The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 102 The Immortal Rides a Dog to Save All Living Beings

Yuan Shoufu left the palace wiping tears.

Rumors suddenly spread that Yuan Shoufu was reprimanded by the emperor.

The instigator was holding a small jar of honey, with two tears hanging down his face, and blew up snot bubbles with a smile.

"Why is he crying?"

Is it because you have such a smart disciple like me?

Lu Chaochao raised his head and chest with pride on his face.

He didn't forget to reach out and touch his tongue: "The tongue is still there..."

The sixth prince also nodded in surprise: "Fortunately it's still there, I thought I had to cut it off." The two fools looked surprised.

The palace man brought hot water and poured it down little by little, then separated the tongue from the pillar.

The emperor's face was expressionless.

Fuck childhood sweethearts.

Together, they can take shame to a new level.

Lying at the emperor's feet was a big, fluffy dog. The dog's body was shiny, and it stood taller than Lu Chaochao.

Looks quite strong.

"Wow..." Lu Chaochao sighed.

After a gesture, she was no taller than a dog.

"This is a domesticated animal from Zhuangzi, and I will give it to you as a pet." This dog is very large and appears to be well-behaved and docile, but after recognizing its owner, it is extremely protective of it.

Lu Chaochao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Thank you, Uncle Emperor." The little guy's voice was full of surprise.

"What's its name?" Lu Chaochao touched the dog, he was so loving.

"It's called Chasing the Wind."

Lu Chaochao called out softly: "Zhuifeng, Zhuifeng..." The dog immediately lowered its head and nuzzled her affectionately.

Before the emperor gave it to Lu Chaochao, he had used her old clothes to train the dog's sense of smell.

It can understand that this is the little master.

The emperor touched her head, remembering the news from the secret guard, and his brows were filled with smiles.

Marquis Zhongyong is finally seeking death.

It was already approaching evening when Lu Chaochao left the palace.

It was already getting dark.

"Girl, please put on your cloak first. It's windy at night." Dengzhi put a white cloak on her. The cloak was a bit long and covered her feet.

Only a small face is exposed.

She thought about it.

"Zhui Feng, squat down..."

Zhui Feng squatted in front of her, and she clenched the white hair on Zhui Feng's body, clumsily climbing onto the dog's back.

The little guy was riding on the back of a dog, with a cloak covering his body and his hands and feet, leaving only his face exposed.

"It's fun..." Lu Chaochao smiled.

"You guys, carriage. Wo, ride a dog!" The little guy waved his hand domineeringly, making Denzhi's eyelids jump.

Dengzhi didn't dare to let her ride the dog alone, so he immediately said: "No."

But Lu Chaochao really wanted to ride a dog.

Her wrinkled little face hesitated for a moment: "Carriage, follow behind." The carriage followed, and she rode the dog in front, perfect!

However, Yuqin and Yushu understood their master and said immediately: "Yes."

The carriage followed her anyway.

If I don't let her enjoy it, she will get up at night to ride the dog.

Dengzhi couldn't say anything, so he had to let her do what she wanted.

at night.

The baby girl held the dog's fur in her hands and rode the dog on the street.

The carriage followed her silently.

When passing by Chang'an Street, I met a young lady who was going out alone.

The little sister was walking alone in the dark. In order to protect the little sister, Lu Chaochao followed her.

If the little sister walks fast, she rides fast.

The little sister walks slowly, so she rides slowly.


The sister in front walked faster and faster, and she looked back from time to time, almost leaving an afterimage under her feet.

Lu Chaochao was anxious, fearing that he would lose his sister, so he rode his dog to catch up.

"Ouch..." The sister in front cried loudly and rushed into the house like crazy.


He turned around and closed the door ruthlessly.

Lu Chaochao's little face was hurt by the cold wind, and he pointed at the door with an angry look on his face: "Send mud to the fat family."

"Don't say thank you!"


Angrily, he returned to the Zhongyong Hou Mansion.

When I went back, I was still complaining in my mind: "The sister I met today was so rude. I kindly sent her home, but she didn't even say thank you!" 】

Denzhi looked dumbfounded.

When Mrs. Xu was told the whole story, Mrs. Xu smiled from ear to ear.

"" Mrs. Xu said nothing for a long time.

It even made her laugh to tears.

[What on earth are you laughing at? 】Lu Chaochao was puzzled.

"Come and try on the new clothes. We'll wear them for the first birthday party." Mrs. Xu put on new clothes for Chaochao, which made her even more clever and well-behaved.

"Hey, your second uncle is really unlucky."

"If it weren't for him, I'm afraid Linluo City's embankments would burst, and then the people would be in dire straits and their lives would be in ruins."

"However, the local officials are full of moths, the granaries are empty, and there is no grain or silver for disaster relief." Mrs. Xu was full of worry.

I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for Chaochao's first birthday party this year.

【food? I have it, I have it! 】

[Last time, I borrowed the New Year’s money from my brothers and sisters and asked my uncle to buy food. 】

[And, buy it near Linluo! 】

Lu Chaochao muttered in his heart, and Mrs. Xu sat upright suddenly.

Did you buy all the food? ?

In recent years, disasters have continued in Beizhao. Emperor Xuanping has provided disaster relief several times, but the treasury does not have much money.

Although the granary can still hold up, it is far away from Linluo, and water from far away cannot save the fire close by.

Nowadays, brown rice costs eight cents per catty, and one tael of silver can buy one hundred and twenty-five catties.

[I seem to have eight granaries...]

Xu's eyelids twitched.

"Chaochao, you go to bed first, mother needs to go out for something." Mrs. Xu hurriedly put Chaochao to sleep and quickly returned to her parents' home.

at night.

"Brother, did Chaochao give you more than 20,000 taels?" Xu hurried back to her parents' home before the curfew.

Xu Yiting was writing a memorial when he heard his sister ask.

"Yes, but not to me. She gave the money to Qu Fan." Qu Fan was his confidant.

Xu Yiting didn't interfere, the child also had his own secret.

Xu was stunned.

Qu Fan touched the back of his head: "Back to the master, the young lady asked her subordinates to buy all the grain. Eight granaries were built."

Xu Yiting looked at him in surprise.

"Buy all the food?"

"Yes, the granaries are full. They are all near Linluo."

Xu Yiting's eyebrows curved: "Isn't Linluo just short of food and providing disaster relief? Let the court issue an IOU to Chaochao."

Xu laughed out loud.

"It really made them a lot of money." Mrs. Xu was quite surprised.

The New Year's money given by a group of children actually solved the disaster relief issue that the court was struggling with.

Not only did he make a fortune, he also earned His Majesty's gratitude.

Xu Yiting waved the paper on his hand.

"Linluo disaster relief food has been provided, but where will the disaster relief money come from?"

"The national treasury is not rich, and the people in the Ministry of Household Affairs cry about poverty every day. They are afraid that they will not be able to pay for it."

"Speaking of which, many courtiers have borrowed money from the treasury. But these are decades-old debts, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to repay."

"That's all, Your Majesty has to worry about this matter."

"Is Chaochao's first birthday party ready?" Xu Yiting asked carefully.

Mrs. Xu pursed her lips: "Everything is ready."

Xu's eyes flashed with light, and her blood boiled with excitement. (End of chapter)

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