The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 17: Advanced knight and knight armor

   Ryan hesitated for a while, and said, "Check your physical condition at any time, and report any abnormalities to me immediately."

   Phoenix persuaded: "It is recommended that the host immediately leave the radiation range."

   Ryan shook his head and turned down Phoenix's proposal.

Leaving Walle City immediately is the best choice, but he finally came here from Albert Castle after a month of hard trekking. As a result, he just stepped into Walle City and didn’t do anything, so he just rolled back. ?

   can't even accept him personally, let alone Baron Tabor.

  If he had told Baron Tabor to leave Valle City immediately, what would Baron Tabor do?

   No matter how much Baron Tabor spoils him, it is impossible for him to leave Wall City obediently without knowing the reason.

   "No matter what, the knights have to be tested first."

   Although Ryan did not leave Waller City according to Phoenix's proposal, after Phoenix's reminder, he quickly discovered the anomaly.

   As the largest and most prosperous city in Srba Province, the city of Valle has been too quiet along the way, and there are too few people.

   The few people I met occasionally on the road were also pale and lack of energy, as if they had some kind of illness.

   The whole city is lifeless, as if shrouded in an unknown cloud. Even the hot sun cannot bring warmth to Walle City.

   After Ryan reminded him a little bit, Baron Tabor and Joey quickly discovered the anomaly in Waller City.

   Lane asked, "Father, was this city like this when you came to Valle seven years ago?"

Baron Tabor shook his head and said, "How is it possible! I have been to Wall City four times in my life. Every time Wall City is very lively, the road is full of pedestrians, and the roadside is full of paving, especially today is the day of the knight's assessment. The city should be many times more lively than usual. It will definitely not be so deserted."

   In the end, it was really impossible to discuss the results, and the three of them could only rush towards the house of Earl Idosi.

  Earl of Idosi is the lowest and highest family in the province of Srba, and the actual ruler of this province. The annual knight assessment is held in the residence of the earl of Idosi.

   After a while, the three of them came to the gate of the Earl of Idosi’s residence.

   Lane and the three got off their horses and walked towards the gate.

   Baron Tabor took the token and handed it to the guard, saying: "I am Baron Tabor Albert from Albert Castle. I brought my sons Lane and Joey to participate in the knight assessment."

  The guard said impatiently: "The assessment has already started, you are late, and you will come again next year."

   Baron Tabor hurriedly pleaded, "Could you be more accommodating?"

   Talking, Baron Tabor stuffed a small bag of gold coins to the guard.

   The impatient guard shook the bag of gold coins, and smiled happily after listening to the crisp metal crashing sound inside.

   The guard said, "I'll send someone to inform it. I don't know if you can go in."

   Baron Tabor quickly thanked you: "Thank you, brother."

  While waiting for a reply, Baron Tabor and the guard started talking.

   Baron Tabor asked, "This big brother, how do I feel that Valle City is much deserted today than before? Has something big happened?"

The guard sighed: "Six months ago, a sudden plague struck Walle City and many people died. In the past six months, those who have access have left Walle City early, and those who stayed have been hiding in their houses. Come out and walk around at will."

   Baron Tabor frowned and said, "Has it been half a year?"

   The plague lasted for half a year, and from the perspective of the guards, the scope of the plague was limited to Waller City, which was really unusual.

"Yes, I haven't found the source of the disease or a useful treatment for the past six months. Many people say that Valle City is cursed." As he said, the guard suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Many people think It's an evil wizard behind the scenes."

   Baron Tabor talked with the guard for a while.

   The guard who got a reply from above said, "Remember to come earlier in the future. You won't be so lucky next time."

   After Baron Tabor thanked the guards again and again, he led Ryan and Joey into the gate of the Earl of Idosi’s mansion.

   Inside the door, an old man dressed as a servant was already waiting there.

   The old man said: "Please three follow me."

   Under the leadership of the old man, the three of them came to a vast hall that could accommodate hundreds of people.

   There are many people waiting here in the hall long ago, and these people have all come to participate in today's knight assessment.

  As the annual knight assessment of Srba Province, almost all the people who want to get the knight medal are gathered here.

   There were more than one hundred people present, and each of them possessed at least the strength of junior knights, and there were also more than ten intermediate knights.

   Many people are not only powerful, but their status is also extraordinary. There are many barons, and there are even several viscounts. There are so many powerful and distinguished people gathered together. This scene is rare.

  Some barons clearly do not have qualified candidates, but they still bring people to participate in the knight assessment every year, in order to take this opportunity to get to know the nobles.

   As soon as the three people entered the hall, several acquaintances walked over.

   "Baron Albert, long time no see."

   "Is he your son Ryan? He looks really like his mother, but I remember he is only fifteen years old this year? Is he already a junior knight?"

   "With such a genius, the Albert family seems to be on the rise."

   Baron Tabor also talked with those people.

   chatting and chatting.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

  The sound of heavy footsteps came from far and near.

   Whenever the sound of footsteps sounded, the ground would shake, as if there was a ten-meter-high giant approaching here, and many people's faces changed when they heard the sound of footsteps.

   Regarding the sudden heavy footsteps, most people don't know anything, and they naively think that there is really a giant approaching.

   But there are many people who know why, UU read and Baron Tabor is one of them.

   Baron Tabor explained to Ryan and Joey, who looked blank, "My Lord Earl Itosi is coming."

   Lane wondered: "Is the pomp of Lord Earl that big every time he plays?"

   Baron Tabor asked, "Do you know what this sound of footsteps means?"

   Lane shook his head and said, "I don't know."

   Baron Tabor said solemnly: "This means Lord Idosi is wearing knight armor!"

   The strength of senior knights is much stronger than that of intermediate knights, possessing the combat power of 10,000 ordinary soldiers.

   However, the most powerful and scary thing about high-level knights is that they can wear knight armor!

   The knight armor does not have any singular abilities, and the materials used are not so magical. To put it bluntly, it is just a very thick and heavy super heavy armor.

  The question is, who can move in a knight armor of several tons?

   Even if you stand still and let the junior knight beat him up, you don't want to hurt a senior knight in knight armor.

   Although the knight armor is very heavy, it consumes a lot of physical strength after wearing it, and the movement speed will be greatly reduced as a result, but the terrifying defense provided by the knight armor can play a terrifying role on the battlefield.

   A senior knight in knight armor appeared on the cold weapon battlefield, just like a tank suddenly appeared when an ancient soldier was holding a cold weapon in a confrontation. It was a dimensionality reduction attack!

   You must know that senior knights are very powerful, but after all, they are flesh and blood, and ordinary people can still cut them with a knife.

   After the knight armor is completely different, the advanced knight has become a real enemy of all people!

   can defeat the enemy of 10,000 soldiers head-on alone!


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