The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 416: Welcome to the Abyss Corridor

In a trance, Ryan realized that he had come to an unfamiliar place.

"This is the duel field of the rumored Abyss Demon Lord, the Abyss Corridor?"

Ryan looked around curiously.

Just a few seconds ago, he was terrified of the abyss corridor. He didn't want to come to the abyss corridor even after a fight with the powerful wizard Bemora, who was at the peak of the morning glory. After he really arrived at the abyss corridor, his face was very calm, as if It's the same as he took the initiative to come to the abyss corridor.

The reason is simple, because Ryan has always been a "whatever comes and goes" person.

If you don't want to come, come here, there is no point in yelling.

He just wants to quickly figure out what kind of place the Abyss Corridor is, and how to get out of here alive.

He found that the place he was in was an island floating in darkness.

Outside the island, the extremely thick darkness surged like a liquid, covering the entire island.

Just by looking at it, he knew that once he entered the darkness outside the island, he would be instantly submerged in the darkness to the point where nothing was left.

"Is there any way to get out of here?"

He carefully observed the island and found that in the center of the island with a diameter of several hundred kilometers, there was a staircase leading to the sky.

"It should be me walking up the stairs... um!" Ryan, who was about to lift his feet and leave, suddenly changed his face.

Somewhere not far from him, time and space actually distorted.

"Is someone going to send it over?"

"Who is it? Is it an enemy or a friend? Is there any danger?"

His brain was spinning fast, and he was ready for a challenge.

He was extremely nervous at first, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw who was coming.

He fell to the ground, and Anjie walked over to him with blank eyes.

He stretched out his hand to An Jie and said, "Are you alright?"

"Crack!" Anjie angrily patted off the hand that Ryan wanted to pull her, and glared at Ryan and shouted angrily, "Look at what you have done!"

If it wasn't for Ryan, she would never have come to the ghostly place of the Abyss Corridor. It would be no exaggeration to say that Ryan killed her.

So Anjie is angry with Ryan for a reason, and Ryan himself understands it, but—


Ryan's eyes turned cold, and he slowly retracted his outstretched hand.

What kind of onion is Anjie? Do you really think that his dignified manly man is licking dogs?

Since Anjie doesn't want him to help, then don't help!

She loves to die wherever she goes!

Aware of the change in Ryan's expression, Anjie suddenly felt bad.

It is definitely not a good choice to have a deadlock relationship with Ryan in the abyss corridor.

After reacting, she grabbed Ryan's hand that had not been fully retracted. After getting up with Ryan's power, she looked around curiously, and never mentioned the fact that Ryan sent her to the abyss corridor.

Seeing Ryan's stern face relaxed, Anjie breathed a sigh of relief, and asked curiously while looking around: "Is this the abyss corridor? What should we do next?"

Coming to the dangerous and mysterious place of the Abyss Corridor, if you want to survive, you can only hug Ryan's thigh tightly.

She secretly looked at Ryan's change of expression. It is rumored that the abyss corridor is the duel field used by the abyss demon to select warriors. They need to fight against geniuses from various planets, races, and worlds.

Even the incomparably powerful Ryan doesn't have the full confidence to survive here, right?

That's why he was so excited when he learned from Wizard Bemora that he was coming to the abyss corridor, and even risked his life to fight Wizard Bemora, the powerhouse at the peak of the morning glory.

She believed that Ryan knew no more about the abyss corridor than she did, and had no less fear of death than she did, but looking at Ryan's calm face, she couldn't help but wonder—

Has Ryan been to the Abyss Corridor before?

Otherwise, why is he so calm?

It was like this in the spirit city of the dead, and it is still like this when she came to the abyss corridor. She had to admit that there was a huge chasm between her and Ryan that could not be crossed.

This moat has nothing to do with strength, aptitude, or talent, it is the purest will!

Ryan will be afraid, fearful and confused, but no matter whether he is negative or positive, he cannot shake his will. Whenever he needs to make a choice, he can always make the current optimal solution.

She couldn't imagine Ryan in such a hurry!

"Even if I have the same resources as him, surely I can't reach the same height as him?"

After she sighed inwardly, she looked in the direction Lane was looking, and what appeared in their field of vision was a staircase leading to the sky.

She asked, "Where does that staircase lead?"

Ryan shook his head and replied, "I don't know either, but we don't have a better place to go."

They came to the center of the island and stood at the bottom of the stairs.

Looking up at the stairs standing in front of them, their hearts were deeply shocked by the magnificent buildings in front of them.

This ladder is three thousand meters wide, and each step is fifty meters high.

As for the length?

Even if they can see clearly with the eyesight of an astronomical telescope, they can't see the end!

On both sides of this spectacular staircase, there are also huge statues that are thousands of meters high.

Some of these statues are human warriors holding swords, some are bull-headed demons with six wings on their backs, some are golden dragons roaring in the sky, and some are…

Those lifelike giant statues looked down at them with cold eyes, as if they would move and kill them at any time.

Ryan and Anjie looked at each other, and they both saw deep shock in each other's eyes.

Anjie's mouth was attached to Ryan's ear, probably because she was afraid of disturbing the giant statues, she spoke in a polar voice, "Do you really want to leave?"

Ryan was also very uneasy in his heart, but he nodded firmly and said, "Of course I have to go!"

After he finished speaking, he kicked his legs and jumped dozens of meters high, landing on the first step.

After Anjie hesitated, she followed Ryan's pace.

The two stood on the stairs and looked around carefully, ready to escape at any time.

"No danger?"

When they were about to continue to walk up, the huge statues standing on both sides of the stairs suddenly trembled.


Although the magnitude of the shaking of the statues is not large, you must know that each of those statues is thousands of meters high, UU reading www.uukanshu. com weighs hundreds of millions of tons.

The sound caused by their "slight" shaking exploded like thunder in the ears of Ryan and Anjie, and the eardrums were about to burst.

An Jie was taken aback by the sudden change, her knees were slightly bent, and she was about to leave the stairs and return to the ground.

Ryan put his hand on her shoulder and shook her head slightly.

Anjie did not dare to disobey Ryan, so she could only stand beside Ryan tremblingly, looking at the shaking giant statues in horror.

After a while, they suddenly noticed a black shadow flying out of a statue and charging towards them.

Facing the unknown shadow, both of them focused their minds to the extreme, and were ready to fight and escape at any time.

When the shadow landed in front of them, they were surprised to find that the shadow was actually a cute black ball the size of a football with furry body.

The black ball bounced a few times in front of Ryan, showing that he was not malicious, and Mengmeng's voice came out from it, "Lord Ryan, welcome to the abyss corridor."

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