The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 35

At least the next NINE chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patron, Cory A Cinquini and Salvage48.

Thank you to my Superhero Patrons, Marcus Lane and Gregory. Thank you for all your support.

Thank you to my Legendary Hero Patrons, Daoist Mufasa, Alex Borthwick, Parzivel, Zielina and Chrishenk. Thank you for your immense support.

Thank you to my Galactic Hero Patrons Luis Barreda, Spoder man, TheBerryMan, OettamLass, Julian Riviera, reader 76, MaliMi, Aaron and Prince Acheampong. Thank you for your extraordinary support.

Thank you to my Mystic Hero Patron, Wilder. I can't thank you enough for your support.

Thank you all for your support. I truly appreciate it.

If you wish to become a supporter: "DragonField", on pat reon.

Or use the link at the bottom.

Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.


Chapter 35– Shifting Shapes.


As I look down at the lithe pink-haired girl below me, I feel a tingling in my brain. Something is triggering in my head, and I feel like I should know something right now. There is some corner of my mind that is trying to tell me something right now, and if I were to use my Occlumency, then I could easily clean up this fuzz and figure out what it is. I ponder on it as I look at the pink-haired naked girl below me, whose face is flushed, and she is looking up at me through blurry eyes, her legs spread apart in front of me.

My hands continued what they were doing and quickly undo my pants before I lowered them to the ground and stepped out of them. Sure, my mind is wanting to tell me something, and I could easily clear my mind and find out what it is, but then, there is a waiting girl below me. My mind is alerting me for a reason, and I am sure whatever reason it is, it will stop me from going any further with this girl. I don't want to stop, so whatever is the problem is now, future Gilderoy's problem, and I can get to business.

Stepping forward, I grab a hold of myself, already at full mast, and tap it down on the pussy lips of the mysterious pink girl below me. "Are you ready?" I get her attention, and she looks up at me with trepidation. I don't think she even realises that her appearance has changed, whatever. She nods her head and holds her arms out, looking for comfort. Not really bothered by it, I lean forward and allow her to hug me close as I push myself into her.

"S-Slowly." She says, still feeling a bit scared and confirming for me that this is indeed her first time. I really wish now that I knew her name and who she was so I could be aware of whose virginity I was taking. Mentally shrugging my shoulders, I figured that sober Gilderoy could figure that out while I, drunk Gilderoy, should enjoy the moment. Leaning in closer, I start with a pleasant kiss on her lips before beginning to pepper her face and then her neck in kisses.

She was so distracted by the many kisses on her neck and with me starting to lick and suck that she wasn't too aware of me pushing myself inside of her. And then, I felt a barrier and pushed straight on through, and I felt her stiffen up beneath me before she pulled me in, and our lips met once again in a fiery embrace. She forgot the sudden pain by forgetting herself in my kiss.

When she pulled back, I took that as a sign that she was ready and started to go deeper. Slowly, inch by inch, until I was fully sheathed inside of her. I settled there for a moment and just enjoyed the warmth and comfort as she held me close, and once I had my fill of that, I pulled nearly all of the way back out before slamming back inside to her deepest parts.

The resounding scream assured me that she definitely felt that and that it was unexpected, though that doesn't mean it was bad. Her following cry when I did the same thing was much the same, and she moaned aloud from my efforts. With such positive feedback, I became even more enthusiastic and started to hammer into her with all of my might, losing myself in the process.

"Ahh! Yes! Fuck me, sir!" Hearing her shout that as I plow into her, it suddenly popped into my mind that she looked quite young, and I didn't know her actual age. She was acting like a schoolgirl. Even though that occurs to me, I don't stop my movements and continue to thrust into her, though the thought is in my mind, and I can't let it go that easily.

"How old are you? Are you a Hogwarts Student?" I whisper into her ear as my dick plunders her depths, and she shudders from the breath on her ear.

"Ah! I'm Seventeen! Ah! I'm in my- Ah!- last year of Hogwarts!" She shouts in opposition to my quietly whispered questions, unable to control the level of her voice with my constant attack. Hearing her, I realise she is a year older than me. In my drunken state, I forget that I am actually in the body of a twenty-six-year-old and just think of myself as the sixteen-year-old that I used to be. Oh wait, have I been here a year? Am I seventeen, then? The same as her?

"So, how can you change your looks?" I question, my drunken brain now questioning her abilities. And not because they could prove a threat or anything or how to take advantage of them for my own benefit. Now, my mind is purely horny right now, and with her ability to change her features, I begin to have a lot of lewd thoughts pop up, and so I ask her about it to see if she can fulfil my fantasies.

"What!?" The look of pleasure on her face suddenly disappears as she hears my question, and she looks shell-shocked! I don't see why. I literally just asked her her age, and she told me she was a student even though she previously looked in her early twenties. Did she not catch on that her appearance had changed back, and she just answered me automatically. Suddenly, I am very proud of my prowess.

"You have pink hair, and you are a sweet little thing. Simply beautiful!" I punctuate my words with a harsh thrust, and either it was my movement or the words or simply a combination of the two, but she simply gushes in response and orgasms to the high heavens.

"SHITTT!!!" She screams, and she showers my lower half with her juices, and when I continue to move, her words elongate and drag out. The words themselves, I don't know if they were purely because of her coming or because that was what she said when I revealed that her fake look had failed, and she was back to looking like her original self.

"I'm coming!" I say, alerting her. I could have held back and staved off my own orgasm, but I was here for pleasure, and I wasn't going to fight it off. she got hers, so I was getting mine. A rush of white liquid fills her up, and I find myself resting on top of her as my dick explodes with pleasure. I spurt several times, filling her up with my seed, and she moans in response.

We both take the chance to rest, her lying there and me lying on top of her, both of us breathing harshly. I also take this chance to thank the gods that be for bringing me to this universe because in nearly no other would a girl be so casual about me coming inside of them. This is not the muggle world but the magical one, and of course, the customs are different. Here, we have magic to stop any mistakes and not condoms, so we have the total pleasure of filling others up with our sperm. Just a quick spell, and then there are no worries. I love this world. Sober Gilderoy will take care of that spell.

"So, what's with the switcheroo?" I asked a few moments later after we had both caught our breath. I pull myself out and move back before moving over to lay next to her on the bed and pulling her close. That is right, the sofa is now a bed, I realise. Did I notice that happen earlier? Who cares? I love magic.

"...I- I am a metamorphagus." The girl turns to me, enjoying my heat for a moment before answering. Hearing the word, my brain once again tries to tell me something, but I am not in the best state right now, and I can't pinpoint it. Not only the term, but this whole situation seems a bit off like I should know something given all the things I have in front of me, but I can't put it together. 

It feels urgent, but I figure I have already passed the line, and I mean that in more ways than one, so why stifle myself now. The word definitely has pricked something in my head, but for the life of me, I can't pinpoint it right now, and I can't be bothered to use my Occlumency. Why bother when I can just ask the source in front of me.

"What's a metamopha- megamorpha-" I struggle to pronounce the word, finding it a bit difficult before I give up on it. "What is that?" She looks surprised that I didn't know, and I suppose she is seeing me as the incredible infallible Lockhart who has tons of experience and knows nearly everything. Also, she isn't drunk like I am, or at the very least not nearly as drunk as I am. She is a lot more with it than I am.

"Uh, it means that I can change anything about my appearance. Well, nearly everything. I can't change genders, though; I can alter myself to look like it. Just not... everything." She explains, and I listen to her words, but I am not really paying much attention, more entranced by the gentle rise and fall of her perky breasts as she breathes. She is truly magnificent, and it is only when her words stop do I realise and try to recall her words.

"Oh, wow. So like Mystique? That's awesome!" After trying to remember what she said and getting the gist of it, I ended up saying. I can't deny that my mind immediately started to think up some of the possibilities for which this girl could use this ability, mainly for my pleasure. I don't voice it, however, wanting to spend the rest of the night with her and knowing that it might end if I try to exploit her powers.

"You read X-Men? That's surprising." She says, and I ponder on why she is talking about the X-Men before I realise I mentioned a blue shapeshifter from the franchise. I am glad I didn't say Jenniffer Lawrence because there are no movies at this point. The comics are in full force, though. Maybe I should look into Marvel?

"Yeah, I love 'em. I especially like Mystique because of her abilities. Man, the amount of time I have spent fantasising about her and how I would enjoy having her. She can turn into anyone, and I can think of a lot of ways to have fun." My inner nerd that had been suppressed ever since I woke up in this world awakened at this moment, and my drunken mouth quickly started spouting. Speaking to a shapeshifter about another shapeshifter and how I would lewdly use their abilities probably isn't the best idea.

"...Yeah? W-What would you do?" She asks after a moment, her face oddly flushed though I don't pay it any mind. Still not realising I was putting my foot in my mouth, I continued to spout things. I said whatever came to mind, my restraint and sense nowhere to find. Even I was surprised by how much of a degenerate I was with the things I was spouting. Depraved things that only a lonely horny teenage mind could have come up with, and with only the limits of shapeshifting stopping my thoughts from going any further. And I listed each and every one off to her as she just silently listened.

"W-We could do that... I could..." She says hesitantly after I finish my long list, and I look at her blankly, having partly forgotten she was even there as I delved into my own fantasies. I had just kept rambling about the many women I wanted to fuck that a shapeshifter could help me achieve and weird things from my last life that arrived through the internet. Elongated tongues(Froppy), elastic women(Elastigirl), cat ears(all the cat girls) and all sorts of other things. So I took a moment to process her answer.

"Yeah!? Then let's do it!" I say excitedly, sitting up, jostling her from her position on top of her as I readied myself for the fun to come. I started to stroke myself to full mast, preparing myself while the girl looked on, unsure of what to do. I don't know why she is agreeing to such things, no mind whamming necessary, but she is, and I am not going to question it. Secy hijinks are going to ensure, so who am I to question how they came into being.

"Uhm, well, you are going to have to describe to me exactly what you want me to look like. I can do anything from making my boobs bigger to tightening my vagina and my ass. You just need to tell me." She says, getting more into it and listing off what direction she needs from me, showcasing her abilities by bringing her hands to her breasts as they enlarge and then moving them down her body to her ass, which tightens up and looks very toned. I find myself a bit distracted by that before realising that I will have to use my words to get what I want. I am much too drunk for that.

"Oh, I know. I can just use Occlumency to send you an image of what I want!" My enthusiastic brain immediately becomes a hypocrite when my own pleasure is on the line. Before, I didn't use Occlumeny of Legilimeny to check the girl's mind, stating that I was too drunk and that it was too risky to do anything involving the mind in such a state. But now, I don't know if I will ever have an opportunity like this again, and I am more than willing to risk it, my drunken mind not caring in the slightest. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to describe what I wanted in the least, I came up with this.

"Ah, okay. My mum has been teaching me about that, and I am pretty good at it. So how does this work? Do I just lower my barriers, and then you can show me?" At my nod, she closes her eyes and gets to work. I can't believe my luck that this girl is so trusting and willing to do just about anything. She is willingly opening her mind to me and is going to perform many acts for me, and I don't even know why. Hero worship? Some other reason I don't know about? I stop thinking about it when she tells me she is ready, and I hurriedly employ my own abilities to quickly send her the image I want.

With how much of a horny teenager I was, if there were nudes of celebrities in my past life, then I saw them. If there were sex tapes, then I watched them ten times over. If she was hot, then I had found the skimpiest pictures possible and watched any sex scenes they had done. And with my Occlumency, I can see all of that with crystal clarity. My intoxicated brain is having a stroke of genius, and somehow I figure all this out and then compile a set of information and images of those celebrities and then put them together before sending them over to the girl's mind. If there were any gaps, then she would fill them in.

As I send the first celebrity over, I watch as her naked body starts to morph and fill out in all the right places, as her facial features change as well. Her hair lengthens and becomes a lovely blonde as her eyes turn blue, and her body starts to become what I have seen in my dreams. Seeing that I was talking about Mystique before, I thought it only natural that I do it with her first. And that is why I am looking at the naked body of Jennifer Lawrence before me, and then I pounce on it.

From there, it all kind of dissolves into one blurry mess of debauchery and fantasy, with me fucking all the women I have ever wanted to fuck. Jeniffer Lawrence sucking on my cock. Sydney Sweeney giving me a titfuck. Scarlett Johannson jumping up and down on my cock and moaning aloud. Elizebeth Olson licking me all over. And then her sisters. I have no clue if the Hermione here will actually look like Emma Watson, so I fucked her too. The other women from the series as well, including Helena Bonham Carter, who was super fucking hot.

I sucked on the titties of Angelina Jolie. I skull fucked Zendaya. I had Emilia Clark sucking on every inch of my knob. I was sucking on Taylor Swift's tongue. I held onto the ankles of Dua Lipa as I piledrove into her pussy. I fucked Beyonce in doggy style, my hands grabbing onto that glorious ass. I fucked, and I fucked, and I fucked, like I was crazy.

Nicole Kidman. Cobie Smulders. Zoe Saldana. Lucy Liu. Cameron Diaz. Katy Perry. Lauren Cohan. Sophia Loren. Marilyn Monroe. Jane Fonda. Sally Field. Judy Garland. Julie Andrews. Kate Winslet. Cate Blanchett. Jodie Foster. Natalie Portman. Gal Gadot. Julianne Moore. Penelope Cruz. Sophia Vergara. Susan Sarandon. Sandra Bullock. Julia Roberts. Jennifer Carpenter. Halle Berry. Charlize Theron. Gwyneth Paltrow. 

Marissa Tomei. Emma Stone. Michelle Pfeifer. Evangeline Lily. Jeniffer Conelly. Sigourney Weaver. Keira Knightly. Catherine Zeta-Jones. Amy Adams. Michelle Wiliams. Rachel Weisz. Anne Hathaway. Jessica Chastain. Emily Blunt. Emma Thompson. Rachel McAdams. Florence Pugh. Amanda Seyfried. Mila Kunis. Winona Ryder. Reese Witherspoon. Anya Taylor-Joy. Angela Bassett. Rosamund Pike. Kristen Bell. Elizabeth Banks. Jeniffer Garner. Uma Thurman. Kate Beckinsale. Rose Byrne. Blake Lively. Zoe Deschanel. Gillian Anderson. Karen Gillan. Kirsten Dunst.

Chloe Grace Moretz. Olivia Wild. Lily James. Millie Bobby Brown. Rosario Dawson. Brie Larson. Emma Roberts. Morena Baccarin. Katey Sagal. Hailee Steinfeld. Daisy Ridley. Kryten Ritter. Hayley Atwell. Michelle Yeoh. Sarah Michelle Geller. Alison Brie. Lady Gaga. Kate Walsh. Tessa Thompson. Olivia Munn. Kristen Stewart. Priyanka Chopra. Zazie Beets. Nathalie Emannuel. Salma Hayek. Kaley Cuoco. Jennifer Aniston. Courtney Cox. Lisa Kudrow just to complete the trio. And so many more.

[AN: I just listed all the ones I could think of that I liked, and even then, I had to stop myself as there were way too many. Which one is your favourite? Anybody I missed that you think is hot? Don't worry. Margot Robbie is just below.]

I don't know how the girl did it, but it seems like, eventually, she was just cycling through them all, changing every few seconds. And then, finally, I grasped tightly onto the amazing body of Margot Robbie and came deep inside of her. This will be one of my core memories in the future. And then, I could feel it deep inside that the next one would be one that was very important, and for more reasons than just sexiness and fucking. And just as I was about to view it, I was pulled out of my head and back to reality.

"Hey, handsome. Good morning."

I want to talk more with you guys, so I am starting to leave little notes at the end of each chapter like this.

I finished a lot of shows this week.

Alright, I finished the One Piece Live Action, and it was great. Honestly, you can't expect it to be accurate to the manga since it is a different platform. I think it did what it was supposed to do and in a great way. The characters were on point. We saw them bonding. We saw their origins or at least part of them for some characters. And we also had some hints for the future. The fighting was on point, and seeing some of the behind the scenes I can appreciate the work and effort that went into making it. Can't wait for Logue Town and Smoker, as well as Alabasta.

I finished Mashle. It was funny. It was a weird mix of a shonen with Harry Potter and some other shows like Naruto. If you like anime and Harry Potter, then you would probably like this.

Finally, I finished Supernatural. All fifteen seasons after about four months. I watched parts through the years since my sister was into it, but I never watched it properly. And now I have, and it was awesome. I have to say, at one point, it got a little tedious, but then they pulled me back in. I liked the ending because I couldn't think of any other possible way they could have ended it. They wrapped it up quite nicely.

If you want to chat more about this or any other topic, come to my Discord through the link.

The link to everything you need and my patronage:

https://linktr. ee/dragonfield

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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