The Witcher: My Own Path

Chapter 39: Chapter 38: The Old Wyzima.

(A week later, the Temple of Melitele/Hospital of Lebioda the Monastic Den)

It's been fifteen years since I was reborn in this world, much has happened, but even more before me. First the massacre of Cintra and the First War with Nilfgaard, less than three years later, the Second War with Nilfgaard, then the Order of the Burning Rose headed by Jacob de Aldersberg with their fucking Eternal Fire. The murders of the kings of the north, the Witch Lodge and the Third War with Nilfgaard. These are just the major events that will have a great impact on the entire continent, but there will probably also be some difficult minor disputes and conflicts that I don't know about. The weight of it all weighs heavily on me, and sometimes I feel like giving up and going somewhere far away and living in peace.

"For a man who professes to be non-religious, you often come here my lord, able sometimes to stand for hours and gaze at the statue of our goddess Melitele. Is something troubling you, my lord?"

" My lord? And since when does the Chief Priestess, who has known me for so many years, treat me like a stranger?"

I turned with a gentle smile to the lowly and elderly Chief Priestess of the Temple of Melitele dressed in a long red gown and wearing a white shawl on her head.

The Head Priestess covered her mouth with her hand and giggled.

"You are now a Knight my lord, a nobleman. That is how you should be treated now".

She said with a gentle smile, teasing me.

I had no intention, to continue this conversation, the woman who stood beside me could be very stubborn, she loved to verbally torment me, so I immediately gave up. I could see the look of triumph on her face. However, when she saw me return to continue gazing at the statue of Melitele, with a serious face, she also became serious.

" Why have you come my child, is something bothering you?"

I had no intention of hiding the reason why I had come here, and if I was going to get help from anyone in this matter, it would be the Head Priestess.

"I came here because I am afraid, Lady!"

"Are you afraid, you? Now a Knight who, at such a young age, has not only faced all sorts of brigands, but has faced many fearsome monsters, is afraid? What is it that scares you!"

"Ahhh... I am not afraid for myself Reverend Mother, but I am afraid for others, I am afraid for Wyzima, for Temerie and its people".

She looked at me with raised eyebrows, waiting for me to elaborate on the subject.

"Have you heard of the Cult of Eternal Fire?"

She croaked slightly at the words of a religion that is thriving in Novigrad and slowly making its way into Temeri and other northern kingdoms.

"Yes, and what about it?"

" Because you see Reverend Mother, if something has fire in its name, and on top of that it is a cult, or a religion.... Let's say that this fire is often used to purify something in its flames..."

"Or. Someone". She finished for me.

"Yes! and that worries me".

"What do you need from me? Now, she herself stared at the statue of the three-faced goddess".

"Hm?" I looked at her profile, pretending not to understand what she was talking about.

'"Don't play the fool boy, I know you well enough to know that you've already thought of how to counter this, so tell me!" She declared half-nervous and half-amused by my naivety, but there was something else in her voice.... Gratitude.

I smiled weakly.

"I need the Melitele cult to be strong, Reverend Mother, very strong. Not only in the Wyzima, but in all of Temeri!"

"Something like that will be..."

"Hard to achieve and extremely expensive." I finished, but suddenly felt a bump and a slight pain in the back of my head.

"You don't interrupt your elders when they say, father didn't learn this!"

" He did learn, sorry Reverend Mother!"

I reached under my cloak and took out a pouch thickly stuffed with orens.

"Here is a thousand oren, please put it to good use, you are the only person I can trust my lady and if you need anything and whenever, you know you can count on me, right?"

I could see the surprise on her face, but also the immense gratitude, and it wasn't about the money itself, but the help that can be given to those in need with it. Admittedly, this was not the first time I had supported the Temple-Hospital, but it was the first time with such a large sum, but it is only a drop in the ocean of needs.

We looked into each other's eyes for a moment, and then I turned and headed for the exit. However, I heard something I probably shouldn't "Thank you" I smiled, but didn't turn around, I continued walking in front of me, leaving this matter, for now, to the Chief Priestess.

(Gate to the Causeway, a while later)

The two guards guarding the passage to the Causeway, let me pass without any problem, I nodded to them and continued on after passing them, heading towards the gates to the Old Wyzima. The Causeway was not meant as an imitation of a seaport and if I look at it now, yes, it is only an imitation and a pretty pathetic one at that. As far as I'm concerned, it wouldn't have to be an imitation at all. Lake Wyzima is huge, if I can complete all the plans on the marshes without any problems, I will create a port there to facilitate the transport of raw materials from there and, by the way, I will invest, in the one here on the Causeway, helping to unload everything. The amount of people that can be employed will be large, and with that, the Den will be better off. Also, it wouldn't be a stupid idea to connect everything by water to the village of the Mouth, which is to the south. I will have to send someone of our people there to investigate what I, or our Order, can invest in there and thus increase our income and influence. If memory serves me correctly, the Lady of the Lake lives there. Getting to know her and being on good terms with her would certainly not go amiss.

Orik and Mirim were waiting for me at the end of the road, at the very gate to the Old Wyzima.

"My lord". They both greeted me.

"Welcome, so what do you have for me?"

Orik spoke up first

" It's fair to say that we've all been working hard for the last seven days. The construction of the two new furnaces started two days ago, thanks to Albert, apparently he caught a common language with the local leader Vaska. I contacted my family and we quickly found volunteers at the brick firing, so we won't be short of manpower. My cousin would like to express his thanks..."

I interrupted him and asked.

"What is the attitude of the villagers towards the older races?"

"Neutral My Lord, they believe and adhere to the Vodyanoi, they call them water lords, so I doubt if a few elves and dwarves will bother them".

The Vodyanoi, it costs me nothing to befriend them, and it might pay off in the long run, they are good warriors. One of these days I have to go personally to the swamps and talk to Vaska.

"Well, carry on" I say.

"Haren has organised, already, a detachment that will guard all our people in the Swamp. Gaworn has also sent people to Albert who would be interested in logging, and he himself is busy organising workshops and craftsmen to make furniture."

"Excellent Orik, Mirim and what do you have for me?"

" While everyone was busy I contacted Isarim, he is a good, kind-hearted old elf. When he heard that the Old Wyzima would be getting an Administrator after so many years and a human one at that, he was very worried and not only him, but when it came out who it would be, everyone breathed a little sigh of relief, but still worried. I informed him of your desire to occupy the Tower, he didn't protest after all it stood empty anyway. Members of the Order are already checking and organising everything so that it can be returned to your use as soon as possible. I gathered a bit of information from Isarim and compared it with that available to Nightingale, everything agreed, namely. The Old Wyzima has a population of about two and a half thousand, in the area you can find, almost everything you need to live, but there is no inn, which is really strange. Most of the people live off what they trade and scrounge, there are some who regularly go to the marshes in search of various plants and other ingredients whether for alchemy, magic or other superstitious things and sell them in the market in the Monastic Quarter. They have a hospital, but their healers have no real skills or knowledge, but do what they can to help those in need. The houses they live in are in a deplorable state. Many of them are no longer fit for use, but they have no choice but to live in them. I would rate the overall state of the neighbourhood as tragic, My Lord.... Please help them!"

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