The Witcher: My Own Path

Chapter 42: Chapter 41: Laboratory.

Now that everything is planned and underway I can finally devote more time to writing books, crafting specially commissioned weapons, conducting personal research and experiments and my own training, strengthening my connection to the Force and delving into new abilities and techniques.

I left matters in Old Wyzima to Isarim, he knows my guidelines and the other Councillors know what to do. So I left the slums of the Inhumans and made my way to my home in the Commercial Quarter, where, using a secret passageway, I would make my way to the Order's Headquarters and my personal laboratory.

My laboratory was nothing special, its size could be described as small, as it was less than about thirty square metres. It contained cabinets and shelves filled with vials of blood and a wide range of internal organs, hearts, livers, brains of various monsters I had managed to kill myself, and what I had managed to buy at the market from the minor alchemists who had their stalls there. I also had an extensive collection of various types of plants, but only in dried and powdered form. My laboratory is, after all, underground, so I have no way of cultivating them. Several shelves were filled with books and scrolls I had received from Orik, and those I had found in various bandits' hideouts, but also those I had stolen from the Old Mansion where the striga had its lair. There were also some interesting specimens to be found in the market. On the walls hung tables with the elements of this world and the Periodic Table of my previous one, which I had recreated from memory. In the middle of the studio were tables with all the equipment I had taken from the chemists making drugs for the Talon and additional ones I had purchased. There were also three microscopes of my own making. Each successive one I created was better than the previous one. Not only were the materials with each successive one of better quality, but my mastery of The Force was better, and as a result, I was able to look deeper into my own memories and, therefore, better reproduce the construction of the device. With my better mastery of power, I was also able to put everything together more precisely, starting with the case itself and ending with the slides. I have not yet been in the personal laboratory or atelier of any magician or master alchemist, but I know one thing, no one in this world has a device as precise and as capable of delving into the microcosm as I do.

Precious stones of all kinds, diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, topazes, but also common stones, as well as meteorite rocks, had their own place set aside. Waiting, not only to be engraved with the runes of this world, but also to be marked with ancient Sith script and Sith alchemy. Metals and ores, too, had their personal place designated. There is one item, however, that I did not dare bring into the light of day, and that is the Holocron, it was safe in my pocket dimension at all times.

Despite all the equipment and knowledge I have accumulated here, I am sad to say that I am not the type of scientist able and willing to spend all day in the lab and working on all sorts of potions or other artefacts. However, I am not foolish enough to give up completely and abandon this branch of science. There are some research and experiments that I want to do myself, and with the results, I have no intention of sharing even with my greatest allies or friends.

One of them will be the super soldier serum, if I can reproduce it, of course. I can think of it as selfishness, jealously guarding my own secrets, or simple caution, but if something like this came to light, the world would fall into total chaos. If turning every human into a witcher was easy, I can bet that every kingdom would have whole armies of them, and the world would burn in constant wars. The super soldier serum will be one of the two secret researches I am carrying out, the next will be, the creation of weapons and armour imbued with magic and power, runes and sith alchemy, something that will give an edge to my future troops in clashes with enemies, but not only will I be focusing on large scale equipment, but also for troops that will operate in the shadows, such as spies or assassins.

Therefore, if the Order succeeds in recruiting alchemists or mages, I will not share my main research with them. However, this does not change the overall capacity and usefulness of the masters in these fields, the amount of inventions that were present in my world, and lacking here, is unmeasured, so they will have something to do, that is certain, starting, from medicines, such as, penicillin, to firearms, to even mechanical limbs, or robotic servants, of the type of Dwemer constructs from the game Skyrim. Not to mention, everyday devices, if a meteorite rune turned into a sword can set fire then, can't you create a rune that will freeze and create refrigerators? The idea may seem trivial or even silly, but there is huge potential. If I were going to war, with tens of thousands of armed men, and horse-drawn carriages were transformed into portable giant refrigerators, how many food and logistical problems could this solve. Or saunas powered by meteorite rocks with the attribute of fire that could heat water. If I could concentrate high-powered electrical charges in a crystal or other stone, electricity-powered vehicles could be created. Limitations are imposed, only on my own imagination, and I have no shortage of that, especially as I have already seen and used a huge number of such devices. However, it all comes down, as always, to money and sheer power whether personal or general, to be able to protect what I have built so that I don't come across as a pawn building technological wonders for someone else or allowing someone else to profit from my own devices. This doesn't mean that I can't share less important discoveries with others to gain favour with the ruler and prestige. I can't rely forever on the little patch of Swampland given to me by the King, eventually I will have to fight for my own significant fiefdom.

Unluckily for me, the whole of Temeria is already adequately divided between Barons and Earls, but there is one region that will rebel in a few years, and if by unfortunate coincidence there is no heir or any heir left there, and me being a very loyal, distinguished and widely known subject of the King, and if need be with a little persuasion of power, that fief may fall to me, and then the real adventure may begin! However, I will not run my thoughts that far ahead, many things can still happen and change.

The areas of research that the Sphere of "Science and Development" would focus on, despite the smaller projects of acquiring all kinds of knowledge and educating other members of the Order and dealing with projects that could bring us money, would be the stable portals between the different establishments, be it my personal one or that of the Order. This was done by Kalkstein in the first Witcher game, creating, stable passages between his workshop and the tower in the Swamp. The next project would have to focus on communication devices that do not require huge amounts of magic power to use. Creating such a device is not impossible, wizards already have such devices, namely "mirrors", but they are too large and stationary, I want something small and portable. This would take information gathering and espionage to a higher level. These, however, would be tasks meant for masters of alchemy and magic inside the Sphere "Science and Development" The time when I will have to find our mad alchemist is getting closer and closer, then I will have to wait for Abigail when she moves into the Suburb. Admittedly, she is not a mage as such, but she is knowledgeable in the arcane arts. Her affiliation with the cult of the Lionhead Spider is an issue here, however.

In addition to my own research and experiments, I will be focusing on improving my own sword skills and power. I will offer the council members I have already trained with this further instruction and advice and the new ones full training. It's always better than training alone.

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