The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 024 – Magical

[2009 – June]

Taking a deep breath as they stepped into the dining hall together, Jean was once more fascinated by Elijah.

Most teenagers liked to think that they didn't care about the opinions of others, that they were unique and unbothered by gossip, but how many of those were actually telling the truth? Jean knew the answer to that question clearly, as she could always sense the insecurities and vanity in others.

But Elijah was different.

She may not be able to read his mind but his whole demeanor expressed nothing but calmness, not a hint of nervousness or insecurity in his body language or facial expression.

Seeing him like that gave rise to an incredibly carefree feeling inside her heart, which made it easier for Jean to ignore the stares, whispers, and thoughts of those around her.

Filling their plates, Elijah gave the room a once over before he spotted Ellie and Yukio, and moved towards their table after asking her if she wanted to sit with him or with her own friends.

Jean decided to sit with Elijah, as Scott was sitting at her friend's table and hearing his jealous and angry thoughts, she didn't really feel like talking to him any time soon.

She knew that she couldn't avoid this conversation for long though, as he was the team leader of their trainee squad, while the other members were her, Kurt, and Rogue.

Sighing to herself as she felt Scott approach after she had just sat down with Elijah, she just hoped he wouldn't create a scene.

I think it's probably time to send him a more obvious message than just rejecting him.”, Elijah whispered into her ear.

Suddenly his hands moved to her neck and gently guided her head in his direction as he rose slightly from his seat and planted a deep kiss on her lips, his tongue plundering her mouth with abandon.

His kiss short-circuited Jean's thoughts, as her hands grabbed onto his sweater tightly and she closed her eyes automatically.

It was only when he broke the kiss a few long moments later that Jean came back to reality and realised that Scott had at some point left the dining room, while most of the others were now staring at her in surprise, shock, or jealousy.

Heat rising to her cheeks, Jean couldn't help but be embarrassed by what they had just done in front of so many people.

And it didn't help, when Pietro just blitzed into the seat next to them and commented with a mischievous smirk: "So, movie night was a great success."

"Can't complain.", I answered Pietro dryly, before continuing while sending Ellie a pointed look, "But maybe you should ask Ellie and Yukio how much of a success their night was."

Ellie nearly choked on her pancakes at my words, while Yukio just let off a giggle.

Recovering after a sip of orange juice, the short-haired brunette gave me a small glare, before she changed the subject by asking: "Anyone got any plans for the day?"

Happy about the change in topic, Jean answered: "I have to help Mr. Cassidy look after a group of kids from 9.30 until lunch while they try out their powers."

Me too!”, Yukio replied, obviously happy to spend some time with Jean.

"I am probably gonna do some workout, wanna join in?", Pietro said, while giving me a look.

Yeah, but first I have to figure out how to use a magic artifact.”, I answered calmly.

Magic artifact?”, Ellie asked out loud, while the others turned their heads to me in curiosity.

Pulling out the golden and rune-covered Sling Ring from my pocket, I explained: "It's called a Sling Ring and if used right allows you to create portals to travel from place to place as long as you know where you want to go and can visualize the place."

I could have kept the Sling Ring to myself but there was really no reason to. The first time I used it, Xavier would know that I left the mansion without using the gate. And he already knew that I had a meeting with the Ancient One, so he could probably guess the 'how' himself.

Besides my Self-Creation ability and the memories from my last life, I had nothing to hide either way, as those were the only things I wouldn't tell anyone about for the foreseeable future.

Maybe in a thousand years when I was the strongest being around, I might tell someone about my past because it wouldn't matter anymore at that point.

"Where did you get something like that?", Jean asked with a bright light shining in her eyes.

Earth's most powerful sorceress lent it to me.”, I replied.

Sorceress, like a witch with a flying broomstick?”, Ellie asked in curiosity.

No, more like solemn robe-wearing magical researchers.”, I explained.

"You think I could borrow that ring sometimes?", Pietro asked as his eyes were fixedly staring at the ring.

I could only imagine what a kleptomaniac like him would do with an artifact like that, so I replied with a white lie: "Sorry, but I am not allowed to give it to others. Also if you use it wrong, you will be stuck in an empty parallel dimension forever, so that's something to look out for."

Gulping at my words, I could see the absolute horror in Pietro's eyes as he imagined the endless boredom he would have to face in the mirror dimension.

The mirror dimension also wasn't truly empty as the Masters of the Mystic Arts used it like a prison of sorts, but there was no point in telling them that.

I'll pass then, thank you.”, Pietro voiced out.

Thought as much.”, I stated.

The rest of the meal went by with some small talk and a few curious questions about the sorcerers that I answered only vaguely before we all went on our own ways.

Saying bye to Jean with a soft kiss, I went back to my room after promising her to have dinner together.

Creating a rectangular barrier, I pushed the sofa, armchair, and the small coffee table to the side, before I took out the Sling Ring and put it on my fingers.

I knew it wasn't important on which hand I wore the ring, so I simply placed it on my right hand by slipping my index and middle finger through the metal rings.

I didn't just try and make a portal by using the gestures I remembered, on the contrary, I sat down on the floor and stabilized my breathing.

In my last life, I had occasionally meditated when I felt overwhelmed by stress or depression, it had helped me through various dark times, so I was very familiar with it.

Breathing in, breathing out. Breathing in, breathing out.

Silencing all my unnecessary and hindering thoughts, I closed my eyes and focused my mind on one concept – magic.

Eldritch magic was a concept that was built on knowledge, enlightenment, and belief, which enabled one to change reality on various scales. Most people struggled with the second part, unable to comprehend or accept mysteries greater than themselves.

I was different as I didn't have to be convinced that they were real, I knew that already. And I didn't have to be told that there were mysteries beyond the understanding of the human mind, my second chance at life proved as much. It was this enlightenment that one needed to gain access to magic, but I was already aware of these truths.

Building up the belief that one was able to perform magic was another hurdle and I knew that there was no place for doubts in such an endeavor.

Focusing, I internalized the belief that I could use magic, that I was capable of channeling dimensional energy through my astral form and body to activate the artifact on my fingers.

I let go of everything else as I planted this belief deep in myself, making it become part of me on a spiritual level.

Unhurriedly, I stood up from my lotus position without opening my eyes.

Raising my hands, I performed the gestures without looking, keeping my mind focused on the belief that I could do it and the destination I wanted the portal to lead to.

Slowly I rotated my left hand in the air while pointing my right hand forward.

I felt it deep in my bones, a mysterious force of energy running through my veins and rushing into the small ring on my fingers. It was like an incredibly gentle stream of water, hardly noticeable if you weren't attentive to it.

But I noticed, and I just knew that I had succeeded. So as I opened my eyes and saw the glowing and sparkling portal before me, it wasn't surprise that I felt but accomplishment.

I had done magic for the first time in my life and this realization felt incredible, causing a genuine smile of joy to spread over my face.

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