The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 018 – Classic, Action, and Heart

[2009 – June]

Feeling Elijah's lips leaving her own as he went to open the door, Jean couldn't really believe that this had just happened.

Even the frightening and short moment when her control over her power had slipped couldn't suppress the phantom sensation of his lips on her own, or the sea of heat rushing through her veins.

She – Jean Grey – had just given her first kiss to the handsome-looking guy that half the girls in the school had already fantasized about since his arrival yesterday evening.

Thanks to her abilities she had hundreds, maybe even thousands of impressions in her mind when it came to kissing another person. A few minutes before she couldn't really imagine that really doing it would give her a surprise or that it even was something worth remembering.

She was still curious, but she wasn't obsessed with having the 'perfect first kiss'.

And yet, she couldn't help herself and think that it really had been the perfect first kiss, while still being able to taste Elijah on her lips and tongue.

Maybe it was the fact that she didn't know what Elijah had been thinking when they had kissed. But for her, that had just made it feel so much more 'real' and not like she was once again involuntarily intruding on another couple's private moment.

This was her first kiss. And somehow Jean couldn't help but anticipate 'getting used to it' as Elijah had said.

Though that didn't mean that Jean wasn't embarrassed as Elijah announced to Pietro, Ellie, and Yukio that she would be joining them for movie night and Ellie replied with a dry: "Sure you are not a speedstes? Because you seem to work quite fast."

Jean didn't need a mirror to know that her cheeks were practically fire-red at this point.

Chuckling lightly at Ellie's remark and Jean's adorably embarrassed look, I answered with a smile: “Pretty sure barriers are my thing.”

"Well, either way. You brought some snacks I hope because I only have juice and water. And let's all hope Pietro's taste in movies isn't as bad as his taste in clothes.", I continued, giving the skinny jeans Pietro was wearing a critical look.

"Hey, hey. Easy on the heart, I brought snacks and movies. Don't make me cry despite my generosity.", Pietro responded in surrender.

"Well, considering that you probably didn't pay for any of those, I wouldn't call that generosity.", I added dryly before continuing, "Anyway, sit down. Get comfortable. And let's choose a movie."

Yukio and Ellie occupied the second sofa, while Pietro claimed the armchair and I sat back down at Jean's side, this time leaving less space between us.

Looking over the movies Pietro had brought, I couldn't help but voice out: “ The Good Fellas, Lethal Weapon … And Wall-E? How does that make sense?”

"Of course it makes sense: one classic, one for action, and one for the heart.", Pietro said righteously.

Speechless, I couldn't really find words to refute him, so I just gave off a sigh and let myself sink into the soft leather of the couch.

How about we all say our favourite on three and the one with the most votes gets chosen? We are five people, so after two rounds, one is bound to win.”, Yukio reasoned.

"Sounds good, you do the countdown.", I agreed immediately, knowing this to be the fastest way to choose a movie.

One. Two. Three.”, she counted down, before directly adding, “Lethal Weapon.”

Good Fellas.”




I was a little surprised that Yukio was an action fan while not at all surprised that Pietro had chosen Good Fellas. Still, hearing Ellie confidently vote for Wall-E was something else.

Jean obviously shared my surprise as she also couldn't help but look at the short-haired goth.

"What? It's a rusty robot finding love, that's cute everywhere.", Ellie said confidently though a hint of red had started to appear on her cheeks.

Deciding to not comment any further as to avoid her blowing up my living room in embarrassment, I turned towards Pietro.

"You take care of the movie, while I am gonna prepare some bowls for the snacks so the rustling from the packaging doesn't drive me crazy later."

Aye Aye, Captain.”, he responded with a salute.

Let me give you a hand.”, Ellie offered and grabbed some of the snacks, as we moved to the kitchen area.

Fishing out some bowls from the drawers, we filled them with potato chips, pretzels, gummy bears, M&Ms, and other stuff. When we were done with that, Jean simply levitated them to the couch table which saved us the effort of carrying them by hand.

I made a short excursion to the bedroom though and brought some blankets for those who wanted to make themselves more comfortable.

I generally liked company and always tried being a good host, as was taught to me by my father, though I only enjoyed it with people like them, not the typical hormone-charged teenagers or noisy children. Those I couldn't stand.

The couch I occupied with Jean was directly facing the TV, while Yukio's and Ellie's was to right, sideways along the wall, and Pietro's armchair was placed opposite to it.

Switching off the lights for the typical movie theater flair, Pietro started the movie as I sat down next to Jean.

I didn't try to get handsy or anything, not wanting to make her uncomfortable in front of the others. Though a third into the movie Jean somehow summoned the courage to lean into me and whisper a suggestion in my ears, which I found myself unable to reject.

You know, I don't mind 'practicing my control' while we watch the movie.”, Jean said in a raspy tone, as her warm breath hit my ear.

Turning my head, I saw her sitting right next to me, her face only inches away from mine with her beckoning lips being slightly parted. Her heated gaze focused on my own lips.

With such an invitation, I couldn't not do as she asked and so I sealed her lips with my own.

One small kiss lead to another and another, and before long my tongue was plundering Jean's mouth until I felt the heat from her lips increase unnaturally again and drew back.

I gave her a few moments to regain control before her hand placed on my neck drew me back towards her.

And when the credits began to roll sometime later, Jean's lips were slightly swollen from our activities and her breathing was rough, as was my own.

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