The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 30: Shadows in the walls

   I dare not take other things related to the wizard, but the things in the mind of the wizard like the mind must be okay, right?

   No matter how good Felika is, she won’t be able to read minds, right?

  The question is how to get it?

   Move the whole stone room home?

   If he has a portable space, maybe he can give it a try.

   Lane asked: "Is it the strange lines on the wall that temper the mental power? If I write down those lines and go home and draw them on the wall, I don't know if it works?"

   Phoenix replied: "This is only known after trying it."

   Lane asked again: "How long can I stay in the stone room? Can you write down all the lines carved on the wall during this time?"

   After getting Phoenix's okay answer, Ryan took a few deep breaths, and then walked into the stone room after he was mentally prepared.

Seeing Ryan's movements, the Baron Kiri on the side quickly grabbed Ryan and shouted, "Did you not see the Baron Bavo and Bogok knights who fainted inside? It's really dangerous inside. I didn't lie, we It’s better to go back to Master Yinji Felika as soon as possible."

Ryan replied: "I can sense that they still have weak breathing and heartbeat, but I also feel that their weak vitality may drift away with the wind at any time, and it may be too late to find Felika. "

Baron Kiri hesitated, and still persuaded: "But it's really too dangerous inside. The invisible life that we can't see and touch is not something we can deal with. If you go in, maybe people won't be saved, maybe and also……"

  Ryan patted Baron Kiri on the shoulder, clenched his fists awe-inspiringly: "Can we watch two living lives pass away because of danger? We represent the knights of justice!"

   Seeing what Baron Kiri wanted to say, Ryan said loudly: "And even you can escape. I am much better than you. It's okay to hold on for a while to save them both."

   "Master Lane——"

   Baron Kiri knelt down and hugged Ryan's thigh, so moved that tears were almost streaming down.

   Under Baron Kiri’s unwilling gaze, Ryan turned and walked towards the stone room.

   At the moment he turned around, Baron Kiri, who seemed to be touched with tears, cast his mouth in disdain, "Is the ignorant boy living in a fairy tale?"

Of course, Ryan can also see the true mentality of Baron Kiri, because Baron Kiri’s acting skills are too exaggerated and rigid. After a long time, he can’t even squeeze a tear. At first glance, he can’t even squeeze a tear. An inexperienced actor who has never read "Cultivation".

   Which is like him, just a few words, facial expressions, and actions can bring to life an innocent knight who believes in truth, goodness and beauty.

   Lane came to the door of the stone room in two or three steps. He stood at the door and stared at the stone room with solemn expression.

  In his vision, something seemed to be twisted in the empty stone room, wandering, and roaring at him constantly.

   Just standing at the door, he felt a sting in his brain.

  Ryan took a deep breath, shouted "I'm going in" as if to cheer himself up, and then strode into the stone chamber.

   The moment he stepped into the stone room, the lines on the wall of the stone room suddenly became blurred. He looked at everything as if he was looking at it with a magnifying glass, and his entire brain was dizzy.

   It seems that the whole world is spinning fast, and it feels like fainting in circles with one toe on the spot.


   I don't know if it was an illusion, he felt someone watching him from the wall.

   His sight was so desperate and so scared.

   is not only the sight, he also saw the man with his mouth open.

   The mouth is so wide open, the expression on his face is so scared, should he be asking for help?

   But no matter how loud he screamed, he couldn't make a sound. He could only watch the person who could save him pass by.

   And don’t know why, he felt that the people buried in the wall were familiar.

"you are……"

   As if attracted by some unknown force, Ryan slowly approached the wall.

   He pressed his hands on the wall, and his face slowly approached the wall.

   is near.

   The fuzzy face became more and more clear.

"you are……"


   Two scorched arms suddenly stretched out from the wall, hugged Ryan's head fiercely, and pulled him toward the wall.

   He had absolutely no resistance to this sudden situation, and he was dragged into the wall all at once.


  Ryan struggled in the wall, slapping the wall desperately trying to escape, but it was of no use.

   His state at this time is as if a living person is locked in a coffin, and the coffin is still transparent, so you can see the outside world.

   He saw that there were three men lying down in the stone room.

   He saw the horrified expression of Baron Kiri outside the stone room.

The light around    gradually dimmed, and when he thought he was going to be sealed in the dark and cold wall forever, a series of system prompts suddenly sounded in his mind.

   "di di di di..."

   "Scanning and copying is the patterns on the wall have been stored."

   "It is detected that the host's brain is disturbed by an unknown force and is in a disorder. After three seconds, it will stimulate the brain to get rid of the interference of the unknown force."

   "The countdown begins, three, two, one..."

   With the tingling of the brain, Ryan only felt his eyes gleam, and his consciousness suddenly returned to the stone chamber.

   Ryan held his painful brain, and said with fear: "It's a terrifying experience."

   Now that Phoenix has recorded all the lines on the wall, there is no need to stay here.

   Ryan grabbed Baron Bavo with his left hand and dragged Bogao Knight with his right, and hurriedly walked out of the stone room.

   At the moment he was about to cross the threshold of the stone room, he felt someone watching him behind his back, and he heard a vague voice.

   "It's cold..."

"Too dark……"

"it hurts……"

   "Don't leave me... please... please stay with me... please talk to me... please help me..."

   The pleading in his ear is so moving, as if the person he loves the most is begging for him, making him feel reluctant to stay.

   Ryan gritted his teeth and rushed out of the stone chamber.

   For a moment, the line of sight staring at him disappeared, and the sound lingering in his ears disappeared.

   This is obviously something to be happy about, but I don't know why, Ryan feels his heart is empty, as if he has lost something.

   Lane looked back at Shishi, and he faintly saw a teenager about his age staring at him sadly.

   When he blinked and was trying to see what the boy looked like, the boy disappeared suddenly, as if he had never existed.

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