The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 11: Cruel dark world

   Although Ryan is very interested in wizards, he will definitely try to get in touch with wizards if he has the opportunity, but these things can only be thought of in his heart, and he can't say it directly.

   You must know that the wizard is a symbol of evil in this world. Even the Baron Tabor, who is extremely fond of him, will inevitably not kill his relatives righteously if he knows what he thinks.

   So Ryan said in an innocent tone: "How can I get involved with the evil wizard? It's just that the refining process of the potion requires testing."

   Baron Tabor took a deep look at Ryan, and said solemnly: "I understand, whether it's an animal or a human, I will find it for you as long as you need it."

   Seeing that Baron Tabor hadn't delved into it, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief.

   However, he could see that Baron Tabor did not fully believe his statement, just because of family affection, or the desire for powerful medicine such as body healing ointment, so he did not continue to question.

   Baron Tabor asked, "How many people are needed?"

   Lane replied, "The more animals are, the more the better, and the human beings... fifty for now."

   Baron Tabor nodded silently, without speaking.

   Lane exhorted: "It's best to use death row prisoners or capture robbers. Even if the final number is not enough, don't shoot at civilians."

   Baron Tabor is just a very ordinary feudal baron. He neither loves the people like a son nor is cruel. At the same time, he also has many of the vices of the feudal baron, such as not treating the common people as human beings.

  Ryan was a little worried that Baron Tabor would directly arrest civilians for his experiments because of the ease, so he reminded him a little bit.

   Baron Tabor listened to Ryan's instructions, and his stern face finally showed a smile.

   He doesn't care about the lives of civilians very much, but Ryan is different. If the former benevolent Ryan can really ignore the lives of civilians for experimentation, then he has to consider whether Ryan has really fallen into the evil way.

   Baron Tabor patted Ryan on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, you have a sense for your father."

   Then, Ryan and Baron Tabor put aside the topic and resumed practicing knight breathing.

  Because of the lack of Shanjing's assistance, the time of this practice was much shorter.

   But Baron Tabor is still very satisfied with Ryan's training progress, because Ryan's proficiency in the knight breathing method seems to be immersed for decades, and he seems to be much more proficient than he himself.

  On the way of the knight breathing method, he has no place to guide Ryan.

   Looking at Ryan, Baron Tabor sighed softly.

   In normal times, he must be very happy, because the knight talent shown by Ryan is entirely the seed of a paladin, and he saw the possibility of the rise of the Albert family from Ryan.

   Maybe under Ryan's efforts, he can enjoy the pleasure of being called a viscount in his lifetime.


Baron Tabor said to Ryan earnestly: "Lian, remember that the Albert family is your strongest backing at any time, but you must also not forget that at any time, never take Albert because of your selfishness. The family is in danger."

   After saying this, Baron Tabor strode out of the basement chamber without waiting for Ryan's response.

the next day.

   Baron Tabor, holding a torch, led Ryan on the dark stairs leading to the ground.

   The underground space of Albert Castle is very empty, with a training chamber, a warehouse, and even a well hidden.

I heard that the Albert family was killed by the enemy a hundred years ago, and even the castle was occupied. The ancestors of the Albert family hid under the ground, relying on the food in the warehouse and the well to support one. In August, finally waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

   Under the leadership of Baron Tabor, the two came to the end of the stairs.

   Appeared in front of Ryan, a heavy wooden door was sealed with a huge rusty chain.

   Baron Tabor inserted the torch into the wall and took out a bunch of keys to unlock the iron lock.

  Before pushing the door open, Baron Tabor turned his head and said to Ryan: "The dark side of the Albert family is ahead. You must be mentally prepared."

   Talking, Baron Tabor pushed open the heavy wooden door.


   With the opening of the wooden door, a cloudy wind with **** and rotten odors and various unpleasant odors blown out from the door.

   The stench in the wind is very weak, but it makes people nauseous.

   After the yin wind, there were wailing sounds. Those wailing sounds were so painful and desperate, making people shudder when they heard it.

   Lane stared into the door, he seemed to see countless evil spirits flaring their teeth and claws inside.

   "Let's go."

   Baron Tabor, holding a torch in his hand, walked in first, followed by Ryan.

   This is the underground prison of the Albert family, and all the people held here are executed prisoners.

   As for what crimes these people have committed...

   Baron Tabor pointed to one of them and said, "He is Walter. He was once one of the guards of the Albert family. During a hunt, he killed a companion in order to **** the prey. UU Reading"

   Then, Baron Tabor pointed to one of them and said: "His name is Pence. He hooked up with his sister-in-law and killed his elder brother. Of course, his sister-in-law was killed by the villagers when the incident happened."

Then, Baron Tabor pointed to one of them and said, "Remember her? She was once a servant in charge of your diet and daily life. I used to trust her so much and put you as the family heir to her care, but she secretly detained her. Your money sells your belongings for your own profit."

   There are a total of seventeen people in this underground prison, and Baron Tabor introduced them to Ryan one by one.

  In the eyes of Baron Tabor, all people are naturally worthy of death, but in Ryan's view, the guilt of some people really does not reach the point of death penalty.

   Looking at the tragic situation of those people, listening to the people's begging for mercy, some of whom were his acquaintances, Ryan just bowed his head and remained silent.

   Baron Tabor led Ryan to a room with no prisoners. Various instruments of torture were hung on the walls of the room, and blood stains that could not be wiped off were condensed on the ground and walls.

   Baron Tabor said, "This is a room for punishment. You can do your experiment in this room."

"I know that only seventeen people are not enough. The remaining people and animals and the medicines you need, and then I will find a way to help you find them." Then, Baron Tabor handed Ryan a bunch of keys and said: "The key to the underground prison will be handed over to you."

   After giving the key to Ryan, Baron Tabor patted Ryan on the shoulder and left the underground prison, leaving Ryan standing alone in the dark underground prison.

   Smelling the decayed and foul-smelling air, Ryan sighed for a long time and said, "Is this the cruel and dark feudal world?"


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