The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 148 – Folder

[2009 – September]

Wearing one of her love's oversized black hoodies over a small tight-fitting crop top, as well as some comfy shorts with nothing beneath them, Jean lay atop Elijah's chest, her legs entangled with his as they rested on the leather sofa in the living room of their home.

Listening to his strong heartbeat while his hands lazily combed through her hair and brushed over her sides and thighs, she felt comfortable and warm all over, quiet hums and sighs escaping her lips every now and then.

The TV was switched on and almost every channel was playing a newscast about the mark her love had left behind on the surface of the moon. After all, what he had done simply could not be hidden as anyone with a telescope could see the bird-shaped carving clearly.

The whole world was in an uproar, a storm of conspiracy theories, fearful outcries, and declarations of worship sweeping through almost every nation.

And yet, Elijah's strong chest continued to fall and rise with a steady rhythm, as if trying to rock her into a peaceful sleep while he continued his loving ministrations, seemingly unbothered about the chaos his actions had caused.

Turning her head a bit, Jean rested her head on her arms atop his chest and looked down at his charming features with a delicate light in her eyes.

Why would you do something so crazy? What if you had been caught?”, she asked with a whisper.

Elijah's deep eyes finding hers, they locked gazes and she saw the vibrant green that she loved so much, and beneath it shadows and darkness.

But she wasn't afraid, even though she knew better than anyone how much her love had changed after his last visit to the Darkforce Dimension.

The others couldn't sense it as he concealed his own presence from them, which was something he didn't do in front of her, so Jean was the only one who truly understood what he carried inside of him.

His soul and body were filled with pure darkness, the very antithesis of life and light. To her, his whole presence shone like a dark star, his power seemingly limitless and all-consuming.

But his heart was still hers, and that was all that mattered to Jean.

Cradling her cheek gently, Elijah's fingers brushed back a few of her soft flaming locks while he looked at her with his dark eyes shining with love and devotion.

Because I love you. And I wanted you to know that.”, he replied, a quiet smile causing the corners of his lips to curve up. His thumb brushed softly over her lips while his other hand came to rest on her backside possessively: “And now you do.”

A shudder went through her slender figure at this simple declaration, her lips trembling as she felt Elijah's love for her almost materialize and wrap itself around her protectively.

Tears falling from the corners of her eyes, Jean didn't say anything as there existed no words that could describe what she felt for Elijah, his love having long since become her sustenance.

She felt his thumbs brush away her tears and she just melted into his embrace. Leaning forward, Jean connected their lips in a deep kiss. Her small tongue softly danced around his, his taste on her lips awakening her desire with full force.

She needed to be with him, needed to feel him inside her, ravage her, take her. Love her.

And Elijah gave her exactly what she needed.

Vanity was not something that the Phoenix Force would normally bother with, especially so considering that the adoration of mortals was rather meaningless, all things considered.

There already existed innumerable living beings that worshiped and feared her in the endless expanse of the Universe, which was more or less the same thing if one looked at it from the right perspective, so a few billion more or less made no difference to her.

Still, as the Phoenix watched through her inheritor's eyes the mark that had been left on Earth's moon, she couldn't quite help but be pleased. This though had more to do with who had left behind this mark than the mark itself.

Elijah Frost, the Mortal God that had so thoroughly captured Jean's heart that even the Phoenix Force found herself surprised at the intensity of their bond.

Though thinking about it, calling him 'Mortal God' no longer seemed appropriate as he had already freed himself from the mortality of his existence after becoming the Realm Lord of the Darkforce Dimension. At this point, it would probably be more accurate to call him a Realm God.

His power had also increased astronomically and the Phoenix found it hard not to feel pride in Elijah's achievements. Even more impressive though, was the fact that he was still himself even after fusing with the Darkforce Dimension.

As the cosmic entity responsible for Creation and Rebirth, the Phoenix Force knew about almost every being in existence and she only knew of a rare few that could do what he had done.

Adding to the fact that she could sense that his potential had only just started to bloom, the Phoenix found herself eagerly waiting for Elijah to continue down his path, and become someone that could stand by Jean's side as an equal once the girl had fully inherited her power.

[2009 – October]

You made quite the mess with this little stunt of yours.”, Emma stated with a faint smile on her perfect lips while she looked at her younger brother sitting across from her, showing no outward signs of the shock that she felt in her heart.

Elijah had changed the very surface of the moon on a scale that she found hard to comprehend, and he had done so in only a few short minutes without leaving behind any trace of his presence.

Looking at it from another perspective, Emma realized that Elijah had the power to reshape whole continents to his will with seemingly no effort. Or in other words, Elijah had the power to single-handedly destroy this very planet.

Even Emma had to admit that her younger brother's prowess scared her a bit, even though she knew that Elijah had no interest in using his power to cause mayhem and destruction. Like his first mutant ability, all his power only served to act as a shield that ensured his own freedom.

Elijah wasn't interested in gaining authority or ruling over others, he was content with just living his life according to his own wishes.

She knew that she could not do the same if their positions were reversed, and because of that she couldn't help but admired him.

Smiling lightly in response while his shadowed eyes shone with a mischievous light, Elijah's charm rivaled her own as he answered: "I admit, I might have been a bit reckless."

And even though he said so, his tone held no hint of remorse, which somehow only added to his quiet and dark charm.

I assume that Jean liked it?”, she asked, knowing that no teenage girl could ever dislike a moon-sized love note. This time though, Elijah didn't reply.

His smile just deepened a bit while a hint of gentleness appeared in his demeanor.

Opening the topmost drawer of her large desk, Emma grabbed a thin folder and a small card from within. Placing them down on the desk, she slid them both over the table and into Elijah's waiting hands.

"I got you your driver's license as you asked. And while I didn't make you take the actual test, I already spoke with Christian and I want you to meet up with him after school sometime this week. He is still in New York with Cordelia and they won't fly back to Europe until after her birthday this weekend.", she clarified.

"He agreed to spend a few hours driving through town with you, just to make sure that you really know what you are doing. I know you won't get injured in case of an accident but that doesn't mean that I can just sit back and hope that you won't run someone else over."

It had been an easy thing for Emma to get Elijah a driver's license with her connections. And it was a real one too, as there was no reason for her to go out of her way to get him a fake one when it was easier for her to just get him a real one.

The Hellfire Club was involved in a lot of less lawful businesses, so procuring legal documentation for all kinds of people in nearly every country on Earth was not only a necessity but also a rather lucrative business in itself.

"Not to mention that as a Frost, it should be a point of pride for you to excel at everything you do. And that includes even something as dull as driving a car. I am sure you can understand that.", Emma emphasized before pointing at the thin folder.

And in there, is the information about Jean's mother that you wanted me to find, as well as pictures of her actual grave.“

Pausing for a moment as a wry smile spread on her lips, she continued with a sigh, “Though I suggest that you be careful when you show them to her. This- … This will not make her happy.”

Raising a brow, Elijah somehow made the driver's license in his right hand disappear, though it happened too fast for her to really see how he had done it, before he opened the thin folder and looked at the picture that was fastened to the file inside with a paper clip.

And in the next moment, the chair beneath Elijah just disintegrated as a dense murderous intent flashed by, the sheer pressure of his malice making her heart skip a beat and causing her to hold her breath as she froze in her seat.

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