with his research.

But research still needs to be done. He took out a bottle with a capacity of about one liter, "Can you give me the blood that fills this bottle?"

This time, Sasha was very decisive. When she was about to bleed, she heard Ryan muttering in a low voice "one bottle in the morning, one bottle in the evening, three bottles a day", and she smashed the bottle directly on Ryan's face~www. In the end, Ryan said whatever he could, she reluctantly agreed to provide two bottles of blood a day.

After successfully collecting a bottle of blood, before using the blood for experimental research, Ryan asked, "Is the blood demon that seriously injured you that day strong?"

This question made Sasha's expression suddenly become extremely dignified, she nodded and said, "Very strong! There is no doubt that he is the Gorefiend Prince who is second only to the three major monarchs of Gorefiend!"

Ryan asked, "Prince Gorefiend? There should be very few such powerful monsters, right? So is that Gorefiend that Gorefiend's identity?"

Sasha shook his head and said, "When it attacked me, it only used the Gorefiend Rotten Street trick, and it was impossible to confirm the identity of the opponent with that one move, and besides the three Gorefiend monarchs being fixed, even the Gorefiend Prince was It is normal to change batches for a period of time, and there is no record."

Ryan nodded to show his understanding, and said, "The Gorefiend Prince just used a bad street trick to make you useless. How terrifying is its real strength?"

Sasha, who felt that there was something in Ryan's words, said: "If you have something to say, say something and let go. Don't play riddles with me."

Now that Sasha said so, Ryan said directly: "Do you still dare to fight that Gorefiend? No, you definitely dare, but it doesn't make sense, because you're just giving away the head, so Forget it."

Sasha blushed and clenched her fists, "Are you looking down on us?"

Shasha's unpleasant hoarse voice came, "Isn't it Prince Gorefiend? Killing it with the strength of this uncle is like killing a chicken. Remember, Shasha and I are among the most powerful beings in blood hunting!"

"I'm not afraid of any Gorefiend Prince at all!"

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, this uncle will bite off your head in one bite!"

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