The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 168 Chao Chao has no intention

The Xue family's ancestral tomb exploded.

After the explosion, he returned to Beijing angrily and banged on the door of Zhongyong Hou Mansion.

The people watching all pointed and pointed: "Did the imperial mausoleum of the previous dynasty explode?"

"Exploded, exploded! He was struck by lightning! He must have done too many evil things."

"It's better for you, Your Majesty, to benefit the people of Li."

The people were talking a lot, pointing and almost piercing the Xue family's backbone.

There is a crack in the door of Zhongyonghou Mansion.

Then he was forcefully pushed away by the Xue clan members.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? How dare you force your way into the Marquis's mansion!" The concierge's expression changed drastically and he shouted angrily.

The leading woman kicked the concierge away.

"The damn thing actually tricked the Xue family!"

"You damn old man, get out of here!"

"You dare to cheat me out of any money. Get out of here." The Xue family led people directly into the Zhongyong Hou Mansion.

Mrs. Pei came in a hurry and saw the Xue family in a mighty and angry manner.

"Well, Mr. Pei, you deliberately revealed Lu Chaochao's birth date to deceive us!!"

"The old lady also took 50,000 taels from the Xue family, which was a dirty thing. She actually caused the imperial mausoleum to be struck by lightning!" The woman wiped away her tears and pointed at Mr. Pei and cursed angrily.

Mrs. Pei was stunned: "I didn't lie to you, that's Lu Chaochao."

"Bah, you dare to lie! Her horoscope, her personal belongings were thrown into the brazier, and then the imperial mausoleum was blown up. You must be trying to harm the Xue family!"

"A bunch of heartless things."

The old lady came in response.

Mrs. Xue pointed at the old lady and yelled: "You are a rotten person. You are selling your granddaughter's longevity for money. You are a rotten person."

The people secretly lay at the door and were in an uproar when they heard this.

"Is this something that a biological grandmother can do? To borrow her granddaughter's birthday and horoscope for her life?"

"The whole family is rubbish."

The old lady fell back in anger: "You..." They agreed to keep it secret.

"Keep it secret? Keep it secret for what? My Xue family's imperial mausoleum is gone, and Huang'er is dead!! It's all your damn fault!" She only knew that the problem was with the birth date, but she didn't know the specific reason.

"Pay back the money."


"Smash it hard." The woman broke the jar and threw it.

With a wave of his hand, the Xue family servants went crazy and smashed things in the Zhongyong Hou Mansion. Mr. Pei tried to stop them, but was slapped twice.

"The most poisonous woman's heart is to sell her child's birth date to gain longevity. Only you can do it!"

Mrs. Xue was furious.

She was originally destined to be the Queen Mother, but now, it's all gone.

"Stop, stop. Is there any way to stop this?" The old lady was holding her cane, unable to stop her at all.

"Lu Chaochao's horoscopes are given to you, what else do you want to do?"

"We didn't lie to the Xue family!" No one listened to the old lady's explanation.

The Xue family needs to vent.

They smashed the house of Marquis Zhongyong to pieces, and it wasn't until Marquis Zhongyong brought people back to the house that the Xue family took the money and left.

The poverty of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion was even worse.

That night.

The last orphan of the previous dynasty was gone.

Xue Huang died suddenly.

The bloodline was cut off, and the emperor's heart ailments disappeared.

The emperor heard the news in the royal study and smiled from ear to ear.

"Princess Zhaoyang's second birthday is coming soon. Let's celebrate in advance tonight. Fireworks will be set off all night for everyone to enjoy." The emperor waved his hand.

The bloodline of the Xue family was cut off, and the imperial mausoleum of the previous dynasty was bombed. He was not just taking pleasure in the misfortune.

Lu Chaochao looked at him confused, my birthday is still two months away.

The emperor hummed happily.

The prince led Lu Chaochao out of the palace and walked to the nine-story tower at some point.

"Your Highness, please stop. Don't come near without His Majesty's decree." The guard stopped in front of him.

The prince nodded slightly.

He looked at the top of the nine-story tower with a faint gaze.

"What's on the tower?" Lu Chaochao followed his gaze.

The prince touched Chao Chao's head.

He looked at the top of the tower with a dark expression, and when his eyes fell on Chao Chao, he felt a touch of tenderness.

"There's something important."

The prince took her out of the palace and sent her to the Lu family.

The Xu family left the prince to have dinner in the mansion. Lu Chaochao looked at him expectantly, and the prince happily agreed.

During the dinner, Lu Chaochao happily held his bowl and finished the rice.

When looking up to drink water.

Seeing the prince take a serious bite of rice and vegetables, he was startled.

In her memory, there was a disciple who also had this habit.

A mouthful of vegetables, a mouthful of rice, and a mouthful of soup after a meal, never breaking.

When she was stunned, she saw the prince finishing his meal and picking up the soup bowl at hand.

After a brief sip, I put it down.

Lu Chaochao tilted his head. The disciple's name was Chong Yue. God of time and space.

How could it be the little prince?

The little prince was a poor man who had his body taken away from him.

Lu Chaochao shook his head, her disciple was a god.

"Have you ever invited me to Chaochao?" After dinner, the prince asked casually.

Mrs. Xu was startled, then shook her head.

"When I was still in the Marquis Mansion, I originally had the habit of asking for peace of mind every month. But at that time, my relationship with Lu Yuanze was bad, so the matter was shelved."

"I didn't even think of it after I left the house. It was my dereliction of duty." Xu suddenly remembered that the house had not invited a resident doctor.

She asked hurriedly and nervously: "But what's wrong with Chao Chao's body?"

Chaochao has never had a headache or fever. The only stomachache I had was from eating too much.

After rubbing it twice at night, it returned to normal.

The prince pursed his lips: "Don't ask Chaochao for Ping'an pulse. She, there is something abnormal about her body." Seeing Xu's face suddenly turn pale, the prince said hurriedly.

"But it won't affect your life. Mrs. Xu, don't worry."

"Chachao's physique is different from ordinary people. If outsiders notice, I'm afraid there will be more trouble."

"If Chao Chao feels unwell, send someone to the East Palace to find the orphan. Don't let the doctor check your pulse." The prince said seriously.

Xu's heart beat like thunder and she panicked.

"Chaochao is really okay?"

"Please rest assured, Mrs. Xu. It's nothing serious for now." He nodded and left.

Mrs. Xu was very upset, but she didn't dare to ask a doctor.

Lu Chaochao saw his mother's eyes empty, as if she was in a daze.

She reached out silently, stole a chicken drumstick and hid it in her arms.

At night, Mrs. Xu withdrew and washed Chaochao herself.

When I was washing, I looked carefully and found that there was nothing strange about my body.

After Chaochao fell asleep, Mrs. Xu sat blankly in front of the bed.


What's so different about it?

Xu couldn't help but put her hand under Lu Chaochao's nose and breathed.

She breathed a heavy sigh of relief and smiled helplessly. She was really stunned. How could you remember to touch and breathe?

He casually put his hand on Lu Chaochao's chest.

The smile on his face slowly faltered.

Her expression changed slightly, she untied Lu Chaochao's clothes, and carefully lay on her body to listen to her heartbeat.


Deathly calm.

The beating that should have come from the chest was unresponsive at this moment.

Xu quickly covered her mouth and gritted her teeth to hold back the scream that was about to escape her throat.

She was shaking all over and tears came to her eyes.

His eyes were fixed on Lu Chaochao.

Thin goose bumps appeared on his body.

" could it not be?" Mrs. Xu was trembling all over, and her hands tremblingly covered her heart again.


Really do not have!

How could Chaochao not have a heartbeat? ? (End of chapter)

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