The security around the capital was still tight, despite the assassination attempt being two days past.

My brother would apparently take no chances.

I itched to go back to Sundara, to Kaida and begin to unravel this great magical power I was said to have. But that would not happen anytime soon, much to my dismay.

I must not rush into anything or do anything rash, lest I risk Kaida's discovery or let my brother discover that I'm a witch.

I sat on my table, my head placed on the book I had borrowed from the library 'Animal Encyclopedia', but it had nothing on black snakes or their origins. I stared at the glass box, at Regina sleeping peacefully, her breathing slow and steady. I'll have to find another rat for her before she wakes up.

I closed the book, dissatisfied with what I had found, Nothing.

Finding where Regina came from is not a priority, I had a feeling we would find out soon enough.

I felt surprisingly good about today, not that I anticipated any events, it was just a feeling.

The corridors were empty, which was a welcome sight from the guards posted at almost every corner of the silver keep. Amenadiel stalked behind me as I took in the small gusts of wind the pricked at my skin.

"You seem different, your highness" he said.

I stopped in my tracks "How so?"

His eyes narrowed, as if trying to spot what exactly made him think I seemed different "I cannot say my lady, call it a feeling"

I smiled at him "I'm still the same person Amenadiel" he nodded in response.

"Where is my cousin?" I asked. He hadn't joined me for breakfast, and it was past noon and still no sign of him. "The baron said to mention that he will be out all day for a meeting with the head of the merchant's guild"

It made sense that now that he had sufficient coin, he'd go to speak with the leader of the merchant's guild and get enough resources to Sundara to begin rebuilding.

Part of me wished I could see the city rise once more, for a baron to succeed where kings could not.

Nothing would make me prouder.

As we walked the vast hallways to goddess knows where, every semblance of positivity I felt vanished as I saw Melissa Valendel walk towards us, she wore a stunning purple gown, and apparently she had a guard of her own now.

We stopped in the middle of the hallway, the silence stretched as no words were exchanged, only glares that held threats behind them. "Good day, Lady Melissa" I managed to say, out rightly disrespecting her would have dire consequences, especially now that she was marrying my brother in less than two weeks.

She smiled venomously, it dawned on me now that she was in fact fully aware of her station, but part of me wondered if she expected me to bow.

"Princess," she mused "It's lovely to see you"

No, it's not you lying bitch, I thought, but would not say out loud.

Her guard was a muscly man who easily towered over her, his copper skin gleamed in the sunlight and his bald head was unmistakable, Connal Grey. The bald-headed demon, as I liked to call him.

Though nothing really scared me about the man, all I could think about while Melissa blabbed about how her favorite singer lady Margaret was coming to the castle to perform as a pre-wedding gift from Ramiel was how I wanted to take the bald-headed demon in a fight.

I sighed in relief when her mouth finally stopped moving "Thank you for that exhaustive accounting about things that do not concern me my lady, but I must leave you be now. I'm certain you have urgent business to attend to, like brushing your hair"

I picked up the sides of my black gown and hurried down the hallway before she tried to speak to me once again.

I watched from my balcony as the sound of hooves echoed in the starless sky, and through the northern gates passed a brown carriage that supposedly housed the lady Margaret Waryn of the southern city of Trova. A talented musician and a great beauty, or so they say.

I've never met the woman a day in my life.

I watched as a guard opened the door of the carriage to reveal a petite woman with skin the color of caramel, chestnut hair and gray eyes, all those features I noticed from my balcony. She wore a beautiful violet gown with golden accents, jewelries of the same material hung around her neck and both her wrists.

For once the men did not exaggerate, she was truly gorgeous.

I not so hastily exited my room and descended the stairs that led to the receiving chambers of the castle. A very plain thing the receiving chamber was, few tapestries hung on the walls, sigils of the houses loyal to the royal family, to Ramiel.

The House of Valendel's red Fox, the house of Iseldar's black deer, the house of Darrowmere's white star and many others.

Duke Herbert wore his usual attire, adorned with his very unusual pendant which I felt wary about, now more than before.

Ramiel and my mother stood side by side while Melissa doted on Lady Margaret to the point I found it irritating.

I stood before Lady Margaret, dipped my head in a low bow and smiled "It is a pleasure to have you here lady Margaret"

She returned the smile in kind "The pleasure is all mine" she responded, voice as smooth as silk. She extended her hand in greeting, and I took it.

I felt a biting cold the moment our skins touched, and I immediately recoiled. Her face shifted to that of concern as she asked, "Are you okay your highness?"

Everyone looked at me with an embarrassing stare, perhaps I had embarrassed myself. I did not know what exactly I felt upon touching Margaret's hands, but I knew I did not like it one bit.

So, as any proper lady would do, I smiled curtsied and offered an apology "I'm sorry my lady, I must admit I do not feel well"

The smile returned to her face "I understand princess, though I hope you're well enough to make it to the feast tomorrow to hear me sing?" she asked.

I nodded "I would not miss it"

"It'll be like no other" she said.

Melissa grabbed Margaret's hands once more "Some say that Lady Margaret's voice can put a man to sleep, is that true?" she asked her.

"You'll have to be at the feast to witness it for yourself" Margaret replied.

As I walked out of the receiving chamber, every instinct I had flared, every part of my body hated that sentence, and I did not know why.

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