The Way of the Mysterious Dust

Chapter 662: Shangxu Taoist

The night is black and the wind is high, and there is a remote small village in the continuous Cangye Mountain a hundred miles northwest of Gaocang City. The whole village has more than a dozen thatched huts, shrouded in the night, and there are some hunting hunters living in it. At this time, a wooden boat flies. Here, it fell into the fence yard of a thatched house at the east end of the village.

One person came down from the wooden boat. It was Meng Shengming. Five days ago, Meng Shengming asked his uncle Changshan Taoist for leave under the name of the Fuxue shop. He left Gaoyang City that night and came to this small mountain village because The four boxes of Yinshi raw ore smuggled out of the ghost forest are to be shot.

"Squeak!" The oil lamp was lit on the thatched cottage, the wooden door pushed open, and an old woman with a hunchback came out, with a kind smile on her face, limping towards the canoe with a wooden cane.

"The old lady hasn't seen a fellow daoist for half a year. How long can this time be?" The old woman glanced at the various goods piled on the canoe, and said with a smile.

"Some things have been delayed, this time it's four boxes." Meng Shengming replied blankly, using the Imperial Art, four "Ling Mustard Mine Boxes" flew out from the bottom of the wooden boat and landed steadily on the ground. The village is a secret junction at the entrance of Gaocangtang in the Hall of Reincarnation.

Meng Shengming joined the Temple of Reincarnation when he was still in the Qi training period. Now he is a six-star reincarnation dead waiter, and he comes to this small mountain village every time he makes a shot at the Yinshiyuan Mine.

Since the last battle between the North and South Zongmen, most of the reincarnation hall’s strongholds in Yunzhou have been evacuated or destroyed by the three sects, leaving only a few secret strongholds. These strongholds are extremely deep hidden, and only a few high-stars have died. Servant contact.

"The price remains the same, what do fellow Daoists want to change this time!" The old woman clapped her hands, and the thatched house immediately ran out of two reincarnation guards with evil masks on their faces and carried the "spiritual mustard mine box" on the ground into the thatched house. The old woman asked calmly, apparently this kind of transaction is commonplace.

"It's all on it!" Meng Shengming took out a hand letter and handed it out.

"Then the same as before, just wait in the Talisman Shop in the city. The things will be delivered to the Daoists within three days." The old woman took the letter paper and nodded and said.

"Then it will work!" Meng Shengming stopped talking, jumped on the wooden boat, immediately rose into the air, turned into a light and flew towards Gaocang City.

Meng Shengming believed in the credibility of the Samsara Hall, and he was not afraid of things being swallowed. These years, he had been selling Yinshi raw ore, and the Samsara Hall had never given away a piece of spiritual stone.

"Ancestor, you're here!" In the time of a meal, Meng Shengming flew to the original He family in Gaocang City. It is now a Talisman blood shop of the Meng family. The wooden boat is parked in the backyard of the shop. Several buddies. The dozen or so barrels on the wooden boat were filled with Gaoyang donkey blood, and some groceries were moved into the warehouse.

"How is business in the store in these two months?" After unloading things and putting away the wooden boat, Meng Shengming came to the store in front of the courtyard and asked Meng Qiu, the middle-aged owner of the store.

"Thanks to the ancestor, the store has almost sold the talisman blood. I just wait for the ancestor to send it from Gaoyang City. Some of the magic talisman will be sold, but not much. All the income in the store has been recorded on it."

Meng Qiu said respectfully, and handed out the account book. Don’t look at the old ancestor who looks like him, who looks like middle-aged, but in fact, the ancestor is nearly two hundred years old. Work hard.

"Yeah!" Meng Shengming flipped through it quickly. After two months, the shop had made less than 50,000 yuan in profit. The main profit point was the sale of talisman blood. The talisman he drew and placed in the store was still good. It seems that I can't sell a few copies in a day, and I can't make any spiritual stones.

As a result, this market in Gaocang City is not large, and the guests are mostly children of small and medium-sized families, or poor and casual cultivators, and they are not well-stocked.

Secondly, he is not superb in his own talismanic skills, and can draw a fourth-rank talisman "qi shield talisman" at the highest level. The success rate of the talisman of each level is not high, so naturally he can't sell it at a good price.

At this point of revenue, even the pill money to maintain his own rapid and diligent training is not enough, let alone support the family of the Meng family. Now there are nearly 20 people in the Meng family. It's a small comprehension family on the previous side.

When Meng Shengming retreats and builds the foundation, he opened a mansion. After more than a hundred years, he cultivated to the fourth mansion as hard as his cultivation base. If he only relies on this spiritual stone to practice, even if his life is exhausted, he will not be able to cultivate the nine mansion. .

Not to mention crossing the robbery and condensing the pill, this is why Meng Shengming took the risk, and cooperated with Shangxu and Qiuji to secretly sell Yin Stone.

You must know that selling Yin Stone is not a trivial matter. If it is discovered by the sect, the consequences will be disastrous. If the cultivation base is abolished and expelled from the sect, it is considered light, and it is normal to be in jail and fall to the ground. , Be regarded as desperate.

"In the past few days, if the treasurer Cai comes to the store, please invite him to the backyard." Meng Shengming frowned and put down the account book, turned back to the backyard residence, not forgetting to say.

"Treasurer Cai is here, and Meng Qiu invited him to the old ancestral house immediately." Meng Qiu immediately nodded and replied.

The shopkeeper Cai in the mouth of the ancestor is the shopkeeper of a grocery store called "Dafengtang" in the city. He and the ancestor should be good friends. Only when the ancestor is in the shop, he occasionally visits the store and sometimes takes care of it. In-store business.

"Grandfather, Senior Junshan should be back soon!" Wei Suoying crammed into the Xudao Ren's house. His grandson Pu Chu, and his four apprentices, Wang Qingchi, were drinking tea and chatting, Pu Chu cautiously asked.

"Counting days, it's almost coming back, Chu'er, what can you do with Junior Brother Junshan?" Shangxu Taoist sipped his tea and said casually.

"It's nothing, it's just that the pill on his body is exhausted." Pu Chu replied with a little embarrassment, and he had stopped reselling the Yin Stone for more than half a year. The pill on his body was long gone, and he would smuggle it every one or two months. With a batch of Yin Stones, people like them can get some pills for cultivation.

"Humph!" Shangxu Taoist snorted lightly, something worthless.

"Master, the disciple has something to report!" Wang Qingchi's face condensed when he remembered something, and suddenly said.

"What's the matter?" Shang Xu Taoist asked with a frown.

"The day before yesterday, Senior Brother Chu went to meet Senior Qiuji. When the ore was shipped out, he happened to ran into Senior Uncle Xuan Ting to inspect. During the time, Senior Brother Chu was not seen, and he asked about his whereabouts." Wang Qingchi said in a deep voice.

"Oh! There is still this matter, Qingchi, how did you respond? The specific situation at that time, please talk carefully and listen to it as a teacher." Shangxu Taoist's face changed, and he immediately asked.

"Master, rest assured, the disciples have prevaricated on the excuse that Brother Chu went to hunt in the forest." Wang Qingchi said hurriedly.

"That's good, Qingchi, what do you think of this matter, is it a coincidence? Or is it intentional?" Shang Xu Dao Ren asked solemnly.

"The disciple thought it should be a coincidence! If it was intentional, or if he knew something, he would not directly ask the disciple, and afterwards, I have not seen any other actions in the past two months." Wang Qingchi had considered the matter for a while and replied. .

"However, this person is more heart-warming than his predecessor. He must personally inspect the ghost forest defense line once a day, especially during the half month that Uncle Tai Xiong has left, even several times in a day. This person will be aware of it, which is a major hidden danger." Wang Qingchi continued earnestly.

"We did it secretly, what could he detect!" Pu Chu said disgustingly.

Over the years, hasn't it been this way, and hasn't seen anything wrong? The new head Xuan Ting, although wearing a cold iron mask all day long, was really a good old man when he came in contact with him. He couldn't see any hidden dangers.

"What do you know! Qingchi, can there be a countermeasure?" Shangxu Dao Ren's face was already extremely ugly, he first glared at Pu Chu, and then asked.

Wang Qingchi, the four apprentices, has always been meticulous, and when he raised this matter, he thought he had a countermeasure.

"The disciples have thought about it for a few days and have indeed come up with some arrangements. By the way, two members of the third team will be appointed in a few days, do you know that brother?" Wang Qingchi said slowly.

"This is natural. I didn't even talk about it in the morning meeting. I want to transfer one from the first team and our team to the third team." Pu Chu nodded and replied.

"Usually we are in a group with the second team, and the first team and the third team are in a group, and we are garrisoned in rotation. Why not take the opportunity to transfer my brother Wang Chen from our team to the third team as the eyes and ears. After we go to the ghost forest to garrison, we will stay. Wang Chen is monitoring the whereabouts of Dutou in the camp."

"Especially on the day the brother went to the ghost forest to transport the ore, we must pay close attention to the movement of the head. As soon as this person leaves the camp, he informs us in advance. This way, it will not happen the previous day. This person broke the matter Wang Qingchi said with a slightly raised mouth.

"This arrangement is very good!" Shangxu Taoist said immediately. The secret sale of Yin Stone is of great importance and he has to be careful. Naturally, the less people know the better.

But this matter one or two people can't work, so in recent years, the Shang Xudao people slowly arranged some of their own people, or clansmen or disciples to mix into the mining team and the defense team.

Shangxu Taoist Pu Le is a native of Gaocang. He is a native of Gaocang and has superior talents. Before building the foundation, he was cultivated by the power of the whole family. However, the Pu family is only a small family and cannot get help from the family after the foundation is built.

You can only rely on yourself. In addition to taking care of your own practice, you also need to feed your family back. This makes Pu Le stretched out and has a shortage of spiritual stones, so he has to take on some tedious sect tasks.

And when he came to Tianshiwei to take up the post, at first he was just looking at the generous salary of the position, and also because he served as the deacon of Kailing in Gaoyang Taoist Temple and was familiar with Gaoyang City.

Unexpectedly, the conditions of the Tianshiwei are so bad, and that little job salary is not enough for one's daily practice.

In the past few years, Pu Le was remorseful day by day. It was better to stay in the sect and practice hard if he knew it. With the rich aura of the mountain, he could barely maintain his own practice.

In this way, it is inevitable that he often confided his grievances with his younger brother Meng Shengming, whom he had known in his early years. One day when he complained to Meng Shengming, Meng Shengming vaguely proposed to him the idea of ​​secretly selling the raw yin stone ore, saying that he had a way to sell it. dirty.

Pu Le refused without even thinking about it at first, but he lived here like a year, and his cultivation was not advancing. He only insisted on it for two years before finally agreeing to it.

They also wooed the Guixiu Qiuji, who was connected with the same disease, and the three of them took advantage of their positions to start reselling the Yinshi raw ore. Shangxu and Qiuji were responsible for mining, and then transported the Yinshi raw ore out of the ghost forest. Meng Shengming was responsible for selling the dirty. Never did it during this time, and it has been until now.

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