The void engine police

Chapter 215 Communication and Cooperation

Chapter 215 Communication and Cooperation

If this choice was put in the past, Tony would definitely not be willing. Who has seen the dignified Tony Stark sell the technology he developed to others?No.

But now it’s different, it has nothing to do with money, if he doesn’t agree, according to Jiang Shang’s character, he will definitely take back Zhenjin, then his experiment will be impossible to continue, in this way, His skills are gone.

"Okay." Tony nodded with difficulty, his face very ugly.

"Very good." Looking at Tony's appearance, Jiang Shang felt amused in his heart, "Okay, then I'll leave the vibrating gold to you, and I have other things to do, so I wish you success in your new technology research first, oh, No, wish me success with my new technology.”

"and many more."

Seeing that Jiang Shang was about to leave, Tony immediately called Jiang Shang to stop.

"What? Are you repenting?" Jiang Shang had already created the wormhole and was about to leave, so he had to look at Tony.

"No, I need you to promise me a condition. If you agree, I will give you all this technology when the time comes. How about it?" Tony said.

"Give it all to me?" Jiang Shang canceled the wormhole and approached Tony. "I already own 50.00% of one, and what you gave me is only your 40.00% of nine. This must be made clear."

"You can say whatever you want. In short, I have only one requirement, that is, you must ensure that this technology is only used by you." Tony said firmly.

"Can I mass-produce this? I won't sell the technology twice. If I sell it, it will be sold to you first."

Jiang Shang can also understand Tony's protection of his technology.

"Yes, but you must sell it to me at half the market price!"

"Hehe, you really know how to do business." Jiang Shang said with a smile: "Okay, I agree to your request."

"I was originally a businessman." Tony felt like he had defeated Jiang Shang, and his mood instantly improved again.

"Then I can go now." Jiang Shang said helplessly. After all, Director Nick Fury had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Actually, I have one more thing." Tony continued.

"Uh, let me tell you, brother Tony, can you finish the sentence at once, when will you talk like an old man and never finish!" Jiang Shang felt a kind of wormhole in his heart at this moment.

"These are two things. I plan to talk about it after showing off the new armor to you, but it's just a little accident." Tony gave Jiang Shang a sad look, and then said slowly.

"Then you said it!!"

"The thing is that our Avengers need your help. Of course, this is possible, not necessarily." Tony said with a smile.

"If you ask me for help, you need to give money, and the price is clearly marked, and there is no deception."

Jiang Shang gave Tony a blank look, he had already guessed that it was about Loki.

"You really fell into the eyes of money." Tony gave him a helpless look, but he didn't pay the money anyway, so he readily agreed, "No problem, if the price comes at that time, you can go directly to SHIELD It's over."

"Coincidentally, Nick Fury is looking for me, maybe you are talking about the same thing?"

Jiang Shang said deliberately.

"Wait, you just said that Nick Fury came to you in person?" Tony said in surprise, "They already know your real identity? First declare that I didn't say anything."

"I know that, but since I married Yuxun, SHIELD basically knows that I am Mr. V, and now there is no objection to hiding it. If anyone makes it difficult for me, I promise that he will not be able to stay on Earth any longer. I said it." When Jiang Shang said this, his momentum was so powerful that even Tony felt a sense of suffocation, and he could understand that Jiang Shang's words were definitely not just for fun, he could really do it .

"Ahem, what is your strength now?" Tony asked suddenly.

"It's not too powerful, it's just the number one on Earth." Jiang Shang shook his head and said.

"You are really immodest!"

Tony's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, but he really believed it now.

"Being human, why should you be humble." Jiang Shang raised his head slightly, showing a confident face, and then smiled, "Okay, if you have anything to do, call Chang'e, I can come over at any time."

Then disappear.

"Why are you walking so fast? In fact, there is one thing I didn't say." Tony looked at the place where Jiang Shang left, and said with some disappointment: "Forget it, let's talk about it next time I see him, and hurry up now." To develop nano-scale armor, the time given to me is running out."

Outside a small town on the border between Mexico and the United States, Jiang Shang emerged from the wormhole.

At this time, there was already a person standing here.

"Thunder God, you came back quite quickly." Jiang Shang looked at the strong man with a hammer in front of him, and said in a teasing tone.

"Asgard Palace's matter has been dealt with almost, and I'm here to fulfill the agreement with you."

Sol turned around and said to Jiang Shang.

"The agreement between us, what agreement? Why can't I remember." Jiang Shang was a little taken aback, and asked quickly.

"Didn't you say you wanted me to join your big city management alliance? Now I'm here to join the big city management alliance." Thor said with a smile.

"Uh, it seems that this is really the case." Jiang Shang remembered that he had indeed said this to Thor, but he was just talking about it at the beginning, and he didn't expect that Thor really came.

"Since you are here, come with me."

In fact, Jiang Shang also knew that there were other reasons for Thor's return to Earth, one was his younger brother Loki, and the other was his girlfriend Jane.

"Wait." Thunder God stopped Jiang Shang who was about to leave.

"MD, don't you all have endless things to say!" Jiang Shang was in a bad mood when he met two people like this one day.

"Oh? Is there anyone else like me?" Thor asked quickly.

"Well, someone who is as handsome as you, but a little shorter than you."

Jiang Shang nodded and said helplessly.

"Oh, I still want to meet him if I have a chance." Saul said, "I can't go with you yet. I have to find someone. After I find her, I will come to you again."

"You are going to find your girlfriend Jane."

Jiang Shang felt that he was being walked, and he found himself here, and then told himself that he was going to find someone else, which was unbearable.

"Hey, you know all of this." Sol was guessed, his face was a little embarrassed, "I really want to find Jane, but I and I will come to you soon, because I still have to Get hold of my brother Loki."

"Heh, you said that you are here to fulfill your promise with me, but you actually want me to help you find your brother Loki." Jiang Shang can see that, and Sol is also a scheming boy.

"Hey, my brother will bring disaster to the earth, and we want to stop him, isn't it normal? No conflict, no conflict." Saul said immediately.

"Okay, don't worry about it, you can go to your girlfriend Jane first, and then come here to find me."

Jiang Shang told Sol the address of the Metropolitan Management Alliance headquarters.

"Wanda Plaza, that's a pretty good name. I'll come to you as soon as I finish my work." After speaking, Sol spun the hammer in his hand and flew into the sky.

Seeing Sol leave, Jiang Shang also left the wormhole, and he had to meet Nick Fury.

Washington, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, in the director's office on the top floor.

Jiang Shang walked out of the wormhole and appeared in front of Nick Fury, "Long time no see, Director Nick."

"Jiang, you are such a busy man. I have been waiting here for several hours."

Nick Fury said helplessly.

"I went to meet a few friends, but I didn't dare to delay at all, and I'll come right away after processing." Jiang Shang said with a smile, walked a little closer and sat on the chair, "Tell me, what do you want me to do?" matter?"

"Since you went to see Tony, you know more or less about the matter, and the psychic staff is gone." Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

"Who took it away?"

Even though he knew who took the scepter away, Jiang Shang still had to ask again.

"The guy who claims to be a god like you, he can control a person's mind, even Bullseye and Dr. Eric are controlled, I think they are studying this scepter, and they will use the scepter to create horrible guys Come out." Nick Fury stood up from his chair, "As the protectors of the earth, we must unite!"

"So you called here because you want me to work for you for free?" Jiang Shang spread his hands. With his current strength, he can solve the New York battle triggered by Loki without the help of S.H.I.E.L.D., so he doesn't care at all. .

"Well, if you have any conditions, you can tell me, and I will try my best to satisfy you." Nick Fury did not expect Jiang Shang to say it so directly, "But no matter what, we need to stop it."

"I have only one condition, and that is, after this incident, I need to keep the spiritual staff." Jiang Shang said lightly.

"It's impossible." Nick Fury immediately refused, "The Mind Staff must be controlled by our S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about. To be honest, I don't really want to intervene in this matter. As long as it doesn't provoke me, I won't care about it." Jiang Shang shook his head, and then turned to leave.

Seeing that Jiang Shang didn't seem to be cheating, Nick Fury stopped him, "If you give the spiritual scepter to you, you have to show the strength that convinces me."

"Hehe." Jiang Shang turned around and slowly walked back to the chair. At the same time, the energy on his body began to release, and Nick Fury soon felt tremendous pressure.

"This powerful energy!" Nick Fury is not only the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but also a seasoned and experienced agent. He immediately sensed the huge energy contained in Jiang Shang's body.

With a bang, the office door was knocked open, and a large group of guard soldiers broke in. An agent was relieved to see that Nick Fury was still alive, but when he saw Jiang Shang, his face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly: "Director, just now the detection team discovered an unknown huge energy body in our headquarters. Comparing all the samples, it is suspected to be the detection sample No. 0003, and it has now been confirmed!"

"Huh." Nick Fury took a deep breath, "Okay, all of you go down, and let me take care of things here."

"Boss? If he wants to attack you, you have no chance of surviving!" the agent said puzzled.

"I said, I'm in charge now, don't you understand the words?"

Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Chief."

Now the agent didn't say any more, and hurriedly left with a large group of guard soldiers.

"You are now able to freely control the energy in your body?" If you want to say how many people in this world know about Jiang Shang, this Nick Fury must be one of them. The Shield Bureau has never stopped researching Jiang Shang. From the information he has so far and what he has just seen with his own eyes, it is not difficult to draw this conclusion.

"Yeah." Jiang Shang was originally showing force to Nick Fury, and he didn't hide it.

"I heard that you are still the supreme mage?"


"Hehe, in just two years, your current strength can be said to be no worse than our S.H.I.E.L.D. Although your Metropolitan Management Alliance is still inferior in terms of facilities and various logistical support, this is not a fatal gap. When Nick Fury said this, he paused deliberately, "I agree to give you the psychic staff for safekeeping after I take it back."

"This is a wise choice." If you can collect all six infinite gems before Thanos, and make the Infinity Gloves in advance, maybe Thanos will not have a chance to appear on the stage.

Then Jiang Shang and Nick Fury chatted about many things, and the Metropolitan Management Alliance, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Avengers reached a decision to cooperate.

"The next step is according to what we discussed. I have other things to go first."


Jiang Shang was able to leave SHIELD.

A hidden place in Edward Hospital.

Jiang Shang came out from inside, he did not go back to the apartment, but came to Edward Hospital, after all, there is Chen Yuanyuan who he promised to help here.

Use powerful spiritual power to perceive where Chen Yuanyuan and his mother are, and quickly lock on.

Jiang Shang frowned and said to himself, "They seem to be in some trouble."

After speaking, Jiang Shang walked towards the inside of the hospital.

At this time, outside the intensive care unit of the hospital, Chen Yuanyuan was arguing with a man.

"I said little sister, I lay down this hospital bed first, you have to know what comes first, first come."

This man was about 30 years old, and he looked healthy, but he was lying on a hospital bed with a lewd light in his eyes.

"Sir, this hospital bed was assigned to my mother by my mother. You have injured your hands all over your body. Please let me go." Chen Yuanyuan pursed her lips. They were finally hospitalized, but now they met such a Bully, she didn't know what to do for a while, so she could only try to reason with the other party first.

(End of this chapter)

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