The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 31 Baby language is really dirty.

The door clanged.

Dengzhi watched in horror as there was a crack in the door.

"How could this happen? Aren't they afraid of the door god painted in cinnabar?" That sticker couldn't stop evil spirits? ?

Xu's eyes darkened: "Where did you buy the cinnabar painting?"

The blood on the branches immediately faded away.

" was brought by the Marquis." As soon as she said these words, her whole body was about to lose strength, and she felt a chill rushing straight to Tianling Gai.

Denzhi almost cried.

"Before you gave birth, the Marquis prepared cinnabar paintings. At that time..." I didn't know at that time that the Marquis had second thoughts and raised an outhouse!

Xu's heart felt cold.

Creaking, creaking, the door is getting squeezed out more and more.

Yingxue and Juexia had already retreated to the inside, trembling all over and standing in front of the lady.


"Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang..."

"I found you..." The voices coming from all directions almost drowned them.

The door was crumbling, Xu bit her lip tightly, and a fishy smell appeared on the tip of her tongue.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Why hasn't the sound of reading come out yet?" Yingxue cried, and everyone's hearts couldn't help but sink again and again.

Lu Chaochao raised his hands above his head and placed them on both sides of his head, spreading his feet like a little frog.

The thick flesh of the little hands and feet was whirring, and they were moving impatiently at this moment.

There were bursts of laughter in her ears, which made her tireless in her sleep.

She opened her eyes and saw that she was woken up in the middle of the night with a face full of anger and resentment that was heavier than that of an evil ghost.

"Da!" She puffed up her fleshy cheeks angrily, raised her little fists, and looked angry.

Dengzhi trembled with fright and stepped forward to cover her mouth.

"Shh..." She trembled while coaxing Lu Chaochao.


In a blink of an eye.

The overwhelming sound suddenly stopped.

The evil spirit crowding the door has stopped.

The scary sound of laughing and joking stopped.

It seemed that even the passing wind had calmed down.

Quietly, without any sound.

Lu Chaochao put aside the branch angrily, raised his round index finger, pointed at the door, and cursed fiercely with his mouth open.

"¥#@\u0026amp;amp;*@#¥%\u0026amp;amp;%5¥¥¥4¥\u0026amp;amp;..." The baby put her hands on her hips, and no one knew what she was cursing.

All I know is that she was extremely angry and cursed a lot.

Judging from his expression, he was scolding extremely dirty.

Only Mrs. Xu silently covered her ears, looking confused and helpless.

"What did the young lady say?" Yingxue secretly whispered to Jue Xia.

Jue Xia scratched his head and thought that the young lady would be particularly fierce now, with such a fierce breast and a fierce breast, she was quite cute.

"My little ancestor, don't scold me. There are evil spirits out there, and they will eat people if you piss them off!" Dengzhi coaxed and persuaded.

Outside the door, it was as quiet as a chicken.

Lu Chaochao yawned and looked outside the door with satisfaction.

A large area of ​​black mass lay prostrate on the ground. The most terrifying evil spirit in the legend, which frightened the world, was trembling at this moment.

If anyone saw it, they would probably fall to their knees and shout for a miracle.

Lu Chaochao rubbed his eyes, closed them, and fell asleep again.

The sound of purring, sleeping peacefully.

The white mist outside the door was like a tide, retreating silently.

Dengzhi boldly leaned on the door: "Madam, why are they gone? Did the little lady really scare away?"

Xu's eyelids twitched slightly: "What nonsense are you talking about in your sleep? What does a half-year-old baby know?"

Dengzhi Shale: "That's true."

Everyone was very lucky to have escaped the disaster and survived.

"I'm going to take a look at the gate to see what's going on outside." Mrs. Xu was worried, put on her coat, and planned to go out.

"I'll accompany you." Dengzhi knew that he couldn't worry about the third young master.

The two of them didn't dare to hold up the lamp, who knew if it might attract evil spirits.

The house was quiet, except for the cinnabar painting in Xu's bedroom, which was torn to pieces by evil spirits.

"Madam!" Dengzhi's eyes were red, as if he was extremely hateful.

Mrs. Xu looked indifferent: "From now on, anything he sends will be stored separately." Lu Yuanze, you married me in a big sedan chair and made me devote my life to the Hou Mansion, but you took the outer room to enjoy the benefits!

I'm going to ruin your reputation and leave you with nothing!

A tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds, and at this moment, Xu didn't know the true viciousness of Lu Yuanze.

There was silence in the courtyard, but outside the house there were ghosts crying and wolves howling all night long.

Xu and Dengzhi lay at the gate, secretly peeking outside.

"It's strange, our street seems to be particularly quiet." Dengzhi was a little puzzled because he could still hear evil voices before.

At this moment, it was extremely calm.

"Maybe it's because the abbot is in charge?" Chao Chao's voice flashed through Xu's mind.

Denzhi nodded, that was probably it.

"Madam, I heard the sound of reading." Dengzhi said with joy on his face.

Sure enough, the deafening sound of reading faintly in the air began to disperse the evil spirits in the white mist little by little.

The two of them were worried about Lu Yuanxiao, so they never left. They just sat on the steps at the door and waited.

Tonight is extremely long.

Every minute and every second is extremely painful.

Until the first ray of sun appeared on the horizon and the first ray of sunlight fell on the earth, the white fog began to fade quickly.

Little by little, it retreated into the darkness, dormant, waiting for the next time.


Muffled cries came from the street, which was the joy of surviving the disaster.

Lu Yuanxiao returned home top-heavy, and was taken back to Tingfeng Garden by Mrs. Xu.

"Last night went well? Were you scared?" Madam Xu asked people to serve breakfast. Lu Yuanxiao didn't want to eat it, but in order to reassure Madam Xu, he ate a few bites.

Lu Yuanxiao was still a little scared at this moment: "Mom, my son is fine. Was everything okay at home yesterday?"

"Yesterday we were walking through the streets and found that evil spirits had entered the courtyard. They seemed to be more powerful than in previous years. There were even incidents of hurting people. Fortunately, the abbot arrived in time in the end, otherwise something big would have happened."

"I was assigned to Lu Jinghuai's group yesterday." Lu Yuanxiao curled his lips. He learned from his sister's voice that the talented boy Lu Jinghuai that day was his father's bastard.

Xu's eyes trembled slightly.

At this moment, Lu Yuanxiao looked a little strange.

"Mom, Lu Jinghuai has a great reputation, and many people secretly bet that he will win three yuan in a row, and he will be the star of Tianding Wenqu."

"Some people even speculate that he will be able to single-handedly expel the three days of darkness during the Hungry Ghost Festival in the future."

"But guess what?"

"Yesterday, those evil spirits were not afraid of him! How strange!"

"Logically speaking, those evil spirits are afraid of scholars like Lang Lang and bookishness. Lu Jinghuai is the leader among them. How could it be like this?"

Lu Jinghuai is 17 years old and it is his first time to participate in the parade.

Lu Chaochao was sitting on the bed, holding an apple in her arms. Her upper teeth had shiny white tips the size of rice grains.

The baby teeth haven't fully erupted yet, so she often uses these poor little baby teeth to scrape apple puree to eat.

[Of course it’s because he plagiarized his brother’s article...]

Both mother and son were startled.

[Before the eldest brother was eight years old, he was famous in the capital, and no one could beat his name. But within two years of his eldest brother being paralyzed, he became famous as a child prodigy. Even the ten-year-old scholar stole the questions from his elder brother. 】

Lu Chaochao is slapping his mouth, because his title of genius is not worthy of the name!

Xu's face suddenly fell!

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