The Way of the Mysterious Dust

Chapter 642: Long tongue snow salamander

"Huh!" Liu Yu used the imperial wind technique to jump forward among the towering dense forests, and the sky began to snow again, and the forests were covered with a thin layer of shallow snow.

Suddenly, Liu Yu jumped to a moss-dense boulder, and saw that a bush next to the boulder was covered with fine brown fruits, clusters like grapes.

This kind of fine fruit Liu Yu has seen in the medicinal book. It is a fourth-grade medicinal fruit "Ribes spinosa", which is highly toxic.

However, this kind of medicinal fruit is the blind main medicine of the advanced body-refining soup "Spinjing Soup" in the basic stage of body repair. This prescription is a bath soup. Several kinds of spiritual materials are added to hot boiling water to make a special medicated bath for body repair and bathing. Among them, the effect of passing the meridian and condensing acupoints can be achieved.

Among them, the longer the medicinal power of the scabs, the better the effect, and most of the clusters of scabs in front of Liu Yu are over a hundred years old, because the 20-year formula of the scabs has a blue color at first, and a light brown after a hundred years.

But these are not the reasons why Liu Yu stopped and stayed. The five clusters of fruit that attracted Liu Yu hanging on the top of the bush were as black as ink, and the flesh was as transparent as jade, like clusters of black pearls. These five clusters of medicinal fruits are obviously not ordinary anymore. "Ribes".

Because it is recorded in the medicinal books that the Ribes thorn fruit has changed in quality over five hundred years, the peel is jade-black, the medicinal fruit is slightly sweet and non-toxic.

Liu Yu cut off the five clusters of Ribes sylvestris one by one at the top of the bush, and carefully put them into the agarwood medicine box, then jumped onto the tree and left here.

Continue to look for a suitable hiding place, and at the same time search for good and rare spiritual materials such as "Rice Fragrant Fruit" in the forest.

After coming to the island for more than a few hours, Liu Yu has harvested a lot. He has picked more than 20 kinds of rare spiritual materials for hundreds of years, but it is a pity that no trace of "Jiazi Xueguo" has been found.

Liu Yu couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and he didn't know whether the two had a winner or not, and there was not much time left for him.

"Wow, wow!" In the forest, there is a white lien hanging on the wall. The snow stream leaps down the cliff, hitting the cliff and smashing the rocks, the aquatic slurry splashes, the mist and clouds are lingering, and there is a secluded deep pool under the waterfall, and the water falls. The sound, the shock wave, is noisy and quiet.

Liu Yu stood on a rock by the lake, raised his head and stared at the waterfall curtain hung between the cliffs. His eyes were like gossip pupils. Under the "psychic eyes", the water vapor on the cliffs was filled with water, and the aura was extremely strong. Thousand horses galloping like an elephant, and the waterfall is like a water dragon coming out of a pool, soaring into the sky.

It’s common sense that the water vapor is active in these cliffs and waterfalls, but what attracts Liu Yu to stop is that the middle section of the waterfall water curtain hanging on the cliff, besides the white and misty water, also drifts away. With a peculiar smell of Songshuang.

And the little glow of the sizzling air is just the treasure of the year, and it overflows with a special miracle that contains the essence of heaven and earth.

Before, Liu Yu had seen similar but different medicinal qi anomalies when picking other treasures of hundreds of years.

When Liu Yu’s spiritual consciousness was released and through the rapids of the waterfall, he immediately discovered that there was a natural karst cave on the cliff behind the middle section of the waterfall. It is difficult to find the entrance to this cave.

With a light trick of "Going to the Sky", Liu Yu stepped up a few steps into the air and came to the middle section of the waterfall. He lifted the spirit cover, separated the water curtain and walked in, and stopped firmly at the entrance of the cave behind the water curtain.

As soon as he landed, he smelled a strong medicinal fragrance, and quickly stepped inside and found that although the entrance to the cave was small, there was a lot of space inside the cave.

The cave is dim and damp, and there are many trickles in the cracks of the surrounding cave walls. The trickles converge in the caves of the cave to form a small pool.

A few rays of light shone from between a crack at the top of the cave, and hit a small half-person tall tree next to the small pool. The leaves are sparse, but on the longest branch, a fist hangs. Small and small pear-shaped fruit.

"This is!" When Liu Yu's gaze fell on the fruit, he couldn't move his eyes immediately. He swallowed a mouthful of water. One tree and one fruit, one hundred years of flowering, three hundred years of fruit, fruit like pear, skin like snow, fruit The fragrance is rich and intoxicating, and it is born in the clear spring and secluded pond.

After taking a closer look, Liu Yu couldn't help but grinned, his eyebrows flashed, and the little tree in the cave was not just a "Jiazi Xueguo".

I finally let myself find it, but Liu Yu didn't immediately step forward, because two clusters of green and ghost eyes lit up in the darkness of the karst cave.

Through the "psychic eyes", Liu Yu could clearly see a red beast's shadow lying in the dark. The reason for the redness is because of the special psychic illusion of the blood under the "psychic eyes".

When the beast shadow crawled out of the darkness, it was a sturdy, stubby four-legged salamander-like spirit beast. This beast should be the guardian beast of this "Jiazi Xueguo", or it can be said to be from this Jiazi Xueguo. Owner.

The medicinal power of Jiazi Xueguo is effective for practitioners, and it is also effective for all animals. This Jiazi Xueguo has not been swallowed by this salamander. The only reason is that this Jiazi Xueguo has not grown to its fullest maturity and its medicinal power has not reached its peak. , This beast is struggling to stay in the cave.

"Huh!" The Salamander beast gasped with a stench, and a pair of green pupils stared at the intruder, that is, Liu Yu.

The beast is thick and flat, plump, rough and bumpy, and pus-filled. Its head is huge and hideous and pale, accounting for one-third of its body. It has a thick tongue in its mouth, which should be a burrowing adult "long tongue". Snow salamander".

"Long Tongue Snow Salamander" is a rare Tier 5 spirit beast with poisonous dragon blood in its body. It shares the same ancestor with most pythons and snakes. It is a descendant of the spirit dragon. It has a thick skin and a long tongue. Water is extremely scarce, only born in dark caves or cold pond poison ponds.

"Qua!" The long-tongued snow salamander opened its mouth and spit out a long blood-red sticky tongue, and attacked Liu Yu like a tentacle. Liu Yu stepped away and saw the ground where he was standing. A big hole was drilled by the blood-red sticky tongue. The tentacle missed a hit, and then turned to chase Liu Yu.

"Rock shield!" Liu Yu cast a curse with one hand. The surrounding stones were driven by mana to float up. A thick rock wall gathered in Liu Yu's body. At the same time, he slapped the beast bag on his waist, turning "Xiao Bai". After releasing, Xiaobai rushed directly towards the long-tongued snow salamander with a ferocious aura.

"Boom, boom!" The two beasts collided, bitten, aroused dust, shaking the ground and rocking the ground like rain. Liu Yu took the opportunity to use the "spiritual maneuver", picking and hanging in the air. The Jiazi Xueguo on the tree was immediately put into a spirit jade medicine bottle to prevent the spirit fruit's medicinal power from dispersing.

"Qua!" Liu Yu's move instantly angered the long-tongued snow salamander, and saw the long-tongued snow salamander hit the flying jade snake with one head, leaped its limbs, and bit at Liu Yu with a huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

With a "touch", the long-tongued snow salamander was entangled in the air by the jade snake that sprang from the back, and slammed on the ground.

"Hey!" The furious long-tongued snow salamander turned around and bit on the body of the second half of the jade snake, with sharp teeth into the body, blood rushed like a spring, the jade snake was painful, and the thick snake was wrapped in the long tongue snow salamander, biting The long-tongued snow salamander, but the long-tongued snow salamander is hung on the back of the thick bumpy leather armor, making it impossible for the jade scorpion snake to lay its mouth.

"Blast!" Liu Yu saw Xiaobai in danger, UU reading immediately threw out two "Chi Yan Bomb" charms, and the two crimson fire **** exploded on the head of the long tongue snow salamander, and the tongue was exploded. The head of the snow salamander was completely dark.

However, the skin of this animal was rough and hard and did not suffer much injury. Fortunately, the beast was in pain, and the beast's mouth was loosened. Xiao Bai took the opportunity to escape and swim away.

"Not good!" The long tongue snow salamander opened a mouth and sprayed a large amount of dark green venom toward Liu Yu's station. Liu Yu immediately dodged, but the venom fell like acid rain. , Still being sprayed by a small puff of venom.

The dark green venom was extremely aggressive. Wherever the venom touched, blue smoke was swirling around, and the soil on the rock wall turned into black water. The small strands of venom that sprayed Liu Yu instantly melted through the two spiritual shields.

One is the Lingyuan cover, and the other is the "ink light cover" that comes with the Tianying ink-dyed robe. The Tianying ink-dyed robe on Liu Yu has also corroded a big hole.

Fortunately, the "light armor" inscription automatically activated by the silver snow soft armor that I wear next to my body has a layer of armor aura on the surface of the soft armor. The armor itself was flexible and anti-corrosion, blocking this small strand of venom.

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