I was woken up mid-afternoon by a familiar voice. "I think you've slept long enough your highness"

My back made a loud pop as I stretched, "Did anything happen during my long slumber?"

She opened the rest of the curtains and walked to my wardrobe "The king wishes to organize a jousting in honor of his wedding celebration next week"

I had anticipated a busy week prior to my brother's wedding, so this was no surprise. Though what surprises me is that he still wished to continue with celebrations after audibly declaring that the witches were after his throne. Perhaps he wants to show the kingdom that the crown had nothing to fear.

Bold. If it were his idea.

Alice picked out black pants and a shirt, with brown boots "And while you were asleep, two people accused of sorcery were hanged in the square of the lower town."

My heart raced, more witches were being discovered. As much as my heart pours out to them and their families, if they had one, I couldn't help but worry about Kaida. I hope Sundara is enough to keep her safe. Knowing my brother, he'd attack the defenseless town because of the rumors about it being inhabited by witches.

I pray it doesn't get to that.

After enjoying delicious porridge and black bread for lunch, I decided to hole myself in the royal library, in the farthest corner, surrounded by long wooden shelves and the smell of parchment as my companion, as I read the book Kaida had given me.

While no one looked, I used my magic to make a book float into my hand. For no reason at all, just for the fun of it. I kept the book aside and read through the small book of magic.

The book contained, as Kaida said, basic magic such as wind and earth magic. The spell to open a locked door caught my eye, and I decided to try it.

I looked at the wordings of the spell and saved it into my memory, it'd be very stupid if I was in a situation where I didn't have this book, and I don't know a spell or two by memory. I would use the advice she'd given me Affirm that you wish it to be done, and it shall be done.

And so, I left the library and went back to my room and locked the door behind me.

Aperio ostium, that's what was in the book, and with my chambers locked, I kept the book in my drawer and faced the wooden door.

I'd honestly be ashamed of myself if it takes me hours to learn a spell as basic as this, though I've never done it before.

I took a deep breath and steeled my spine. Affirm and it shall be done, that was all that rang in my mind as I looked at my door, readying myself to cast my first ever spell. I remembered Eleanora's words, you have great magical power, waiting to be used. I remembered Kaida's words as well, This is but a fraction of the power you possess.

I held onto those words, as I stretched my hand before my doorknob and closed my eyes.

"Aperio ostium" I called, and I felt that surge of energy bubble inside me, I embraced it with all my might, and when the door did not open, I called again "Aperio ostium," willing my power to the lock. I said the spell one last time and then a click, the door pushed open.

I swallowed the very audible gasp that threatened to escape my throat, I had done it. I casted my first spell, even though it was a basic one, it was one I casted all by myself. I felt a wave of pride and renewed confidence wash over me, I can't wait for Kaida to see this, when I go next that is.

I had spent all afternoon holed up in my chamber perfecting the spell in such a way that I could do it once, and I got it. This is proving to be more fun than I thought.

Evening had come rather swiftly, and after my bath, I fed Regina and watched in fascination as she swallowed the mice one by one. A Nathaire snake, a deadly creature, but all I could see was Regina. Perhaps Kaida had a book on magical creatures I could borrow sometime.

Acrisius and Amenadiel came into my chambers thirty minutes later, the latter still wore his armor from yesterday. I do hope he had a bath.

"How did you enjoy your alone time?" I asked. Acrisius didn't answer, he just sat down on the sofa and took a deep breath before he spoke "We were attacked by bandits"


Amenadiel was next to speak, he kept his voice neutral "Nothing to worry about my lady, they were just some young men looking for quick coin" I suppressed the sigh of relief that nearly escaped me.

"Are you both alright?"

Acrisius let out a small chuckle "I think I need to take you on your offer and start training with a sword" while Acrisius and I share a love for reading and the histories, he never showed interest in swordplay, even when his mother asked him to join us, claiming that he'd never need it. While his father saw it as a sign of weakness that his only son and heir did not want to learn the ways of the sword, I didn't think much of it, they are many successful men who've made their way in the world without the need to wield a blade.

But even then, even after what he might have endured, I couldn't help but bark a laugh at how he must have cowered in or outside the carriage as Amenadiel fought to save his ass. "What are you laughing about?" he pouted, which made me laugh even harder, "Oh, nothing, I'm just imagining how scared you must have been. The helpless damsel in distress" I teased, and from my peripheral vision, I could see that Amenadiel wished to laugh as well.

"Do not mock me cousin, and if you must know, I was indeed scared for my life" I continued laughing, which made him join in too.

"Then I must commend my guard for protecting you, I would not wish to lose my favorite breakfast companion" Amenadiel nodded.

My cousin helped himself to some water "Is that all I am to you then? A breakfast companion?" I did not answer his question because he already knew he meant more to me than that.

"If you really want to learn how to wield a weapon cousin, then the first place to start is the armory don't you think?" he let out a deep sigh and gestured to the door.

Erynis Darrowmere wasn't much of a sentimental woman, and neither was his father. I think that's where I got it from, she only showed affection when necessary and his father showed none at all, he constantly needs reassurance and the show of affection he missed growing up, and I truly try to do that for him, I truly do. But I wouldn't go out of my way all the time to let him know how much he means to me, and when I do, I can tell he appreciates it.

As we left my room, the walk to the armory was silent, save for our footsteps. I turned to Amenadiel who walked a few steps behind us "Thank you for protecting my family" he gave me a small smile and nodded. I held Acrisius hand and joined our fingers together, then placed my head on his broad shoulders "You're not just a breakfast companion" I whispered, then planted a kiss on his cheek.

His smile warmed my heart. I truly loved seeing him happy, and if complimenting him once or twice and letting him know that he means everything to me is how to do it, then I could definitely do it.

Maybe… hopefully.

The doors to the armory were opened, it reeked of leather and oil. Within lay an assortment of weapons. Spears, longswords, shorts words, daggers, shields, armors, you name it.

All of this could be found in the royal armory. I watched as he surveyed all the weapons, thinking about which he should choose.

Amenadiel came to my side as we both watched him stroll through the array of weapons. He pointed at a spear, the tip sharp enough to pierce through almost anything "How about this one?"

I raised a brow "Do you really think yourself capable of wielding a spear?"

He didn't bother picking it up and walked to the array where swords and daggers of different sizes were displayed.

The time he took to survey the weapons felt like an eternity, but when he deemed himself satisfied, he picked up a longsword, the hilt of the blade was silver, and the pommel was shaped like a star. A coincidence? I think not. He showed it to me with a wide grin "The sigil of my house" I nodded in response.

I didn't know it was there, perhaps it belonged to someone in his family long dead. Acrisius surveyed the daggers once more and picked one up "It'll be wise to learn how to use two don't you think?"

He smiled again, a smile that made warmth spread all over my chest.

"What are you going to call the sword?"

His brows furrowed, and I thought for a moment that naming a damn sword was going to take forever.

"Erynis" he said at last, and I smiled.

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