I slept late last night, not because of the conversation with my mother, but because of the incredible woman I met last night. Cerys Ashwood was probably twice my age based on the gray in her beautiful ginger hair, but she spoke with so much youth and eloquence, and I finally found a woman at court I like, and I will be seeing her tomorrow. Strange excitement coursed through me, and I couldn't remember the last time I felt that way, such childlike emotions.
Alice did not come in today and neither did Amenadiel, courtesy of their day off together until sunset. I hope they make the best of it, and it turns out to be something beautiful.
I got ready by myself, something I hadn't done in a while, fixed my bed and picked out my riding leathers, I don't think I could stomach staying in here all day.
Acrisius sent his personal maid to bring me breakfast, then he himself joined me.
"How was the gathering yesterday?" he asked, as he helped himself to some bread and jam. I didn't know if I wanted to tell him about my mother but damn it. It didn't hurt anymore.
"She really is a vile woman" he spat, I don't think he has ever addressed the queen in that tone before, even with me. His eyes softened, concern glimmered through them "Are you alright?
I shrugged, feigning nonchalance "I don't really care anymore, she's done her worst" he nodded, respecting my words and not prying further.
"Do you feel better?" I asked, feeling the need to change the topic and filling the silence.
He nodded "Oh yes, all I needed was a warm bath and a good night sleep and I feel good as new" he smiled from ear to ear, feeling the need to affirm his declaration.
We finished breakfast, and the table was cleared. I spent the rest of the time telling Acrisius about my magical development, he was stricken with shock when I showed him the two meager magic tricks I could perform, and though I was proud of myself, I still considered it basic magic, and knew I could do more. The magic coursing through my veins told me I could do more, I could feel it.
I needed to practice more, learn more than one spell, my magic itched for it.
"Those are very impressive cousin" he praised, and I gave a mocking bow, like a performer who just finished his first act.
"Thank you very much, my good sir" I quipped.
His brows furrowed and I sensed he was about to ask a question, so I gestured for him to go ahead "If none in our family are witches then how come you're one?" I had no answer for that, though it's something that crossed my mind almost every day, how was I a witch? And apparently one of the powerful kind. I shook my head at him "I don't know" that was all I had, maybe I'd figure it out one day, but that was all I had.
The afternoon sun was hot as hell, and I deemed it perfect to go for a ride in the woods near the castle. As I strode through castle grounds, dozen lords, ladies and knights were storming in for the joust the day after tomorrow, not that I plan to attend anyway, and I doubt anyone would notice my absence.
I arrived at the stables, and the stable boy I met days ago greeted me with a warm smile. Strange I thought, no shiver, no recoil, no fear, just happiness. He looked better than before, I guess he used the money I gave him wisely. "Good day, your highness" he beamed, and I found his smile… contagious. I smiled at him in response and gestured for him to saddle tyrant.
Tyrant was saddled and ready faster than I thought possible, incredible what workers can do when they are fed and taken care of, something a certain someone needs to learn. He would make the kingdom great once more, ha! What a bloody joke, when he can't care enough to see that even a stable boy is fed and not dying. Perhaps that's their idea of making the kingdom great again, pathetic.
I thanked the boy, and he continued what he was previously doing. I was about to mount my horse when I heard an all too familiar voice coming from the entrance of the stables.
"Mind if I join you?" the voice asked, and with the speed in which I recognized the deep voice was the same speed I used to turn to him.
The man whom the voice belonged to is a tall, muscly man with beautiful blue eyes, skin smooth as silk, jawline so sharp it can cut through steel, and his waist long hair the color of chestnut.
Drazhan Alexander.
Shock made my blood still. I couldn't believe my eyes, even as he strode and stood in front of me. His hug was the confirmation I needed that he was indeed real, the sweet scent of him enveloped me, he always smelled sweet, that was the only way I could describe it.
"Is it shock or are you actually happy to see me?" he mused, that smug voice of his hadn't changed over the years. I snapped out of it and gave him a smug look of my own. "Oh, get over yourself Draz," he smiled once more, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight, he was the one in shock this time.
"So, you are happy to see me then"
I chuckled then hit his hard muscled torso "What the hell are you doing here? No most importantly, when did you get here?"
He motioned for the stable boy to fetch him a horse, and he rushed to prepare it without question.
"I arrived last night and made for the castle at first light. And to answer the second question, I came for the jousting"
I scowled "No letter, no warning, I thought you forgotten about me these last three years Drazhan"
"I could never forget a pretty face" he mused, then winked at me which I returned with an eye roll.
Ever since we met, Draz has always shown interest in me. I always returned every flirt, every wink, every inappropriate touch with a joke, I never took him seriously, because if I did, he'd never shut up about it.
I waved his statement off "Are you staying at the manor then, with your father and brother?" he let out a low laugh and shook his head.
"Count Nikolai has made it very clear that he doesn't want me anywhere near his home, I rented a cottage for the night. Its near here, mind if I show you?"
I nodded, and just in time, the stable boy came in with a brown mare, saddled and ready. We mounted our horses and flicked the reins and set them into a slow throttle.
We rode past the woods, the road was smooth and quiet "Where have you been all these years Draz?"
He shifted his horse closer to mine before answering "Somewhere far away from Korghon where I served as a foot soldier for a rebel army for a year and half, then I served as a mercenary the next year, when the war was finally over. When I gathered enough riches, I returned"
"Looks like you had fun" I said.
Allow chuckle "I did, but I still missed you" I smiled and rolled my eyes, then pointed ahead "Is that the cottage?" a nod was all I got in response.
We tied our horses to the trees outside. As we entered the cottage, the warm, smoky aroma of the fireplace enveloped us, immediately making me feel cozy. The interior was moderately furnished, with two brown ornate couches, a plush rug in a deep, earthy tone, and a fireplace that crackled and spat as the flames danced. At the far right, an oak dining table with two chairs sat atop a beautiful, hand-woven rug. On the second floor, a kitchen and two bedrooms promised a peaceful retreat.
It was simple, quiet and peaceful, and I liked it. "Welcome to my humble but temporary abode" he announced, as he unfastened his cloak and threw it on one of the couches. the soft fabric puffing up with the impact. He strode into the kitchen, the wooden floorboards creaking beneath his feet, and returned with a decanter of wine and two delicate, crystal glasses. The rich, fruity aroma of the wine wafted up as he poured our glasses.
"You just returned, and your first order of business is to get me drunk," I teased, trying to sound nonchalant despite the flutter in my chest. "One would think you wanted to take advantage of me, god sir." Drazhan's laughter was deep and throaty, and he almost spilled his wine as he chuckled.
"Trust me, Natalya," he said, his eyes glinting with amusement, "if I wanted to have sex with you, you'd know." I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the spark of tension between us.
"And do you?" His gaze turned predatory, and I felt a shiver run down my spine, or the wetness between my thighs as he replied, "Yes. But first, I have something for you." The air seemed to vibrate with tension as he stood up, his movements fluid and confident.
Such confidence, strong, arrogant, attractive confidence.