The whole sect is a dog licking, but the junior sister is a real dog

Chapter 424 Because of the main contrast!

Feng Xi chatted with the stall owner for a few more words, then returned to her seat and continued eating wontons.

At this time, the guests at the table who spoke before had left in a hurry, and they probably went to Zhan Huanhai to pick up the leak.

Feng Xi waited for a while, and Jun Wen hurried over. 818 novels

"Little sister, are you in a hurry? I'm going to hurry up and come here at this time."

Jun Wen is also quite busy recently, spending most of his time with Elder Nangong.

Although Elder Nangong was very optimistic about Fengxi, he could tell that although Fengxi was very talented, he was too busy!

He often can't catch her figure, let alone cultivate her well!

In contrast, Jun Wen’s gift is not amazing at first glance, but the more we get along, the more I realize that this is a good seed for swordsmanship!

There is a misunderstanding in the demon world now, thinking that one's own magic energy can be transformed into an attack weapon, and the magic sword is just a means of transportation.

Elder Nangong felt that this point of view was completely wrong!

If the magic sword is used well, it will be several times stronger than the attack power of magic energy!

The most intuitive example is the swordsmanship of the human race, especially the ultimate move.

Therefore, in addition to restoring the magic sword these years, his remaining energy has been devoted to the sword technique of the magic sword.

He also taught some inner disciples, but the results were not satisfactory.

Unexpectedly, Jun Wen gave him a big surprise!

As long as he dials a little bit, Jun Wen can understand, and even draw inferences from one instance.

Therefore, Elder Nangong attaches great importance to Jun Wen now.

Feng Xi asked Jun Wen for a bowl of wontons, and the two chatted while eating.

Feng Xi briefly talked about Zhan Huanhai's matter, and then said:

"Brother, after buying the alchemy furnace, let's go to Zhan Huanhai to see the excitement."

Jun Wen naturally listened to her, but he was muttering in his heart, "Cut Huanhai?"

Why does it feel a bit like that old A Piao's sin!

After eating the wontons, the two walked along the street.

Apart from shops, there were many stalls on both sides of the street, and they soon saw a stall selling alchemy furnaces.

Large and small alchemy furnaces were placed all over the floor.

The stall owner is a dirty old man, even his beard is knotted!

He was gnawing meat bones there, and a wine gourd was placed beside him.

Fengxi's eyes lit up!

According to the law of time travel, the old man dressed like this must be a master of the world!

Hugging his thigh, maybe she will reach the pinnacle of life if she doesn't pay attention!

She said with a smile: "Old man, how do you sell these alchemy furnaces?"

The old man took a sip of his wine and gave her a sideways glance: "There is a predestined relationship between the furnace seller, and I have no predestined relationship with you, so let's go!"

Feng Xi: "..."

She silently took out a wine gourd, uncorked the bottle and shook it: "Old man, is there any fate now?"

The old man swallowed, closed his eyes and ignored Feng Xi.

Fengxi took out another roast chicken, took a mouthful of meat and a mouthful of wine, and slapped his mouth back.

The old man opened his eyes and said angrily: "You are sincere, aren't you? Don't hinder my business here, go!"

Feng Xi sighed: "Alright, since you are determined not to sell it to me, then I'll look elsewhere.

How offensive I was just now, this wine and roast chicken will be regarded as my apology for you! "

After Feng Xi finished speaking, she took out a wine gourd and roast chicken wrapped in oil paper and put them on the booth, and then took Jun Wen away.

Seeing her walking away, the old man hastily picked up the wine gourd and took a sip, his face full of intoxication.

The people are not good, the wine is good!

Feng Xi and Jun Wen were walking forward when a tall and thin man approached and said:

"The two of you want to buy an alchemy furnace? Why don't you come to our shop to have a look! It's not far ahead."

When Fengxi was at the old man's stall before, she found that this man was always poking around, probably soliciting customers from the old man a lot.

Feng Xi thinks it's okay to go and have a look. Although the shop is more expensive, it has more choices.

So, nodded: "OK."

Seeing that Fengxi agreed to go to the shop, the tall and thin man immediately smiled happily.

"When you come to our shop, you will know that there are not only many styles in it, but also the price is fair, which is a hundred times better than that old chaphead!"

Feng Xi asked curiously: "What does that Senior Chai do?"

The thin and tall man chuckled happily: "He's a celebrity in our Tianquan Peak! A well-known old trash in the Artifact Refining Pavilion!

I have never refined a decent thing in my life!

Not only trash but also greedy and lazy!

I heard that his ancestor was a famous craftsman, so it was not easy for him to be removed from the Craftsmanship Pavilion, so he was asked to set up a stall to deal with some defective products of the Craftsmanship Pavilion.

So, you were right if you didn't buy what was on his booth, and you will regret it if you buy it. "

Feng Xi blinked and blinked: "Is it possible that he is hiding his clumsiness? In fact, he is a master at refining weapons."

The thin and tall man couldn't help laughing: "You read too many story books, right?! Just see a sloppy old man and think he is an expert?

He is a real drunkard old waste, he has not formed a pill at such an age!

Once the old man ran out of money to buy wine, so he ran to Zhan Huanhai to pick up the leak, but he choked on water because he was too useless, and almost drowned!

Since then, I have a long memory, and I dare not go to Zhan Huanhai again. ".

Hearing what he said, Fengxi became more and more sure that the slovenly old man was like a floor sweeping monk.

Because the main point is a contrast!

[The remaining two chapters can be finished around [-] o'clock] Some people died, but not completely dead...

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