Learning about the land which you intend to rule is something I was taught growing up.

It always helped the best of rulers and is what would have helped me if I ascended, but that was not why I was holed up in my favorite spot in the library.

Acrisius knows nothing about Sundara and quite frankly neither do I apart from the usual.

The book I had before me was old and it smelt as such, but it was exactly what I needed.

'Histories Of The Lands And Territories In Korghon' It read.

I flipped the pages of the massive book, the smell of old parchment almost made me sneeze.

"Aha!" I declared, Sundara.

My intrigue quickly died down as the pages contained exactly what I already knew, I quickly flipped to the end of the chapter and what I saw caught my attention.

There were rumors of the land being inhabited by witches, and since they previous kings could do nothing about it, they let it be, even though their rumored existence caused them trouble.

I closed the book, quickly dismissing what I had just read.

Witches and sorcerers did exist at some point in history, and I was fascinated whenever I read about them, but they were executed by my ancestor Armand Kastillion, when he forcefully took the kingdom.

I chuckled at the thought, King Ramiel of Korghon was so lazy that he could not deal with a land 'rumored' to be harboring witches that he dumped the responsibility on a baron.

Ha! That would make a good song for the histories.

I jammed the book, satisfied with all that I found out. I must ride to Sundara and assess the situation myself.

I returned to my chambers famished. That served me right, I left to the library without so much as having something to eat.

Alice came in with a tray of food "You must be famished, your highness" she said as she dropped it on the table of my dining suite.

"Thank you. Alice" she smiled in return.

"Oh, and Alice?" she turned, just as she was about exiting the room.

"Invite the baron to join me for breakfast"

She curtsied and left.


Most times I ate alone, and sometimes, when I desired to share my space with someone, I would invite Acrisius to join me.

I don't have many friends at court. Not because I don't want to, but because they girls are ones who have been pampered their whole lives and desire to discuss nothing but dresses and ponies.

The boys are no better, and our conversations only led to them telling me how much they want me to share a bed with them. They left with a broken nose.

The only friend I managed to make apart from my cousin was the second son of count Nikolai, Drazhan.

He's out making his way in the world, as his father hates him, something we both had in common.

He's hated by his father simply because he did not reach his father's expectations, whatever those may be.

I pray he returns soon.


My door creaked open, and Acrisius strode in, wearing a black suit with golden embroidery, and on his belt, the sigil of his house. A golden star.

"How nice of you to grace me with your presence baron" I said as he took a seat opposite me and helped himself with a glass of orange juice.

"Oh yes, help yourself to my food after making me wait for twenty minutes" I added.

"Forgive me cousin," he said "I was held up in a council meeting"

Another? I thought.

"We can discuss it over breakfast, do help yourself" I told him, and he happily obliged.

"I plan to ride to Sundara and assess the situation" I told him.

He gulped on another glass of orange juice before speaking "Of course, but it'll have to wait"

"Why is that?"

"The king plans to take a wife," it made sense "Your mother made it very clear that he had to do it fast, as you still posed a threat to his reign"


I felt anger boil my blood, haven't they done enough? They took my throne, they belittled me and still they see me as a threat. Wonderful.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself, hoping my anger doesn't take over.

"When does he plan to announce his choice?" I asked.

"Sometime this week, but I think I have an idea who he's going to choose"

Don't say it. Don't say it.

"Duke Herbert's daughter Melissa,"


Melissa Valendel has been the bane of my existence since I began living in the castle.

I was younger then, weak, and she preyed on it and made a mockery of me till I could take no longer. I then did what any other sane child would do. I pulled her hair and gave her a temporary bald spot.

Growing up, she became worse. Though we no longer cross paths, if she were to become queen of Korghon, she'd make my life a living hell.

If there was anyone I hated more than the duke, it was definitely her.

"She is to arrive at the capital at the end of this week" he added.

"Surely they must consider. She's older than him"

He nodded his head, as he munched on toasted bread "There isn't that much of a difference,"

"Acrisius, Melissa and I are the same age" I deadpanned.

"And how old are you again?" he asked.


"And Ramiel is twenty-one, not much difference there"

I lost my appetite just thinking about how my life would be if Melissa of all people were to become queen. First my brother takes my throne and now he wishes to share it with my mortal enemy.

I'll rather drown in a pool of my own blood.

I decided to switch to other pursuits.

"You just gave me more reason why I should leave for Sundara tomorrow"

He audibly gulped his drink, which I found terribly disgusting, but ignored.

"If it helps you get your mind off things" he said.

"It will"

I don't know what I'll do with this information, but I need to get my mind off it, I need to relax, because if I saw Melissa this moment, not even the triple goddess could save her.

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