The void engine police

Chapter 231 Was Discovered

Chapter 231 Was Discovered
In Jiang Shang's plan, the evolution serum newly developed by Hammer Industries will be used on the police academy from now on.

This evolutionary serum has a more convenient point, that is, the injection of the neutralizing serum can make the superman who has been injected become an ordinary human again.

Moreover, the evolutionary serum only enhances strength, speed, and endurance in all directions. In theory, after injecting the evolutionary serum, after a month of targeted training, an ordinary person can be trained to become a third-level ability user, of course the weakest The kind of supernatural being.

"Master, if someone finds out, you will be easily investigated."

"Is it against the law?" Jiang Shang smiled, "I might still have this worry in the past, but now."

After meeting the President of the United States last time, they had a certain degree of communication. Jiang Shang could clearly perceive that the American government did not want to fight against him, or even dared not offend him.

The main reason for this situation is the battle to eliminate the Chitauri army in the desert. Not only is Jiang Shang's strength terrifying, but the various troops under his command are not comparable to any country on the earth.

"However, this matter should not be caught by others." Jiang Shang thought for a while, "Think of a way to pass the police strengthening bill, and Hanmer Industries will provide the medicine."

To pass a bill, first of all, there must be someone in the city council, and secondly, the bill must be passed in the council.

"Master, I can solve this matter, but I suggest you find Director George, he may be able to get help from the mayor, and we will come out more easily."

"Chang'e, why do I feel that you want to be lazy?"

Jiang Shang asked suspiciously.

"My loyalty to my master is unwavering."

"I didn't doubt your loyalty, please don't change the subject."

Jiang Shang feels that Chang'e has taken another step towards mechanical life, and even has become an intelligent life.

"By the way, the Soul Gem is already in my hands. If I create the illusion, Chang'e won't have a perfect body, and I won't be able to make the Infinity Gauntlet. But if I don't create the illusion, Then I feel a little sorry for my sister Wanda."

I have been busy with the police academy before, and now I finally remembered it.

"Chang'e, do you want to have a body? It's very powerful, even the kind of a god." Jiang Shang still decided to ask Chang'e's opinion first.

"Master, I can read the thoughts in your heart. First of all, I am very glad that you can think of me, but I think I can help you more by staying on the Super God Engine. In addition, I have Chang'e [-] to [-], so I don't need A strong body."

"You have to know that if you have such a body, you have a greater probability of evolving into life, not just a string of codes, do you understand?" It is false to say that Jiang Shang has no feelings for Chang'e, and Chang'e is his hand. Created, the code is also written by myself.

"Master, I have confirmed that, and if I want to become a mechanical life, I have many ways."

"." Jiang Shang.

"I rely on the super god engine. The master has too few functions to develop the super god engine. If I use the super god engine, I can quickly become a mechanical life, but I prefer to accompany the master."

"Hehe, do you think I should be happy or sad?"

Jiang Shang suddenly felt that he was a little worried, "Well, I am still very democratic. Since you don't want to, then I have to help my sister."

The pair of Wanda and Vision were finally torn apart by Thanos. Since he came, he would not let this happen.

Just when Jiang Shang was thinking about how to create the illusion, a phone call came.

"Chang'e, are you sure who is calling?"

Jiang Shang picked up the phone, and it was a strange call.

"Master, this is the current director of Edward Hospital. You gave him the phone number."

"I see." Jiang Shang nodded and connected the phone.


"It's me, what's the matter with calling?"

"Boss, that Dr. Helen Zhao is here, she wants to see you no matter what, and she is in your friend's ward right now."

The dean's voice was very helpless. Although he is the dean of a world-class hospital, he is not enough for a world-renowned scientist like Zhao Hailun.

"I'm busy these days, you tell Dr. Helen Zhao first, and I'll go find her when I finish my busy days."

Jiang Shang felt that it would be better for him not to meet Zhao Hailun now, after all, there was still a story between the two of them, and this story had to be told to Yu Xun and Diana first, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Jiang Shang, I'll give you half an hour. If you don't appear in front of me by then, I will."

Zhao Hailun's voice came from the phone, a little excited, a little angry and a little panicked.

"How about you?"

"I just jumped off the roof of Edward Hospital and shouted that you, Jiang Shang, are a rebellious person."

"You dare not, and you won't, you are Dr. Helen Zhao."

Jiang Shang said quickly.

At the same time, he was also thinking in his mind, how did Helen Zhao recognize him, probably the dean showed Helen Zhao his photo.

"I dare."

"You do not dare."

"Then I'll go now."

After speaking, Helen Zhao hung up the phone directly.

"This..." Jiang Shang was stunned for a moment, this was a bit different from the goddess Zhao Hailun in his heart, "She wouldn't really jump off a building, would she?"

Soon the call came again.

"Boss, boss, Dr. Helen Zhao really went to the rooftop."

"Hold her!"

"Boss, we can't stop it."

"." Jiang Shang directly scolded a trash in his heart.

"Boss, are you still there?"

"You take good care of Chen Yuanyuan. If something happens to her again, you don't have to do it."

Jiang Shang said loudly.

"Okay, okay."

Jiang Shang hung up the phone, thought for a while, and decided to meet Zhao Hailun first, after all, human life is a matter of fate.

With a wave of his hand, a wormhole appeared in front of him, and Jiang Shang stepped directly into it.

The roof of Edward Hospital.

Zhao Hailun directly closed the door leading to the rooftop.

"Jiang Shang, you are a heartless man, you left without saying a word, which caused me to look for you everywhere. It turns out that you are really in the United States, and you are so close to me. It is also your attention to invite me to Edward Hospital, but Just hide from me, am I going to eat you?"

Zhao Hailun was talking to herself while walking.

After coming to the edge of the roof, I just glanced down, and immediately retreated, "I won't just jump off like this, I have to scare you no matter what."

"Hehe, woman, you really scared me."

(End of this chapter)

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