The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 006 – Impenetrable

[2009 – June]

And who are you, brat?”

Feeling the almost beastly, but well-contained aura coming from the older incredibly well-muscled male, I now knew without a doubt why they had called him Wolverine.

Still, seeing him fully equipped in his X-Men uniform, as well as the beautiful dark-skinned woman next to him, I recognized as Ororo Munroe a.k.a. Storm, I couldn't help but think the Ancient One may have played a prank on me.

Instead of creating a portal to the mansion, she had created one directly at Charles' side.

The fact that he was currently accompanied by four members of the X-Men and I recognized the surroundings to be a parking lot not far from my apartment, it became clear to me that they had come to recruit me, or at least stop others from recruiting me.

Sighing lightly, I answered the near-immortal mutant before me, though my attention was on Xavier and a teenage version of Jean.

My name is Elijah Frost and I am the one you came looking for, though the Ancient One was faster and decided to help me out.”

"Ah, yes she would certainly be faster if she decided to move.", Charles pondered for a moment, before he continued in a calm tone, "Now I believe we should postpone any further introductions and fly back to the school before other parties decide to disturb us."

And I had to agree with him, there was time for introductions later as it was more important to reach a safe place first.

Probably a good idea. I don't know who else is after me, but I also don't really want to find out.”

Smart kid.”, Wolverine commented.

Directly afterward all of us boarded the jet and while Ororo moved to the pilot seat, Logan strapped the professor's wheelchair in.

Have a seat Mr. Frost.”, Charles said, as he pointed at the seat next to his.

It was easy enough to strap myself in, though while doing so, I did catch Jean looking at me with a bit of surprise and a small frown on her face.

Something wrong?”, I asked her after turning towards her.

Something wrong?”

Embarrassed that she had been caught staring, Jean's cheeks gained a slightly rosy tint, though her surprise didn't lessen a bit.

Looking at the handsome teen before her, whose wild curly hair gave him a carefree charm, she couldn't help but be curious about him as she couldn't hear his thoughts.

Jean had practically never met someone that was able to hide his thoughts from her, even though the Professor or other telepaths did manage to block her sometimes.

Well, those times she didn't try and deliberately read their minds, as there was basically no one whose thoughts were safe from her should she actively try to read them.

The mind belonging to the young man currently looking at her, though felt impenetrable.

Something she had never experienced before.

With a nervousness she hadn't felt for a long time, Jean answered: “N-no, it's nothing.”

A slight smile and nod were all she got in response before Elijah turned around again.

Still, Jean caught herself stealing glances at him the whole, and rather short flight.

Even as they arrived back at the school and the Professor asked the young teen to accompany him back to his office so they could talk, Jean couldn't help but stare at his back for a few long moments as he left.

In the end, she turned away and went to the changing rooms nearby, to get out of her uniform and into some more comfortable clothes.

"The young Miss Grey seemed rather intrigued with you, didn't she?", the Professor remarked lightly, before he continued, "Ah well, please enter and sit down Mr. Frost, and let me introduce myself first, though I have a feeling that you may already know who I am. My name is Charles Francis Xavier. My students call me Professor Xavier, or simply Professor and I invite you to do the same."

He said while leading me into his office with Logan right behind him, seemingly still wary of me or maybe on the Professors instructions – hard to tell with a telepath around.

Still, I had to applaud the old fox internally.

His small remark would have made any other hormonal teenager rather excited as Jean was an incredible beauty and having her interest was probably every teenager's wet dream.

Sadly I wasn't interested for the time being, as I had other things to think about currently.

Though I have to admit that like every human being I also enjoyed companionship, though I was also clear on my priorities for the moment.

"Well, thanks, Professor. And yes, I knew that already.", I admitted easily enough, as I saw no point in hiding my knowledge.

He couldn't read my mind, but his ability in observing and manipulating others even without his telepathy was remarkable as well. He was a manipulator through and through, and I stood no chance of lying to someone like that.

Which didn't mean that I would tell him anything more than I wanted, but it was probably impossible to hide that I knew much more than I should – the Ancient One's help proved that already.

Let me start by explaining our actions. You see sometimes mutants with great power appear, often greater than they themselves can control. That was also the reason we were on our way to meet you, Elijah. Ah, you don't mind me calling you by your first name do you?”

It's fine.”, I replied casually.

"Excellent. Now where were we … Ah yes, mutants with extraordinary powers. Judging by your timely appearance, I take it that you realized that you are one of us."

Nodding in verification at his implied question, I waited for the Professor to continue.

"You probably also know of the school of which I am the Headmaster, and I take it you would be willing to enroll here Elijah?", the Professor asked tentatively.

"To be honest, I am still unsure about that Professor. I am mainly here because I knew that you wouldn't try and force me into anything.", I said non-committedly.

"Hmm, I understand. And you are right, we won't force you into anything, you don't want to do. Though you should be aware that those with potential like you often find it difficult to survive by themselves, as not all organizations out there searching for those like us, value the personal freedom of their members like we do here."

Even though it sounded like a bad advertisement, I knew Charles to be right.

The Brotherhood, the Military, Hydra, and even SHIELD wouldn't care much about the things I wanted. And they probably weren't the only ones now after me.

Still, if push came to shove, I could always go to the Kamar-Taj, as I was sure the Ancient One would take me in.

"Maybe we should just talk about your concerns, and see if we can resolve them and find a place for you here after all?"

Well, I know that you teach the children here in hopes that they could rejoin society as normal people, to coexist with humans by blending in with them. I have no such goals, Professor.”

A frown spread across the Professor's face at my words, while Logan showed a small smirk. I could imagine that he liked what I said as he himself just didn't fit in with normal humans, so he could relate to what I said.

Then what are your goals, Elijah?”, Charles asked seriously, as Logan also leaned in a bit, clearly curious about my answer.

"They are pretty simple actually, Professor. I want to master this.", I said while raising my hand and creating a small blackish barrier floating above my palm, before I continued, " And then travel the world. See what there is to see. Enjoy my freedom."

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