Chapter 606: A Hidden Path
(From Blue's Perspective)
"There can't be another door leading to the other world," I said.
Cyan leaned back in his chair. "Why not?" he asked. "You destroyed three of them."
"Yes, and there were supposed to be just three of them."
"We thought so because Azure told us. What if he lied?"
"He…" I had no answer to that. It was a valid question. What if Azure lied? It was not like he was someone who would never lie.
"He saw something in Ava Merrick Easton. That's why he took her in the name of a game, so you wouldn't suspect anything. And you didn't, just like he planned."
"Seriously, Cyan? What evidence do you have?" Enjoy more content from My Virtual Library Empire
Cyan was still the eighteen-year-old. Dion was almost as old as Cyan now. If we aged, Cyan and I would be thirty-seven now.
"No evidence. All my informants were killed. There is no sign of Azure now. Well, now, there is. But there hasn't been a sign of him for the last sixteen years. You think our father is the type of man to stay still for sixteen years?
To him, sixteen years is nothing. He can wait a hundred if he needs to. Let me tell you this. He was doing something. And that has to do with your niece and another path to the other world."
"It's hard to believe," I said.
"Why, Blue?" he asked. "Why would you think that?" he asked. "Azure is a liar, a cheater, a manipulator. Why would you believe something he said?"
"In the books, Cyan. The fact that there were three paths leading to the other world was written in the books for the children."
"Azure has been there since the beginning of the time, Blue!"
I watched my brother, sitting on the opposite couch. Perita sat beside him, munching happily on a cookie. It was like she was not bothered by anything in the world.
I envied her careless attitude.
"Got nothing to say anymore?" Cyan taunted.
"Kids, don't make me get both of you," I said.
"What?" Cyan asked.
I did not have to answer him. Demian and Bree came into the room. They had been eavesdropping.
None of them looked the slightest bit guilty.
"What do you think you are doing? Demian? Bree?"
"Your kids are nosy as hell, aren't they?" Cyan said.
"We also want to know what's going on," Bree said. She was wearing a red dress. She had reached the age of growing up too fast. She was almost as tall as I was. Dem said Bree would probably not be as tall Dion and Demian, but at least, she would be taller than me.
"Before you guess, I didn't bring her here," Demian said.
"Oh please, it's not like you have to bring me here," Bree said.
In the end, I told them to sit down. It was not like whatever Cyan was saying was a secret.
"As I was saying, I think there is another path leading to the other world," Cyan said. "Or maybe, more than one. Nothing is impossible."
"Why did you destroy the other three?" Bree asked me. She was sitting between me and her brother.
"Azure asked me to," I said.
"Why would you do something Azure asked you to?" she asked.
I looked at Cyan who shrugged.
"Azure had locked me up. I needed to earn his trust to escape," I said. I had not told my children exactly what happened when I was kept there. I would not either unless they asked me. They knew about the mark on my back since they saw it many times and asked about it. I would not lie to them if I could help it.
"Did you really meet Cyan there?" Bree asked. "Like, for the first time?"
My children called Cyan 'uncle' before, but Cyan absolutely hated it. He preferred to be called by his name.
"It feels weird to call him uncle anyway, when he is just 18," Bree had said.
"Yeah. She was just a stupid little girl," Cyan said.
I rolled my eyes. "He was jealous of me. Because Daddy dearest preferred me," I said.
"Don't worry. I'm not anymore. I don't really see the point of kids and stuff," he said. "Besides, I would rather not be someone Azure wants."
My kids were not the type to take such words to heart. In fact, they were not much emotional. Perhaps Dion was a little bit. But the other two clearly were not.
I felt like Demian somehow resembled Cyan. And another person. I never wanted to admit it, but it was the truth. He was a bit like my father- Azure.
"So, are you with someone?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"A lover?"
"No! Why would you even think that?" Cyan looked like he was offended. I could not understand why. It was not like it was wrong to have a lover.
"When was the last time I saw you? A year ago? Two years ago?"
"A year, nine months and twenty-seven days ago," Demian said. My son genuinely scared me sometimes.
"I don't even know how you can say it like that," Cyan said. "That's creepy."
"He can remember everything," Bree said. "He even has memories of when he was very little- like a few months old."
"As I said, creepy."
"Forget that, Cyan. Will you teach me how to make poison? One that no one else will notice when mixed into something? I mean, something that even Mum can find it if she looks for it?" Bree said.
"Seriously, Bree, you are too young to think about poisoning your mother," I said.
"No, Mum. It's not for you," she said. "I just want to learn."
"I am not your teacher," Cyan said and got up. He looked at me and said, "I will meet you tomorrow."
He got out of the room without another word.
"Why won't he teach me?" Bree asked sulkily. "Even you won't teach me, Mum."
"I told you I will when you turn thirteen."
"Why not now?"
Bree whined so much for a long time that finally, I had to give in. Even as I talked to her, my mind was elsewhere. What was Azure planning? If there was another path leading to the other world, did Azure do something like before? Did he…?